Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

Chapter 127 Ultimate Showdown

The burning of the city is the most cruel thing. In addition, this is the capital, with prosperous commerce and a large population. If Sima Rui is determined to break the net, the people of Qi will suffer after all.

The emperor of Daqi looked at the unfilial son in front of him, and his blood was depressed, but he couldn't spit it out. He turned his backhand at Leng Changxi and said, "Bry this rebellious son's head. I'm going to sprinkle his blood in front of the ancestral temple and let the ancestors see that there is such a traitor in our Sima family."

Sima Rui raised his head and raised his eyebrows slightly. He seemed to care nothing. It seemed that for him, no matter how ugly his reputation was, he didn't care: "I have long ignored it. Besides, didn't you treat me as a member of the Sima family until I grew up by myself until I grew up? You have always been ashamed of my mother. You feel that you are young and frivolous. It has always been extremely shameful for a maid to let him get pregnant and give birth to a child, so you have never treated me well. I am just a dispensable person for you.

"What are you talking about?" The emperor of Qi was furious. Although he looked down on this humble son before, after discovering Sima Rui's talent, he also regarded him as a maneuver.

"Nothing." Sima Rui's eyes became full of blood. "I just want to say something for my poor mother. You raised me by the queen. It can be seen that she treats me like a beast. She is kind-looking on the surface, but it's a different look behind her back. Anyway, things have fallen to such a point. I said this again. What's the use? Do you want to catch me? Ha ha, delusional.

After saying that, Sima Rui actually ignored the people around him, directly turned around, performed light skills, and flew away in the direction of the palace. Zhuge Qingtian wanted to catch up, but he realized that his light skills could not be compared with Sima Rui at all. Sima Rui's light skills were obviously much better than before. It seems that he was really doing during this period. It has absorbed a lot of people's energy and internal work.

"What is he going to do?" Zhuge Qingtian was puzzled and turned around to Leng Changxi.

Qin Yunuan looked at Sima Rui's flexible posture and deftly jump between the white walls. His eyes also seemed to glance away with him and slowly said, "Although there are only 200,000 soldiers and horses in the city, he should not be so afraid, unless there is something more important in the palace, or, Something more beneficial to him."

"What do you think?" Leng Changxi looked at Qin Yunuan quietly, as if waiting for her to come up with an idea, as if he had regarded Qin Yuann as his military division.

"Do you remember the secret channel in the palace?" Qin Yu warm raised her eyebrows and suddenly mentioned the secret road under the Menghua, which had been imprisoned General Qi. The secret road project was huge and the design was really amazing. I don't know how Sima Rui secretly completed this secret road in ten years. Listening to Qin Yunuan's meaning, it seemed that this The secret road has other uses.

"The cunning rabbit has three caves. I remember that our secret path went to the dark at that time, but how could a suspicious and deep-minded person like Sima Rui spend so much manpower and material resources on such a straight secret path? Qin Yunuan looked back at Leng Changxi. There was a positive light in Leng Changxi's eyes. It seemed that his view was the same as Qin Yunuan's.

"Very good," Ning Wang immediately said, "Go to the palace."

As soon as King Ning issued the order, everyone naturally scrambled to follow. Emperor Daqi was carefully taken care of by the attendants around him. Leng Changxi looked at him. Emperor Daqi looked at Leng Changxi and stopped talking. He seemed to want to say something, but he felt difficult to ask.

Leng Changxi walked past Emperor Daqi indifferently. In the past, he respected and listened to the old man, but when he knew what Emperor Daqi had done behind his back, he also felt that maybe it was best for his mother to stay in Xixia, so he never reported the news of finding the eldest princess to Daqi. The emperor.

"She is dead." When Leng Changxi was about to pass by, he suddenly turned his head and said leisurely to Emperor Daqi, "Jing Donghua built an extremely bright grave for her, which is very beautiful."

Hearing this, the emperor of Daqi just closed his eyes silently and ordered the bodyguards around him to push him back. In front of him, Leng Changxi led all the way with excellent light skills. Even though Sima Rui is profound, he is not as good as Leng Changxi, who is the first in light skills of Daqi. In addition, Leng Changxi is not as familiar with the internal pattern of the palace as Sima. Sharply low, soon, Leng Changxi chased all the way to a palace with a simple appearance but a rather exquisite structure.

This palace looked very familiar. Leng Changxi squinted at the half-old plaque on the big red palace door. He was inevitably shocked. Looking at the three big words "Weiyang Palace" written in regular script on the dark red plaque, Leng Changxi did not know why Sima Rui came here at the critical moment of life and death.

After a while, Qin Yunuan also arrived. She looked at Leng Changxi standing at the door and felt a little strange. When she looked forward, she found that Sima Rui was not afraid to stand in the middle of the Weiyang Palace. Behind him was the bedroom where the eldest princess had been living before she married.

At dusk, the orange sun seemed to cover the towering palace with a soft satin, spreading from the outermost wall to the beautiful eaves of the palace. Sima Rui was dressed in dark blue casual clothes, and his armor had been lost for a long time. Now he looks dignified and elegant, not at all. Like a murderous demon.

"Changxi?" Qin Yunuan was puzzled and didn't know why the two sides were deadlocked.

But Sima Rui looked at Qin Yunuan with a contemptuous smile and pointed to his left. Qin Yunuan looked over and was stunned. I don't know when the left side of the open space was filled with buckets of saltpeter and sulfur, which was the most violent bombing of the era. Medicine, looking at this man's height, full of explosions on the whole wall. The medicine is enough to blow up the Weiyang Palace and the surrounding small palaces, Sima Rui, what does this mean?

"Ten years ago, I set a fire in the Weiyang Palace," Sima Rui indifferently talked about his first murder experience ten years ago. At that time, I was eager to find a backer. The queen offered me a condition that I would kill someone and show my loyalty. In fact, I knew that she still looked down on me at all, such as If I take someone back casually, she will also find other reasons to refuse me, so I found her heart thorn, that is, the eldest princess, but what I never expected was that when I really sneaked in to kill her, she revealed the truth to me that she was not the real eldest princess, but just to stay in the west. Xia and Ning Wang agreed to bring back a stand-in from Daqi.

"But she is too naive. My whereabouts have been revealed. How can I let her go? However, the queen found that I didn't kill the real eldest princess. I simply burned the Weiyang Palace. At that time, the body will become a coke. Who can judge whether it is true or false? However, from this, I also sent There is a secret, that is, you, Leng Changxi, are not the biological son of King Ning, but the evil seed of the eldest princess and Emperor Xixia.

"Who are you scolding for being evil?" Leng Changxi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "If I were an evil seed, wouldn't you be worse than a bastard?"

" Yes, "Sima Rui laughed at himself, "Your bloodline is too noble. Since then, I have been jealous of you. Why can you have the care of King Ning at the same time, the favoritism of the emperor of Daqi, and the inherent internal merits of Tongmingmen of the Western Xia royal family. Daqi's children and nephews can also inherit the throne. You are just a Is it fair that the illegitimate son has the right to inherit the throne of Qi and the throne of Xixia at the same time?

"So, since I was a child, the person who has been sending assassins to assassinate me is you?"

"That's right," Sima Rui smiled bitterly, "but it's a pity that you always have a hard life, and there is always someone to save you." Sima Rui said and turned his eyes on Qin Yunuan again. "Do you think how much I actually like you? No, since I bent my knees under the queen, I haven't had real feelings. I'm just unwilling to know why Leng Changxi can have so many beautiful things, including you.

"With your mentality of not seeing others well, even if Changxi is a beggar, you will be jealous of him." Qin Yunuan saw through Sima Rui's mentality, "Also, you have so many explosions. Once the medicine is ignited, do you think you can live by yourself?"

"Live?" Sima Rui's voice began to become hoarse and trembling. "Things have come to such a point that I didn't want to leave alive at all. Your tricks are really insidious. Although I nominally have 200,000 soldiers guarding the capital, how many of them have been surrendered by you? How much have you been separated? How much did you escape?"

Sima Rui said this and suddenly took out a ignited fire fold from his waist. He pinched the lead in one hand and the fire in the other hand, and smiled coldly at Leng Changxi: "Actually, I don't want much. If I want to go to hell, I must pull you. In this way, I will be satisfied."

"You..." Leng Changxi wanted to stop it, but Sima Rui's hands and feet were extremely fast. Seeing that Mars had spread, Zhuge Qingtian who came later only saw Leng Changxi and Qin Yunuan standing at the gate of the palace being swept away by a heat wave. The red fire immediately rushed to the roof, accompanied by a huge explosion sound, as if the sky had collapsed and the earth cracked. Zhuge Qingtian collapsed in The wall can feel the crazy and hot tongue like a tornado even if it is far away.

The whole palace burned, just like the fire ten years ago, and this fire was still talked about by the people in the capital a month later. What's more exaggerated is that the Linglong Tower in nearby Qingzhou can be seen that the fire 30 miles apart, together with this fire was recorded in history, there is also Although the final result of this prince's rebellion was peace, he also paid a lot of price in the end.

Three years later, among the storytellers in Jiangnan, the result of this rebellion was like this.

"In the end, in order to stop the thief prince, the cold-faced general risked his life to sneak into the palace. The two fought for 300 rounds, from the sky to the earth, day and night. Finally, the thief prince cheated and secretly ignited the explosion of the palace. Medicine, even if our God of War is invulnerable, we can't resist this explosion. As an example of medicine, the heroic sacrifice, the general's wife died of grief and martyrdom. It is a heroic couple who are deeply affectionate and dedicated themselves to Daqi.

"Nonsense!" The sound of a milk doll suddenly sounded among the group of spectators.