Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

[Extra] Chapter 11 I won't see her

Chapter 11 I won't see her go back to Ning Wangfu. Man'er also kept his promise to Leng Wu and sent fresh chicken soup to Leng Wu's yard every day. If Leng Wu just lost too much blood last time, he would be fine after a few days of rest. After that, he just wanted Man'er to come and see himself. This time, Leng Wu really suffered He was seriously injured, and even the emperor sent imperial ministers to express his condolences.

On this day, the sun was just right. Man'er finished the work early, that is, she rushed to Ma Lengwu's yard with her hard-cooked chicken soup, but she saw Lengwu, who should have been lying in **, picking up something in the garden. With the last lesson, Man'er couldn't help but mention it and quietly took a detour. Behind Wu, he found that Leng Wu was panting and cultivating soil with his feet.

"What are you doing?" Full of frown, she obviously felt that Lengwu's body was a little uncomfortable and seemed to have done a lot of heavy work.

Leng Wu's unexpected arrival of Man'er. Yes, Man'er arrived earlier than usual.

"Is this?" Man'er looked up and saw a wooden shelf suddenly rising from the flat bottom yesterday, surrounded by sparse vines. The soil and roots were still moist. It seemed to be a hasty masterpiece that had just been planted, but Leng Wu ground the wooden thorns on the wooden shelf. The green vine It has also been carefully selected.

Man'er once remembered that she seemed to have told Leng Wu that there would be a grapevine and a swing in the yard in the future...

"Look back." Leng Wu looked at Man'er with a smile, and the thin sunset spread evenly on Leng Wu's angular face. Compared with the usual dark and strong, his face now has a little bloodless paleness, which makes people feel more distressed and pity when he speaks.

Man'er's heart twitched unbearably, but still turned her head silently according to Leng Wu's words. The moment she turned her head, Man'er was almost stunned. In front of her was a newly made swing full of flowers. Her hometown and the children in the village had played on the big locust tree at the entrance of the village. At that time Hou's mother is still alive and will take her to play for a long time every time.

Since her mother's death, she hasn't played on the swing for a long time.

"I made it according to the swing in your hometown. I don't know if it's done well."

"Fool." Man'er turned her head and hit Leng Wu's arm softly. That was the only place where Leng Wu was not injured. The rest of the place, except for the left shoulder, was either bruises or knife wounds.

As if Qin Yunuan said to her bitterly that day, "Everyone can see what Leng Wu is thinking about you. Man'er, how to choose? You should have a scale in your heart. You are smart. I don't need to say more."

"Why am I stupid?" Leng Wu was puzzled. God knew how much time it took him to completely copy this swing, and he also had to send himself chicken soup without telling him. "I know that I have done wrong things in the past and it was very wrong. I know that you still have attachment to my past life. I don't have the ability to reverse time and space. I just want to let this Become more familiar, Man'er?"

"You're wrong," Man's eyes were a little gloomy, but there was a sweet smile on the corners of her lips. It was also touching that a man could do this for himself. "In the past, I was not happy. At that time, my mother treated me very well, but unfortunately, at that time, I My surname is Lu. I was born to vent Lu Ping'an. In fact, my mother is also the same. Lu Ping'an is not good to my mother, but my mother still gave me everything she had under that circumstances. I am grateful to my mother and care about her. Even if I know that I am not actually not her, I really love her. As for other things , I hate it so much. I hate the closed and pedantic village. No one stood up when my mother was beaten. I hate my brothers. They will only bully me and abuse me with the dirtiest words. I hate Lu Ping'an. He has never regarded the women in his family as a person. My really happy moment was when my wife took me in. It was the day when I grew up with my young lady.

"Man'er," Leng Wu was a little at a loss after hearing this. He knew that Man'er's days would not be easy. "If there were me in the future, everything would be fine, Man'er..." Leng Wu was a little speechless, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say most.

"Man'er, I..." Leng Wu choked and opened his big watery eyes, as if he could see through the thoughts in Leng Wu's heart. Leng Wu unconsciously avoided it. Looking at the door of the yard, he just said leisurely, "Well, there is news from the Dali Temple. Tomorrow, Gongsun Qiu and other people in Gongsun's mansion are going to be executed. You have to see it. ?"

After saying that, I regretted that no boy asked a girl out. The first time was to see such a bloody beheading scene.

Man Er was thoughtful: "It's just pity for Gongsun Yuanzi. He has been helping us all the time. Is it useless for the general to plead with the emperor?"

Leng Wu shook his head and said, "The general never pleaded with anyone. He just truthfully reported what Gongsun Yuan had done, but the emperor had planted seeds for the Gongsun family for a long time, and now he must be a killer. As a direct descendant of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Yuan can't escape this relationship."

Man'er lowered her head. In the past, her identity was too humble. She had never cared about this kind of family, but the people who had helped them today would suffer this disaster. She was always uncomfortable.

The two were relatively speechless. Outside, the little man who took care of Leng Wu sent a letter without a signature, but as soon as Leng Wu opened the envelope, it was until the person who sent the letter. There was a faint smell of powder on the letter. Leng Wu recognized that this was...

"I don't see her." Leng Wu turned his head and threw the letter back to the messenger. "I don't want to see her either."

"" The little man said tentatively, "It is said that Gongsun is living a very miserable life now. Because she has escaped many times and injured the jailer, her hand tendons and hamstrings have been cut off, and her tongue has been pulled out. It's really not a human treatment."

"Look, did you see what she did before?" Leng Wu was a little angry. As soon as he turned his head and saw Man'er's innocent face, he was angry when he thought of what Gongsun Rong had done to Man'er.

"Brother Cold." Man Er came forward to hold Leng Wu's arm, hoping to calm him down.

In the prison, a masked and smelly prisoner was unexpectedly full of delicacies and delicious food. The delivery person seemed to cherish the woman with broken hamstrings and hamstrings in front of him, but he said, "Eat it quickly. It's good to go on your way after eating."

The woman's eyes were dull. She wanted to say something, but she had no tongue in her mouth. Far away, she heard that in a prison not far away, an equally depressed man comforted the woman: "Ronger, take it light and eat something first."

"Shut up and eat what's inside and outside." An old man next door roared at the man. Today, Gongsun Qiu is no longer as cold and solemn as usual. Gongsun Yuan, who was reprimanded, was silently. Because of Leng Changxi's special arrangement, his treatment has been the best since he entered prison. He knows that this great disaster of the Gongsun family is inevitable in history. Emperor I have wanted to take the Gongsun family for a long time, but I didn't expect it...

"Lord Leng, please go first." A long figure fell down from the steps. Gongsun Yuan looked along the light. Sure enough, he guessed that the person came was Leng Wu, and Man Er was still behind him.

"Ok, you go down first. I will definitely leave within a ray of incense. I won't embarrass you."

This familiar voice brightened the eyes of the lost Gongsun Rong, and her body moved unconsciously. She seemed to be expecting something. Sure enough, her cold brother was reluctant to part with her.

However, the first thing Leng Wu went was actually Gongsun Yuan. Gongsun Qiu smiled disdainfully, and Leng Wu didn't hear it.

"Gongsun, I heard that your wounds have fested in the prison. I brought you some powder, which is Sun Miaoyang, the world's number one magic doctor, for you. Take it."

Gongsun Yuan suddenly took over the powder, nodded and thanked him, but silently said, "Actually, it makes no difference whether I use the powder now."

"Not necessarily," Leng Wu lowered his voice. "If you want, I can help you rearrange an identity and prepare enough silver for you to start a new life."

"No," Gongsun Yuan shook his head and said, "This is the disaster of the Gongsun family. No matter what, I can't escape or escape. Leng Wu, if this is just my business, maybe I will accept your opinion. But now, it is our whole family, and my fate can't escape. Too many people staring at me. Our Gongsun family, even if I change my face, if I let the enemy know that Gongsun's family still has a leaking fish, it will only cause more trouble. Of course, Brother Leng, I am very satisfied that you have this heart.

Leng Wu stopped talking, and Gongsun Yuan turned his head and said earnestly, "Miss Lu, I have never seen Brother Leng so nervous. He likes you very much and likes you more than anything else in the world. I have also loved a woman in the past, but no Brother Leng is so crazy about you. He He is a person worth entrusting for the rest of his life. Think about it.

Man'er lowered her head and just replied in a low voice, "I know."

"Let's go." Leng Wu was about to leave with Man'er, but he heard a strange voice in the distance, like a mute whining with difficulty. Man'er wanted to look back, but was stopped by Leng Wu: "We have seen the people who should see. Don't waste any more time. Didn't your wife still have something to do with you?"

Man'er saw Leng Wu's extraordinary determination and didn't want to see Gongsun Rong again from beginning to end, but until they reached the door of the prison, they still heard the creepy whine from under the ground.

The Gongsun family is set to be cut at the entrance of the vegetable market three days later. At that time, there must be a lot of onlookers, and the forces in the court are afraid that they will face another big reshuffle.

On the way back, Leng Wu kept talking, but when a carriage almost hit Man'er's hand when he crossed the street, he grabbed Man'er's hand. With this pulled, their hands were never released. The hot palm made Man'er feel extremely relieved, and Leng Wu's resolute eyes and clenched hands seemed to be announcing to everyone. The woman around me is mine.

The two walked all the way back to Ningwang Mansion before returning to the alley at the back door. They saw Ting Xue waiting for them at the entrance of the alley. Seeing Man'er, they hurriedly greeted them: "Man'er, you're back. Madam has been looking for you. There's something important."