Reborn Daughter Unparalleled

[Extra] Chapter 13 Death is unsatisfactory

Man'er felt strange about how Qin Zhi appeared here. She was about to open the curtain, but the matchmaker next to the sedan chair tried her best to stop it: "Yo, bride, it's unlucky to touch the ground without reaching the wedding hall."

Man'er resisted, but he also quickly ordered the little maid who was going to marry with him to inform Qin Yunuan immediately. If the matter of the Qin family was involved, of course, he wanted to ask Qin Yunuan to come forward.

Qin sat in a dark red sedan chair, and his withered hands were bloodless. The recent storms and fatigue almost dragged him down. Today is the day when his Jedi counterattacked and revenged everything.

The leading bodyguard is also an eye-sighted person. The next second, he recognized that the people in the sedan chair were not small, and his tone was a little relaxed, but he was confident: "Since he is also an adult, it is not a rule to always sit in the sedan chair. It's better to get off the sedan chair and follow our welcome team to participate together. How about this universal celebration?

"Today, it is his cold family's marriage, but it has nothing to do with me, Qin. Today, Qin, is here to recognize my daughter." As Qin Zhi said, he elegantly opened the curtain and got off the sedan chair, and the green cloth boots on his feet were spotless.

Qin Zhi walked straight towards Man'er's sedan chair, and his tone contained true feelings and vicissitudes: "Dir, I have finally found you."

Full of shock, fortunately, Qin Yunuan sent someone over in a blink of an eye.

"Master, there is always a bad place on this street. The wedding hall is in front of you. It's better to go in and take a seat." The person who came was Leng Shuang. Qin Zhi recognized the maid in purple with superb martial arts around Qin Yunuan, and did not dare to be too inferior. However, when he went to a crowded place, it was beneficial to Qin Zhi.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Zhi followed the sedan chair to the Xitang. Qin Yunuan had already received the wind, and two rows of people were sent to "welcome" at the gate of the Xitang.

Today, the wedding hall is full of friends, and the dignitaries in the court also sold Leng Changxi's face and attended together, which was very lively.

"Why did my father come here? It's just that Man'er found his biological father and now he is having a happy event. He wanted not to disturb his father, so he didn't inform his father. He was very concerned." Qin Yu looked at Qin Zhi with a warm smile, was very concerned about these four words, and deliberately emphasized it.

Qin Zhi also smiled indifferently, looked at Shang Xianhua sitting in the high position, smiled treacherously at the corners of his mouth, and then looked at Leng Wu in red: "My biological father? Anyway, this old story, alas, but if the matter is clear, it should be me who sits on this high hall.

Shang Xianhua was not willing to show weakness. Although his tone was modest, he had a tough attitude: "I'm afraid that Captain Qin will get drunk without drinking today. Today, my third daughter is getting married. Captain Qin's words are as if the little girl should be Captain Qin's daughter, which is too high."

"Not necessarily." Qin Zhi shook his head, "This time, I came to recognize my daughter."

Qin's words were amazing. Qin Yunuan raised her eyebrows slightly and wanted to say something. She was about to lift the cover at the beginning, but was stopped by Qin Yunuan.

"What does father mean?" Qin Yunuan paced out, "Is it possible that there is a daughter of the Qin family on top of this happy hall?" Qin Yunuan knew that Qin Zhi's intention was definitely not like this.

"It's not." Qin Zhi shook his head, "It's all said that it was a thing in the past. In those years, my beloved concubine Qin Liang gave birth to my third daughter, and it was painful for three days and three nights before giving birth to my third daughter. Later, my concubine was not only weak, but also lying in ** for more than two months. My newborn daughter also had a serious illness. At that time, my heart My beloved concubine was worried that she would be more tired to take care of her newborn daughter, so she was taken care of by his heterosexual relatives in the countryside. The family, surnamed Lu.

Man's eyes were wide open. Even though she knew that Qin Zhi's purpose of this attack was absolutely impure, she didn't expect that Qin Zhi would make such a cruel move.

Qin Yunuan could see at a glance that Qin Zhi came to recognize Man'er's "daughter" this time. This time, Qin Zhi wanted to identify Qin Yunuan's daughter of the Qin family.

Qin Zhi's words caused an uproar, and everyone paid attention to Qin Yunuan and Man'er.

"Father." Qin Yunuan called, but Qin Zhi went straight to Man'er covered with a cover, "Daughter, my father has been looking for you for a long time."

"Master," Man Er decisively lifted his head and his eyes were burning, as if he could kill people. "You have mistaken people. I'm Shang Chunman. General Shang is my biological father. I don't have you, a powerful father."

"If you don't believe it, we can go to the Qin family's ancestral hall and recognize your relatives. I can also ask the emperor to testify. Daughter, in the past 20 years, you have been wronged."

"Lord Qin, today is the little girl's wedding day. You are a little too much." Shang Xianhua is not a good bully, but now he is ready to draw a knife at any time.

"Huh," Qin Yunuan turned sideways to stop the slightly angry Shang Xianhua, "Then follow Lord Qin's arrangement and enter the ancestral hall."

"Madam." Man'er was a little uneasy and her red lips were unnaturally curled. She didn't know what would happen in the end.

The marriage between Man'er and Leng Wu was originally scheduled for the morning, but in the afternoon, the patriarchs and royal nobles of the Qin family had gathered in the Qin family's ancestral hall. Qin Zhi naturally did not invite the emperor in the name of the emperor's busy government affairs. It was Empress Chen. As early as five years ago, the emperor handed over the entanglement of these clans to the queen for adjudication. Chen It is also very reasonable for the queen to come.

Man'er has changed her clothes. Queen Chen sits high and is elegant. The people sent by Qin Yunuan have just inquired about the news that Leng Changxi is now training new recruits in the military camp 30 miles away from the capital, which is also an order just issued yesterday.

"It seems that Changxi can't come back. Isn't it three days after training new recruits? Why is it ahead of schedule?"

"I'm afraid it's the person opposite who deliberately planned it." Man'er followed Qin Yunuan, looked at Qin Zhi, who was confident, and muttered in a low voice.

Needless to say, Qin Yunuan also probably thought of it.

The interrogation began a long time ago. Qin Zhi summoned the so-called witnesses one by one. They were all the old people in the Qin family and the villagers in the village where Man'er was in those years. They all confirmed that someone did send the third lady of the Qin family out for treatment. The villagers also proved that Man'er not only grew up with Lu Ping'an since childhood, but also often had a The wife of the Qin family came to see her.

"However, based on these alone, I can't judge that this girl Shang is your daughter, Lord Qin. Moreover, your current biological daughter Qin Yunuan also grew up with Qin Liang. Now, she has married the youngest general of Daqi. If you insist on thinking, Shang Chunman is your daughter, so who is this Qin Yunuan Qin San girl now?

"Told back to the queen." Qin Zhi arched his hand and said, "All this is done by me. In those years, I begged an old slave in my family to send my daughter out for medical treatment. After that, because I was too busy, I didn't have a chance to visit my daughter. It was not until half a year later that my daughter recovered from illness that I sent someone to pick her up, but I didn't find that my daughter was killed at this time. , dropped the bag.

"Lost the bag?" Qin Yunuan smiled and said, "Father is really interesting, so according to my father's meaning, I am not my father's biological daughter?"

"That's right," Qin Zhi looked at Qin Yunuan and said angrily, "There was also a granddaughter in the old slave's family who was similar to my husband's daughter. At that time, he wanted to make his granddaughter live a good life, so he replaced his granddaughter for my husband's daughter. It's really pitiful. My husband's daughter has been raised as a country daughter for so many years. , and the daughter I have loved for a long time is just the granddaughter of a slave.

"Why can't I understand this," Leng Wu came forward and said, "There was not a witness who said that Mrs. Qin often went to that village to visit the so-called Lu family, which is full of adopted children, that is to say, according to Lord Qin, Qin Liang should know the real situation, so why doesn't she get along with Lord Qin made it clear that he had taken his own daughter over?

"This is also my fault. At that time, my main room, Dou's family was dominant. I was afraid that my concubine didn't want my own daughter to be wronged, so I continued to let rural people adopt a daughter." Qin Zhi has a nose and eyes. He just wants to drag Qin Yunuan from the position of the high young grandmother of the Ningwang Mansion. If it proves that she is not the daughter of the Qin family, not only herself, but also the people around her will suffer. Even if Leng Changxi is resolute, the ancestor of Ningwang Mansion will never allow him. The grandson married the daughter of a slave.

"A school of nonsense!" The most exciting thing was Man'er. Now Man'er, who was already called Shang Chunman, picked up the tea cup and smashed it directly to the ground. She held her head high and put on unprecedented dignity and arrogance. Even the maids around the queen were shocked and was about to scold her, but she was silently stopped by Queen Chen. She was impressed by this maid, indeed She has been with Qin Yunuan for a long time. Now she also vaguely feels that Qin Zhi suddenly came out to recognize her daughter. However, the person next to her is clear that she doesn't need to figure out the reason of the matter, as long as the matter goes in the direction that is beneficial to her.

"I have never been to any rural village. I was in the south of the Yangtze River before I was 12 years old. I was accompanied by a housekeeper named Fuman and a maid named Xiang'er in the south of the Yangtze River for medical treatment. Later, there was a flood in the south of the Yangtze River. My family and I were separated. We struggled all the way back to the capital, but we found that Uncle Fuman told me the address of the Shang family that year was wrong. Indeed, a wife surnamed Liang of the Qin family took me and took me by her side while looking for relatives. Sir, I have served in the Qin family for so many years. The whole Qin family knows how I came from. I don't understand why you want to say that I came from the countryside, but say that I am your daughter.

Qin Yunuan took a sip of tea indifferently. At that time, her mother said that she would take in Man'er, and her words to the public was indeed that Man'er's family had caused a flood. At that time, there were many natural and man-made disasters, and no one was going to pursue it. Now, the testimony of the monk's family happened to match.

Qin Zhi narrowed his eyes, but he still had a killing trick.