Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 9 Publishing

After successfully making Jin Yuzhi angry, Zhang Duo fled home like a frightened rabbit. But he knew that hiding could not solve the problem. For people like Jin Yuzhi, time can't eliminate her anger, but only makes her more and more angry. After half an hour, Zhang Duo went to Jin Yuzhi's house again. After confirming that Jin Yuzhi would not use the knife, Zhang Duo entered the door.

As soon as he entered the door, he was captured and pressed on the sofa in the living room by Jin Yuzhi. Zhang Duo quickly begged for mercy and said, "Hero, forgive me, hero, forgive me!"

Jin Yuzhi was still angry and said, "You can spare me, but you have to do something first."

"What's the matter?"

"Kneeling on the ground and singing "Conquest"!"

"Damn, how can I kneel on the ground and sing "Conquest"?" Zhang Duo exclaimed.

"Then I won't let you go!" Jin Yuzhi twisted Zhang Duo's arm with great strength.

"Then I won't be polite." Zhang Duo said with a smile.

"When have you been polite! Ah...!" Jin Yuzhi suddenly screamed, but Zhang Duo turned over and threw Jin Yuzhi down on the sofa. Because it's only September and the weather hasn't turned cold, Jin Yuzhi wears very thin at home, just a pair of casual trousers and a shirt. Zhang Duo fell on Jin Yuzhi's body, felt the body temperature under him and the round and upturned buttocks. In an instant, he stood up.

Zhang Duo pretended to be okay and said, "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, sister, lend me your computer. It's quite late. I'll go back to write the manuscript. Just wait for my novel to be published!"

Jin Yuzhi's cheeks were red, and she lifted the bangs on her forehead with her hand. She got up to get the computer for Zhang Duo. When she handed it over, she said, "Write it well, A Duo, as long as you can write it, I will publish it for you."

Zhang Duo nodded and thanked him and left Jin Yuzhi's house with the computer in his arms. Out of the door, he leaned against the wall and said to himself sadly, "Damn, live ten years less!" Zhang Duo recalled the feelings of the moment just now, which was intoxicated and a little regretful. Then self-deprecating, you should be contented, and you should be contented. If you get an inch, you will die.

Back home, Zhang Duo took a look at the configuration of Jin Yuzhi Dell's computer, P3 CPU, 512 memory, 30G hard disk, CD optical drive, which was put in the previous life, but now it is 00, a serious good thing. Zhang Duo learned from Zhang Dabiao's tone in his previous life's "Bright Sword" and sighed: "Three or eight big covers, what a good thing!" I don't know if the Time and Space Shuttle Administration can check it. It would be great if he could transport the notebook from his previous life!

Zhang Duo turned on the music player in the computer, played a gentle piano song, opened the manuscript paper and continued to write. He borrowed the computer just because he hadn't touched the computer for a long time. The novel has written 100,000 words, and more than 30,000 words have been completed. There is no reason to rewrite the code into the computer.

On the evening of September 16, when Zhang Duo wrote on the manuscript paper, "Honey, wait for me to come back." After 26 days, Zhang Duo finally finished his first book in this parallel world, The Days of Living with the Stewardess. The average is 5,000 words a day, and considering handwriting, the speed is also reasonable. But he doesn't need to think about writing these things. With his unforgettable skills, if he uses a computer, he believes that he will have no problem with 30,000 yuan a day during the holiday.

Zhang Duo rubbed his sour and swollen right hand and went to Jin Yuzhi's house with the manuscript. At this moment, Jin Yuzhi is lying on the sofa in the living room and constantly changing tables, which looks very boring.

When Zhang Duo handed the manuscript to Jin Yuzhi, she looked very surprised: "Is it finished so soon?"

"Of course, don't look at who the little brother is!" Zhang Duo said proudly.

"You won't write nonsense in your dreams, will you?" Jin Yuzhi said suspiciously.

"It's useless to say more. You'll know if you read it." Zhang Duo finally stopped being poor, but took the remote control and found a TV program.

Jin Yuzhi opened the manuscript suspiciously and read it. "A person's life in Shanghai should be happy. At least there are enough material security and economic resources. You don't have to go to work on time every day, and you can get off work at any time. In addition, there is a group of friends who are not many but have a good relationship, which is already very Happiness and satisfaction.

I live on the edge of a downtown commercial circle. This is a good community. Although there are only a few high-rise buildings, the property management is still very good, so most of the people living here are economically. Although I am not one of them, because I am willing to spend money on the "blade", it has become one of them. A member.

I don't know when I will walk out of the building every day, but I know that I won't come back here until late or even in the early morning. Every time I come back, I basically don't meet anyone, but let me meet her..."

vernacular, the title of the book, the first person, the plain beginning, Jin Yuzhi frowned with such an impression. But looking at it, Jin Yuzhi was immersed in the world of novels.

"After statistics, the aircraft is indeed the vehicle with the lowest accident rate, but the problem is that the mortality rate is the highest."

"I will accept any non-discrementary request you make to me, but at least make a non-discrement request first!"

"Wait a minute...! Let me talk about my rules first." Ran Jing said first: "First, the items of two people should be placed separately and cannot be used without the permission of the other party; Second, the public place must be kept clean. When I am at home, you are not allowed to smoke; Third, you must remember to close the door when you go to the toilet, because I always forget to knock on the door. Remember to knock on the door before the toilet, because I always forget to close the door; 4. When I want to watch TV, you are not allowed to use the remote control of the TV; V. Do not accumulate dirty clothes in the washing machine and should be cleaned in time; 6. If I am in a good mood to cook for you, you can never say that it is not delicious, and you must finish eating it; VII. At home, you... The clothes you wear must cover more than 60% of your skin; 8. You are not allowed to bring anyone home without my permission; 9. When I don't want to talk, you must not talk to me. When I want to talk, you are absolutely not allowed to talk; 10..."

"This kind of good thing can fall on me. If it weren't for my virtue in my previous life, I would suffer in the next life."

"Ha ha... ha ha... ha ha!" Jin Yuzhi couldn't help laughing when she saw the interesting place, but laughed for a while and felt something wrong. With Zhang Duo's personality, there was no reason not to be sarcastic at this time. When she turned her head, she found that Zhang Duo had fallen asleep on the sofa of Jin Yuzhi's house.

It turned out that recently, Zhang Duo was eager to catch up with the manuscript, and his mental state had been very tired. Now that he finally finished writing, he unconsciously lay on the sofa and fell asleep.

Jin Yuzhi looked at Zhang Duo's young and beautiful face and completely disappeared from his usual hippie smile. Suddenly, she felt a little uncomfortable. She stopped talking several times. After all, she still couldn't bear to wake up, but took a blanket and covered Zhang Duo.

Jin Yuzhi returned to her room for most of the night, finally finished reading the whole book, and finally cried in a mess. That girl is not pregnant with spring. Everyone longs for a beautiful love, but how many people's feelings in real life can be satisfactory. Jin Yuzhi is 23 years old, but she hasn't even had a decent relationship. For a moment, she couldn't help crying.

Zhang Duo had a very beautiful dream. If Zhang Duo's biggest hobby was in his previous life, sleeping is definitely the first place. He dreams and dreams almost every night, and each dream is full of different stories. Although his life is bleak, his dream world is still colorful.

So when Jin Yuzhi woke him up, Zhang Duo showed great dissatisfaction, but after seeing that the other party was Jin Yuzhi, he was shocked and stammered, "I... why did I fall asleep here?"

Jin Yuzhi rarely said gently, "You fell asleep while lying down yesterday, so I didn't call you. Your book is quite well written. I have a few friends from the publishing house who will help you prepare for publication these days!"

Zhang Duo scratched his head and said, "Really? Thank you so much, sister! I'll entrust it to you!" Zhang Duo is born to hate trouble. Although he runs by himself, the final result must also be published, but if the process is to run to more than a dozen publishing houses, look at the faces of all kinds of people, and then lead to a period of resentment and hatred, it will be very unpleasant. It's naturally better to have Jin Yuzhi do it for you now.

Jin Yuzhi was really powerful. In less than three days, the news came that the book could be published, and the editor-in-chief of Songjiang People's Publishing House would come to Xingshan to negotiate with Zhang Duo at noon that day, hoping that Zhang Duo's guardian would be present.

Zhang Duo is now under 18 years old, so he has no choice but to call his father, borrow a mobile phone from Jin Yuzhi, and dial the phone at home.

The phone was installed by Zhang Duo when he had to go to Xingshan City to go to high school. He spent more than 1,000 yuan and had to beg others. I remember that in his previous life, he installed broadband, bundled a fixed phone, and sent a monthly phone bill. Even a single fixed line is only a hundred yuan for materials. Such a change has only lasted for more than ten years, and the most lost one is probably the old employees of Telecom.

After the phone was connected, Zhang Duo told the matter. Zhang Zhenxing was in a trance and had a feeling of dreaming. He responded randomly and remembered what he had promised after the call.

"I didn't dream just now, did I?" Zhang Zhenjun asked Wang Shuying beside him.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't your son call just now? What did he say?" Wang Shuying looked at her husband doubtfully.

"It is said that he wrote a novel, and the publishing house is going to publish it. If he is not 18 years old, he asked me to sign the contract as a guardian." Zhang Zhenxing said with a little lack of confidence.

But he thought about it carefully and chose to believe Zhang Duo's words. With Zhang Duo's character and courage, he definitely dare not play with his father, so what he said is true. You have to say that Zhang Duo writes novels, Zhang Zhenjun's letter, and Wang Shuying also believe it. Because Zhang Duo loved to read extracurricular books when he was a child, he was definitely a must go to the county bookstore. He studied well at that time, and his family didn't restrain him much. It's not impossible to write a book randomly. Just write a long composition. The boy secretly wrote it when he was in junior high school and thought it was hidden. In fact, Zhang Zhenxing and his wife have read it, but it's just a fairy tale fantasy of children. It's just that this publication is really shocking. For example, Zhang Duo, who has always been full of bookworms, suddenly pulled off his clothes and put on a pair of trousers to tell Zhang Zhenjun that in fact, going to school is just my sideline. My other job is to save the earth and then fly away. After all, Zhang Zhenjun stepped on the car to Xingshan City with a few doubts.

When Zhang Duo returned his mobile phone to Jin Yuzhi, Jin Yuzhi said with a smile, "Look at the appearance of a young adult all day long. If you sign a contract, you can find your parents!"

Zhang Duo said with a hippie smile, "Then you can sign it for me."

"I'm not your guardian, how can I sign it for you!"

"Just say that you are my fiancee, and this book is also written for you. Should this be okay?" Zhang Duo joked.

Jin Yuzhi looked up and down at Zhang Duo, as if Zhang Duo was a large-character kindergarten children's book, which was completely clear. He said with a smile, "It's a pity that you are still a little boy and not old enough." Then he walked away in high heels.

Zhang Duo was ready to escape, but he didn't expect the violent girl to be surprisingly angry. Not old enough? Is it okay to be old enough, sister, don't make such a joke. What should I do if I have a relationship?" Zhang Duo said in his heart.

At noon, Zhang Zhenxing arrived at the school, and the people of Songjiang People's Publishing House had just arrived, with two people in the group, and the editor-in-chief with an assistant editor. In addition, Zhang Duo and Jin Yuzhi, five people came into the Yilou and asked for a private room.

After five people sat down, the middle-aged man in his forties introduced himself: "I am the editor-in-chief of Songjiang People's Publishing House, Jiang Xiancheng, the editor of this publishing house, Chen Zhisheng. Presumably, they are Zhang Duo, the author of Miss Yuzhi, and his father, Mr. Zhang Zhenxing, right?

Zhang Duo said as a teenager, "Yes." Zhang Zhenxing greeted several people with a handshake.

Jiang Xiancheng continued: "Zhang Duo is really a young talent. It's really rare to write such an excellent novel at a young age. It's just that in the literary world of this dynasty, ancient literature is respected, and vernacular literature is still not on the stage after all. Zhang Duo is so talented that I'm afraid he will show off in the forest in the future!

Jin Yuzhi said unhappily, "Is there any other problem, Uncle Jiang? Didn't they all say that it could be published?"

Jiang Xiancheng said quickly, "No problem, no problem, but after this book is published, I'm afraid it will be a lot of criticism. I'm worried that Zhang Duo's Mu Xiu Yulin will be destroyed by the wind, and I can't stand that criticism!"

Zhang Duo said calmly, "Praise or criticism, after all, it's just a false reputation, just like floating clouds. I won't pay attention to it!"

Jiang Xiancheng couldn't help applauding and saying, "What a classmate Zhang, who regards his reputation as a floating cloud, this temperament really makes me ashamed of middle-aged people."

"Uncle Jiang, the dishes are ready. Let's talk while eating!" Jin Yuzhi interrupted. Because she was an intermediary, she booked a private room in Laiyi Building in advance, and the dishes were also ordered in advance. As several people spoke, the dishes had already come up.

Jiang Xiancheng said with a smile, "Okay, eat vegetables, eat vegetables. To be honest, uncle, I came out of home early in the morning and didn't have time to eat, but it really made me hungry!"

"Zhang Duo is young, and it is not easy to have this talent, especially this nobleness. He is really a hero!"

Zhang Duo pretended more and more like a big-tailed wolf and said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang is flattered!"

Jiang Xiancheng's words are in Zhang Zhenxing's heart. Although he still has a feeling of sleepwalking, others praise his son's promising words are his favorite. He was overjoyed, but he said modestly, "Mr. Jiang is so flattered. Our boy knows how to read and write nonsense all day long. He can't praise him so much!"

Jiang Xiancheng smiled and said, "It's right. I didn't mean to praise him. If Zhang Duo has any works in the future, I still remember your Uncle Jiang!"

Zhang Duo suddenly looked flattered and said, "That's natural. The boy will have new works in the future, and he will definitely remember Mr. Jiang."

The flower sedan chair was carried by everyone, and Jiang Xiancheng gave face so much. It is estimated that it is because Jin Yuzhi* is profound, or he can see that Zhang Duo's potential is infinite, or both. But after all, he is the editor-in-chief of a well-known publishing house in China. If you are such an unknown newcomer, if you really take people seriously, it will be a little shameless. Zhang Duo had a few glasses of wine, so he sprouted, and his face was not tense. Instead, he drank wine with Jiang Xiancheng very warmly, and at the same time, he did not forget Chen Zhisheng, who had not spoken.

After all, Zhang Duo is a 30-year-old soul, and he was reborn from his previous life. After staying in the bookstore for a few years, he learned more or less about some methods of hype of best-selling books. When he talked to the two, the other party suddenly had a sense of bosom friend and was hot, which left Jin Yuzhi and Zhang Zhenxing out.

Several people talked for a long time. While he was still awake, Chen Zhisheng took out the already drawn-up contract and handed it to Zhang's father and son and Jin Yuzhi. Although Zhang Zhenxing is shrewd, he is not good at this, but when he saw the payment of manuscript remuneration, he was really shocked. That is that Party B pays the manuscript remuneration to Party A in the form of royalties. The royalty calculation method is: book pricing × 10% royalty rate × 100000 copies. The price of the book is 20 yuan, which means that Zhang Duo can get 200,000 yuan. Good boy, how many years will it take me to save so much? This little rabbit is really promising. He is worthy of my son!"

Jin Yuzhi knew the content of the contract for a long time, but she roughly looked at it and handed it to Zhang Duo. Zhang Duo was not very good at it. After carefully looking at it, there was no trap, so he agreed.

So the two sides officially signed and paid the manuscript fee. After that, the wine and dishes came up, and the guests who ate were happy, and finally everyone was happy!

After being full of wine and food, the crowd dispersed. Zhang Zhenxing took Zhang Duo to the bank to check, and there were only more than 170,000. Zhang Duo roughly estimated that it was almost like this after paying the tax. I left 20,000 in my passbook, and the rest was transferred to Zhang Zhenxing's account. Zhang Zhenxing was a little puzzled and said, "Why did you leave so much money as a child?

Zhang Duo defended and said, "Dad, I'm not small. Can't I put more money in my pocket? Besides, Mr. Jin has made a lot of effort to publish this book. Why do you have to show it to people? And in the future, when you come to Xingshan, I will treat you to dinner. How much face? "

Zhang Zhenxing thought the same reason and said, "Then you can do it. The expression to Mr. Jin must be in place. Don't be reluctant to give up money. Can't your book be published?"

"Dad, what you said is wrong. It makes you feel as if your son has become a soft rice cooker." Zhang Duo said unhappily.

Zhang Zhenxing knocked Zhang Duo on the head and said, "You bastard, that's your teacher. Don't make up your mind."

Zhang Duo rubbed his head and muttered, "I'm in my mind. I'm thinking of that violent girl. In addition to being better-looking, in shape, with better temperament, better family background, better skills and better upbringing... Shit, why does she have so many advantages?"