Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 28 Birthday Party

Song Siwei's original intention was to change Zhang Duo immediately if he was not qualified as a director. The purpose of asking Gu Zongling to be a producer was to prepare him to be a villain. There are people who wander in the mall who are good-looking, all with Bodhisattva faces and jackals. Simple-minded people don't live long in the mall and will be eaten clean by rich businessmen sooner or later.

Song Siwei listened to the story relayed by Jin Yutang, and his emphasis on Zhang Duo was raised to another level. He thought about how much Zhang Duo was worth making friends with, and his mind was not as strong as before.

He thought for a while and said, "Gu Zongling has promised me to be the producer. If he and Zhang Duo have a conflict in the future, we can choose which side to stand on according to the situation. In short, we will take the benefits as bad people, right, Yutang!"

Jin Yutang is still more emotionally inclined to Zhang Duo. He said, "Zhang Duo is young but talented. To be honest, he has shocked me too much recently. You haven't experienced it yourself and can't really feel it. But I think it's better for us to support him. Gu Zongling's achievements are limited, but Zhang Duo is only 16 years old. As the saying goes, 30 years in Hexi and 30 years in Hedong, it's better to be a white-headed man than to bully young people!"

Song Siwei nodded, which was regarded as temporarily agreeing to Jin Yutang's idea.

In Xingshan No.1 Middle School, Qin Lan and Li Fei, who had finished their evening self-study, were walking home. Li Fei took Qin Lan's hand and said, "Don't worry, I have already told Zhou Qiang that as long as Zhang Duo comes back, I will go to tell him about the meal immediately and promise that you will be fulfilled."

Qin Lan carried her schoolbag, kicked the pebbles on the road, and said with a lonely face, "Who wants to see him? It's your birthday to invite him. I didn't say I want to see him!"

Li Fei smiled and said, "Okay, it's me who wants to see him. I always think about him in class. I always write his name on paper and then paint it in a mess. It's me...!"

"Oh, Li Fei, you are so bad!" Qin Lan was told what was on her mind and chased Li Fei with shame and anger, but Li Fei giggled and ran away, leaving the sweet laughter and young shadow of the two people along the way.

Zhang Duo returned home, turned on the computer and changed the script. After he had the idea of becoming a director, he had already started writing. His current plan is to turn it on during the winter vacation. In less than two months, he will change the script, and Wanbang will invite actors, coordinate the schedule, select the characters, and contact the location of the location. As for after the winter vacation, I can only consider asking for leave, but the problem is not too big. Which of the child stars in the previous life are not studying while filming. The only worry is Su Wengong. Zhang Duo, who has a strong memory that never forgets, accidentally took the first place in the school year. Old Su is very happy and treats Zhang Duo very well. It is no problem to ask for a few days off, but if he really doesn't come for a few months, who knows if Lao Su will be angry!

Zhang Duo wrote for a while, and his mobile phone rang. He took a look at the IC phone number of the dormitory. Zhou Qiang called and asked him if he had come back. Zhang Duo said he was back. Zhou Qiang told him that this weekend was Li Fei's birthday and invited the three of us to be there. Zhang Duo nodded and agreed.

He chased Qin Lan in his previous life, but Li Fei helped a lot. Although the delicious food was blackmailed, he did make a lot of efforts. Zhang Duo was still very grateful for this. Therefore, the relationship between the two in this world is still good. Since Zhou Qiang invited him, he has to support him anyway.

On Sunday night, Zhang Duo and Qin Lan and Li Fei went up to the Yi Building and asked for a private room to sit down. Zhang Duo called the waiter, ordered Qin Lan's favorite fried pork and dried bean curd, and then gave the menu to Li Fei.

Qin Lan took a look at Li Fei, which means that what Zhang Duo ordered is what she likes to eat! Li Fei shook her head innocently, not as she said.

After ordering, they wanted to drink. The five people began to drink and say, to be precise, listening to Zhang Duo's nonsense alone. Zhang Duo's personality used his favorite advertisement of the seven wolves to say, "Men are more than one side, today you show that side." He is definitely a person with different faces. In front of outsiders, he will pretend to be gentle and polite. In short, he can pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. When it comes to his best friends, he is making gags and the most endless nonsense.

Li Fei asked Zhang Duo with a smile, "I said, Master Zhang, are you busy maintaining world peace recently, or are you going to save the earth again? Why can't I see you except for class? Shouldn't it be a date?" Qin Lan looked at Zhang Duo nervously for fear that he would say something.

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "You are really as wise as a torch, and you can see small thoughts at a glance. However, falling flowers deliberately follow the flowing water, and flowing water has no intention to fall in love with falling flowers. It's a pity that King Xiang is interested, and the goddess is ruthless!"

Li Fei said with a smile, "Yo, whose girl is so blessed that it can make us look at Master Zhang and open our eyes. It shouldn't be Li Qiannan from Class 7 of the second year of high school! You two are talented and beautiful, and you study so well. What a good match!"

Zhang Duo suddenly felt that there was a sour smell in Li Fei's words. Looking at Qin Lan's resentful face next to him, he said to himself, Shit, no, Li Fei helped me as a lobbyist in his previous life. Shouldn't Qin Lan be interested in me in this life? No way, the world is too crazy!

In fact, Zhang Duo's own conditions are not bad, but his previous life has more IQ and insufficient EQ, so he can't win the beauty. Now he is humorous and funny, mature and steady, calm, full of confidence, excellent academics, beautiful appearance, talented, young and rich, domineering, IKEA is simply a home travel, having an affair, and a must-have partner! Qin Lan was a little attracted to him, which was quite normal.

Zhang Duo said quickly, "No, no, I just met Li Qiannan by chance and had nothing to do with them."

Li Fei asked gossipily again, "Then who do you like? Isn't it our Qin Lan? Qin Lan is a good girl, as beautiful as a flower, gentle and virtuous, generous, smart, beautiful and beautiful...!"

Qin Lan blushed and said, "Oh, Li Fei, what are you doing!"

Li Fei asked, "Zhang Duo, what do you think of our Qin Lan?"

Zhang Duo found that his problem of talking nonsense caused trouble. At this time, he had no choice but to say, "Qin Lan is very good. I like it very much!"

Li Fei smiled proudly and said, "You will send Qin Lan home after dinner, and I will give her to you!"

Qin Lan said, "Li Fei, stop it. I'll be angry if you do this again."

Li Fei smiled and said, "Okay, don't make any noise, don't make any noise, it's served, let's eat!"

After the dishes were finished, five people filled the wine. Zhang Duo raised his glass and said, "Today is Li Fei's birthday. The five of us are destined to gather here. Let's wish Li Fei a happy birthday. I wish her a happy day and a happy new year. May she smile and be beautiful. Cheers to everyone. !


Zhang Duo poured another glass of wine and said with some emotion, "I'm very happy today. Li Fei can think of calling me for her birthday to give me face. It's our fate that our brothers can sit here and drink together. We don't do it for fame, we don't do it for profit, we just want to be like-minded. Brother Qiang is manly enough, Brother Feng is righteous enough, Li Fei is enough to be friends, and Qin Lan is generous and generous. I am very happy to have your friends. I hope our friendship will last forever. Don't fade away by time, don't be estranged by dispersion, may we be friends and brothers for a lifetime!"

The four people were stunned by Zhang Duo's sudden sensational words, but they were still a little moved and raised their glasses and drank them all.

Zhang Duo said the above few words because he suddenly thought of his previous life and had some emotion. In his previous life, Zhang Duo also made several bosom friends when he went to college, and he was usually mixed with two buddies. After graduation, one went back to his hometown in Hainan. When he got married, Zhang Duo went, and another buddy also went. Zhang Duo was so happy that his three good brothers in college gathered in Hainan. But a few days later, he felt extremely depressed.

Hainan's buddies did not neglect the two brothers, Zhang Duo's tickets, and the other brother's plane tickets from Northeast to Hainan were all paid by him. When I arrived in Hainan, I took the two brothers to the hotel every day, but every time I had to have a group of Hainan friends.

Zhang Duo and another brother are both from Northeast China, listening to a group of people speaking Hainan dialect, like ducks listening to thunder. So every time they go out, they don't talk, just immerse themselves in food.

Once when I went out for a snack at night, Hainan's wife asked Zhang Duo if he had fun. What else did he want to play? Zhang Duo said that we came all the way to Hainan, not how much we wanted to eat and drink. I just think it's been two years since I graduated, and I haven't seen you for so long. Brothers get married and come and have a look at whatever they say. Talk to your buddies, catch up the past, and drink in the stall until dawn. Even if you leave the next day, there is no regret.

The wife of Hainan buddy sighed. The next day, Hainan buddy took Zhang Duo and Northeast buddy to drink in the stall. Unfortunately, he didn't say a word. Another group of friends came, and Zhang Duo was disappointed again.

A trip to Hainan. For more than ten days, the university has been mixed all day, eating together, wearing clothes, and spending money together. He skipped class together, went out to play together, and drank drunk together, but he didn't even have a chance to drink alone and catch up the past. He left Hainan with great loss.

This is probably when fate comes, thousands of miles will meet and walk all the way; when the fate is over, they will go west and east and gradually go far away! Lifestyles are different, and people always have to become.

Qin Lan is a girl, **. She felt that Zhang Duo's mood seemed to suddenly become very low. She took the wine bottle and poured it on Zhang Duo, and poured it full of herself and said, "Zhang Duo, you are good, smart and righteous. I'm very happy to be your friend. I'll give you a toast."

Zhang Duo also felt that his mood was not right, and he should not spoil everyone's fun. He smiled and said to Qin Lan, "Thank you!"

The two gently touched the cup and looked at each other. Looking at Qin Lan's clear eyes, Zhang Duo suddenly felt that his heartbeat was faster. After all, he could not turn a blind eye to Qin Lan. Qin Lan was a little panicked by Zhang Duo and said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

Zhang Duo subconsciously said, "Beauty!"

Qin Lan's face turned a little red. She reached out and hit Zhang Duo and said, "Dead Zhang Duo, make fun of me again!"

Li Fei said with a smile, "You two want to flirt. There will be plenty of time when you go back later. Don't be in front of us!"

Zhou Qiang said, "Yes, brother, you can't think we don't exist!"

Zhang Duo was thick-skinned, shook his head and said with a smile, "I have always seen that the opposite sex is inhumane, stabbed my brother's ribs and stabbed my brother twice for women. Qin Lan, if you are with me, I will immediately break up with them.

Qin Lan pretended to be angry and said with a smile, "Go away. I will be angry if you do this again."

Xu Feng laughed and said, "Zhang Duo, it's okay. Let's continue to hang out with my buddies and insert a knife for my brother's two kidneys!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Xu Feng, you are really a grandson with two kidneys. All right, everyone, stop making noise and eat vegetables, or it will be cold in a while!"

When everyone heard this, they found that they were talking and laughing, and the dishes on it didn't move much, and they carried chopsticks one after another. Qin Lan remembered that Zhang Duo ordered all her favorite dishes and wondered whether this was a coincidence or whether he was interested in himself!

She has a good impression of Zhang Duo. She thinks that although the boy is a little arrogant in the class, he is a good person to his friends. Very mature, with a careless attitude towards many things, as if he doesn't care about it when the sky falls. I study well and am very funny. I am always so happy to be with him. It's not very handsome, but it's a pretentious temperament. It seems that it will really be great in the future.