Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 37 Fighting the Tiger

At this time, Zhang Duo arrived at the foot of Changbai Mountain and was ready to shoot Xiao Feng's meeting with Wanyan Aguta and Yelu Hongji. Movies and TV series are usually not made in the plot order of the film, but usually by famous actors, scenes, props, or seasons.

For the main actors, especially big-name actors, they should give due consideration to their schedule and try to finish shooting their scenes within their schedule, because their fees are also very expensive, and they may not even be able to shoot after the schedule. This is stipulated in the contract. However, there are not many famous actors in this play. Except for Jin Yuzhi's urgent study of acting with the teachers invited in Bincheng, the other actors do not have to consider their schedule at all.

Secondly, we need to consider the problem of the venue, especially when shooting across regions, we need to shoot all the shots of a certain site first and then change the venue. Because there are generally a lot of film and TV series production crews, as well as uniformed personnel and vehicles, which are usually a huge team. It takes a lot of time and money to make a transition, so the shooting of the venue should be arranged before shooting begins.

Then there is the preparation process of clothing and props, which may also affect the progress and arrangement of shooting. Finally, we should also consider the weather, season and other reasons, because this factor can sometimes be artificially made, so it is not a particularly important factor.

However, Zhang Duo didn't want to wait until summer to think of filming winter scenes and doing artificial snowfall. Because the 97 version of the previous life was filmed in Hong Kong, it had to fake the snow scene due to conditions. The 03 version directly turns the winter drama into autumn. Zhang Duo did not want to be scolded by the original author for not respecting the original work after shooting it. He decided to finish the winter scene in Changbai Mountain first, and then go to Dali to shoot Duan Yu's scene.

In the conference room of Wanbang Film and Television Company, Gu Zongling probably intended to make Zhang Duo ugly. He did not have any suggestions on the shooting sequence, and expressed full respect for Zhang Duo's opinions.

Du Wenhui sneered and said, "Director Zhang Da, not everyone can shoot this tiger-play when Xiao Feng meets Wanyan Agu. At present, only Mr. Gu's "Wu Song" has used a real tiger in China. At your current level, it's good to control ordinary scenes. Let's leave this difficult play to me!"

Zhang Duo knew that Du Wenhui had the ambition to usurp his director's power. Unexpectedly, he was so impatient now that he wanted to seize power nakedly. At present, he refused and said, "I won't bother with this. Naturally, I'm sure to shoot it!"

Because the investor does not interfere in specific shooting matters, there are only Zhang Duo, Gu Zongling and Du Wenhui in the room at this time. Du Wenhui said fiercely, "You are a high school student who hasn't touched the camera. What will you shoot? I really don't know why Boss Song invited you to be a director of a guy who doesn't know anything? What a waste of resources. If you give me an investment of 30 million yuan, I can definitely make a martial arts classic!"

Du Wenhui spends his time in fanatical jealousy every day. Now that he has finally entered the production stage, and the investor does not interfere in specific shooting matters, he naturally can't help jumping out and trying to seize the director's rights.

Gu Zongling looked at the ferocious apprentice and frowned. He has been an assistant director for himself for ten years, but now he seems to have a deep resentment!

Zhang Duo said with a smile, "I have never touched the camera, but I am talented and learn everything several times faster than ordinary people. Unlike some people, a deputy director can also be held for ten years. Don't come out with this kind of intelligence!"

Du Wenhui's eyes turned red in an instant, and his fist creaked and said, "Bastard, what are you talking about?"

Zhang Duo smiled even more, "I mean, with your intelligence, you can't shoot Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils at all, so if you want to usurp my director's rights, you'd better save it!"

Gu Zongling suppressed Du Wenhui, who was about to break out, and said to Zhang Duo, "Young man, don't be too angry!"

Zhang Duo sneered and said, "Are you still called young people if you are not angry? We don't say secret words, and we all know what we think in our hearts. There is no need to be pretentious! If you want to change my director position, I advise you to save it!"

After saying that, Zhang Duo turned around and left the conference room, leaving only Gu Zonghe, who was trembling angrily, and Du Wenhui, who was about to storm away.

On Changbai Mountain, in the wind and snow, Xiao Feng, played by Ji Liancheng, walked in the wilderness with Jiang Ruixue playing the role of A Zi. Zhang Duo used long-range, panoramic, medium-range, close-up and other scenes to show Xiao Feng's confusion, and Ji Liancheng is also a powerful actor, which shows Xiao Feng's confusion well. Such a great hero, such a field, is unbearable to see.

When Zhang Duo shouted CUT, Jiang Ruixue, who played A Zi, jumped down from Ji Liancheng's arms with a smile. She patted Xue and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm going to shoot your tiger scene later. You have to cheer up!"

Jiang Ruixue is a student who has just graduated from the Beijing Film Academy. At present, she has only played a few small roles. During the audition, Zhang Duo found that she was eccentric and very suitable for playing A Zi, so he admitted her.

Although Jiang Ruixue is surprised why such a little boy as Zhang Duo can be a director, she is still very grateful to Zhang Duo. She is warm and generous, long and beautiful, and will soon be liked by the crew.

Zhang Duo walked away from behind the camera and asked Ji Liancheng with some treble if he was sure about the tiger-play. Ji Liancheng said confidently, "Don't worry, I shot a tiger when I shot Wu Song three years ago, and this time I cooperated with my old partner. It will be fine.

In the original work, when Xiao Feng met Wanyan Agu, the other party was chasing two tigers. Xiao Feng came forward and killed one, and Agu killed one. However, when this plot reached the 97th edition, it was extremely ridiculously changed to dig ginseng in Xiao Feng's snow. When he met A Gu, he was thrown to the ground by a frightened horse, and one foot was buckled in the horse's staver and dragged away. Wanyan Aguta is a real woman, the Taizu of the State of Jin. It is difficult to judge how bravery is, but it is not so bad that he can't even subdue a shocked horse.

And the 03 version was changed to Xiao Feng met the bear. Agu hit the front with a flying fork, and the two worked together to kill the black bear. I guess it was also difficult to shoot the tiger! When Zhang Duo wrote the script, he took the essence of the 97 and 03 versions and removed their dross. For places that did not respect the original work, he tried to match the original work, so that he had the scene of fighting the tiger.

When Ji Liancheng saw this scene in the script, he offered to contact the tiger for him. Zhang Duo was overjoyed to hear that tigers who could film were generally trained in circuses, but they were not ordinary tigers in zoos. The tiger introduced by Ji Liancheng is the one when he shot Wu Song three years ago, so he is also an old partner.

At this time, Chen Feiyang came over with a chubby man and told Zhang Duo that Tiger had been pulled over by car. Chen Feiyang is the artistic director of Wanbang Film and Television Company, a senior director, and the deputy director of the crew of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Song Siwei told Chen Feiyang that this Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is of great significance to the company, so he was wronged to be Zhang Duo's assistant director to grasp the quality of the film.

Hearing that the tiger had arrived, Zhang Duo took Ji Liancheng, Chen Feiyang and the chubby man to the truck pulling the tiger. In a large iron cage on the ground in front of the truck, there was a northeast tiger lying down. At this time, the chubby man said with a smile, "Director Zhang, this is the "little boy" rented to you. I am familiar with this tiger and doesn't bite people. I have made movies and TV series more than once and seen many big scenes! If you don't believe it, you can ask Liancheng?"

Ji Liancheng smiled and said, "This "little boy" is docile and will act coquettish and cute. Speaking of shooting Wu Song, I was scared by it, and later I learned that he had a very good temper!"

Zhang Duo asked curiously, "So he really didn't lose his temper?" Generally speaking, scenes with tigers are very difficult to shoot. After all, tigers can't be like human beings and are always in a state of "acting". Tantrums and tricks are trivial at the scene, but they are afraid that the wildness is difficult to tame and suddenly hurt people.

Ji Liancheng said with a smile, "The little boy has a good temper and doesn't look fierce at all. At that time, we thought it was not evil. We couldn't play the fierceness of the white-fronted tiger on Jingyanggang, so we told the boss to change a tiger. As a result, Boss Li said that it was very convenient for me to change a tiger, as long as I put it in a cage and carry it on the truck. I just want to ask, how many of you actors play Wu Song? At that time, Director Gu said that Ji Liancheng was the only one. Boss Li said, then you are ready to sacrifice an actor, because although other tigers are brave, it is difficult to shoot because they are not tame and docile!"

The chubby Boss Li said with a smile, "Safety first, safety first!" Everyone laughed. Zhang Duo was deeply convinced. He also considered that it was too difficult to shoot two tigers and easy to cause safety accidents, so he changed the number to one.

Zhang Duo asked someone to load the cage of the tiger into a truck and transport it to the woods where the film had just been filmed. Chen Feiyang assisted him in arranging the crew. Zhang Duo sat behind the camera and shouted, "Go ahead and get ready to shoot!"

"Brother Liancheng, get ready, the tiger is coming!" Zhang Duo saw that Boss Li had surrounded the shooting scene with barbed wire. Now, seven or eight big men breathlessly carried the big iron cage into the woods. Therefore, Zhang Duo issued an order to all the photography, field notes, lighting, lighting and Ji Liancheng who played Xiao Feng to prepare for the live shooting.

The atmosphere at the shooting scene immediately became tense. According to the requirements of the script, Ji Liancheng must stand closest to the tiger named "little boy". Although he had cooperated before and knew that "little boy" had a good temper, the problem was that no matter how good his temper was, he was still a tiger. He had not seen him for three years. Who knew if there was any change? Ji Liancheng saw that Boss Li opened the cage and released "little boy" and stopped. Shi became nervous and his muscles were tense. He thought to himself that if the "little boy" hurt people, I couldn't compare it twice.

"Open shooting!" Zhang Duo issued an order to start shooting to all the people at the scene, and the camera rustled.

The "little boy" came out of the small door of the iron cage, and all the people were refreshed. Zhang Duo also sweated for Ji Liancheng, which was also his first time to shoot a big scene, and he couldn't be nervous. However, to everyone's puzzlement, the "little boy" did not show his fierce appearance at all. He trotted to Ji Liancheng and saw "Xiao Feng" lift his right hand and hit it on the forehead. The little guy actually lowered his head and shook his head at the foot of Ji Liancheng's trousers.

"Damn it! Boss, are you a tiger or a domestic cat? Isn't this too cute?" Zhang Duo said in a broken way that he finally understood why Gu Zongling planned to change the tiger.

Boss Li said with a sweat and a smile, "Safety first, safety first!" Then he asked a tall trainer behind him to go up to assist in the shooting. The trainer did not say anything, first drove the tiger back into the cage, and then slapped the tiger with a stick.