Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 88 The birth of the divine drama

Jin Yutang was shocked when he heard this. Zhang Duo is willing to advance the company to prepare a new film, which must be intended to make his own martial arts film. It is difficult to choose to shoot the hero of Condor and the ruthless swordsman first. Unexpectedly, Zhang Duo can agree to make the main theme film. This love... Fuck, he really admires it!

Song Siwei was also a little surprised. He really didn't expect Zhang Duo to agree. He thought it would take some words, but he didn't expect Zhang Duo to resist shooting his work. This determination couldn't help but impress him.

Looking at the two stunned, Zhang Duo said with a smile, "Two bosses, let's shoot, but the original novel is still provided by me. You can find someone else for this script adaptation, and you can also let others be the director."

Song Siwei said, I said that this boy was so generous that he was waiting for us here.

"So you are going to open a new book again?" Song Siwei asked, looked at Zhang Duo's body, and said that this boy didn't want to die to make money! If you open three books at the same time, you won't be afraid of earning and spending your life!

Zhang Duo saw the meaning in Song Siwei's eyes and said with a smile, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes and the Affectionate Swordsman's ruthless sword have manuscripts. I've been busy with this new book these days, and it won't be too hard. It is estimated that the novel manuscript can be taken out in about half a month.

What Zhang Duo wants to shoot is nothing but the divine drama "Bright Sword" that has been replayed 3,000 times in those five years. The book has a total of 450,000 words, of which the part involving the catastrophe will definitely not be moved on the screen, but Zhang Duo still wants to show it completely. If the part of the TV series can't be filmed, it will be cut off in the novel so that the world can't see it, which is his sin.

Of course, the novel to be published is the full version, but Wan Bang only needs to take out the 24 chapters written in front of the graduation from the Military Academy, which is only about 256,000 words, which can definitely be done in two weeks.

In fact, he doesn't want to open so many books at the same time, either his body can't stand it or his heart is tired. However, Song Siwei insisted on making a theme film, which is also a safe way from the perspective of the company's operation. When he first joined the company, he ascended to the deputy general position, and it was not easy to argue with Song Siwei too much. Anyway, there is such a divine drama in my mind, just write it out.

Jin Yutang remembered the public opinion's evaluation of Zhang Duo and had the courage to innovate and be different. Xin said, well, his novel must be another work different from the previous Anti-Japanese War. I just hope that his writing will not be too out of line, and some red lines can't be touched.

Jin Yutang thought about the words and said, "Aduo, I know you are talented and young, but there are some rules that can't be touched when writing anti-Japanese war works. For example, the real combat effectiveness of the Japanese army, we can show the brutality of the Japanese army, but not their military quality. And Japanese generals and soldiers are just a symbol, and you don't need to portray them.

Zhang Duo thought about it and said, "I wrote a novel. At that time, you can find a screenwriter to change it. There are specific rules to avoid. I believe you are more clear about it. Of course, I will participate in the adaptation process, but the main thing is to grasp the overall thinking, and the screenwriter can be responsible for the specific details.

Song Siwei and Jin Yutang were overjoyed to see that Zhang Duo was not obsessed with the power of adaptation. They are very convinced of Zhang Duo's writing ability, but their confidence in film and television production is still not very strong. Zhang Duo's Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is wonderful, but if he wants to make a war film, he may not be able to make it well. Now Wanbang can't bear any risks. You know, if a book is written down, Zhang Duo will lose fame at most, but if a TV series is scrapped, Wanbang Film and Television will lose a lot.

After the three of them had calculated, Zhang Duo drove back to Xingshan. While taking classes, he began to write the manuscript of Bright Sword. It was very hard to forget to eat and sleep. Qin Lan often came to Zhang Duo's residence, either washing and cooking for Zhang Duo, or staying by his side and reading quietly. The warm scene made Zhang Duo feel particularly at ease.

That night, after 20 thousand words, Zhang Duo stretched out, looked at Qin Lan, who was still doing his homework next to him, and said with a smile, "Why haven't you finished writing yet?"

Qin Lan put down the pen in her hand and said helplessly, "You think everyone is like you!" You don't have to do your homework, and you can get the first place!"

Zhang Duo smiled shyly: "I was born, and I can't help it!"

"Hmm, stinky!" Qin Lan turned her face away and ignored him. Zhang Duo said, "By the way, Lanlan, how's your Internet cafe going?"

"It's very popular. Don't mention it. In order to grab a seat, I've fought several times. I'm so scared that I don't dare to go. My mother won't let me go, saying that I'm playing there, delaying my study, and delaying my family from making money." Qin Lan was still very excited when she first said it, and she was a little depressed when she mentioned that her mother would not let her go to the Internet cafe. At this time, computers are still very attractive to young men and women. Unlike later generations, many people would rather lie on ** and play with mobile phones than touch computers.

Chu Yuwei's Internet cafe has been opened, especially after the network manager installed Legend of Blood. Countless teenagers poured into Dongxing Internet cafes and played games all night. Samurai, mage, Taoist priest, novice village, Shabak, although not everyone talks about legends, but everyone plays legends, it is not far from each other.

Other Internet cafes in Xingshan have also installed Legend of Blood in Internet cafes, but they are usually a week later than Dongxing Internet cafes. But just this week, the legendary players in Xingshan City have a sense of belonging to Dongxing Internet cafes. Players usually go to Dongxing Internet Cafe first, and then they will go to other places when there is no place.

Zhang Duo looked at Qin Lan, who was a little depressed and said, "Okay, don't be depressed. Don't you still have my computer to play? When I go to Bincheng next time, I'll buy you a computer!"

Qin Lan said timidly, "No, a computer is so expensive. My father knows that I want your things, and it's time to scold me again!"

In this era, notebooks cost 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and even the desktop in Internet cafes cost thousands, which is not a small amount. Although Qin Lan really wants to have her own computer, she is also afraid of her father's scolding!

Zhang Duo gently stroked Qin Lan's hair with his hand and said very fondly, "It's okay for me to talk about it!"

"Aduo is so good, ha, have you finished writing today? Then I played with your computer and watched the update again, hehe!" Qin Lan happily took Zhang Duo's notebook, opened the "Bright Sword" document, and looked at the paragraph that Zhang Duo had just finished.

"Although the monk has been on the battlefield for a long time, he knows little about the famous people in the underworld. He straightened his clothes, looked at the injured white horse, and was ready to go on foot. At this time, the gun behind the rock sounded, and it was also a long shot. Five or six bullets hit his back, and the monk was rushed two meters away by the powerful impact of the bullet. His head fell to the ground. He struggled to raise his head to see who was plotting him. He just raised his head and lowered his head decadently. At the moment when his life was about to die, he was still thinking: Fuck, the boat overturned in the ditch... The bocat came out from behind the rock with a barge gun, and he coldly blew the muzzle and ordered: I chopped off the boy's head and hung it on the tree and sacrificed him to the six brothers.

Li Yunlong was drinking when he heard the news of the monk's sacrifice. He was stunned for 20 minutes without saying a word. His face turned pale. With a crash, the wine cup in his hand was crushed, and the bright red blood flowed down his fingers. Everyone exclaimed to break his hands and was about to move. Li Yunlong spewed out a mouthful of blood and sprayed others all over, and everyone was scared.

Anyone can do it if the independent regiment dies, but the monk can't die. His martial arts skills, he can't get close to four or five people with his fists, and his hands use guns. In addition to his ability, he also has a very stable psychological quality. He has gone deep into the enemy's cave with Li Yunlong many times, and his face would not change under such a sinister circumstances. If it hadn't been for Li Yunlong I can't bear to let him go. He has been a company commander for a long time now.

Li Yunlong couldn't take care of his son. He opened his throat and cried. He couldn't remember when he had cried like this. It was probably the first time. Tears rolled down on his chest in a series, crying so shockingly that everyone in the regiment department cried. He cried for an hour, which scared others to think he was going to cry. Death. Suddenly, the crying stopped, and Li Yunlong clapped the case. He shouted in a low voice: Monk, monk, how many storms and waves have you broken through? Why did you capsized the boat in the hands of several little bandits?"

Qin Lan cried much better than Li Yunlong in the book. She wiped her tears and said, "Why did you write the monk to death? Why did you write such a good monk Wei to death?"

Zhang Duoxin said that he knew why Du Liang wrote him to death, but he advised Qin Lan: "The Wei monk is brave and always likes to take risks. It is destined to be the inevitable end of the general before the battle. There is a good saying that you always have to pay it back when you come out.

In his previous life, Zhang Duo liked Li Yunlong first, and then Wei Monk. Wei Monk has thick eyebrows and big eyes, strong martial arts, brave and resourceful, frank and affectionate...

When you laugh, you are stupid, angry and scary, and you will never be ambiguous. Sometimes he is very witty and sometimes very stupid. When Xiuqin came to Li Yunlong to "report work" at night, he actually asked someone to come back tomorrow during the day.

In his previous life, when he saw Liang Jian, Zhang Duo cried twice, one time to fight Ping'an County, and the other time when the monk died. At that time, he really wanted to split the director alive, but when he wrote the book himself, he still respected the setting of the original work and followed the original ending. Because he felt that he was a real Wei monk, and he lived so freely and died so cowardly. There are many heroes in history who are not like this. They have to dominate the world at the right time and be in good spirits; at that time, the ditch overturns the boat and dies.