Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 102 Who will kill the deer

It was not only the audience, but also the industry insiders and the General Administration. CCTV found that it was just a yawn, and the screen was occupied by Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Fortunately, Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils could not be in the prime time, otherwise the position of CCTV's hegemony would be in jeopardy.

And Dai Anmin of Sacred Heart Film and Television is even more puzzled. How can Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils sell so much? Are those local satellite TVs crazy? Has the senior management of Songjiang Satellite TV collectively broken down? What is the General Administration doing? How can this kind of thing be allowed to happen?

Dai Anmin has always been calm and restrained, happy and angry, but he is also worried at this moment. It should be known that he had previously said his goal of competing for the national championship in 2001 in front of hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the TV, but now it has been completely shattered.

The current highest rating of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is 12.3, one point higher than last year's overall rating, but unfortunately it encountered Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. Thirty-six TV stations, including 18 provincial satellite TV, can not only cover the whole country, but also affect the Asia-Pacific region. Even according to the ratings of each TV station, it adds up to 36 points. But in fact, the ratings of many TV stations have exceeded one point. Even if the ratings of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils do not reach 46.7% of the old version of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, they are not far away. That means that more than 400 million viewers sit around the TV and watch Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils every day. People not only watched TV series, but also had a heated discussion on the characters, themes, ideological connotations, etc. in the TV series.

The popularity of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils makes it difficult for Dai Anmin to sleep and eat. He contacted his acquaintances in the General Administration, hoping that the General Administration could issue an entertainment restriction order to stop the chaos of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. However, the reply of the General Administration is that it is a legal commercial act between Wanbang Film and Television and 37 TV stations, and there is no violation. However, in view of 37 TV stations broadcasting Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils at the same time, resulting in a certain waste of resources, the General Administration will impose an entertainment restriction order, stipulating that a TV series can be broadcast on up to four satellite TV stations at the same time. However, what has been broadcast will not be banned.

That is to say, the General Administration has left a glimmer of life for Sacred Heart Film and Television and Romance of the Later Three Kingdoms. As long as Dai Anmin can sell "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to other local satellite TV before the entertainment restriction order*, he can save the defeat in the ratings. As for the * time of the entertainment restriction order, his acquaintances can help him postpone it.

Dai Anmin was overjoyed and immediately launched connections to sell the second round of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. And CCTV also asked him to explain it in person.

However, the effect of sales is not optimistic. The total investment of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is 100 million yuan, the cost of a single episode is more than 1.4 million, and the price of the first round of a single episode is 2.4 million. Even if the second round of playback rights is reduced to a quarter of the first round, it is the limit, which will cost 600,000 yuan. Which TV station will spend 600,000 yuan to buy the second round of a TV series? You know, at present, the first round of a medium-invested TV series in the domestic market is only 6,000 or 700,000 episodes.

In the first few days, when there was no one to pay attention to it and the wait-and-see, Dai Anmin cruelly cut the price of the second round of broadcasting rights to 300,000. At last, several TV stations came to buy it, but they hated Zhang Duo very much. You should know that large companies such as Sacred Heart Film and Television have a careful and strict plan for any commercial activities. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms has been prepared for a long time. There are perfect plans for when the shooting will start, when it will be released, when the second round of broadcasting rights will be sold, and what price the second round of broadcast is expected to be sold at, but now it has been disrupted by Zhang Duo.

Shengxin Film and Television Company vomited blood and sold, and finally made a shout. Beijing Satellite TV is the first satellite TV. It broadcasts Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils in the afternoon and the Romance of the Later Three Kingdoms in the evening, but the ratings are about the same. The rating of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is only one-three, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is only one seven, which is normal and does not show the advantage of the golden file at all. So much so that even Yu Xueren, the production director of Beijing Satellite TV, who is close to Sacred Heart Film and Television, sighed that it would be great if the schedule of "Eight Dragons" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" could be adjusted!

Because the Romance of the Three Kingdoms did not produce a sensational rating reversal effect like Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, and the cost is much higher than Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, the hot hearts of local satellite TV have cooled down.

In the end, the broadcast rights of the second round of Romance of the Three Kingdoms were sold to 11 TV stations, but even less than one-third of the sales of Demi-Devils.

During this period, Jin Yutang has been wandering in the capital. At the beginning, he was determined to put Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils on the prime time. Unfortunately, the family has limited influence on the General Administration and does not support him very much. Secondly, Dai Anmin's obstruction of him made it impossible for his purpose to achieve.

Jin Yutang was ashamed to see Jiangdong's father and elders, so he has been staying in the capital, traveling east and west to visit relatives and friends. On the surface, it is leisurely, but in fact, it is worrying. Jin Yutang was ecstatic when Zhang Duo successfully sold the second round of the broadcast rights of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils to 36 TV stations.

He silently calculated in his heart that Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils invested 30 million, with a cost of 750,000 episodes. He agreed with Songjiang Satellite TV to get money according to the ratings, but it could also reach 1.3 million episodes. Forty episodes are 52 million. According to an average of 200,000 episodes, 40 episodes sold to 36 TV stations are 8 million, and 36 TV stations are 288 million. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils has sold a total of 300 million yuan. If sold to Hong Kong, Taiwan and Asia in the future, it is estimated that the total price is likely to reach 400 million yuan.

He now hates Song Siwei's cautiousness. If Songjiang Satellite TV did not share the risk at the beginning, the profit of Wanbang Film and Television may reach more than 400 million in the future. As a shareholder, he can earn more than 100 million yuan.

Although he was slandered, Jin Yutang did not say it. There is no if in life. After all, no one expected that Zhang Duo could create this miracle, and it is a miracle that cannot be replicated. He also has a relationship with the General Administration, knowing that the entertainment restriction order of the General Administration will be issued immediately. In the future, imagine Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, it is impossible for a TV series to be broadcast on 36 TV stations at the same time.

Putting aside those unpleasant thoughts, Jin Yutang began to have a good time in the capital and thought of himself as the leader of a large company. And when some of his friends come to him for dinner, they often bring some beautiful fashion girls with different faces.

On this day, I went to the hotel for dinner. As soon as I sat down, my friend opened his mouth and said, "This is Jin Yutang, the general manager of Wanbang Film and Television, a top film and television company in China!" Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils was discovered and prepared by him.

The girl said with a surprised face, "Oh, my God! You are Mr. Jin of Wanbang Film and Television! Your name has spread all over the industry, saying that you are wise and talented, and if you like the novel Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, there will be this viewing miracle in the history of TV!"

Jin Yutang smiled with great demeanor and said, "I can't talk about wisdom, but I'm just a little good at people. Like Ji Liancheng, who plays Qiao Feng, Zhou Xiao, Mu Wanqing, Cheng Nan, and Jiang Ruixue, who plays Qiao Feng, are all my candidates.

The girl said in surprise, "So you set them all!" They are the hottest now! They are so lucky!"

Jin Yutang's friend said, "You are not bad luck. You can meet Mr. Jin of Wanbang Film and Television, but you have been blessed in your life."

The girl said with an expectant face, "Mr. Jin, do you think I can do it?"

Jin Yutang said with a smile, "At present, our company is preparing a anti-Japanese war film called Bright Sword. I think there is an image of a rural woman very suitable for you!"

The girl immediately said in a very simple tone, "Really? Mr. Jin, this role is so suitable for me. In fact, what I am good at is playing rural women during the Anti-Japanese War.

Jin Yutang was stunned, pulled his friend aside and whispered, "What are you doing? She doesn't know what I mean when I say that?"

The friend smiled and said, "You don't know that this girl's name is Wang Youyou. She is a fool. She can only play a few small roles that die in a few episodes, and she always quarrels with the director for a play. I'm so annoyed that I brought it to you."

Jin Yutang was surprised and said, "Damn, you can't bring it here to annoy her?"

My friend smiled and said, "Now that you are famous, I don't know how many girls have thought about you. After she sees you, she will naturally not bother me!"

Jin Yutang returned to the table helplessly. Wang Youyou immediately said, "Mr. Jin, you don't have to worry about my acting skills. According to my Wang's performance rules, I will interpret the characters from three levels and guarantee to perform well!"

Jin Yutang said, "Well, I think your conditions are okay. Let's go to the crew for an audition next week!"

Wang Youyou immediately bowed and thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Jin! Thank you, Mr. Jin!"

"Don't thank me!"

"Mr. Jin, I want to ask you, will this role I play die?"

Jin Yutang gritted his teeth and said, "If you pass the audition, you will die tragically!"

Wang Youyou was stunned at first, and then said righteously, "Don't worry, Mr. Jin, I will definitely play well, because I am best at acting in death!"

Jin Yutang couldn't laugh or cry. After dinner, the three people settled the bill and left the hotel. In the lobby, they met Dai Anmin.

At this time, Dai Anmin lost his previous enthusiasm, but did not bring any follow-up with the director of the film and television department of the CCTV Literature and Art Program Center.

Dai Anmin came to say hello to Jin Yutang first and said, "Cousin Yu, what a coincidence, come here for dinner!"

The so-called reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Jin Yutang is not easy to lose his demeanor and said, "Yes! Come and have a meal! Anmin, if I'm right, the one over there should be Director Yang of the CCTV Literature and Art Program Center and the Film and Television Department. Isn't your Sacred Heart going to make any big move?

Dai Anmin said with a smile: "CCTV has agreed to broadcast "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the prime time from tonight, asking Minister Yang to come out for dinner, just to thank you."

Jin Yutang suddenly changed his color, with one set of CCTV, eight sets, and 11 local satellite TV stations. "Romance of the Later Three Kingdoms" is completely likely to surpass the ratings!

Dai Anmin looked at Jin Yutang's surprised expression and said with a smile, "Cousin Yu, the game has just begun. It is still unknown who will die. You can't be happy too early!"