Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 143 Jiang Langcai

At 9:00 a.m. on November 1st, the online bookstore on the official website of Wansheng Books was put on the shelves of Books and Swords. A 30,000-word trial reading chapter has been made for readers to read for free. The novel has also been put on the shelves in various domestic stores of Xinhua Bookstore.

Because it is not serialized in the newspaper, readers know nothing about the content of the novel. Most of the people who bought it directly from the bookstore were out of trust in the reputation of Xingzai. The online bookstore is attracted by the tortuous plot and interlocking plot at the beginning.

What's more strange is that after reading the free chapters on the Internet, some readers can't wait for express delivery, but go directly to the bookstore to buy them. The whole book is 520,000 words, priced at 38 yuan. If you buy it online, you can get a 20% discount, but in the eyes of the fans of "Xingzai", it doesn't matter if you want to get this discount.

On November 4, Wansheng Book Company counted the total sales of Book and Sword Records, but only 70,000 copies in three days, although compared with other martial arts novel writers, this is not a good result. However, compared with Zhang Duo's previous works, the sales volume has dropped by more than a little.

When the second and third volumes of The Return of the Condor Heroes were released, the sales volume exceeded 100,000 copies in the first three days, and when it came to the sales of The Book and Sword, the sales actually decreased by 30%. Compared with Zhang Duo's popularity at this time, this was a big failure.

What's worse, in the star rating system launched on the official website of Wansheng Book, the scores of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, the Affectionate Swordsman, the Return of the Condor Heroes and the Bright Sword are all more than nine points, while the score of the Book and Sword is only 72, which is obviously more than the other four books. It is lower than one level.

Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, Legend of the Condor Heroes and The Love Swordsman's Unremitable Sword were previously authorized to be published by Songjiang People's Publishing House, and the authorization period is only three years. But even so, if Wansheng Books wants to sell these three books, they have to get them from Songjiang People's Publishing House. Fortunately, after the rise of Wansheng Books, Zhao Dekang knew that confrontation was not beneficial, so he did not refuse to supply Wansheng Books. Only in the online bookstore can these three books be sold, but the sales volume is already dispensable, which is not as good as before!

Although Wansheng Book Online Bookstore can't sell a few copies of Demi-Gods, Legend of the Condor Heroes and the Affectionate Swordsman's Unremitable Sword, readers have scored and written comments on them. Not only that, comments on other novels have also sprung up, and the comments in Wansheng Book Online Mall have now become an extremely authoritative standard in the minds of readers.

The score of "Book and Sword Enmity" is only 72, and the number of people who cast four stars and three stars accounted for 39 percent and 38 percent respectively. For every work before Zhang Duo, more than 60% of the five-star works have been cast.

With the popularization of the Internet, the era of past film, television and literary works that could only be allowed to comment on newspapers and magazines to manipulate public opinion is gone forever. More and more people began to pay attention to the comments on the Internet, and many people began to write book reviews in person.

In comparison, newspaper reviews are actually a kind of "indoctrinated comments". Readers are more passive to read and evaluate newspaper comments and cannot express their opinions and suggestions at any time. Online comments are "interactive comments". Every netizen can express their own opinions on other people's views, which is the most obvious difference between the two, and also makes the latter one more and more popular among readers.

The reaction reflected in the Book and Sword Enmity Record is that the comments in newspapers such as Songjiang Morning News, Northeast Evening News, Beijing Evening News, Chutian Daily, Southern New Evening News and other newspapers have not produced any major response, at least much lower than before. . Wansheng Bookstore has a lot of comments, and the official forum is even more noisy.

Netizens "the boat sank naturally at the bridge" and made a long comment, "Jiang Lang is exhausted!"

"This book is Xing Zai's fifth martial arts novel and his eighth novel. In just over a year, Xingzai has been writing more than five million words. He is not the fastest writer on the planet, but he is definitely the best-quality writer at the same speed. At the same time, he is also the best vernacular popular novelist in China so far.

Although there are sayings of "Nan Wangcheng and Beinanxing" in the novel world, I secretly believe that although the plot of Wang Cheng's novel is ups and downs and gripping, its connotation is more than one, which is really incomparable to Xingzai.

Although I don't think Xing Zai will always be so unsurpassable, his thinking will always be exhausted when he writes so overloaded. Jiang Lang never thought that this day would come so quickly.

In the novel, the jade pendant given by Emperor Qianlong to Chen Jialuo is engraved with four sentences: "strong is humiliating, affection is not long, modest gentleman, gentle as jade". I thought this was quoted by Xing Zai from that classic book, but after consulting several professors and scholars, they all said that they had never seen it before, only knew that it should be from Xing Zai's original.

I have to sigh at Xingzai's talent. In such a novel with a significantly declining level, there are such philosophical words. Xingzai's talent is really unmatched, but it is also so a pity.

Compared with Xing Zai's early works, it is really a great loss to produce such a novel in the mature period. Xing Zai gave up the previous mode of highlighting one or several protagonists, but adopted the writing style of group dramas, depicting more than a dozen red flowers as the masters, but lacked shocking heroes like Qiao Feng and Guo Jing.

In addition, Chen Jialuo is really a failed artistic image. He gave up to Qianlong again and again, and gave the woman who loved him deeply to his brother as a plaything; his woman's kindness let go of Zhang Zhaozhong several times; he lacked determination. In the battle of the Yellow River Ferry, he should have rushed up, but he talked about the rules of the world and fought alone, and lost the opportunity to save Wentai in vain.

It is really inappropriate for Xing Zai to write such a work in his mature period. I think he is either eager to make money and wants to produce more books when he is famous. Or I'm busy writing books and filming, and I really don't have extra time to think. But no matter what the reason, it can't be an excuse for his perfunctory readers.

If you are strong, you will be humiliated, if you are affectionate, and if you are eager, you will not reach it! What I want to say to Xingzai is, don't be strong anymore! If you continue to be fast and not quality, our fans will vote with their feet and leave you!"

Netizen's reply is:

1st floor: "Master, senior black, no explanation!"

2nd floor: "The poster's analysis is really incisive! This book "Book, Sword and Enmity" is really bad. I was blind for 38 yuan. Xing Zai must have written this book to cheat money!"

3rd floor: "Since ancient times, the second floor has been shipped, and the ancients are not bullied!"

4th floor: "I'm sorry, the second floor is a dog I raised. I just accidentally lost it!"

5th floor: "Dogs on the 4th floor can surf the Internet, and I think the 4th floor is also a talent!"

6th floor: "Are you sure that the dog you lost on the 4th floor is not the poster?"

7: "The dog that bites doesn't bark, and the barking dog doesn't bite. The thread starter can bark and bite. He is a dog!"


Of course, many readers also like the book "Book and Sword" very much, and think that the word "Book Sword" is really appropriate for Chen Jialuo. He is an elegant scholar. Without the atmosphere of a great hero, he is not enough to shoulder the great mission of the Red Flower to fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty.

His tragedy is the tragedy of his character. He reluctantly assumed the responsibility of the helmsman of the Red Flower Club, tried his best to play his role, and played a brave and skillful leader in front of others, but the weak side of the scholar in his heart did not disappear as a result. He was not as confident and skillful as he seemed.

The netizen "Red Flower Club Beijing Divides" gave a high evaluation of "Book and Sword Enmity Record". "This book is not long, but the plot is tortuous and interlocked. In particular, the clip of cheating Zhang Zhaozhong and Liuhe Tower falling into Qianlong is also harmonious and moderate. Every time I look at it, I feel relaxed and appreciate it!

Speaking of "Book Sword" makes me feel broken, as a wonderful character description. Chen Jialuo leads the army. Although there are many shortcomings, he also has his glorious side every time he makes a mistake.

The one-armed old man who chased the soul was also a naive and infatuated figure. As long as she opened her mouth, she would cut off her arm and give it to her lover without hesitation.

Mitreya Buddha-like thousand-handed Buddha Zhao Banshan, has nothing, but his hidden weapon kung fu is endless, and he is free, and there is Wen Tailai, the thunder hand of great love. He is refreshing to hit the festival and sing, and the open-minded smile of kindness and hatred, and he is seriously injured against four. However, he still protected his wife behind him without changing his face. Although such affection is not written in detail in the book, it is also heart-wrapping.

Except for the unreal fragrant princess, the female characters in the book have their own cuteness. Luo Bing, who is affectionate and smiles like flowers; Li Yuanzhi, who dares to love and hate. But what worries me most is Huo Qingtong.

There is no girl in the novel that gives me such a sense of recognition, that is, admiration, and even a little pity. She is such a beautiful girl, but it's a pity that a good girl meets, usually not a good man.

After reading the book, I came up with a word that Huiji will hurt. Of course, it is the four sentences that come from my deep feelings. If people are too smart, they will hurt their brains. If people use too much affection, they will hurt their life expectancy. As a human being, it's better to be open-open.

I can think of the green feathers in the depths of the lonely smoke in the desert, the light yellow shirt, and the lonely and stubborn back. I also feel that maintaining dignity and giving up, and facing pain and gains and losses without fear, even if it is very hard, as long as you can get inner stability and calmness, it is worth it anyway, right?

Such a post naturally has a high click rate and countless replies. Some readers made an interesting call for book reviews and novels, and came to the website to browse posts every day, which Zhang Duo and Jiang Xiancheng did not expect.

With more and more comments and more debate, the sales of "Book and Sword" have begun to rise steadily, and the sales volume has exceeded 30,000 copies in a single day. However, the comments on the Internet are also becoming more and more polarized. Readers who like it have brought the Book and Sword Enmity to heaven. Readers who hate it can't wait to attack Zhang Duo and the Book and Sword Enity Record in the most vicious language, and they can't wait to overturn them to the ground and step on 10,000 feet.