Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 196 Ask right in front of the hall

Jin Yutang smiled and said, "Now the whole world knows that I am the producer of this film. Even if something happens, they will find me first. What are you worried about?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Cousin Yu, how can I hear a little complacent?"

Jin Yutang was a little embarrassed when he heard it. He is really proud during this period. A "Hero's Color" made him famous in the film and television industry. In the past, many "little ones" called to congratulate them. Only by complimenting his eyes like a torch and discerning talents can there be the appearance of "Hero's true colors". Jin Yutang agrees with these words very much, because Zhang Duo didn't want to shoot this play at first. If he hadn't insisted on it, how could this famous hero film have appeared all over the world!

However, when Zhang Duo broke his mind, Jin Yutang also blushed a little. You boy, don't make fun of me. Go there on time tonight. My father doesn't like people who are not punctual.

Zhang Duo said he knew and hung up the phone. Thinking of going to see Jin Huai in the evening, I felt a little confused. Talking to Jin Huaizhong is not a pleasant thing for him. It feels like he made a mistake in his previous life and was called to the office by the head teacher to talk. Although the previous talks were pleasant, the two had a huge difference in status after all. No matter how kind Jin Huaizhong is, Zhang Duo feels restrained.

Jin Yuzhi is still filming in Jiangnan Film and Television City, so no one picked him up at Jin Huaizhong's house this time. Although his car did not have a pass for the family building of the provincial party committee, the doorman had been notified in advance, and Zhang Duo drove the car directly downstairs.

When he entered the house, a babysitter opened the door for him. Zhang Duo quickly said hello to the couple in Jin's arms sitting in the living room: "How are Uncle Jin, Aunt Huo!" The two also greeted Zhang Duo with a smile.

After the greeting, Huo Sining went back to his room. Only Jin Huaizhong and Zhang Duo were left to talk in the living room. Jin Huaizhong said, "What, I heard that you have been very busy recently?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "It's just busy!"

"It's good to be diligent and progressive, but don't work too hard. You are still young, and there is still a long way to go!" Jin Huaizhong said earnestly.

Hearing such heartfelt persuasion, Zhang Duo was a little moved and said, "Well, I know that my workload will be greatly reduced from the second half of the year."

Jin Huaizhong is satisfied with the location and appreciates Zhang Duo's attitude. He once borrowed Yuzhi's words to persuade Zhang Duo not to be a singer. In avoid being greedy and chewy, although there are many dabbles, all of them are mediocre. Zhang Duo was willing to listen humbly, which made him have a good impression of Zhang Duo. He felt that he was talented and knew how to advance and retreat. If he was not too young, he would be a good son-in-law.

"Your new work "Emperor Yongzheng" is well written. Now it is very popular in the office. But Yongzheng's reputation in the past was not good. How can you think about writing about him? Jin picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Zhang Duo knew that the purpose of calling him in Jin Huai was because of this. If you are an ordinary reader, when you read a novel, if you encounter the author digging a pit or don't understand the author's intention, you can only wait for the author to reveal the secret and fill the pit little by little. However, Jin was different. With his detached identity and the relationship between Zhang Duo and Jin Yu's cousin, he directly called Zhang Duo over and asked.

Zhang Duo said, "I don't know what Uncle Jin thinks of Emperor Yang of Sui?"

Jin thought for a moment before answering, "Sin is in the contemporary era, and the merit is in Qianqiu." Jin Huaizhong is also a person who is full of history books. Naturally, he will not regard the desolate and tyrannical Emperor Yang of Sui in folk history as his real image in history.

"Yes, looking at what Emperor Yang has done in his life, he really deserves the evaluation of these eight words. Because he believes in 'I plan for the world, and I don't cherish the little people'! He only has his great cause in his eyes, but he can't see the suffering of the people. In those years, Mr. Zhongshan mentioned *, nationality, civil rights and people's livelihood. In my opinion, the most important thing is people's livelihood. Zhang Duo talked.

There was a "oh" in Jin's arms, which was obviously a little unexpected. Because if the status of people's livelihood is raised, doesn't that mean that the nation and civil rights are not so important? If this topic is raised, this is a matter of principle!

"Typ, why is people's livelihood the most important?" Jin Huai asked quietly.

"Han civilization has been subjugated twice, once in Mongolia and once in the Qing Dynasty. However, the most fundamental reason why the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown was not because of national and civil rights, but more because of people's livelihood.

"Oh, is the issue of people's livelihood more important than national and civil rights?"

Zhang Duo smiled unscrupulously. In fact, in the history of China, the driving force for changing dynasties did not come from class struggle, nor because of national antagonism, but because of political corruption, which led to economic collapse. Do it randomly from the top, and lose from the bottom. The people of China are the most tenatical people in the world. They will not rebel until they can't eat.

"So, do you think people's livelihood is the most important?" Jin Huaizhong said.

"It can be said that the requirements of the people are very simple, that is, food and clothing, honor and disgrace. It's just that you can eat enough, wear warm clothes and live with dignity.

Jin Huaizhong sneered, "Do you think you can do this under the rule of Yongzheng?"

"Yongzheng's reputation is too bad because he confiscated his family* and the official gentry to accept food together. If they offend the literati and intellectuals, of course they will slander Yongzheng to death. Just like today's society, vigorously fighting corruption and requiring civil servants to pay taxes like ordinary people will naturally make these "moral class" dissatisfied. Zhang Duo said for example.

"I can't imagine that your idea is quite profound. Why, are you dissatisfied with the current society?" Jin Huai asked quietly.

Zhang Duo laughed, "It's not enough to be dissatisfied, but there is absolutely unfairness in this society. In the Yongzheng Dynasty more than 200 years ago, a monarch from Yidi was able to vigorously reform, rectify the government, spread the officials into mu, and abolish the head tax; the fire was depleted to the public and crack down on the arbitrary spread of local officials; the gentry accepted grain, at least in the law, so that both officials and businessmen paid taxes in accordance with the law. Taking history as a lesson, it can be seen that it is too unfair for such a promising monarch to be slandered by wild historical legends.

Jin was in his arms and said silently for a long time, "I don't think you are young, but your thoughts are quite profound. Why, if you have any good advice, you might as well talk to your uncle!"

"Ah, ask me?" Zhang Duo was a little surprised.

"Yes, your Uncle Jin is also a person who can listen to the sky. Since you have some ideas about this country, you might as well talk about it. If it is feasible, it may benefit all people!"

"I, I just said it casually!" Hearing that Jin Huaizhong really let him participate in politics, Zhang Duo showed timidity instead.

Jin Huaizhong waved his hand and said, "From your Yongzheng Dynasty, you are a person who has great ideas about history, politics and people's livelihood. There are no outsiders here today. You can say whatever you think of. Those who speak are innocent, and those who hear it are full of warning!"

Zhang Duo was shocked when he heard those eight words. He is also a person who is quite interested in national history. Naturally, he knows the allusions of these eight words.

Jin looked at Zhang Duo and said with a straight face, "Why, is it possible that you have also made the problems of those poor literati? When you criticize the country, it is one set; when you really let you participate in politics and make some useful suggestions, you have nothing to say. You can't be that kind of rotten Confucianism, but carving insects, specializing in calligraphy, youthful work, and poor scriptures; although there are thousands of words in your writing, there is really nothing you can do in your mind, right?

Zhang Duo was originally worried, but looking at the increasingly majestic expression in Jin's arms and disdainful eyes, his heart suddenly became heroic and said, damn it, what can I do?

"Father King, I ask you to write to the central government to request exemption from agricultural tax!" Zhang Duo suddenly sat upright and said loudly.

Jin was stunned in an instant and shouted, "What are you talking about?" His appearance was calm, but he set off a stormy wave in his heart. You know, Huaxia has collected agricultural taxes for more than 2,000 years. How can it be that Zhang Duo, a boy in cloth, is exempted?

Now that it has been said, Zhang Duo naturally can't continue to withdraw. "I'm not sure how much the annual agricultural tax is. I heard that it's only more than 200 billion yuan, which is equivalent to a year's public money for eating and drinking. What about public travel and private use of public vehicles? So I think this dynasty is not short of farmers, but if it is cancelled, the derivative expenses attached to the agricultural tax will have no carrier for survival. I think it is very meaningful to reduce the burden on farmers. Uncle Jin can see more information. You might as well think about what the boy said.

For this reason, the two of them are no longer interested in talking about novels. Jin Huaizhong nodded, thought in his heart, and stopped talking. Zhang Duo sat on the sofa, just like an old monk.

It's just that Zhang Duo came here. The Jin family had to take care of a meal. After eating, Zhang Duo drove away.

After dinner, Jin Huaizhong still sat in the living room thoughtfully. Huo Sining saw it and said curiously, "Aren't you just talking about some novels? Why did he give you any inspiration? You look worried!"

Jin Huaizhong smiled bitterly and said, "Do you know what he said to me?"

Huo Sining filled the cup in Jin's arms with tea and said, "How do I know what you two said?"

"He suggested that I write to the central government to exempt agricultural tax."

Huo Sining's hand shook, and the teapot almost fell to the ground. "This child is too bold. How dare he think about anything?"

Jin Huaizhong sighed, "If he is just bold, but the problem is that the proposal he made is very feasible.

Huoning's eyes were wide open and her face was incredible, "You mean that what this child said was not open-mouthed, but after careful consideration?"

"That's true. It's like Sun Zhongmou to have children!"