Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 243 Smiling Proud Jianghu

Zhang Duo is now busy filming every day. He doesn't care about these things at all, but he is worried about Tang Tianhao. Since Songjiang Morning Post stopped serializing Emperor Yongzheng, the sales of Songjiang Morning Post have dropped sharply. Although enterprises and institutions have not canceled their subscriptions due to the suspension of novel serialization, many ordinary readers who mainly read novel serialization no longer buy it. At present, the average daily circulation of Songjiang Morning Post has fallen to 203 million copies, which is close to 2 million copies.

Tang Tianhao is naturally not as calm as Zhang Duo. After reading the data report, he felt uneasy and felt that he had to talk to Zhang Duo in person. He arrived in Xixia by plane. After waiting for most of the day, I didn't have time to talk to Zhang Duo until midnight.

In Zhang Duo's room, Tang Tianhao sat on the sofa and didn't have time to take a sip of tea. He asked anxiously, "Zhang Shao, do you have any plans for the next book?"

Zhang Duo went out after five o'clock this morning and didn't come back until 12 o'clock at night. He was already exhausted. It's just that Tang Tianhao came from afar and had to be dismissed first.

"Lao Tang, it's not a big deal. Just make a phone call. Why go there in person!" Zhang Duo said listlessly.

Tang Tianhao said with a wry smile: "Zhang Shao's next novel will at least affect the operation of the newspaper for a year. I'm uneasy if I don't ask such a big thing face to face!"

Zhang Duo smiled and squinted and said, "Why, I'm really worried that even if I rewrite a martial arts novel, as said in newspapers and on the Internet, I can't beat Zhou Yuemin?"

Tang Tianhao said worriedly, "That Zhou Yuemin is now being promoted by CCTV, but his popularity is getting higher and higher. And he was even more open-spoked. There was a media interview two days ago, and he actually said that he wanted Zhang Shao to retire while his reputation is not damaged now, so as not to be guaranteed in the future.

Zhang Duo listened and said with a smile, "If you become a poor gentleman, natural bones will be formed. Rich villains are not free from frivolousness. Then Zhou Yuemin just became popular with a book. He is so arrogant, and his future achievements may be very limited!"

Tang Tianhao nodded and said, "I have also read his Search for the Ming Ji. In addition to its creativity, it is not the same as Zhang Shao in terms of writing structure and writing words. If Zhang Shao writes this kind of overhead novel, maybe he will not be his rampant!"

Zhang Duo nodded and said, "There are talented people in the country, each leading ** for hundreds of years. So many writers who follow the trend must have extraordinary talents. Maybe it won't be long before there will be people who surpass Zhou Yuemin. I just don't know what kind of work he could write at that time.

"Isn't Zhang Shao going to write an overhead novel? With your ideas and writing, it's easy to write an overhead work to defeat Zhou Yuemin? Tang Tianhao persuaded him.

Zhang Duo shook his head and said, "I don't plan to write overhead novels for the time being!"

"What does that young man want to write, or is it a martial arts novel?" Tang Tianhao asked.

"Yes, the next one is still a martial arts novel called "Smiling Proud Jianghu."

"Laughing Proud Jianghu? It sounds like a lot of meaning. What's the origin?

Zhang Duo said casually: "In the ninth episode of Journey to the West, "Yuan Shoucheng's selfless song, the old dragon king's clumsy plan violates the heavenly rules", the fisherman's "Xijiangyue" words "I have to cook with a strong taste, and laugh proudly fight in the world."

Tang Tianhao listened and couldn't help sighing, "Zhang's youth is not big, but his knowledge is really unspeakable."

Zhang Duo waved his hand with a smile and said, "It's just a snack when reading a book. Just write it down!"

"Zhang Shao, since you are determined to write this "Smiling Proud Jianghu", I think it should be good. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils is biased towards Buddhism, and "The Condor Heroes" focuses on love. I don't know if there is any theme in this "Smiling Proud Jianghu"? Tang Tianhao was still a little worried and continued to ask.

After sitting down, Zhang Duo took a few sips of strong tea. Although he was a little energetic, his body was still a little tired. But Tang Tianhao came from afar, and there were still a lot of things in the newspaper. It was impossible for him to wait any longer and simply finished talking about it.

"Smiling Proud Jianghu" is a political fable. So this book has no time setting, because similar scenes can happen in any dynasty..."

"Politics?" Zhang Duo only said half of it, and Tang Tianhao exclaimed, and then woke up in his heart. At the end of the writing of Emperor Yongzheng, Zhang Shao must feel uncomfortable. And the most successful thing about this book is the power scheme in it,*. Now that he wants to write a martial arts novel like a political fable, he must want to prove to the world that he can write a novel that embodies the struggle for power, but the carrier has changed from a historical romance to a martial arts novel!"

When Zhang Duo saw Tang Tianhao shouting, he said puzzled, "What's the matter, Lao Tang?"

Of course, Tang Tianhao will not say what he thinks, but just praises it: "With Zhang Shao's current conception and writing style, I believe that this novel will definitely reproduce the glory of the Demi-Gods and Dragon Trilogy."

Zhang Duo nodded with a smile, which is the default. In fact, the novel "Smiling Proud Jianghu" ranks third in the list of Jin Yong's works by Ni Kuang, only under "The Deer Tripod" and "Tianlong Babu".

The novel has a rigorous and rich structure, a magnificent and delicate content, a vivid and smooth language, a tortuous plot, and a profound and vast theme. No matter from which perspective, readers will not be disappointed. It can be said to be an unprecedented amazing work in the world of martial arts.

There are thrilling fighting, unpredictable conspiracies, interesting romances, and rich philosophy in "Smiling Proud Jianghu". It has gone beyond the connotation of the martial arts novel itself, from which readers can experience the philosophy of success or failure, honor and disgrace, utilitarian and love.

And this book is ingenious in all aspects of love, narrative, scenery and speech, which is completely comparable to the first-class novels at home and abroad. Therefore, many readers have promoted "Smiling Proud Jianghu" as the first place in Mr. Jin Yong's works.

When Mr. Jin Yong wrote this book, it was the time of the mainland catastrophe. When the powerful and rebels do everything in order to fight for power and profit, the humbleness of human nature appears in a concentrated way. Mr. Jin Yong writes editorials for Ming Pao every day, and his strong disgust with the obscene behavior in politics is naturally reflected in writing a martial arts novel every day. This novel does not deliberately insinuATE the catastrophe, but attempts to portray several common phenomena in China's political life for more than 3,000 years through some characters in the book.

Ren wo Xing, Dongfang Bubai, Yue Buqun and Zuo Leng Chan were mainly not martial arts masters, but political figures in their original vision. Lin Pingzhi, Xiang Wentian, Master Fang Zheng, Chongxu Taoist, Ding Xianshi Tai, Mr. Mo Da, Yu Canghai, Mu Gaofeng and others are also political figures.

This kind of character can be found in every dynasty, in other countries, and in enterprises of all sizes, schools, and various groups.

When Xiao Ao Jiang Hu was serialized in Ming Pao, 21 Chinese newspapers, Vietnamese newspapers and French newspapers in Saigon were serialized at the same time. During the debate in the South Vietnamese Congress, some legislators often accuse the other party of being "Yue Fuqun" (a hypocrite) or "Zuo Leng Chan" (an attempt to establish a hegemon). Probably due to the political turmoil in South Vietnam at that time, ordinary people were particularly interested in *.

Nowadays, ordinary readers may not be able to see so many meanings in China for a long time. However, when Emperor Yongzheng was serialized, Songjiang Morning Post had many readers of government agencies, enterprises and institutions, and I believe they will soon see the political fable of this novel. At that time, I will also follow the picture to see who is Yue Fuqun and who is Zuo Lengchan!

Zhang Duo talked about his main idea of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" to Tang Tianhao, which finally made him feel at heart. When the goal was achieved, Tang Tianhao stopped interrupting, got up and left, and opened another room to rest.

Zhang Duo couldn't sleep for a while because he drank too much strong tea, so he simply continued to think about the future.

Zhang Duo really doesn't look up to Zhou Yuemin's Search for the Ming Dynasty. This novel is only creative. In terms of structure, content, language, plot and theme, it is simply the same as Xiao Ao Jianghu, so he is not worried that Xiao Ao Jianghu will fail.

On the other hand, Zhang Duo's current focus has gradually shifted from TV series to movies. Among Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels, the most successful adaptation into a film is "Smiling Proud Jianghu"! "East Evil and West Poison" is not popular, although the reputation and box office of "East and West" are quite high, it has no connotation. Only "Smiling Proud Jianghu" borrows the past and satirizes the present, with a fierce style, box office and reputation.

If nothing happens, after the end of Journey to the West, Zhang Duo is ready to move Xiao Ao Jianghu to the screen. However, Linghu Chong is one of the most difficult protagonists of Mr. Jin Yong's martial arts novels, so that no version of the TV series "Smiling Proud Wanderer" in his previous life dared to be called classics. So much so that the movie version of "Smiling Proud Wanderer" invited Xu Guanjie, who is over 40 years old, to play the role, but it was rated as the most successful Ling Huchong, because he perfectly integrated Ling Huchong's heroic spirit of the world with the unruly atmosphere of the market. In the future, Zhang Duo's version of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" will be asked to play Ling Huchong, which is really a problem.

The next day, Tang Tianhao got up early and flew back to Bincheng. Zhang Duo continued to lead the crew to shoot A Chinese Odyssey. Only when he is not too tired can he write a little manuscript of "Smiling Proud Jianghu" at night, but he can't save it until September 1st.

"For good, it was said that the book would be published on September 1, otherwise there would be no manuscript at all, wouldn't it be half-tiring!" Zhang Duo said with lingering heart while typing. In this way, when September 1st came, Zhang Duo had saved 80,000 words of manuscripts, and how could he handle it for half a month.

During this period, countless readers are looking forward to seeing Zhang Duo's new book as soon as possible. And the day of Zhang Duo's new book has finally come.