Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 269 Book Review

Not to mention that in 2003, even after the decline of martial arts novels, if someone wants black martial arts culture, black Chinese kung fu is not so easy. These two can be said to have become part of Chinese culture like genes.

Zhou Yuemin's move is undoubtedly a stone. Therefore, in the past few days, the momentum of "anti-martial arts" was great, but as soon as Zhang Duo came forward and participated in an interview, the momentum was reversed.

In the Northeast Evening News, Zhou Yuemin looked at Wu Weizhong with an incredible face and said, "What do you mean? I have written more than a dozen at the beginning, but now I can't pass it. What do you want?"

In the face of Zhou Yuemin's anger, Wu Weizhong was unmoved and said with a smile, "Oh, Yue Min, don't be angry. Come and sit down. Let me tell you the truth. Recently, many readers have called to complain, so the newspaper decided to suppress your manuscript first. What about you? You can also take advantage of this opportunity to think about it.

Zhou Yuemin heard this and immediately became angry, "What, are you going to hide my snow? I, I haven't written it to you yet?" After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Wu Weizhong looked at Zhou Yuemin's figure and sneered, "If you dare to go out like this, I promise that you will receive a summons from the court, ten times the liquidated damages. I don't know if the contribution fee you earned is enough to pay."

Zhou Yuemin's figure finally settled down. After a long time, she turned around with difficulty and said, "Mr. Wu, is there no room for relaxation?"

Wu Weizhong smiled again and said warmly, "Come on, sit down, sit down!" Zhou Yuemin did not lose his temperament this time and sat down on the sofa dejectedly.

"Yue Min, in fact, you are an excellent author, but this time, you are really reckless. Do you know how many people call and write to complain about you? Tens of thousands! So this time, you have to avoid the limelight first. Wouldn't it be better for you to go out of the mountain and fight with Zhang Duo? Wu Weizhong persuaded earnestly.

Zhou Yuemin is not an idle person. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally made up his mind. Just now, I still had a unwilling face, and in a blink of an eye, I became resolute. OK, I will listen to Uncle Wu's instructions and go home to devote myself to writing. In a few months, I will definitely take out a good work and compete with Zhang Duo.

Wu Weizhong patted Zhou Yuemin on the shoulder and smiled with satisfaction, "That's right! Write well, I have confidence in you. I hope you can surpass Zhang Duo and come up with better works than Xiao Ao Jiang Hu.

In several martial arts works under Zhang Duo's name, there are people who admire them. For example, Wang Cheng likes "The Affectionate Swordmerciless Sword" and "Smiling Proud Jianghu", and Jin Huai likes "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Many female readers prefer The Return of the Condor Heroes, while readers with Buddhist ideas prefer Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils.

Probably because Zhang Duo's last work before he temporarily stopped writing, "Smiling Proud Jianghu" was highly popular, and it was rated by many readers as the first martial arts novel under Zhang Duo's name.

Smiling Proud Jianghu finally finished serializing the last chapter on April 30, but by May 1st, no new book will be released, because Zhang Duo has to prepare for the college entrance examination and temporarily stopped writing. Countless readers sighed after putting down the newspaper. Since the serialization of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils began on October 10, 2000, and the serialization of Smiling Proud Jianghu ended on April 30, 2003. In more than two and a half years, Zhang Duo's novels have brought them too much joy.

At its peak, tens of thousands of words are updated every day, ups and downs plots, distinctive characters, and magnificent layout make countless readers intoxicated. And all this ended on May 1st.

But on May Day, the newspaper was not silent, but became more lively. The headline of the entertainment section of Songjiang Morning Post is an inventory of Zhang Duo's novels and achievements over the past two years. Let readers realize how much Zhang Duo has achieved in the popular novel industry, and other newspapers often publish the book review of the newly serialized Smiling Proud Jianghu.

Wei Wenzhao, an associate professor in the Chinese Department of Yanjing University, who once wrote "the three commons", published an article in today's reference, the largest newspaper in China - On the Invincible East and Ancient Chinese Politics

"Zhang Duo's novel "Smiling Proud Jianghu" was serialized in the last chapter yesterday. After reading it, I sighed a lot. On the surface, this book is a martial arts novel, but it is actually a political fable. Every character in the book is a political figure, and among these characters, the most shocking thing is the invincible in the East.

The unusual thing about the invincible thing in the East is that after he seized power, he lost interest in power and hid to learn to be a woman.

Some readers may find it incredible, but from another perspective, this person who got all the power was extremely cold. In order to surpass nature, he began to pursue what he could not get at all in that era. No matter how delicate his clothes are, no matter how hard he embroiders, he can't become a real woman. He said to Ren Yingying that he envied her daughter. Although it is not necessarily out of sincerity, it is also a little true.

On the surface, the invincible and creepy place in the East is that as a generation of heroes, they draw knives from the palace, imitate the women in the boudoir, and unexpectedly fall in love with vulgar people like Yang Lianting!

However, the real chilling thing about Oriental Invincibility is that it is not a matter of sex, but that he knows that his subordinates are in power, but ignore it, but let it go.

The East is invincible and seizing power in my hands. In terms of wisdom and martial arts, it is not inferior to me. In fact, Renwoxing also claimed that Dongfang Invincible was the first person he admired. However, after Dongfang won the power and established his prestige, he was fascinated by the Sunflower Book and had no intention to deal with academic affairs, so he handed over his power to his favorite Yang Lianting and let him do his nonsense.

Yang Lianting is simply a greedy and selfish mediocre villain. His ruling method is nothing more than pretending to be undefeated in the East and implementing the most primitive *. What he has done is nothing more than the opportunity to meet his subordinates from the East undefeated, and then falsely pass on the holy edict and do whatever he wants, exactly the same as the eunuchs in history. The manipulation of power by villains close to the emperor is originally a tragedy of court politics in China for thousands of years. It is also a typical tragedy of the combination of human rule and totalitarianism. It not only happens in Chinese history, but also in large and small Chinese social organizations. Of course, it can also happen within the Sun and Moon God Religion. Historically, loyal ministers thought that the problem could be solved by removing the villain beside the emperor, but they did not know that the real problem actually lies in the emperor and the system. The villain's ambition is just to take advantage of his favor and take advantage of the weakness of the system.

Tong Baixiong, an invincible loyal subordinate of the East, thought that as long as he found Dongfang invincible and asked for instructions face to face, he could get justice. As long as he knew the truth, he would not allow the academic affairs to deteriorate. However, after seeing the invincible face of the East, Tong Baixiong found that There is no difference. Some things are known by the East, but it is the same if you don't know them. Yang Lianting will also let Yang Lianting do it.

The terrible thing about Oriental Invincibility is that he is not crazy and he is very sober. At this point, he is only most concerned about his personal preferences. As for his subordinates and how the Sun and Moon God Religion is, he has been indifferent. The totalitarian can be so calm and arrogant, which is the most chilling thing about the invincible in the East...

Today's Reference is the newspaper with the largest circulation in China. Its influence, even if it is Songjiang Morning Post and Northeast Evening News, can't be compared with it.

So as soon as this review comes out, it is not as simple for domestic newspapers to reprint and follow the trend, but to make Zhang Duo's novels known to more people in the domestic political field. Smiling Proud Jianghu has also become the third must-read novel in officialdom after Emperor Yongzheng and Those Things in the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, in Zhang Duo's house in Xingshan City, he looked at Jin Yuzhi sitting on the sofa and said for a long time, "Sister Yuzhi, why do you have time to come over!"

Jin Yuzhi's pupils shrank slightly, staring at Zhang Duo and said, "Why, you don't welcome me?"

"No, of course not, I welcome you!" Zhang Duo said with a fake smile. He remembers that Jin Yuzhi said that she wanted to go back to Xingshan to open a shop, but thinking that it's May now, she will take the college entrance examination in one month. She shouldn't be so crazy!

"Well, look at your fake strength. It's nothing. Isn't this the serialization of your "Smiling Proud Wanderer"? Our old man hasn't read books these days, as if something is missing. As for me, I will come and ask him if there is any manuscript of your plan for the next book!" Jin Yuzhi said in a flat tone.

Zhang Duo wanted to ask her, "Sister, don't you know that there is a high-tech product called mobile phones in the world?" Of course, he just thought about this sentence in his heart, and he couldn't say it. Otherwise, Jin Yuzhi might have killed him.

"The next book is still being conceived, so I haven't saved the manuscript for you now!" Zhang Duo lowered his head and said. Jin Yuzhi listened, but her face was not different, and she looked as expected. Asking the next book is an excuse, and it's the kind that can't even be opened.

In the evening, Zhang Duo did not go to school, but cooked some dishes for Jin Yuzhi at home. He was proficient in cooking before he was reborn, and even now he is not unfamiliar.

Braised spareribs, stewed crucian carp, fried broccoli, home-cooked cold dishes, plus a large bone radish soup. After serving, Jin Yuzhi sniffed gently and praised, "That's good, A Duo, I didn't expect you to have this skill!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Of course, as far as my craft is concerned, the worst is the national second-class chef."

Jin Yuzhi gave him a white look and said, "Well, don't be fair!" However, I took a bite of the crucian carp and found that it tasted good, no worse than the little babysitter at home.

"A Duo, when did you practice cooking?" Jin Yuzhi is a little curious.

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Do you still need to practice? I just follow the recipe. As you know, our men's hands-on ability is much better than that of girls. Only whether you want to do it or not, but whether you can do it or not.

"Cut, live...!" Jin Yuzhi just wanted to say that you can also have a baby, but she felt un elegant and swallowed it back.

Zhang Duo didn't understand what she meant and laughed more and more unscrupulously. Jin Yuzhi said unhappily, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" Zhang Duo restrained his smile in an instant and ate seriously. His face changed so naturally that Jin Yuzhi couldn't get angry.