Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 327 Hot

At the end of the film, when the lights in the projection hall were turned on, the audience was a little uncomfortable. However, dozens of seconds later, there was thunderous applause.

As the investors of the film, Song Siwei, Dai Anmin and Li Wenfeng came to the stage and received interviews and blessings from the media. Zhang Duo turned around and went out of the door and returned to the lounge. It is well known that he doesn't like to deal with the media. No one will feel weird. Instead, he thinks that the big director should have some quirks.

In the lounge of Wanbang Hospital, Zhang Duo leaned against the sofa and closed his eyes to refresh his mind. Jin Yuzhi pushed the door in, sat down next to him, and said, "A Duo, where are you going later?"

Zhang Duo opened his eyes and said, "Go back to my house!"

Jin Yuzhi leaned her head on Zhang Duo's shoulder and said for a long time, "A Duo, Dad meant that we should hold an engagement ceremony and set our names. What do you think?"

Zhang Duo frowned and then relaxed and said, "Is it too early? After all, I'm still in college!"

Jin Yuzhi said softly, "It's not early. Many people can get engaged after the age of 18!"

Zhang Duo frowned more tightly. Of course, he knew the meaning behind the engagement, and also knew that the Jin family was unlikely to tolerate his two minds. Let's talk about these things later, okay?"

At this time, Zhang Duo's mobile phone rang. Qin Lan called and said aggrievedly, "A Duo, where have you gone after watching the movie? Can you send us back to school?"

Qin Lan came with her classmates. Zhang Duo found an excuse and asked several people to sit in the back row of the cinema.

Zhang Duo said, "Lanlan, I'm still a little busy here. Can I ask Wang Zicheng to drive you back?"

Qin Lan said disappointedly, "Well, then pay attention to rest!"

Zhang Duo hummed and hung up the phone. Jin Yuzhi sneered and said, "A Duo, is this interesting?"

Zhang Duo smiled bitterly, "It's boring, but that's what I am. I can't afford to hold it. I can't let it go. The palms and backs of my hands are full of meat. It hurts to give up!"

Jin Yuzhi sighed, "But it's not a way for you to escape like this!"

Zhang Duo said, "Let me think about it again, think about it again!" Seeing this, Jin Yuzhi had no choice but to walk away. Zhang Duo was in a daze at his mobile phone, recalling the past few months of establishing a relationship with Jin Yuzhi. First, Ning Daier was squeezed out of the crew of The Deer Tripod, and then she was invited by the West Film Group to shoot the film, and her relationship with Zhang Duo was gradually estranged.

On Qin Lan's side, Zhang Duo, because he is ashamed of his heart, usually gathers less and is more separated, and there is actually some faint alienation.

Wang Zicheng drove Zhang Duo's Bentley and took Qin Lan and her roommates back to school, but did not find a car following them all the time. Downstairs of the girl's dormitory, Qin Lan and her roommate were about to enter the corridor hand in hand. A man jumped out of the car behind her and shouted, "Lanlan!"

Qin Lan turned around, ran over with joy, jumped on Zhang Duo, and smiled, "I knew you would come to me. Are you done, Aduo?"

Zhang Duo looked at Qin Lan with a doting face and said, "I'm done. I miss you, come and have a look!"

Qin Lan said happily, "A Duo, you are so kind to me!"

Qin Lan's roommate met Zhang Duo. In order to create a two-person world for them, they did not disturb them unwittingly. The two walked hand in hand in hand and walked along the school's grove path in the moonlight.

Qin Lan raised her face and said with a smile, "A Duo, are you tired of being busy today?"

Zhang Duo said, "I'm not tired!"

Qin Lan sat down on the stone bench of the pavilion, leaned against Zhang Duo's arms and said, "Aduo, do you think that after graduation, I will go to your company and be your secretary?"

Zhang Duo said, "So you have this idea?"

Qin Lan lowered her head and said, "Because you are always so busy that we don't even have time to date. If I can be your secretary, I can be with you every day!"

Zhang Duo hugged Qin Lan and kissed her smooth forehead and said, "Silly girl!"

Qin Lanjiao smiled and said, "I'm a stupid girl, and the women in love are stupid!" It's the kind of stupidity that men want, not much, not much!"

Zhang Duo heard this and held Qin Lan tightly in his arms, as if he was afraid of losing her. Zhang Duo wanted to make it clear to Qin Lan, but he couldn't say it again.

The next day, most domestic newspapers published the news of the premiere of The Deer Tripod, and the film reviews were mostly positive.

The comment published in Chutian Daily is "the best deer tripod" - Zhang Duo is indeed worthy of his name as a talented man. He is actually willing to make substantial changes to his original novel. A large number of characters and plot clues have been ruthlessly deleted, but what is obviously left is the essence of the original work. These trade-offs are actually effective and personalized while retaining the spiritual temperament of the original work.

Zhong Zhicheng used to be an unfamous actor, but under Zhang Duo's discovery, he had the potential to become the king of comedy. Under Zhong Zhicheng's wonderful interpretation, Wei Xiaobao's despicable, vulgar, unique funny and vulgar lines, and such a classic Wei Xiaobao character was refined in this way.

Of course, a large group of actors in this version are also indispensable. The Dolong played by Wu Jiangxiong, the deputy director of Zhang Duo, is also extremely classic. The reality that milk is the mother is more despicable and shameless than Wei Xiaobao's despicable.

I remember the scene where he pretended to be a woman in the inn and let any man want to vomit. I almost rolled to the ground with laughter in the cinema. The funniest thing is that he caught Wei Xiaobao and gave it to Longer, and actually inserted a sign of "Everendary Sinner Wei Xiaobao" on his body!

The best performance of a group of wives is Jiang Ruixue, with a pure face and a dark heart, but a pair of living treasures that complement Zhong Zhicheng.

Of course, if there is praise, there will be scolding. The Northeast Evening News still stands on the opposite side of Zhang Duo. Criticizing this "Deer Tripod", the scene is vulgar, the language is dirty, and the characters are obscene. From the protagonist to the supporting role, there is no brilliant role.

Although the Northeast Evening News scolded fiercely, readers didn't buy it much. There are almost long queues in front of cinemas in first-tier cities in China. There have never been shouts and discussions in the crowd.

In front of the Songxin Store of Bincheng Wanbang Department, Zhou Qiang, Zhang Xiaowan and Li Qingping lined up, waiting to buy movie tickets for The Deer Tripod. Before it was their turn, I heard a voice in front of them saying that the tickets had been bought.

Zhou Yuqi said angrily, "It's only a little after eight o'clock now. How can it be sold out so early?"

Li Qingping said, "I heard that this film is always funny, so people want to watch it. After all, there hasn't been any good movies for a long time!"

It is not a good period until mid-June after the Spring Festival, and The Deer Tripod is the first film in 2004 summer, which can be expected to receive high attention. In addition to the reputation of The Deer Tripod, except for Zhong Zhicheng, other supporting actors are quite popular. As soon as "The Deer and the Cauldron" was released, tickets for all theaters were sold out.

Wang Zeru took two movie tickets and took a girl into the cinema. Because of his family background, Wang Zeru often receives some small gifts from others. For example, as soon as "The Deer Tripod" was released, the Sacred Heart Academy left some tickets for some leaders in the city.

Wang Zeru took the ticket, looked back at the crowd in line, and entered the cinema with a beautiful face. His resentment against Zhang Duo is still very deep, but it does not mean that he doesn't like to watch Zhang Duo's movies. Some people are like this. They eat you here, and they don't forget to scold you.

In the projection hall, Wang Zeru, who had always been thoughtful, was also laughed at by the lines on the screen. Throughout the day, almost every cinema in the mainstream cinema in China was full.

At one o'clock at night, in the office building of Wanbang Film and Television, Song Siwei and Jin Yutang stayed at their desks, waiting for the box office results on the first day of the release. Because "Deer Tripod" was only released one game yesterday, Wanbang counted the data of No. 25 as the first day's results.

At 1:30, Chen Feiyang pushed the door in and said excitedly, "Mr. Song and Mr. Jin, the box office results have come out. It's very high! Guess how many?"

Song Siwei said to his heart, I guess your mother! He said, "Don't sell the key. Hurry up and say how many?"

Chen Feiyang said, "Two million, there are two million!" Absolutely break the first-day box office record in China!"

When Song Si heard this, he squeezed his lips and smiled, "That's good, it's good!" He looked calm, but his legs trembled slightly.

Jin Yutang couldn't close his mouth with a smile, "Haha, it's good, it's really good! If it goes on like this, the box office will be at least 500 or 600 million!"

Song Siwei said, "Yutang, let's restrain your smile. You see, A Duo didn't come to wait for the result."

Jin Yutang said, "He is not a normal person. How can he compare with him!"

Song Siwei smiled and said, "Yutang, Aduo has been in a bad mood recently. Do you want to persuade him!"

Jin Yutang frowned and said, "He has been having a lot of problems recently. I'll talk to him sometime!"

The next day, Zhang Duo stayed at home to read and visited Jin Yutang. After greeting Wang Shuying, the two went to the study to talk.

Jin Yutang said, "A Duo, do you have any plans for your future work?"

Zhang Duo said, "I plan to have a good class for a while and learn more knowledge."

Jin Yutang was stunned and said for a long time, "But what about our company's artists? They want to act and be famous!"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "Isn't there you and Brother Song!"

Jin Yutang was stunned and said with his finger, "You boy, you are really used to dumping the shopkeeper!"

Zhang Duo said, "That's right. Anyway, there have been no big twists and turns recently. You can take care of it first!"

Jin Yutang said, "A Duo, won't you still be worried about the script of Jade Dynasty?"

Zhang Duo smiled and said, "How come? This movie is very difficult to make. It's safer to postpone it for a few years!"

Jin Yutang nodded and said, "It's really great that you can think so!" By the way, did Yuzhi tell you that my father wanted you to hold the engagement ceremony?

Zhang Duo nodded, and there was some change in his face.