Rebirth of literary style

Chapter 342 Cause

On the big screen, the already familiar plot appeared in front of everyone. The night was tempest, the wind was strong, and the lightning flashed and thundered. The colorful centipede released by the man in black is lifelike, and the "poisonous blood flag" is full of black gas, and the evil spirit on it has blue-faced fangs, which makes people feel scared.

Seeing the evil ghost suddenly rushing out of the screen, Lan Xin screamed and hid in Cheng Zhiquan's arms and said, "It scared me to death. It's terrible!"

Cheng Zhiquan hugged Lan Xin and was proud. He looked at the screen and said, "Don't be afraid. Don't you know the plot? It's okay. The old monk can stand it!"

The monk Puzhi's whole body flashed with gold, just like the arrival of the Western Buddha's Dharma. The six-character Ming King's curse was even more like a bell. For a moment, the treasure was solemn, and it was difficult to fight with the man in black.

Seeing that the ghosts were easily broken, the fierce light flashed in the eyes of the man in black and said harshly, "The bald donkey, let you die today!" After saying that, he pulled out the long sword behind him with a backhand, and only saw that the sword was as clear as autumn water, bright and not dazzling, with a faint light and attached to it.

"Good sword!" Puzhi couldn't help shouting. The audience couldn't help shouting in unison: "What a beautiful sword!"

The man in black hummed, held the sword formula in his hand, stepped on the seven stars, and walked seven steps in a row. The long sword stabbed the sky and said a word in his mouth: "Nine heavenly Xuansha turned into a divine thunder.

The magnificent heavenly power, lead it with a sword!"

The originally low dark clouds suddenly surged, like boiling water in a pot, and the wind between heaven and earth was bleak. A moment later, there was a rumble of thunder from the depths of the black clouds, almost beside the two people. In an instant, the sky and the earth shook!

"The secret of the divine sword and thunder!" Puzhi's face turned pale as gray in an instant, followed by a surprise, a trace of despair and a little inexplicable fanaticism. You are actually under the Qingyun Gate!"

An electric light from ancient times flashed in the sky, suddenly rising, piercing the black clouds and tearing the sky, like a proud god, falling into the mortal world and stopping at the tip of the sword.

For a moment, the man in black's clothes bulged high and his eyes were wide open, as if they were about to burst. At this time, the grass temple was like day under the strong electric light.

I only heard the man in black shouting, and the sword formula of his left hand shook his wrist with all his strength. The thunder sounded, and the electric light on the sword shot at Puzhi. Along the way, the vegetation and masonry all shook and flew, leaving a deep blazing mark on the middle road.

Puzhi took three steps back, withdrew his fingerprints, put his palms together, his face was solemn, and his whole body emitted a faint golden light. He whispered, "My Buddha is compassionate!"

With a "pop", the remaining seven jasper beads in front of him were all shattered and turned into a huge word "Buddha" at three feet in front of him. The golden light was dazzling and unforceable.

The next moment, the electric light collided with the word Buddha. I can only see the white light and golden light, which is more gorgeous than the sun in the sky. The whole grass temple was torn apart, centered on the two people fighting, and flew out in all directions, including the sky. The scene is not inferior to Hollywood blockbusters.

"Damn it, what an exciting fighting method!" Wang Zeru, who somehow sneaked in, muttered. Looking at Xu Qingning beside Xu Jingnian, he looked in the direction of Zhang Duo and said to himself, "This Jade Dynasty looks very good. It seems a little difficult to hit him from the box office! Besides, this play is invested by four companies, so I'd better find another way!"

On the screen, the seriously injured and dying general wisdom took the "three-day death pill". In order to solve the mystery of life and death and solve the long knot of life and death. He decided to pass on the Buddha's magic power "Dafan Prajna" to Zhang Xiaofan.

The teenager Zhang Xiaofan is played by a twelve- or three-year-old child, a child star under the banner of Zhongying.

After waking up Zhang Xiaofan, Pu Zhi said that he wanted to teach Zhang Xiaofan some ways to breathe and spit, but Zhang Xiaofan promised that he would never talk about others, even if he was close to him!"

On the screen, the thin figure nodded and said, "I know, I won't say anything."

Under the screen, Xu Qingning seemed to see the later Zhang Xiaofan pay for this sentence, and began to feel a little sad. He whispered, "You shouldn't have promised him, you shouldn't have promised him!"

Puzhi took a deep breath, lowered his eyes, and continued: "In addition, you must practice this method once a day, but you can't practice it in front of people. You can only do it in the dead of night. Finally, you must not use this skill at the juncture of life and death, otherwise there will be a big disaster.

Speaking of this, he opened his eyes again, stared at Zhang Xiaofan and said, "Can you do it?"

On the screen, the thin and haggard Zhang Xiaofan hesitated for a moment, tilted his head, and scratched his head again. He looked confused, but finally nodded heavily.

Puzhi spent three hours passing on the "Great Vatican Prajna" to Zhang Xiaofan until he fully remembers it. He looked at Zhang Xiaofan and couldn't help but show love in his eyes. He said, "I have practiced all my life and have never thought of receiving apprentices. I didn't expect to have a master or apprentice with you when I was about to die. You should also know my name." He paused and said, "My legal name is Puzhi, and I am a monk of Tianyin Temple. Er, kid, do you know Tianyin Temple?

Zhang Xiaofan thought for a moment and shook his head.

Pu Zhi laughed dumbly, handed over the blood-eating beads to Zhang Xiaofan, ordered him to find an opportunity to throw it under the deep valley of the cliff, and told him not to reveal his name. Zhang Xiaofan took the beads and agreed.

Puzhi touched his head and said, "You and I have such a fate, and I don't know if we will meet in the next life?" Child, just kneel down and knock three heads for me and call me a master!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked at Puzhi and saw that his clothes were burnt and his whole body was scarred. His left body seemed to have been burned by something. He was burning and ugly. His face was dark and dead, but his eyes were full of kindness.

A trace of respect flashed in Zhang Xiaofan's eyes. Now he nodded and shouted, "Master." He knelt to the ground and knocked three heads heavily.

Dai Anmin said to Huang Shiqing beside him, "You Zhongying is very powerful! That look was so fresh just now. It can be said to be ambush for the whole play!"

Huang Shiqing smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

On the screen, after punching Zhang Xiaofan, Puzhi sat cross-legged and recited the Dharma in his mouth. After a while, he saw that he was golden and solemn. A golden-purple object slowly rose from the top of Puzhi's head, and it was two inches, flat and shaped like a sky cover.

Pu Zhi shook his body and grabbed the golden purple object against Zhang Xiaofan's head. With a little effort, the object actually integrated into Zhang Xiaofan's brain.

The audience below are all surprised. I don't know what the plot is, which is different from the original novel!

"What's going on!"

"It's normal to be different from the novel. It has to be adapted!"

After the object was integrated into Zhang Xiaofan's head, Puzhi put down his hand, and the golden light on his body gradually dissipated, and his expression became more sluggish, but his eyes became more and more brilliant.

Puzhi whispered, "Today, the people of various sects have great opinions and are extremely taboo to steal teachers. If they are known, they will definitely die. This Buddha's parietal bone reli is very strong and not bad. I hope it can save your life in the future.

After a pause, Puzhi said again, "You are the top bone reli of the Buddha above your head, and you will be influenced by Buddhism day by the practice of Dafan Prajna, so that you will not be pulled down too much by the Taoist immortal formula. I just hope you can solve the mystery of long life and be a teacher's long-cherished wish in the future.

Pu Zhi finished speaking, and the audience talked about it, "The Buddha's top bone reliance is not bad, can it resist the Jade Sword? Doesn'tbi Yao have to die?"

"Impossible, Baguio is immortal, and the following plot cannot continue at all. Maybe it's for Zhang Xiaofan's later cultivation to increase the ambush.

The audience knew that this Buddha's parietal relith that emerged out of thin air must be very useful, but they don't know what it is for in the whole story, so they can't help but look forward to the following plot.

When Zhang Xiaofan woke up, he and Lin Jingyu saw the tragic situation of Caomiao Village and fainted again. I woke up again and was already on Qingyun Mountain.

Caomiao Village was brutally slaughtered, and the whole village was spared except for two children, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu, and a woodcutter named Uncle Wang. Qingyunmen on Qingyun Mountain saw this tragedy and took them in. Lin Jingyu was talented and intelligent and was accepted as an apprentice by the first Cang Song Taoist of "Long Shoufeng". Zhang Xiaofan is generous, dull, and has average qualifications. No one likes him. In the promotion, the first field of "Dazhu Peak" is not easy to take him as an apprentice.

After entering Qingyun, Lin Jingyu was fast and arrogant. He soon got the true biography of Cang Song and was given the "Dragon Sword". However, Zhang Xiaofan's progress of cultivation was very slow due to the dual cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism. His master and brothers had already lost hope for him and were arranged to cook in the dining room. Unexpectedly, he had good cooking skills and deserved praise.

In the process of cutting bamboo, Zhang Xiaofan and Tian Linger entered the depths of Qingyun Mountain in order to chase a three-eyed monkey. Inadvertently, Zhang Xiaofan refined two evil things into a magic weapon with his own blood. Zhang Xiaofan did not know it and only used it to burn fire, which was called a fire stick.

Tian Linger, Tian Buyi's daughter, is Zhang Xiaofan's best playmate. For a long time, Zhang Xiaofan has been secretly in love with Tian Linger in the bottom of his heart. However, Tian Linger did not like him, who was stupid, but just took care of him as his younger brother.

In a blink of an eye, a few years later, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu have grown into adults, and the person who plays Zhang Xiaofan has also changed to Gao Zhonghua, but Zhang Xiaofan's loneliness and depression have been passed down from the same line.

The time of "Seven Veins Martial Arts" is approaching, and Qi Hao and Lin Jingyu Dazhufeng notified. In the test, Zhang Xiaofan was accidentally injured by Lin Jingyu, but it made Tian Linger angry and started to fight with Lin Jingyu.

Lin Jingyu is handsome and a genius. In just a few years, he has been tied with Tian Linger. Zhang Xiaofan was submissive and looked stupid, which made Tian Buyi angry.

Jin Yutang smiled at Zhang Duo and said, "Gao Zhonghua used to be famous as a fool Guo Jing. It's really appropriate for you to ask him to play Zhang Xiaofan now!"

Zhang Duo said, "That's natural. Gao Zhonghua's depression in recent years is no less than Zhang Xiaofan. I believe he can perform Zhang Xiaofan's charm."