The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 9

Luo Ning and Qian'er looked at Fan's movements in a dumb manner. It was not until this time that they understood that this was the bath water for the two of them. Luo Ning and Qian'er couldn't help laughing, but they were also a little moved. After the two washed, Qian'er opened the door and originally planned to The water poured out, but I didn't expect that Fanxiang and Fan and the two came in again or carried out a wooden bucket. At this time, Fan Lei entered Luo Ning's house, creptly put a basket on Luo Ning's table and ran out.

Luo Ning and Qianer lifted the basket covered with the curtain, and there were several wild fruits inside. It seemed that the three brothers deliberately used it to please their little cousins, but they didn't know how to express it. Luo Ning couldn't help laughing. Qian'er also covered her stomach and kept laughing. The three Fan brothers were really good. Played.

Luo Ning is just a little boy now, but the three brothers of the Fan family are more and more twisted in front of Luo Ning. I really don't know how my aunt disciplined them.

"Miss, they are so funny!" Qian'er covered her stomach and smiled.

"That's good. It's really fun!" Luo Ning couldn't help nodding and agreeing.

"What are you talking about? General Xu actually cheated our land deed? Fan Gao heard Mrs. Fan tell the cause and effect of the truth, and his face immediately changed greatly, and he was about to get angry as soon as he slapped the table.

"Fan Gao, don't you listen to me?" Mrs. Fan's face suddenly became cold and her voice was raised. General Fan suddenly collapsed. If there is something wrong with General Fan, it is fear. This kind of fear is not fear, but actually awe, but this kind of awe is sometimes too blind. Except for the things of carrying soldiers and fighting, Mrs. Fan must not care about these things, but as for these things sent by short people in the parents, it is That's what Mrs. Fan said.

The reason why General Fan is depressed is that the family is indeed a little poor. If it hadn't been for Mrs. Fan's sewing, washing and shading to subsidize the family, the life of the Fan family would not have been so sad.

"It's not that I don't listen, it's just that I'm my brother!" Fan Gao looked sad and grabbed his hair fiercely. That kind of heartache was really heartbreaking. Unexpectedly, his good brother actually calculated his own property. If General Xu wanted General Fan clearly, General Fan would not suffer, and General Xu's poor family in those years were all pulled by Fan Gao. It's pulled up.

"Alas, Fan Gao, I know you are deeply brotherly, but think about what kind of life we are living now? It doesn't matter if we suffer, and it doesn't matter if our children suffer, but what about the niece? My niece is used to the life of the prime minister, so you let her have a light meal in ours? Besides, is your brother still your brother? Think about what he did!" Mrs. Fan said with tears as she spoke.

"Alas! I also know that's the case, that's all. I'll let my wife order it!" Fan Gao said demeanor that there were tears in the tiger's eyes.

"It's not up to me, but to our niece. What can I see as an illiterate woman? I said that our niece is going to go to the second child's school. You have to work hard. Do you think if we have one of us who can read this in front of our niece today?" Mrs. Fan punched Fan Gao with a smile.

"Madam, don't worry, not only Ning'er, but also these three kids will be sent to the college. I can't let them suffer this illiterate loss in the future." Fan Gao immediately grabbed his wife's hand and said seriously.

Mrs Fan smiled, and the smile bloomed like a flower, which suddenly fascinated General Fan so that she couldn't find the north. Although the long night is such a simple hut, as long as there is true feelings, all happiness is self-evident.

"Brother, what's good about letting me come to dinner today?" General Xu and Fan Gaolou entered the inner hall with their necks and waists.

"In fact, it's not a big deal, brother. You know that I have two shops that can't make ends meet. I have something to discuss with you today!" Fan Gao said and gave General Xu a glass of wine.

"The eldest brother's matter should also be discussed with his sister-in-law. How did you find your brother?" General Xu was very surprised to know why Fan Gao suddenly asked him to invite him to dinner, and after he came, he saw that the banquet in the inner hall had already been arranged, and the banquet was very rich, but General Xu suddenly had a trace of panic in his heart.

"Is that so, or is it because of those shops that can't make ends meet at home!" Fan Gao smiled bitterly. Well, the deed is in this box. My mind is to sell those shops, but your sister-in-law didn't agree to say anything and said that she would leave those shops to my niece as a dowry! Hey!" Fan Gao sighed as he spoke.

"Brother, you have always been independent. Give me some advice!" Fan Gao shook his head as he spoke, as if he was very distressed about this matter.

"This, brother, I think what you said makes sense!" General Xu frowned, but suddenly felt happy. If he could take the opportunity to buy two of this shop, he would never be afraid that someone would find out about this matter in his life.

General Xu just wanted to go on when suddenly the third Fan He of the Fan family shouted outside. Dad, it's on fire. My cousin's house is on fire!"

"What?" General Fan stood up in horror.

"The head of the family, why don't you die quickly!" Mrs. Fan's crying and scolding voice came again.

"Oh, oh! Brother Xian, look at the land deed for me and talk about this matter when I come back. I must wait for me to come back. Fan Gao couldn't help stuffing the box into General Xu's arms and suddenly jumped out of the room.

General Xu looked at the box in his hand and suddenly remembered something. The cold sweat on his face came down, and his face immediately turned green. Suddenly, he also rushed out of the door, but saw the Fan family fighting the fire there. The fire seemed to be very big, and there was thick smoke in it. General Xu held the box and looked at no one left and right. He suddenly rushed out of Fan's house and shot away.

"Look, my niece is right!" Mrs. Fan looked at General Xu's hurried departure and pulled General Fan out and said.

"Well, how did Xiao Xu become like this!" General Fan's eyes can't hide the loneliness.

"This is the heart of the people!" Mrs. Fan stretched out her hand and nodded General Fan's chest, "People say that men will get worse when they have money. Will you get worse?" Mrs. Fan said coquettishly that although she was middle-aged, such a joke with her husband still made Mrs. Fan blush.

"Hey, it's enough to have you." General Fan stretched out his hand and hugged Mrs. Fan in his arms as if he had a wife. Mrs. Fan couldn't help laughing secretly and reached out to gently beat General Fan, but her heart was indescribably sweet.

General Xu also went on the road. It didn't take long for him to return to Fanfu's original nervous look and disappeared. Instead, he was replaced by another relaxed look, sitting next to the table with a glass of wine and drinking a glass of wine.

"Brother!" General Fan also came out at this time, but his face was smoked more black. Originally, General Fan's face was black, which was more like a layer of black powder.

This was not intentional. Luo Ning really ordered a small house for the realistic effect for General Fan and his son to put out the fire, but because the house was built by straw, and the father and son deliberately left work, they did not expect that it almost attracted the house, which made the father and son nervous.

"Brother, this is the land deed. You can collect it!" General Xu stretched out his hand and handed over the land deed to Fan Gao.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, I will forget it. Little Sanzi, take this land deed to your cousin to see if your cousin likes these shops? General Fan shouted loudly.

"Alas!" Fan He, the third son, rushed over and smiled at General Xu. He grabbed the box and disappeared without a trace.

"This child is so carewd!" Fan Gao said with a smile.

"Big brother, I still have something to do at home, so I won't accompany you. I'll invite you to invite you another day!" General Xu stood up and punched Fan Gao to leave.

"How can this work? I haven't drunk enough wine today!" Fan Gao looked unhappy.

"This, big brother, there is indeed something wrong with my family today!" General Xu looked embarrassed.

"Dad, my cousin said she wanted to see the ideas!" The little third son suddenly broke in and interrupted General Fan's continued retention.

"General Fan, goodbye!" General Xu turned around and left.

"Sure enough, as my cousin expected, this general Xu sent the land deed back." When the little third son saw General Xu leaving standing behind General Fan, he said, but his little face was also indescribable seriousness.

"Alas! The Yangtze River pushed forward, and a generation of newcomers replaced old people. The third son went to invite your second uncle to come. You have reached the age to go to school. Fan Gao sighed long. With these stores, he must have his family soon become rich and can fully provide for these three children to study.

"Your cousin is really smart!" Fan Gao had to admit Luo Ning's strength and really regarded human nature very accurately. It's just that General Xu will be estranged from me from now on!" Fan Gao still couldn't help sighing.

Although my family's things are coming back, according to Luo Ning's words, not only eat meat every day, but even a meal of meat is completely edible, even if Fan Gao's heart is still very painful, and his heart is full of apology and even guilt for General Xu. They are all brothers who have come to this day. One step.