The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 12

The sun shines warmly on the bamboo forest, and the majestic wind blows. It seems that the unique aroma of bamboo also makes people feel very comfortable. Five years of study in Chengtian College should end today. Today, it's time to start teaching. Dongfangming and Luo Ning are dressed in white, standing so quietly, one left and right. Like two sculptures, there is just a handsome maid in a white shirt standing on Luo Ning's left. This maid is Qian'er. Qian'er is 19 years old. According to her age, she should have married long ago. Luo's mansion has also sent several letters to replace Qian'er, and Luo Ning said, "You are Luo'er. The housekeeper of the house? Qian'er is no longer the maid beside Luo Ning, but Luo Ning's most trusted sister.

"Today, I will call the three of you to come to the last exam before you leave the teacher!" The dean sat in the room with his eyes closed and slowly sipping a pot of tea. His leisurely expression seemed to have nothing to do with me when the sky fell.

"Cian'er, stand aside first. Although you are my registered disciple, you don't need this assessment, otherwise you will never have to become a teacher." The dean said slowly.

"Yes!" Qian'er replied simply.

"The title is very simple. As long as anyone invites me out of this room, I will be a teacher." The dean still closed his eyes and said, as if he didn't care what the two apprentices would do. Martial arts? Joke, these two people's martial arts skills are handed over by themselves, and the two of them are still far from reaching his level. As for the plot, he can recite his grandson's 367.

"Sister, please!" Dongfang Ming said to Luo Ning first. No matter where he came from, Dongfangming did not want to stand Luo Ning as a cheap one. Although the wound in his heart has healed, it has left a scar forever. Maybe blood will flow out of his touch.

"The elder is big. Brother, please go first. The little sister originally wanted to accompany the teacher for a few more years and live such a leisurely life." Luo Ning smiled at Dongfang Ming.

"Since you are so stupid, it's better to obey than to be respectful!" Dongfang Ming stepped forward with a slight smile.

"How about you come first? Let me ask you, how can you let me out? The dean closed his eyes slightly and looked at his proud disciples with a smile. In fact, the dean has been very depressed in the past five years. Originally, he wanted to find someone with no worse qualifications to deal with this arrogant boy fiercely. However, what I didn't expect was that Luo Ning's qualifications were no worse than that of the boy, but what he liked was that the boy was not good at, so it became that the boy's complete set of war theory and martial arts, while the girl learned all the Qimen Dunjia medical divination. If the two really can compete with martial arts, However, the girl's sword is biased, and she is only clear about the art of lifting and hidden weapons, but she only learns swordsmanship.

So the dean's previous ideas were basically all failed, and what made the dean vomit more blood was that these two people were respectful to each other. No matter who was injured or sick, the other party would take care of each other. However, as long as the other party got better, Qian'er was immediately sent to take care of each other. They even said very little, and it was so polite that they didn't look like brothers and sisters, but it was such a strange two people standing together but indescribable harmony.

"Please ask the teacher, I wonder if it is also feasible for disciples to invite the teacher into the room from the outside?" Dongfangming came forward to worship respectfully, and then asked the dean with a serious face.

"Oh? What? Do you have a way to invite me outside into the house? The dean's eyebrows moved and seemed to be a little disdainful.

"Of course!" Dongfang Mingchong said confidently.

"Haha, well, I'll convince you today. When I come out, you invite me in!" The dean laughed and stepped out. Da Lala stood at the door, holding his shoulders with his hands on his shoulders.

"The sun is good today!" Dongfang Ming looked at the sun.

Luo Ning couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"You, good boy, I lost, you go!" The dean was so angry that he turned around and went into the room.

"I'll send it to my brother!" Luo Ning said to Dongfang Ming with a smile.

"Good!" Dongfangming nodded. The two left the dean's courtyard one after the other. When they went down the mountain, they didn't need a farewell ceremony. Dongfang had already packed up and carried them on their backs, still holding a folding fan, snow-white clothes, and elegant.

Luo Ning picked up Dongfang Ming's package and slowly walked out. Dongfang Ming followed Luo Ning like that. The two were speechless all the way, only the crisp bamboo kept waving as if to say goodbye to Dongfang Ming.

"Sister, parting is coming, I'll give you something!" Dongfang Ming suddenly interrupted the silence between the two people.

"Hmm!" Luo Ning answered slightly, and then stopped to look at Dongfang Ming. Suddenly, Dongfang Ming whistled and a white furry thing rushed out of the bamboo forest and suddenly rushed into Dongfang Ming's arms.

"Here's your sister!" Dongfang Ming gently touched the white velvet hair with his hand and handed it to Luo Ning.

"Ah!" Luo Ning was extremely surprised. The white and furry thing turned out to be a little fox. All girls have no resistance to this cute little animal, and even Luo Ning is no exception.

Luo Ning quickly reached out and hugged the little fox and gently stroked the soft hair.

"It's so cute!" Luo Ning smiled like a flower.

"If you encounter something extremely difficult, let the spirit fox come to find me." Dongfang Ming's old face blushed and said slowly. His eyes glanced unnaturally to the side. Over the years, he was not unaware of the little sister's concern for him, but he had always had a knot in his heart. This deep heart had made him unwilling to touch it, so he could only think that he did not know about the friendship of the little sister.

"Good!" Luo Ning replied in a low voice, reached out and took out a green jade flute from his sleeve and slowly handed it over. The senior brother should know where the senior sister's place is. If the senior brother has difficulties, he can also come to find me through the spirit fox or carrier pigeon. Luo Ning said slowly.

"Brother Linghu named Linger!" Dongfang Ming reached out and touched Linger's white fluff, and Linger shook her tail lightly, which made Dongfang Ming unable to help it.

"I'm leaving! Be careful when you walk around the world in the future!" Dongfang Ming looked at Luo Ning and said slowly.

"Hmm!" Luo Ning reached out and returned Dongfang Ming's burden to her, then took out a small package from his sleeve and put it in Dongfang Ming's hand. Finally, he looked at Dongfang Ming and left.

One walked to the mountain, and the other left to the bottom of the mountain. Luo Ning's heart was sad or happy, but left so indifferently, while Dongfang Ming's heart was a little emotional, but the pace of leaving became more firm.

"Miss, you're back!" Qian'er has been waiting for Luo Ning on the only way for Luo Ning.

"Go pack up. It's time for us to go down the mountain." Luo Ning smiled faintly at Qian'er.

"Miss, is there any way you can force the dean out of the room?" Qian'er's face was puzzled.

"Many methods can be used, but some people disdain to use them. Qian'er, pack your things. I've been here for five years. I haven't been to the capital for many years except to visit my uncles, aunts and cousins during festivals. Luo Ning couldn't help frowning a little. In the two years when she first came to Chengtian College, people would report big and small things at home, but these things were decreasing year by year, so that nothing has been reported like her in the past year.

Luo Ning is not a person who likes power, but she also doesn't like to live under the pitiful eyes of others, let alone be robbed of her own things, so she also knows that the prime minister should reach a boundary, so let her break this boundary again.

"You're going down the mountain too, right?" The dean still sat lazily in the chair and said slowly.

"Yes, teacher!" Luo Ning answered indifferently.

"Alas, I don't know how your girl became like this. Over the years, you have grown up together, but your nature seems to be getting colder and colder. Ning, the master wants your brothers and sisters to be happy together, instead of both of you studying there!" The dean's face had some helplessness and deep sighs.

"Teacher, I'm sorry!" Luo Ning lowered her head, but there was also pain in her heart. If he was not Dongfang Ming, if he was Dongfang Ming, no matter what his identity was, I'm afraid he was destined to be lonely and lonely. There was some faint pain in Luo Ning's heart.

"Well, just tell me how to get out!" The dean also felt very powerless when looking at Luo Ning's indifferent expression. His disciple's personality seemed to be more lonely than the eldest disciple, and everything did not linger in his heart. I'm afraid that only such a personality can make her martial arts and medical skills advance rapidly.

Although his little disciple is a woman, he is definitely no less than his male apprentice, and even vaguely oppresses him in other ways, but his stupid apprentice doesn't know it at all. Of course, he will never tell that stupid apprentice.

"Teacher, I want to ask if the bamboo house is on fire, can you continue to be in this room?" Luo Ning asked faintly.

"Are you going to attack with fire?" The dean's face suddenly changed.

"If there is a smelly medicine in the teacher's room, can the teacher continue to be in the room?" Luo Ning did not answer but asked slowly with a smile.

"Is it smelly?" The dean's face suddenly collapsed, "Then can I still live in this room?"