The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 25 Liwei

Not to mention 12 kilometers of weather now, it is estimated that there will be pouring rain at most two kilometers. This mountain road is muddy and there are many carriages. How to move forward? Luo Ning frowned secretly. If she was really blocked by a mudslide or something, it would be too late to cry, but God's anger was really beyond human reach.

"Is there any open place nearby?" Luo Ning frowned and asked.

"There is a ghost village one kilometer ahead, which can be occupied for the time being." Fan He thought for a moment and hesitated for a while and said it.

"Ghost Village?" Luo Ning asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I don't know how this village was built. It is full of shops, residents' residences, rice noodles and diesel, but there is no living person, and you can come to this village no matter what you use, but you must make up or leave money when you run out, otherwise it will It's hard to get out of this village. Fan He said.

"So it is." Luo Ning suddenly laughed. It seems that there should be a master from outside the world living in seclusion here. The expansion of this ghost village is just for the convenience of passers-by on the one hand. On the other hand, of course, it is to earn a spare money. You should know that even a master outside the world need to eat and drink. If there is no money, everything is empty talk.

"Then we will rush to the ghost village as soon as possible and order all people not to destroy anything in the ghost village, otherwise the military law will never be spared." Luo Ning gave the order faintly.

"Yes!" Fan He was overjoyed and immediately went to send the order. Everyone quickly agreed. After all, most of this group of people were old and weak people. Even if some of them were young and middle-aged, they were still some ruffians. Although Luo Ning had previously given money and attracted a group of people to be grateful, some of them were still unavoidable, just at the bottom of Fan He's eyes. I don't dare to make trouble.

So Fan He immediately rushed to the ghost village quickly, whether he was obedient or disobedient.

The sun outside seems to hide in the clouds. The sun, which was still poisonous, has now disappeared. The dark clouds are getting heavier and heavier, and there is no wind. The sky is getting darker and darker, and there seems to be no light.

"Hurry up!" Luo Ning opened the window and gently twisted her eyebrows and immediately ordered.

"Yes!" The soldiers outside immediately replied.

"Quick, come on!" When Fan He heard Luo Ning's order, he immediately separated his men. Some of them led the way in front of them, while others pressed in the back. Fan He kept urging to speed up the group.

"Hmm, that's the speed." Because the sudden acceleration of the carriage caused a group of ruffians to be very dissatisfied.

"What are you lingling about? Hurry up." Fan He frowned and looked at the speeding carriage in front of him and didn't leave in the middle.

"General, I can't help it. Look at this horse, it's exhausted." The soldier driving the carriage curled his lips and said slowly.

Luo Ning had already got out of the carriage at this time. She was very clear that the group of people left by the prince to herself were not only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, but also some ruffians. This group of ruffians can be said to be the kind of old fried dough sticks. It can be said that oil and salt did not enter and made the officers have a headache. The prince borrowed This opportunity was all tossed into Luo Ning's hands. Although Luo Ning's sweet date policy before the march showed that it appeased this group of people, Luo Ning knew that this group of people would make trouble sooner or later.

"Then how can we not make this horse tired?" The cold voice sounded behind Fan He.

"Your Excellency." Fan He turned around and hugged Luo Ning.

"Your Excellency!" The soldier still sat on the carriage and did not get out of the carriage.

"Told out, how can this carriage roll up again?" Luo Ning still asked unsuffiedly.

"This... Hey hey hey!" The ruffian suddenly laughed.

Luo Ning still looked at the ruffian faintly, and there was no wave in her eyes.

"Say it!" Luo Ning said slowly.

"Hey, I heard that the adult is the son of the prime minister's mansion, and the prime minister's mansion has a lot of silver. As long as the prince gives us a hundred taels of silver, the horse will not be tired immediately. The brothers said, right, quack!"


A group of people laughed.

"Oh? So you are doing it for silver?" Luo Ning's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Do you still need to ask?" The man suddenly laughed, and there was a little obscene on his face, as if laughing.

"General ordered you to catch up with the front team immediately." Luo Ning said lightly.

"Ha ha ha!" The soldier's smile is not at all.

"If you don't accept the military order, someone will pull down and beat a hundred military sticks!" Luo Ning shouted harshly.

"Yes!" Fan and the personal soldiers behind him immediately came over and couldn't help dragging the ruffian.

"Ha ha, how dare you dare to beat me." The ruffian was not an easy role. A gentle pull of both hands actually flashed the two soldiers aside.

"Qing'er, you go!" Luo Ning's face was furious, and a ruffian couldn't control it. Where is the majesty of his supervisor?

"Yes!" Qing'er immediately came forward and stared at the soldier fiercely.

"Oh, this boy looks like a woman? The white one on your face!" As soon as the soldier saw Qinger, he immediately exported flowers and made everyone around him laugh.

Qing'er's face suddenly changed, and her eyes became angry. She snorted coldly and didn't say anything. Suddenly, her body moved and kicked out. The soldier ruffian was also scared when she saw Qinger saying to fight and quickly resist, but she didn't expect that Qing'er's anger the soldier ruffian said wildly. The foot used ten layers of power and heard it. With a sound, the sore sound of teeth immediately rose. A huge figure fell to the ground. Qinger jumped on the carriage, picked up the whip in one hand and gently shook it. The four horses roared and immediately ran up. Qinger taught the whip to the deputy next to him, who was still following the ruffian. Laughing at Qinger, as soon as Qinger showed this hand, he obediently took the whip and beat the horse like flying, and the carriages behind him immediately moved. At this time, there was no one to talk about silver at all.

"Drag the man down a hundred military sticks, and if he dies, he will throw him in the wilderness." Luo Ning ordered coldly and glanced at the group of soldiers who were still watching indifferently. The group of soldiers fought a cold war and quickly did their respective duties.

A person's scream came from the wilderness, and Luo Ning still watched the large army move forward. Now the speed of the brigade is faster, and some soldiers even don't care about the life or death of the horses.

"Fan He, the fate of these horses is linked to the driver of the carriage, only one horse died, and the driver of the carriage also died." Luo Ning coldly ordered that Luo Ning didn't see the silent resistance of this group of people, but she must find another thorn to clean it up and kill the chicken to warn the monkey. This is the first thing Luo Ning should do.

"Yes!" Fan He also secretly praised his cousin's beautiful hand in his heart. On the contrary, it was the dark mood in Luo Yuan's heart that followed Luo Ning. His sister was definitely not an ordinary person. Looking at the half-dead soldier Luo Yuan, who was beaten, was a little unbearable.

"Luo Bin, this is the battlefield. There is no room for any personal affairs on the battlefield, and it is forbidden. Anyone who disobeys the order has only a dead end." Luo Ning said faintly that Luo Ning had noticed the spiritual fluctuations of Luo Yuan just now, so Luo Ning simply blocked Luo Yuan's words before he opened his mouth.

"Yes!" Luo Yuan answered respectfully.

With the order of Luo Ning's two iron wrists, the army's group of soldiers suddenly became honest, and how many of Qian'er's 3,000 men were the enemies of Qian's peace? The little ones next to the supervisor are so powerful, not to mention the supervisor? So this group of soldiers suddenly became honest. Fan He was directing these people to the ghost village, but this group of people was also well organized.

After turning over a hillside, he saw a village banner in front of him. Luo Ning had already ordered Fan He to send detectives to prepare first, so when Luo Ning entered the village, everything was ready. Luo Ning ordered every five carriages to gather together and link them again with the original chain.

All the horses were brought into the manger, and the grain was covered with oilcloth. Then Luo Ning took Qing'er to carefully inspect the ghost village, and ordered people to bring a few big stones and put them around the carriage. Then he ordered everyone to cook immediately.

Sure enough, before dinner, there was a huge thunder in the sky, followed by the pouring rain. Three thousand soldiers stood in the room and couldn't help but be glad. If Luo Ning hadn't seen the opportunity, she would be afraid that the 3,000 sergeants and food and fodder would be splashed by the heavy rain.

"How's it going?" Luo Ning saw Fan and returning from leading the soldiers to patrol.

"Everything is calm!" Fan He's nervous expression was a little relaxed.

"Have a good rest first. Even if there is something, you shouldn't have something to do now. Recuperation is what you should do now." Luo Ning ordered.

"Good!" Fan He immediately sat down with his armor and began to eat on fire. At this time, Luo Yuan was also patrolling with a team of people. The matter of grain and fodder was of great importance, and Luo Ning did not dare not be distracted.

Fortunately, nothing happened overnight, and the sun shone high the next day. Although the original road became bumpy, it did not delay the road.

"Order all the people to prepare for the road." Luo Ning said faintly.

"Don't let everyone have a night's rest?" Luo Yuan was a little surprised by Luo Ning's decision.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Luo Ning's face turned cold, and Luo Heng was shocked and immediately promised to turn around and walk out. The long carriage slowly used the ghost village.

Luo Ning ordered the carriage waiting to walk behind to leave only one carriage driver, and the rest of the people cleaned the house for the ghost village and make sure to clean the village.

This group of soldiers didn't pay much attention to small things, especially on yesterday's rainy night. Many people added a lot of yellow and white things to the village for convenience. In fact, this is also a silent resistance to Luo Ning's order. If you don't let things be damaged, can't I add something?