The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 37 Talk about the previous life

"Sure enough, Mr. Dongfang is really a man!" Murong Lang said with admiration, but secretly disdained it in his heart. The man's three wives and four concubines should be scored, but he didn't have that thought about Princess Changning, and he could just take advantage of himself. When he thought of the watery Princess Changning, Murong Lang couldn't help but feel an evil fire in his heart.

"Is this all the princess's craft?" Murong Lang originally wanted to find an opportunity to say goodbye, but suddenly found that the table was full of porridge snacks. This is why the princess has such a petty idea. Imagine a person who is tired for a day to give him a little porridge and nourish his body. He must have slapped him out. At this time, the porridge dishes can be full. ? Therefore, although Dongfang Ming brought her porridge to take care of Luo Ning's appetite, the porridge was not a thin porridge that could show the shadow, not to mention the dried meat in it, but what did Princess Changning brought? Things are exquisite enough, but they are not enough for a big man to swallow.

"If General Murong wants to eat, just take it back!" Dongfangming just doesn't know how to deal with such a thing. Although Luo Ning is not a jealous jar, she is also a little girl's petty. Dongfang Ming doesn't want to make the beauty angry. What's more, Luo Ning's appearance is no less than Princess Changning, and even better than Princess Changning.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Dongfang." Murong Lang's mouth was about to grin, hurried to the front of the table, hurriedly stuffed those exquisite snacks into the food box, picked them up and turned away with a smile at Dongfang Ming.

Dongfangming took a long breath and sat down on the chair, as if he had no strength at all.

"There are so many delicious foods, why don't you stay!" Suddenly, a cleverly smiling voice came to Dongfang Ming's ears. Dongfang Ming sat up straight and saw Luo Ning standing at the door of the tent and looking at himself.

"Xiao Ning, why are you here?" Dongfang Ming suddenly rushed to Luo Ning and put down the curtain. He didn't know where to put his hands, and even smiled on his face.

Luo Ning handed over the medicine box on her body to Dongfang Ming. "The injured are quite serious. I'm not worried. At this time, I just got up and went to check it. Only then did I find that you had arranged for a military doctor to be on duty. When I returned to the tent, I came to have a look when I saw your voice." Luo Ning said with a smile and looked up and down at Dongfang Ming's tent. Dongfang Ming's tent was obviously the most common marching tent. The whole tent was not big. There was only a marching bed and a table and several chairs. In addition, there were two large boxes in the corner of the wall that should be clothes and books. Such things are about twice as few as Luo Ning, but the whole room is very messy. Clothes and books are also placed everywhere.

"Look at the mess in your room, or the pig's nest!" Luo Ning frowned slightly, and the corners of her mouth were a little coquettish.

"Hey, I'm a boar, aren't you a sow? Of course, the sow is not at home. Dongfang Ming put the medicine box on the table with a smile and put his hand to hug Luo Ning from behind and buried his head directly in Luo Ning's neck.

"Hate!" Luo Ning moved her body gently, but she didn't expect to be hugged tighter by Dongfang Ming. Don't leave me!" I don't know why Luo Ning's body moved and made Dong Ming panic. It seemed that the cone-hearted pain that Luo Ning quietly left in the previous life suddenly hit his heart again. Dongfang Ming tightly wrapped Luo Ning on his chest.

"Fool, how could I leave you?" Luo Ning's mouth was covered with a shallow smile, and her eyes were full of affectionate but crystal tears. It seemed that the departure of her previous life had hurt the iron-blooded man so much that she was so insecure about herself in this life.

"You said the same thing in your previous life." Dongfang Ming muttered in a low voice.

"Dongfang, I didn't leave you in my previous life, at least my heart has been with you, and I will never forget you." Luo Ning's tears suddenly came down, and she couldn't forget her heart-piercing feeling when Dongfang Ming married someone else. Dongfang, I don't want you to marry someone else. I don't want you to marry someone else. Whether you say I'm selfish or stingy, I really can't stand you marry someone else. Luo Ning jumped into Dongfang Ming's arms and cried.

"Little silly girl, I won't marry anyone except you!" Dongfang Ming hugged Luo Ning tightly, and his eyes were also full of tears. In her previous life, it seemed that not only she had been hurt, but she was the same. What kind of pain it was to see her beloved marry someone else.

"Do you know that on your wedding day, I desperately told myself that I was going to laugh. I watched you happy and you live a good life, but I just couldn't help it. I wanted to sneak a glance at you and leave..." Luo Ning choked and couldn't speak.

"What on earth did your little head think? Why did you hide away from me at the beginning?" Luo Ning didn't say it was okay. As soon as he said that Dongfang Ming immediately touched the previous events, he immediately raised his hand and gave Luo Ning a shudder.

"Didn't you find that my hair was a wig that day?" Luo Ning whispered, which was the reason for leaving in her previous life.

"Didn't the unit send you to carry out the task?" Dongfang Ming asked as soon as his face changed.

"What special task do we have in a prison!" Luo Ning's face seems to be a little awkward. I begged the warden to transfer me and arrange a special task. In fact, I am, I am sick. The more Luo Ning said, the smaller his voice became, and Dongfang Ming's face became more and more ugly.

"What kind of disease!" Dongming couldn't wait to strangle the little woman in front of him. He didn't tell him when he was sick, and the damn prison director's mouth was so strict that his teeth were not exposed. How many times he invited him to eat and got drunk, it was all that set.

"Gastric cancer, advanced stage!" Luo Ning's voice was lower but he didn't dare to say anything. Dongfang Ming's ugly face was almost the same as that of Yecha. Luo Ning didn't dare to move. He stood there quietly. He wanted to say anything but didn't dare to say anything. When he peeking at Dongfang Ming, he saw that Dongfang Ming's face was darker than the ash at the bottom of the pot, and his eyes were even more motionless. It seemed to be a volcano. The precursor of the outbreak.

Luo Ning knew that she had provoked Dongfang Ming. If Dongfang Ming got angry, his little buttocks would definitely be slapped. In his previous life, he was not good and obedient, and he was slapped a lot.

"Oriental!" Luo Ning timidly shouted Dongfang Ming.

Dongfang Ming still had a calm face and didn't say a word. He just looked at Luo Ning, and his eyes seemed to be angry.

"East!" Luo Ning reached out and grabbed Dongfang Ming's arm and shook it gently, with a begging look on his face. He looked at Dongfang Ming with a pitiful little look.

Dongfang Ming is still speechless and looks so ugly, but there is still some relaxation than at the beginning.

Luo Ning seemed to be thinking about something and gently squeezed her lips. Suddenly, Luo Ning came forward and hugged Dongfang Ming fiercely. Her delicate lips gently kissed Dongfang Ming's lips. Dongfang Ming did not seem to be moved, and his lips were still so cold.

Luo Ning kissed gently, hoping that Dongfang Ming would not be angry.

"Alas!" Dongfang Ming sighed slightly. How could he not know Luo Ning's thoughts? He was angry, not only angry with Luo Ning, but also angry with himself.

Dong Ming stretched out his hand and held Luo Ning in his arms fiercely, came forward and kissed Luo Ning's red lips hard, turning passive into active. Luo Ning exclaimed and was directly held in Dongfang Ming's arms. The next moment, Luo Ning had been picked up by Dongfang Ming. After a whirlwind, Luo Ning was tightly pressed under his body by Dongfang Ming. Countless kisses fell on Luo Ning's hair, forehead, earlobe, face, red lips, and neck.

Luo Ning hugged Dongfang Ming without saying a word, leaving Dongfang Ming's lightness.

Dong Ming did not seem to intend to let Luo Ning go. As soon as he stretched out his hand and held Luo Ning in his arms, Luo Ning felt that there seemed to be a pair of big hands in his chest that were constantly **, and a small gasp overflowed from Luo Ning's lips. At this moment, Luo Ning's brain was blank, and he only knew that the man in front of him was his own.

Suddenly, Dongfang Ming stretched out his hand to pick up Luo Ning, pressed it hard on his leg, raised one hand, and patted Luo Ning's buttocks.

"East!" Luo Ning shouted softly and clenched his red lips with aggrieved tears rolling down. Do you dare to hide anything from me in the future? Dongfang Ming stretched out his hand to help Luo Ning up, held Luo Ning tightly in his arms, and said with his chin against Luo Ning's forehead, and there were tears in Dong Ming's eyes.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but I can't tell you that if I die, you will suffer!" Luo Ning cried aggrievedly.

"Do you know how sad it is for you to leave me like that?" Dongfang Ming asked in a low voice, and his lips gently kissed Luo Ning's hair.

"I know, but I hope you can forget me. I hope you can be happy!" Luo Ning said in a low voice.

"Fool!" Dongfang Ming sighed and gently stroked Luo Ning's back without saying a word. The two hugged each other so quietly. The stars in the sky seemed to keep blinking, blessing the two lovers who had experienced the suffering in their previous lives.

"Xiao Ning, I'll take you back!" Dongfang Ming suddenly said.

"Hmm!" Luo Ning answered faintly but did not get up.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to go back if you don't go back." Dongfang Ming smiled bitterly. He could feel that Luo Ning's attraction to him was extremely huge, but the girl in front of him seemed to be not very clear, and her innocent eyes kept looking at him.