The daughter of the rebirth

Chapter 99 Love Flower

"You called me? Do you know the news about my sister? Luo Yuan suddenly jumped in front of the gardener and asked nervously.

"Young master, although I don't know much about the young lady, I know that the master knows." The florist grinned.

"Your Excellency? Of course he knows, isn't he checking my sister's news? Luo Yuan said with disdain on his face.

"It's not the prime minister, but the mother of the young master." The gardener continued.

"My mother? My mother would definitely tell Prime Minister Luo if she knew. Luo Yuan's head couldn't turn around.

"Young master, it's not Aunt Hua!" The gardener was a little speechless and didn't even know how to tell Luo Yuan about it.

"Young master, this is the letter from the master to you. Read it yourself!" The gardener carefully took out a purple believing hand from his arms and gave it to Luo Yuan. Luo Yuan was very puzzled, but he still took over the envelope, opened the letter and slowly looked at it. However, Luo Yuan's face immediately changed at this glance. He looked up at the ordinary gardener in surprise and continued to lower. After reading it, the surprise on his face became even deeper.

This night was destined not to be a quiet night. Dongfang Ming lived in his former room but had no sleepiness. Luo Ning hugged Linger and closed his eyes and pretended, and Luo Yuan kept walking in his room, holding the purple envelope in his hand, and his face was changeable, because he was straight. Up to now, I dare not determine whether the letter on the envelope is true or not.

However, the handwriting on it is extremely familiar, and even knows what happened when he was a child. Except for Luo Ning, the only person who can know his affairs in such detail is the original wife of Prime Minister Luo. But does it mean that the aunt has passed away? Luo Yuan didn't know what to do.

There is also a man in black with a black hat who can't sleep, but at this time, there is a lazy woman like a kitten beside him, that is, Princess Changning of the dynasty.

"Master, do you really want me to marry Dongfang Ming?" Princess Changning's Qianqianyu fingers kept drawing circles on the body of the man in black.

"What? Isn't this your dream all the time?" The man in black said lightly, but there was no emotion in his tone.

"But it's different now!" Princess Changning's beautiful little face has a faint coquettishness. Although the coquettishness is not big, it attracts men's eyes more. Her red mouth gently pouted, which is more deadly **.

What's the difference? Your task now is to firmly hold Dongfang Ming in your own hands. The man in black said lightly. Pay special attention to his internal injury. Don't let him get better, remember? The man in black reached out and gently scraped Princess Changning's pretty nose, but there was a frivolity in his tone.

"Then I'm not going to be widowed?" Princess Changning continued to say with her little mouth.

"Why didn't I satisfy you just now?" The man in black gently rubbed Princess Changning's half-ray of dong body, gently stroked Princess Changning's buttocks with his big hand, and stretched out his hand to pinch the snow-white fifteenth of Princess Changning fiercely, but in exchange for the delicate sound of Princess Changning.

"Master!" Princess Changning took the initiative to climb on the strength of the man in black and kissed affectionately.

"It seems that Luo Ning should have been rescued." After seven days of searching, Luo Heng completely gave up. In this way, Luo Ning could not be found in the carpet-style cable, which shows that Luo Ning's chance of survival is still very high.

"Master, what should we do now?" The man in black next to Luo Heng asked that the man in black had always been Luo Heng's iron confidant and the shadow of Luo Heng.

"Continue to grasp the movement of Pingfei, as long as Pingfei is firmly in our hands, are you afraid of Luo Ning's big wind and waves? And Pingfei will continue to report her safety. Luo Heng took a sip of tea and said.

"Yes!" The shadow replied.

"One more thing is to send Luohe to the palace as soon as possible. I believe that it is easy to get the emperor's favor by Luohe's appearance. As long as Luohe also becomes the emperor's concubine, we will be very stable even if Pingfei dies in the palace in the future." Luo Heng thought for a moment and continued.

"Master, but the emperor's life has been long. The news from the palace these days is not very good. Even the newly sealed Jiangfei has been tortured alive by the emperor, and there are fewer surviving maids." The shadow said unbearablely.

"Hmm! It's just a daughter. Do I, Luo Heng, still lack a daughter? Luo Heng's tone seemed to be very dissatisfied, especially to people like Shadow.

"Yes!" The shadow thought about it and still agreed.

"I know that you like Luohe. Send her to the palace first and wait for the emperor to play. It's your business how you want to play. I absolutely don't care about you." Luo Heng slowly picked up the tea bowl and continued, and did not regard Luohe as his daughter at all.

"Thank you very much, master." The shadow is extremely excited. Luohe is a famous beauty in the capital, and she is also charming. Although she has a bad temper and is very arrogant, she is the second lady of the Prime Minister's family. Over the years, many rich families have come to mention that Prime Minister Luo has refused. Now they are willing to give Miss Luo to herself. What a grace. Although it had been used by the emperor at that time, the last time the emperor's woman was still a concubine. Even if it was a dead shadow, I felt that it was worth it, and it was not certain who died at that time. Thinking that I could cuckold the emperor justly, black There was a faint smile in the corners of the shadow's mouth.

How's it going? But did you find out about your aunt's news? Norran looked at the prince and asked anxiously.

"It's still not, but I heard the news of Changning Gong's marriage." The prince frowned slightly.

"Princess Changning?" Norran frowned slightly. Prince, this Princess Changning should not be the little aunt. You know that the little aunt's title in Ximan is Changshan. Although Yunguo says that there is a princess, the title Changning is worth thinking about. Norran said with a thought for the prince.

"Yes, if you hadn't reminded me that I would have been fooled by Yunguo." The prince patted his thigh and said.

"Cyan'er is just a maid next to Luo Ning, and Luo Ning has some doubts about Qian'er before. Qian'er doesn't know that Luo Ning's title is also very normal." The prince suddenly realized. We have to rush to Beijing. I want to personally ask for marriage with the Lord of Yun. Please allow the Lord to marry Princess Changning to me as my wife. Norran really wants to thank you this time. His Royal Highness beat Noerran on the shoulder with a smile and said.

"It's an honor for Norran to work for the prince." Norran also saluted the prince with a smile on his face, but he was still very anxious.

"Well, as long as you are loyal to me, I will guarantee your future glory and wealth." The prince patted Noerran's shoulder with a smile.

"Yes, please rest assured. Of course, Noerran knows what to do." Norran said with an excited face.

"Hmm! We are going to Beijing tomorrow. Do you know what to do? The prince looked at Norran and said.

"Norran promises that you will be satisfied with the prince!" Norran bowed respectfully, and then slowly retreated.

"How's it going, prince?" As soon as Norran returned to his room, he was surrounded by several people who were in the room.

"I'm sure that my little uncle is also in big trouble." Norran's eyebrows are locked. The little uncle has a deep affection for the little aunt. Normally, such a thing should not have happened, especially the fact that the little uncle wants to marry Princess Changning. In the past few days, we have found out how Princess Changning treated her little uncle. Norran frowned and said.

"I have seen a bitchy woman, but I have never seen a bitchy woman than her." A black and tall man said loudly that the sound was no different from thunder.

"Akexin, lower your voice. I guess people three miles away can hear your loud voice." A man dressed as a scholar frowned and said, but the fan in his hand was still shaking.

"The only thing we can do now is to find out the news of the little aunt as much as possible on the one hand, and on the other hand, to destroy the marriage between the little uncle and Princess Changning." Norran said eagerly.

"Prince, don't worry, maybe we are not good at finding someone here, but we will do our best to prepare for the prince's wedding." Akxin's loud voice lit up and shook everyone's ears.

"Okay, okay, let's break up. Tomorrow we will enter Chengdu in Yunguo. Everyone should pay attention to their actions." Norran nodded with satisfaction before letting everyone disperse.

"Miss, Miss!" Luo Ning was falling asleep. Suddenly, she heard a crackling outside, which seemed to be the sound of throwing stones. Then a dark shadow swept into the yard from the wall, and then there was an anxious call, which was clearly outside the window.

Luo Ning opened her eyes and sat up, "Who?" Luo Ning asked. Although the internal injury was a little better, Luo Ning's spirit was still not very good, so she didn't hear the sound outside.

"Miss, it's me, I'm Aguna." The sound outside continued.

"Aguna!" Luo Ning's eyes lit up and immediately opened the window, and the figure outside jumped in from the window.

"Aguna has met the young lady!" The man in black pulled down the masked scarf on his face and bowed.

"Aguna, it's really you!" Luo Ning was immediately overjoyed. She never thought that she had fallen into the end of the mountains and rivers, but ushered in the dark flowers of Aguna.

"Yes, Miss!" Aguna said quickly.

"You, how did you find this?" Luo Ning asked in surprise.

Aguna was somewhat surprised by the appearance of Western barbarians and Yunguo people. After entering Beijing, Luo Ning was worried that Prime Minister Luo would find trouble for them, so he let them rent another small courtyard outside and let them wait for her news, but because Luo Ning went from Beijing to the riot to the palace, and finally to the return Tian College and the accident only a few days, so I didn't contact Laguna, but I didn't expect that Laguna was the first person to find himself.

"Ha ha, this is a long story." Aguna scratched his head and smiled with some embarrassment.

Is it? Are you protecting me secretly? Luo Ning frowned slightly. No, you can't get into Chengtian College at all!" Luo Ning said in a low voice.

"I'm secretly protecting the young lady, and Chengtian College has never entered." Seeing Luo Ning breaking the casserole and asking to the end, Aguna knew that he could no longer hide it, and simply made it out. That day, I found that Chengtian College rushed to Chengtian College immediately after the accident, but the whole Chengtian College was surrounded by all kinds of people. My appearance was different from Yunguo, and I didn't dare to go in during the daytime, but kept listening to all kinds of news from Miss. Gulia and I were anxious, but we didn't dare to expose our goal easily. We had to wait until the evening, but we didn't expect to see the young lady saved by one person at night. We thought this was the young lady's friend, so we didn't rush to go forward to recognize each other, so we secretly followed this place, but we didn't expect it to be in the big The day after the lady lived in this yard, I actually saw a man in black going out. Out of curiosity, I secretly followed, but I didn't expect that the man in black saw the Princess Changning. Aguna said the original thing he saw, and even the people in black and Princess Changning in the woods, which made Luo Ning laugh.

"In this way, the martial arts of the man in black are very high, and I dare not follow him too tightly. Fortunately, he went out tonight. Fortunately, he is the only one like him in this house, and I sneaked in." Aguna said.

"Is it Chinese cabbage to be the top master? You can say as much as you want?" Luo Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Ha ha!" Laguna can only laugh.

"Aguna, I can't leave yet!" Luo Ning thought for a moment and said to Aguna.

"Why?" Laguna was a little surprised.

"The power of the road idiot is too horrible, unless we can get rid of them and escape all the way back to the Western barbarians, or my father can take action by himself, or my injury is completely healed, but now my martial arts skills are less than five levels, and I am just dead for the road idiot." Luo Ning smiled miserably.

"What?" Laguna was shocked.

"But young lady, why did you hurt so badly?" Laguna asked in surprise.

"Ha ha, don't ask, so the most important thing for you now is to honestly don't move anything." Luo Ning said with a wry smile.

"Ah?" Aguna opened his mouth in surprise. He never thought that Luo Ning had reached such a point now.

"Go back. I'll go to the road idiot tomorrow and ask you to come in to take care of me, and bring as many poisonous herbs as possible. I'm useful." Luo Ning continued.

"Poisonous things?" Aguna's head is a little confused.

"Do what I say!" Luo Ning said faintly.

"Yes!" Laguna promised. Miss, take care of yourself. I'll go first." Aguna jumped out of the window and immediately disappeared into the vast night.

"If you want something poisonous, just tell me. Why do you need to be a rough person?" A faint sound sounded from the stairs, and the sound was getting closer and closer, but there was no sound of footsteps.

"Will you give it to me?" Luo Ning asked faintly.

"Love flower, do you want it?" The voice continued to ask.

"Love flower?" Luo Ning was a little surprised. She had only read this love flower from books but had not seen it. When she saw this love flower, Luo Ning once laughed with Dongfang Ming and said that the things of the Condor Heroes had moved to Yunguo. But what I didn't expect was that the road idiot really moved a pot of love flowers and put it in front of Luo Ning.

"Let me see!" Luo Ning was a little excited and sad.

"be careful, this flower is poisonous and insoluble." Lu Chi held a pot of flowers and put it on the table and said to Luo Ning with a smile.

"Ha ha!" Luo Ning smiled faintly, but there was a faint indifference on her face.

Luo Ningzi carefully looked at the flower. He saw that the flower was about the size of a bowl and white all over his body. He smelled the fragrance. Looking closely at the flowers and trees, he saw that the branches and leaves were full of small thorns, but the color of the petals was extremely delicate, like roses and more fragrant, like camellia, but the fragrance was carefully but slightly bitter. Luo Ning casually picked a flower and slowly sent the petals to his mouth.

"Ninger!" Lu Chi was shocked. He never thought that Luo Ning would eat this poisonous love flower so sweetly.

"Would you like to try it?" Luo Ning suddenly laughed, but there were tears in her eyes.

"What is the world's love? Directly teach people to be allowed to live and die?" Suddenly, Luo Ning felt that her mood was similar to Yang Guo's, and her heart was full of light bitterness.

The mouth is sweet, sweet as honey, and slightly drunk. I feel refreshed, but after a few bites, there is a bitter taste. I have to spit it out, as if I don't want to swallow it, and it's a little difficult to swallow.

Isn't this also the best interpretation of the word love?

Luo Ning gently stroked the love flower and didn't seem to see the road idiot on the side.

"Be careful!" Lu Chi quickly reminded that Luo Ning's hand was about to touch the little thorn next to him.

But it was too late, and the red blood had gently rolled out along Luo Ning's white fingers.

"Hmm!" Luo Ning frowned gently and sent the finger to his mouth and sucked it gently.

"Ninger!" Lu Chi felt great pain in his heart, but he couldn't stop Luo Ning from doing what he did.

"Didn't you send me a pot of love flowers to do this?" Luo Ning smiled faintly, but there was no sense of sadness in her eyes. However, the road idiot did not find that Luo Ning's hand slowly stroked a small grass and was quickly grasped down by Luo Ning and hid in his hand.