Reborn Entertainment Giant

Chapter 140 Crazy

Zhang Xiaohua was depressed and only heard Zhang Shaofang explain to him, "Your father is also for your own good. Who told you not to do your job all day? Your father knows you, so he knows that no matter how much money you give, it's not enough for you to squander. And New Century Entertainment is your father's lifelong painstaking efforts, and he doesn't want to be destroyed in your hands like this. Cao Dequan is also your father's good brother. They have been playing together since childhood. Your father also believes that if the company falls into Cao Dequan's hands, there may be a turning point. If it is handed over to you, you will definitely not be able to manage it. As for the %2 shares, if you don't spend money indiscriminately, it is enough for you to live a carefree life. Do you understand what your father means now?

Zhang Xiaohua nodded, indicating that he fully understood the dead father's intentions.

If you change it to yourself and don't want to leave the company to the former Zhang Xiaohua, it's a real waste. If you give him the New Century Entertainment at that time, it is estimated that he will be cheated and there will be no scum left, right?


%2 shares are not much, there are hundreds of thousands in January. If you don't spend money indiscriminately, you will really have enough money to eat and clothing for a lifetime.

Zhang Xiaohua did not blame the dead father for arranging this. After all, he did not know that Zhang Xiaohua had been reborn before his death, let alone that the good brother he had trusted for decades ignored morality.

Besides, it's useless to say anything now. The past has passed. Since it is irreparable, we can only look forward.

"I know. You can recover at ease. You don't have to worry about other things. Everything is with me." Zhang Xiaohua said firmly.

Looking at her son's firm eyes, Zhang Shaofang also felt a sense of down-to-earth.

With a smile of relief, Zhang Shaofang said nothing more.

The son has grown up and believes that he has his own life, and no one can interfere.

Slowly closing her eyes, Zhang Shaofang gradually fell asleep, with a slightly pale face, and I don't know when there was a happy smile.

Seeing that his mother had fallen asleep, Zhang Xiaohua restrained the smile on his face and became sad.

The mother is fine, but Aunt Liu still shows no sign of improvement. Instead, her condition is getting worse and worse. According to this, she can't hide it. When her mother knows Aunt Liu's real situation, she will definitely not be able to bear it.

Zhang Xiaohua was confused and at a loss. He wanted to do something for Aunt Liu, but found that there was nothing to do at all. In other words, he was powerless and could only wait and see what had changed.

At this moment, a nurse came to the ward and whispered to Zhang Xiaohua, "Ms. Liu Mei has just woken up. You can go to see her."

Zhang Xiaohua was happy to hear the words and hurriedly walked to Aunt Liu's ward.

As soon as he came to Aunt Liu's ward, several doctors happened to come out of it. Zhang Xiaohua immediately came forward and asked, "How is the patient's situation? Is she awake? Is the condition under control?

Several doctors shook their heads collectively, all of whom looked helpless. Only one attending doctor said, "The patient's wound deteriorated too fast. Bacteria have invaded the patient's internal organs, and even the bone marrow has been infected, which has caused a variety of diseases. At present, the patient's cardiopulmonary function is declining, and we can only use drugs to maintain the patient's functions. You still have to be mentally prepared!"

After listening to the doctor's words, Zhang Xiaohua's fire of hope that had just burned burst in an instant, and his mood was extremely depressed!

During this period, Zhang Xiaohua has invited almost all well-known experts in China to consult Aunt Liu, but the results are consistent. All experts said that there is nothing they can do. Even if Aunt Liu is sent to the country with the most advanced medical level for treatment, the result is still the same, because Aunt Liu is terminally ill, anyone Love can't help.

Even Aunt Liu can't leave this sterile ward at all. Once she comes out, she is likely to cause a secondary infection in an instant, and then her life will be exhausted in an instant.

Now whether it is a doctor or Zhang Xiaohua, it seems that the only thing they can do is to wait for Death to come and then take Aunt Liu's soul away.

"The patient has just woken up, but the patient's mind is not very clear. You can change into a sterile suit to see her, but not for too long, because the patient is still weak.

Zhang Xiaohua was listless and sad. In addition to his heart, he was more eager to do something for Aunt Liu, but what else can he do for her?

The next moment, Zhang Xiaohua changed into a sterile suit, so he carefully walked into Aunt Liu's ward under the leadership of the nurse.

Slowly went to the bed and looked at Aunt Liu's bloodless face. Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help clenching his fists. The memories came to his mind one by one, all of which were Aunt Liu's kind smile and her care for Zhang Xiaohua.

She has worked hard for half of her life. She has been a cow and horse in the Zhang family for 20 years and has never done anything immoral. Finally, in order to save other people's lives, she almost gave her life. Can't a good person like her not get the good reward she deserves?

If there is really a God in the world, then Zhang Xiaohua would like to ask him in person why good people always have a short life? But those bad people who commit adultery can go well and live a long life?

Gently holding Aunt Liu's soft and weak hand, Zhang Xiaohua leaned down slightly, tried his best to suppress the tears in his eyes, and said softly, "Auncle Liu, I'm here. What do you think?"

On the contrary, Aunt Liu saw that her eyes were dull and motionless. She just looked at the snow-white ceiling, as if there was a beautiful and unparalleled picture on the ceiling, which made her distracted, and there was a faint smile hanging between the corners of her mouth.


She was stunned and only heard Aunt Liu keep repeating the word "Yaya". No, it should be said that she is urgently calling. She is looking forward to the arrival of this "Yaya". She hopes to see this "Yaya" side, or she hopes that this "Yaya" can come to see her for the last time!

At the same time, Zhang Xiaohua is also urgently recalling that he hopes that he can remember who this "Yaya" is, but no matter who this "Yaya" is, she should be an extremely important person for Aunt Liu!

Zhang Xiaohua closed his eyes, concentrated all his energy, and took one brain cell after another, and finally made a green face flash in his mind...

Although it was a short time, Zhang Xiaohua also saw it clearly. It was a teenage girl with two upturned braids on her head, and her appearance was somewhat similar to Aunt Liu. If Zhang Xiaohua remembered correctly, this little girl should be Aunt Liu's daughter, that is, the "ya" she called in her mouth.

Zhang Xiaohua also knows that this girl is Aunt Liu's closest person in the world. Now that Aunt Liu is so ill, it is also common for her to see her daughter, but her daughter has been studying abroad, and the relationship between mother and daughter has never been very good, but Zhang Xiaohua has made up his mind. In any case, he will fulfill Aunt Liu's wish and bring her daughter to her, which is the only thing Zhang Xiaohua can do for her.

"Aunuch Liu, don't worry, your daughter will come soon." After saying that, Zhang Xiaohua gently let go of Aunt Liu's cold hand, then helped her cover the quilt, and left the ward. As he walked, he took off his sterile clothes and went straight to Zhang Shaofang's ward.

Time is tight. Zhang Xiaohua must get the information of Aunt Liu's daughter from his mother, otherwise he really can't contact this girl.

came to Zhang Shaofang's ward. At this time, even though Zhang Shaofang was still asleep, Zhang Xiaohua had to wake her up.

Before Zhang Shaofang woke up, Zhang Xiaohua asked urgently, "Mom, do you know where Aunt Liu's daughter is now? How can I get in touch with her?

Zhang Shaofang suddenly refreshed, opened his eyes, and was not sleepy at all. He also asked eagerly, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with your Aunt Liu?

Zhang Xiaohua smiled, and the insignificant smile instantly covered the urgency in his heart and lied calmly, "It's okay. It's just that Aunt Liu said that she hadn't seen her daughter for a long time, so she wanted to be a little."

Zhang Shaofang looked puzzled and said puzzled, "Then why didn't Aunt Liu directly tell you Yaya's contact information and asked you to ask me?"

Zhang Xiaohua's face changed slightly and was asked.

With a sharp turn of mind, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly flashed and smiled, "Aunt Liu doesn't want to affect Yaya's studies, so she is not going to tell Yaya about her current situation. But I can see that Aunt Liu misses her daughter very much. Besides, at least you still have my son here, but Aunt Liu has no relatives. Anyway, we have to reunite their mother and daughter, don't we? What's more, the relationship between mother and daughter has never been very good. Just in time, we can take advantage of Aunt Liu's hospitalization to let her daughter come back. Maybe when the two of them meet, they will be as good as before. After all, blood is thicker than water.

Zhang Shaofang nodded directly when she heard the words and obviously agreed with Zhang Xiaohua's meaning and said, "Aya is now studying at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. She is studying business management and I heard that she is also majoring in law. That girl has studied well since she was a child, so she has always relied on scholarships to be self-reliable. After careful calculation, it's time for her to graduate this year. I remember her phone number is 328-330-5678, but this is still the phone number she left a long time ago. Please try to contact her.

"I see. Have a good rest. I'll take care of the rest." After saying that, Zhang Xiaohua quickly left the ward and avoided Zhang Shaofang's audio-visual. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Yaya's phone directly.

For a moment, a beautiful female voice came from the phone: "Hello, hello."

"Hello, I'm Zhang Xiaohua..."


As soon as Zhang Xiaohua opened his mouth, there was an instant sound of hanging up on the phone. It seemed that the other party did it intentionally, and the other party was obviously disgusted with the name "Zhang Xiaohua".

"Fusa, hang up my phone?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at the mobile phone screen in a blankly and was puzzled for a moment and almost went crazy!