Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 92 Who is the chess piece and who is the chess player

After all, the scenery was troubled by the change in the afternoon, and the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner in the evening was absent-minded from beginning to end.

The banquet was set in the Yishun Hall on the west bank, facing Kunming Lake. At this time, the blue waves were carrying the remnants of the sun like blood, and the lake was full of ripples. The undulating outline of Kunming Mountain also added a little more beauty because of the glow.

On the south side of the chief, two long cases are side by side. On the left side, the empress dowager and the eldest princess sit side by side. On the right side is naturally the seat of the emperor and the queen. The concubines sit on both sides of the chief in turn. Because of the presence of clan relatives and several noble families, they did not scratch their heads to make a good deeds.

Several nobles invited today are still under the clan, and they are also the same case. For example, the Duke of Wei, which is adjacent to the royal palace of Chu. The first row is the head of the Duke of the family, Wei and the Huang family. Next, the second master Su Ke and the son Su Xun. After the uncle and nephews, sit Su Lian and Yichen, Yi Jing and Liu Niang naturally Sit at the end.

When beautiful scenery failed again and fell on the case, Liu Niang couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with the fifth sister? So absent-minded?"

Yi Jing had to force a smile and whispered, "I didn't take a nap today because of the selection of seats, and I felt a little sleepy at this time."

Liu Niang nodded with deep sympathy.

In fact, such as this kind of palace banquet is really boring. Although the wine and food are in front, they can't eat freely because of the etiquette. It's just a simple taste. Men can still stagger and gossip, but the little women must be cautious. Most of the time, they can only stare at the hall to cheer up. The dancer has to pretend to be talkative.

Ying and Liu Niang can still bear it, just like a woman with the temperament of Princess Pingle and Su Lian. She is really like sitting on pins and needles - since she arrived at this imperial garden, Su Lian appeared in front of the Empress Dowager and didn't know where she had gone. Later, she "came met" Princess Pingle. The two women of similar ages, but they blended with each other. Although both of them were energetic in the afternoon, they were somewhat tired after several hours of strenuous exercise. Coupled with the fact that the palace banquet was really boring, they all fell asleep together.

Su Lian was still fine. Princess Pingle almost didn't notice that she fell from the chair. Thanks to the sisters beside her, she also attracted the attention of Jin's Liu Niang next to the seat of King Kang's Mansion.

Maybe it was too boring, and Princess Pingle was very embarrassed. Jin Liuniang couldn't help making a "bu xiao", which made Princess Pingle stare at her several fierce eyes.

This small episode did not attract much attention.

Only the high-ranking queen saw it and looked at Princess Pingle thoughtfully.

Fortunately, the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner did not last long. An hour later, when the twilight was four, the sky gradually faded, and the touch of the distant sky gradually turned pale. Looking forward to it, a round of bright jade plate finally moved to the willows, and the palace banquet was over. Everyone moved to the Miaoyin Pavilion to listen to the play with the holy driving.

Miaoyin Pavilion is actually located on a man-made island on Kunming Lake. It can not only walk on it through the jade belt bridge, but also take a painting. Because the grass and trees on the island are green, the flowers are fragrant, and the scenery is very beautiful. Because it is located in the middle of the lake, it is surrounded by blue waves. Here you can enjoy the moonlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival, raise your eyes and sing softly. Silk bamboo is wrapped around the ears, which has a special style.

Compared with the boring palace banquet, listening to the moon is much more interesting.

Although the Miaoyin Pavilion is a three-story stage, the stage is set in the open air in front of the pavilion, and everyone sits down. Although the skylight has long been dim, in front of the Miaoyin Pavilion, there are trees and lanterns full of lights, reflecting this square space brilliantly and like the day.

The concubines and all the women's family, of course, accompanied the empress dowager and sat on the west side. Except for the empress dowager as the chief, the queen and the eldest princess accompanied them, the other concubines and daughters were not sorted by grade. They only sat with the usual three taels, enjoying the fat and powdered actors on the stage, gently shaking the water sleeves, dancing with a slender waist, and wrapped Singing Kun dialect with melodness.

At this time, the little women also dispersed some restraints, sometimes whispering, gossiping in the boudoirs, or commenting on the figure and singing of the singers.

Some young princes, also on the side of the women, sit meekly beside their mothers and concubines.

Because Yijing was really not in the mood, she found a quiet place and was full of thought, which came from the threat of the third prince.

She really couldn't figure out what happened in the Qianrao Pavilion, and who coincided with herself and "become an enemy" with the third prince. The purpose of that person seemed to be the jade seal lost by the third prince... The third prince did not investigate the whereabouts of the jade seal later. Thinking about it, she also realized that there were others involved in it, but Obviously, the third prince will not give up his marriage for this reason.

That orchid hairpin is really a hidden danger.

However, it can't be discussed with others, and even grandma can only hide it temporarily.

Originally, I just wanted to change the misfortune of the day, but I didn't want to develop to this point, but it actually involved in the competition for storage.

The beautiful scene was really full of worries. She couldn't help raising her eyelids slightly, crossed the fragrance of her temples, and locked in the crowd sitting upright on the east side, the evil that bothered her very much.

Unexpectedly, I happened to meet the third prince.

The demon raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Yi Jing couldn't help humming coldly. When she opened her eyes, she suddenly looked at Yu Yu.

The teenager with a bead crown and a blue brocade robe actually noticed the absent-mindedness of the beautiful scenery early in the morning and kept watching silently. At this time, when he saw her sitting alone in loneliness, there seemed to be a layer of resentment between his eyebrows, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

The scenery looked down in a panic.

In addition to the beautiful scenery, there is also Zhen Mo, an absent-minded person. At this time, she sat next to the crown princess, suddenly looked at the upright jade teenager beside the Duke of Wei, and suddenly glanced anxiously at An Hui, who was whispering with Princess Pingle.

An Hui glanced at Zhen Mo quite frequently today, which is meaningful and a little sarcastic and disdainful.

Princess Pingle is a character who can't hide her words. If An Hui told her about Shuilian'an...

Zhen Mo couldn't sit still. She made an answer to the princess, and bravely came to the case of Princess Pingle. She was forced to say nothing to say happily: "This play is wonderful. I have never heard of it before."

An Hui gave Zhen Mo a disgusted look, turned her eyes and said sarcastically, "What is this? Zhen, you are well-informed, and I'm afraid you have heard of any strange and wonderful play."

Zhen Mo's pretty face turned pale, and she was very annoyed. There was a little coldness in her smile: "Ahui, is this teating me? Or do you really think today's play is boring? As far as I can see, the Empress is also watching it with relish. Why doesn't Ah Hui find it interesting?

An Hui's smile stiffened and remembered his father's warning when he returned home that day. He said that the matter was related to the prince, and he must not be publicized. Even in front of the old princess, he could not miss a word... But it was really unwilling to see Zhen Mo show off his power here.

What a shameless **, An Hui slandered for a while, but had to swallow it.

Princess Pingle couldn't understand the exchange between the two, but what she noticed was that Jin Liuniang was biting her ear and talking to Kong Lan with interest. Kong Lan also glanced at this side from time to time, as if she was a little sarcastic.

I'm afraid that I don't want to lose my mind at the previous palace banquet again.

Princess Pingle couldn't help but rise in anger. A few steps forward, the grandior was just a sentence: "Jin Liuniang, you might as well say it directly to your face. What is the reason for secretly discussing it?"

This really wronged Jin Liuniang. How could she provoke Princess Pingle's carbon explosion on such an important occasion? Just now, she was just talking about the singing of the singer on the stage with Kong Lan. However, Kong Lan specially pulled Jin Liuniang to talk privately because she got the queen's aunt and looked at Princess Pingle deeply. It's just an eye.

"What does princess mean?" Jin Liuniang used to be a hot figure in the noble women's group because of her grandfather's situation. No one dares to speak coldly to her. If she changes the occasion, of course, she has to change her partner. She will definitely argue with reason, but the prince's choice of concubine is at present. She is unwilling to argue with others, let alone the prestigious Princess Pingle, when He explained with a smile, "Princess, don't get me wrong. I'm just commenting on the opera with Alan."

"That's exactly." Naturally, Kong Lan would not have made it out of nothing, but she explained with an ulsting intention: "I really don't like to listen to the play. If it hadn't been for Ah Jin's successful explanation to me, I'm afraid I would have fallen asleep and lost my honor in front of the nobles."

This can be regarded as a mental illness of Princess Pingle, and she is more and more sure that Jin Liuniang is laughing at her. Without saying a word, she picked up a bowl of tea and was about to pour it up.

Jin Liuniang subconsciously stopped it, but was pulled by Princess Pingle and almost fell to the ground with a chair.

The noise was a little louder, which attracted everyone's attention. Even the empress dowager and the queen were shocked. They frowned and looked this way.

Mrs Jin was originally talking with Mrs. Kong. When she saw such a scene, she was shocked and quickly scolded her daughter first, and then comforted Princess Pingle.

Princess Kang was originally in the same place with Xiao Xie. At this time, she also found that the situation was wrong and quickly pulled Pingle away. When asked about the cause and effect, she took a fierce look at Jin Liuniang.

This is really a disaster from the sky. Jin Liuniang couldn't say anything with grievance, which made her chest stuffy. Her interest suddenly plummeted and she didn't say a word with a cold face.

The prince and his clan also noticed this big dispute. After watching coldly, they had their own minds.

Qin Xiang also looked sideways. His expression was very subtle, but Jin Xiang didn't care. Instead, he said to King Kang, "It's better to really restrain his temperament."

King Kang immediately blackened his face. He only had a legitimate daughter, Pingle, who was originally regarded as the pearl on his palm and could not tolerate others to slander half a sentence. However, Jin Xiangshi was still his uncle, and it was not easy to turn against him on the spot, so he had to endure a mouthful of turbidity.

In those years, the late emperor had the idea of standing. If Jin Xiang strongly supported him, King Kang may not be able to lose his position, but Jin Xiang stood by for selfish desires... This anger was already choking in his chest, but the dispute between the daughter of the boudoir was still unknown, and Jin Xiang How to push the responsibility to Pingle and convince King Kang.

King Kang lowered his eyelids gloomily and clenched his iron fist.

In the bright light and shadow, the queen slowly glanced at everyone's face, and her smile was very relaxed.