Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

254 Amazing secrets, heinous evil deeds

For Shide's anxiousness, most nobles disapprove of it. The remarks are as follows-

"The son of Chu is not a teenager with a dry smell. Zhizhou is too petty. Even if he goes to Pi Nan, what can he find out?"

"That's why some of the large and small officials of the Ministry of Industry have not benefited us from this matter and poked us out, and they can't get any benefits. If the prince wants to observe it, he is a well-dressed prince, even if he has some talent and ink skills, and can still understand the practice of this place?"

"This matter involves not only the two places, but also the Kyoto aristocracy. As the saying goes, the crime does not punish the public. Besides, we have a land deed with the seal of the state government. Even if it is poked out, it is legal."

"It's okay to do anything. Instead of thinking about Pi Nan, Zhizhou Mo Ru will give us a thorough analysis. What about the matter of yellow chrysantheon? We all listened to Jin Xiang's promise before we invested such a large amount of money, which is a risky." - It was the commander of Bingzhouwei who asked this. At this time, most of the nobles had already left, and there were only a few thousand households left in the hall.

Shi De had to explain the plan in detail and warned repeatedly: "This matter is not like a flood. If it is revealed, it is still a trivial matter to accompany silver. Once the emperor is investigated, my state will be the first to be the brunt, and it will even involve the gold medal."

Naturally, everyone swore that they would be in the same boat with Jin Xiangfeng and rain. Knowing that everything was going smoothly, they went home contentedly and waited for the sky to make a fortune.

Only Shide is still worried. He should know that once Pi Nan is defeated, he and Jin Xiang can bear the risk of hiding the disaster and not repaying him. The emperor's crime will not punish the public, and the pardon is only the noble family that occupies the land. However, he can't forgive the local Zhizhou and the prime minister of the dynasty who hides the seal and ignores the national law.

Unexpectedly, Lanxin, the beloved daughter, came to question again: "Didn't the father say that the son of the world would live in our house? How did he go to the princess's house to settle down?"

Shi De was even more frustrated: "I didn't expect this. I can't care about your business at the moment. The safety of our family is the top priority."

Shi Lan hurriedly asked carefully, but she didn't care: "Even if the son can detect the truth of Pi Nan, he still have to take into account a lot of serious things. In addition, the land occupied the land, and the concealment of the disaster is to hide the disaster. The two cannot be compared. My father has already arranged for a long time, and it is difficult for the son to detect the facts. How can he break his father and Jin Xiang's illegal concealment of the law? This bullying is a great sin. Can the prince not know the word "cautious"? At present, the emperor has been wary of Qin Xiang. How can he be punished by Jin Xiang for this? As long as Jin Xiang is safe, there is no need for the father to worry about it. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to think about how to let his daughter make friends with the world.

After a calculation, he made a plan and carefully planned it. Hearing Shide's shooting, he praised his daughter's intelligence and immediately arranged it according to the plan.

He also said that the son of Yu Yu, the car stopped and went to Pi Nan that night. First, he met the county magistrate who temporarily took over the county affairs.

When asked whether the county magistrate concealed the disaster, the county magistrate did not insist. He only said that the county magistrates did not receive the county magistrate's instructions and went to Bingzhou City to report the disaster. As for the master Bo, he also said that he did not get the county magistrate's seal and sent it to Beijing.

The two looked very flashed, and even when the clear sky witnessed it, they felt that something was strange, not to mention Yu.

However, it is only not observed.

I didn't ask more about the embankment, but went to prevent the disaster, but asked a lot of questions.

Because Pinan and Tang counties are already adjacent, Shi De concentrated the affected people in Pinan County for unified resettlement. Although they live in temporary bamboo house felt tents, although they are a little simple, the disaster victims are already very satisfied. Speaking of the county magistrates of the two counties, the disaster victims are even more uneven.

"Since the disaster, the county magistrate has set up a shelter for the people from the wind and rain, and the rations, porridge and soup have never been interrupted. He also ordered the government officials to recruit strong men to repair the river embankment that was destroyed. If the two adults hide the disaster, it is impossible."

"The two adults attach great importance to the embankment. Because Pinan is a dangerous beach and the terrain is low, as long as the water level of the Yanjiang and Nanjiang River rises, the Dinghe River is bound to be rapid. If the river goes down, Pinan and Tang County are the first to take the brunt. Therefore, we can all see that the county magistrates have been building embankments to prevent flood control year by year."

"Since the rainstorm, the county magistrate ordered to set up a flood inspection on the embankment, and the chief arranged to be on duty. If it hadn't been reported in time this time, most people would still be asleep, how could they avoid the high ground in time?"

"It's strange that Xiaomin once heard their ancestors say that although the area around Pinan is a dangerous beach, the flood of the previous dynasty has been safely avoided. I don't know why this year's flood caused flooding."

Some people sighed repeatedly: "It's all God's will. It's only snowy last winter, and it ended in two days. Isn't it strange? After another April, many people got strange diseases, with high fever and vomiting. At first, they were worried that it was a plague, but they didn't want to say no.

When Yu Yu heard this, he suddenly concentrated and asked carefully.

"At first, one or two people in Zhuangzi suffered from a disease. Originally, they thought it was a cold. They went to the pharmacy and took the auxiliary medicine and took it. They didn't want the disease to get worse. Seeing that it was about to be cured, the family was anxious and hired a doctor. Unexpectedly, the doctor looked at it and claimed that it was malaria, which scared us very much. The medical officer came to the state city epidemic center. Quarantine the person from another place, and later said that it was cold, which delayed the treatment and dragged it seriously, but the two were also very deadly and still survived. Only then did we feel at ease. The doctor who was misdiagnosed at the beginning was also investigated for being demagogic and suffered dozens of boards.

"There are many people suffering from wind and cold this year. There are many people in Pinan alone. Some of them really don't have money to seek medical treatment and lose their lives after procrastination."

Yu Yu asked again, "Is it only the doctor who diagnosed malaria?"

"Isn't it? He must have been misdiagnosed because of his poor medical skills. If it were malaria, he would not have died of illness. I'm afraid it would spread early."

"I came to the state city this time and paid attention to it. I learned that many people died because they had no money for medical treatment. Many points of the epidemic have been set up in the county. Only those who seek medical treatment in a timely manner have no worries about their lives."

"I said that this matter was only strange. There was not a person in our village who was also sick. He was impatient to go to the county for epidemic treatment and asked his family to invite the doctor to see, but he didn't expect that the doctor came to see the pulse and refused to prescribe it. He insisted on persuading people to go to the epidemic center. The doctor refused to make money. I don't know why."

"You don't know anything. Since the doctor said malaria, which made people panic, the adults in the state city issued an order. If there is a demagogic person, they will not be punished, but if there are patients who cannot be diagnosed, the doctor will send them to the epidemic center."

These remarks made Yu Yu suspicious. A vague and dangerous idea came from his heart, so he did not go to the epidemic to investigate the situation, but asked Jiang Han: "In your opinion, is this disease malaria?"

Jiang Han dares not break it lightly: "It's hard to be sure if you don't see the patient."

"If it is cold, can it really make so many people sick?" Yu Yu asked again.

"This year's climate is quite strange. In contrast to the dry weather in the north, there is little snow in spring and more rain. In terms, it is very easy to breed the epidemic, which is not surprising that people suffer from wind chills and colds. As for malaria, the onset period is as long as half a month. At first, the symptoms are very similar to wind and cold, and it is not easy to diagnose. I heard that in the past, once malaria storm It is extremely difficult to prevent and control, and there are many cases that have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Therefore, once the imperial court finds the epidemic, most of them are not treated, but burned and isolated. In the past, malaria prescriptions were mainly with artemisia, and the effect was very small, unless people with strong constitution can escape death."

Jiang Han slightly meditated and continued: "However, it is said that the famous doctor Ji Shi in the Eastern Ming Dynasty improved the prescription and used yellow worms to cure tens of thousands of malaria patients. I don't know if it is true or not. Jishi's improvement focuses on yellow artemisia, which is not only different from ordinary artemisia, but also makes the unhemoir unheard of before. It is different from the previous water drench to dry the moist cutting section, but the original distillation extraction method of the Jishi family. At present, the yellow artemisia on the market is used as a recipe. Jiang Han shook his head and was a little helpless: "My Jiang family has been practicing medicine for generations, but I don't know the difference between the medicinal properties of chrysca and artemisia. Although I know the concoction method, I have never met malaria patients, so I have no chance to test the practice."

"The yellow worm can indeed cure malaria." Yu Yu was very sure: "Since the founding of Dalong, although there have not been many cases of malaria, there have been outbreaks in the early emperors, southwest and other places. At that time, medical officials introduced the time prescriptions to successfully treat malaria. There are only more than 20 people who died, most of whom are infants and young or elderly people. There are many records of state doctors."

That is to say, the medical officers of the state city epidemic center should know this way. If there is a malaria outbreak, they can also use the improved prescription of Jishi to temporarily control the disease.

If malaria is not a flood, but has early signs...

Yu Yu clenched his fist heavily, and his deep eyes sank coldly. If it was really as he guessed... In Jin Rongzhong, in order to make money, he actually committed this heinous crime. When 100,000 people were ants, if he was not brought to justice, it would be in vain for his descendants surnamed Yu!

"Son of the world, why don't you go to the epidemic center to find out? As long as I see the patient, it should not be difficult to judge. Jiang Han was unreasonable. Seeing that Yu's expression was solemn, he proposed.

"If it's malaria, it's hidden by the epidemic. Let's not startle the snakes first. Let's see what the purpose of these people is." Although Yu Yu said so, he felt angry and punched the case fiercely.

Jiang Han was shocked. He had known his son for many years and had never seen him so angry.

"If the epidemic really wants to hide it, it will certainly not be controlled. At least for now, the patient can be treated." Yu Yu tried his best to suppress his anger, closed his eyes and took a few breaths, and calmly analyzed - it was precisely because of the sudden outbreak of malaria in Bingzhou that the collusion between officials and businessmen was certain, and most of the courtiers thought it was a disease caused by floods in five counties.

But at present, it is very likely to be a man-made disaster!

Bingzhou officials knew about the occurrence of malaria, but they concealed it and did not report it in order to buy chrysax, raise the price of medicine, and make profits. They wanted to buy out such a large amount of medicinal materials, resulting in the market out of stock. It is absolutely impossible to rely on the wealth of one or two drug dealers. I don't know how many nobles will participate in it. If they are investigated together...

It must be a bloody storm, which may even cause civil strife.

In the last life, the flood broke out. Somehow, both sides were hidden, and the floods in five counties inevitably led to the aggravation of malaria. At that time, Jin Xiang's party was ready to make the disaster clear.

However, since they make profits as they wish, if patients have to be treated in time, it will not cause nearly 100,000 people to die tragically.

Among them, there must be omissions, which he didn't expect.

In this life, even if floods can be avoided in five counties, it must not be able to avoid the spread of malaria.

The key lies in how to expose the conspiracy of Jin Xiang and control the situation as much as possible - we can't let the people die in vain, nor can we implict Xun Gui too widely.

If the snake is drawn out of the hole as soon as possible... It seems safer to prevent and control it in time before the epidemic spreads widely.

At the thought of this, Yu Yu suddenly changed his mind: "Haidu, you go to visit the doctors in the county. Remember that it is widely rumored that it was ordered by me, and let them understand that I am very suspicious of the cold."