Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 275 Meng Gaoping's injustice, His Royal Highness "refection"

A watchman should not need Shide to come forward to buy it in person, so the person he offered was only the county of Fengcheng.

Meng HD has proved that dozens of civilians outside the court fell silent. Their surprised eyes turned to Zhizhou Shide, who stood on the side of the hall, and Lanxin, a boudoir model in the eyes of the people in the whole city. Until this time, they did not dare to believe today's hearing and witness, and everyone's hearts were hovering around. One question is why Shi Zhizhou framed this Pi Nanzhu Bo. Even if malaria happens early, it is still a natural disaster that can't be stopped by human beings. Why did Zhizhou hide the disaster? And Zhizhou's daughter has also come forward to buy good medicine with private money and donate to the epidemic area free of charge. How can such a kind and beautiful woman be an accomplice of murder and maliciously concealment in the world's mouth?

Compared with ordinary people, the powerful and powerful people present understand a little better. They are sure that Shi De must have a conspiracy. At this time, there is no lack of whispers, and those who are bright-minded. They have vaguely thought that the root cause of concealing the disaster is to speculate wormwormworm for profit, and their eyes are gloomy - if the court provides disaster relief does not hurt private interests, everyone However, they will not pay attention to it, but at present, they are going to raise money for medicine. If malaria is really caused by floods, they have to admit their bad luck for those who illegally occupy land. However, if malaria had happened a long time ago, it would have been caused by Shide to hide the disaster. What's not to mention that Shide is willing to speculate on high drug prices, which is undoubtedly greedy for yellow flowers. Isn't this what they paid for and fattened Shide's pocket? Shi De dares to beat the abacus on them, which is unbearable. Even if everything is Jin Xiang's plan, he can't bear to swallow his anger!

To say, Jin Xiang can have the current reputation in the court, and it is inseparable from the support of nobles.

And those nobles who had already known the truth and participated in it have also received Chang Xinbo's "admonishment" at this time. They all know that they have thrown out the money to waste, and now they have become guilty. Today, they are all heavy, everyone is resentful, and they are coldly watching the idea of the prince to expose the conspiracy. At this time However, his face was also full of indifference, ignoring Shide's frequent eyes.

As for the political envoys, inspectors and a group of families who were still unknown at the beginning, at this time, they have begun to secretly figure out how to write the first book, send the book, and ask Qin Xiang to come forward and use this case to make Jin Rong doomed.

Also said that Shi Lanxin, the girl's mood was very complicated at this time.

The murder case she planned for her was originally successful. Miss Shi thought she was proficient in criminal law and clearly observed Qiuhao. If she was a man, she could fully afford the plaque "bright mirror hanging high" on the hall. In addition, she did not pay attention to a nine-pin master at first, and thought that as long as the court trial record was detailed, the Ministry of Criminal Justice was Jin Xiang. There is absolutely no possibility of re-examination of this case. Even if today's son is re-examined, she is sure that Meng Gao can't turn over with the "conclusive evidence of crime". How can she know that the son forced the witness to say it by herself by creating a "proud" court trial.

She wrote the testimony of the two witnesses herself and asked Fengcheng Zhixian to "teaching" the witnesses.

Originally, I thought that as long as the son did not torture and extract confessions, there would be no mistakes. Unexpectedly, just a detail was mastered by him, which led to the loss of the whole game.

Shi Lanxin's untimely eyes looked like autumn water and looked at the man sitting in the hall.

He looked pale, noble and gentle, just like the modest gentleman on the banquet that day. Originally, she was young and fell in love with him for his noble background and appearance, but today he showed a dark and cold frontal, which completely conquered her.

In this world, there is a talented person who is qualified to win her heart.

Unfortunately, this person is destined to be opposed to her Shi family.

Until this, Shi Lanxin certainly understood that the prince was suspicious of the epidemic in Bingzhou from the beginning - or heard some comments when he went to the epidemic area, or Chang Shanbo had doubts about the Meng Gao's case and informed the prince. In short, the prince should have planned to overturn Meng Gao's case for a long time, and wanted to take advantage of this case to The Shi family and Jin Xiang "played all" - but the son of the world, I will make you understand that your choice is wrong, which is not as easy as you think.

They are destined to be the two hostile parties, the regret of the Chuhe Han world.

Since I can't work with you, it's good to be your opponent. In short, in your memory, there will be Shi Lanxin, who is bright and different.

Therefore, you must not admit defeat, turn defeat into victory, or let him have a similar feeling - the woman in the world, but only Lanxin is qualified to be remembered.

Regret is that we can't stand side by side and can only stand against each other.

There are many legends of talented and beautiful women with a full moon, but rare ones are falling in love with each other but destined to be entangled with the enemy.

I want to be a regret that you will never want for a lifetime.

The tense atmosphere above the court became subtle in Miss Lanxin's wishful and extremely powerful fantasy.

She raised her cheeks slightly, had no scruples, and was safe.

The corners of his lips seemed to be smiling, and his eyes were shining brightly. With a strange look, Shi Lan looked up quietly at Yu, who was sitting on the public case, and began to interrogate another witness--

The old neighbor of the deceased Lan family, a 30-year-old woman, was still not knowing that her husband had confessed and was relentlessly explaining Lan's complaints during her lifetime.

"Since the murderer came to Fengcheng, Lan Niang talked to the civilian woman that her husband's son-in-law was originally a good friend of the murderer, but over the years, he has not been familiar with him. Lan Niang was not familiar with him. That day, the murderer suddenly visited and did not know what he was discussing with He Langzhong. Lan Niang was virtuous and only arranged accommodation. How could she know the murderer While He Langzhong was unprepared, she flirted with Lan Niang. Lan Niang was ashamed and annoyed. She took care of her son-in-law's good friend and had to endure it. However, the murderer became more and more excessive. He even began to move his hands and feet. She was righteously scolded by Lan Niang, so that there was no more offense. Later, Lan Niang also told He Langzhong about this. He Lang However, he didn't believe it and scolded Lan Niang for a few words, saying that although his old friend was a little informal, he was an upright person and an official body. It should have been misunderstood by Lan Niang. Lan Niang was extremely distressed and vented a few words to the women.

After saying that, the woman sighed repeatedly: "I didn't know that such a tragedy happened soon. It was He Langzhong who believed the wrong person."

At this time, all the people in the public hall knew that the woman was perjury, so they could wait to see how the prince would expose it. Only a state official led by Shi De was embarrassed to find a seam on the ground.

"How was your friendship with Lan?" Yu Yu lowered his eyes and looked at the stack of court trials. His slender fingers gently turned over a page and saw that the testimony was no different from the record of the case. His eyebrows moved higher, and he said that the woman had a good memory.

Originally, Shi Lanxin recited the testimony out of Shi Lanxin's psychology of "just in case". She didn't expect to re-examine it at all. How could she be meticulous in all aspects? After this question, the woman was a little stunned, but her eyes turned her eyes and calculated: "The woman lived in Lan Niang's courtyard and knew her well."

"So, do you know who Lan is?"

"This... the women only know that the two couples are not from Fengcheng. They only came to the county three years ago."

"Do you know how old Lan is?"


"Do you know why Lan needs to be married for several years?"


"Do you know Lan's usual preferences? Do you know if there are any brothers and sisters in Lan's family? Do you know why the couple moved from Yannan to Fengcheng?

"Lan Niang didn't say anything about this." The woman was at a loss when asked and quickly ended with one sentence.

Yu Yu smiled softly: "Do you know Zheng Yuniang?"

The woman was relieved: "Of course I know it. Originally, Zheng also lived in the same alley with the women and were close neighbors."

Yu Yu looked slightly and took a look at the witness kneeling in the hall: "Zheng Yuniang and Lan are good friends. Zheng Yuniang knows all the words I just asked, but she doesn't know that Lan has been despised by Meng Gao. Why?"


"The humiliation of a woman was originally an obscure matter and involved her husband's friends. If she is not a person who is extremely close to her, she will not spread it. Lan and Zheng are good friends. The two often talk about family affairs. Even if Lan's family is really frivolous by Meng Gao, she is distressed and will definitely tell Zheng if she wants to talk to others, instead of not having much contact. , and there was also a dispute with the neighbor. Yu Yu put the record together and frowned solemnly: "Two years ago, because of the courtyard wall, you had a dispute with He Ni and his wife. Later, Li Chang came forward to stop before giving up. You thought you had suffered a loss and held a grudge in your heart. You often talked about this matter with your neighbors, and said a lot of bad things about the Lan family behind your back. Although the two families did not have much conflict, there was not much. Reciprocation, but the truth?"

Naturally, it is a fact, and women can't refute it.

"Lan not only has a conflict with you, how can she talk to you about that obscure thing?" Yu Yu sneered: "It can be seen that your testimony is fabricated out of thin air, and you don't come from the truth?"

In the trial of the case, although there were no government officials holding water and fire sticks to kill the power, the brocade aristocrats and the majestic sword-wives in the hall were even more intimidating. The woman could not stand the coercion and lure of Fengcheng Zhixian County because of her hatred for Lanshi, so she agreed to false testimony. The last time she came to the state government office but failed to go through the scene and was not be forced to ask half a word. , I was not psychologically prepared at all. I never thought that it would be more real to meet this young nobleman today. At present, I panicked and confessed to myself.

According to this, Meng Gao's murder "conclusive evidence" was overthrown, and the people outside the hall sneered, and the nobles in the hall sneered.

But at this time--

I smelled another faint sigh.

Then he saw that Shi Lanxin moved from Shi De's side and bowed his knees to Meng Gao, who had been forced to kneel and stand. "In this way, it seems that Fengcheng County is really malicious and defiled Meng Zhubo. His father's trial on that day was unknown. He listened to people's words, and Lan Xin was also negligent. He was more careless and made the son of the world clear to clear his grievances for Meng Zhubo. ."

Shi Lanxin has obviously "calm down" and realized that she was fooled by Yijing's calculations at first. In fact, even if Meng Gao is innocent, he can't confirm whether malaria really broke out early, let alone prove that Shi De is the person who framed him. Her calculation at this time - even if she investigates Go, Fengcheng Zhixian confessed Shide, but they couldn't provide any evidence. Naturally, they didn't admit it. The case could not be decided for a while. When it came to Kyoto, Jin Xiang would not sit idly by and find a way to calm down, but to let a county official bear the crime. Shide bear the crime of "not knowing" was at most, which was demoted, but Jinxiang still has to rely on Shide to calm down the yellow flower worm, and will definitely not let the position of Bingzhou Zhizhou change owner. There is such a "stable as Mount Tai" to rely on, and this great opportunity will be over.

Not to mention others, the beautiful scenery standing under the hall at this time was really devoted to Shi Lanxin - this girl is very thick-skinned, and she is indeed not inferior to her eyebrows in this regard - look at Shi De's group of seven-foot men, who were already sweating coldly at this time. Obviously, she was guilty of being a thief, and she could not match the ability to stretch out of Lanxin.

Meng Gao was furious, and the beauty who was not "sympathetic" with folded her waist, raised her thick eyebrows, and her angry eyes burned: "Don't pretend to be pretend to shirk your guilt. What's the case is unknown and listen to people's words. On that day, it was Shi De's dog official who forced me to press fingerprints on the confession of the crime. If he hadn't intended to frame up, how could it be!"

Shi Lan raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Master Bo, although you have been wronged and resentful, you should not be so angry with others. That day, because you can't explain clearly and are afraid of being tortured, you pleaded guilty and confessed. I was listening in the hall that day, and I have never seen my father force you. On this point, the Lord Bo and the judge are percepts. If you are persistent The intention is dirty, but still can't escape the crime of conframing the superior.

Meng Gao was choked by this, and he was even more angry, and there was almost no smoke burning.

Shi Lanxin turned around and faced the son without panic at all: "Son, Meng Zhubo said that his father was deliberately framed because of the epidemic, but as a state official, when he knew that malaria should naturally be heard by heaven in time, he could prevent it in time. He knew that malaria was unstoppable and could be hidden for a moment. Why did you commit this death penalty, and there is no reason to hide the epidemic.

After saying that, he looked at the third prince, and his words were even more profound: "Jin was quite aware of the outbreak of malaria. He immediately sent a letter to his father, urging his father to persuade the state pharmaceutical merchants to put the people first and ask them to buy yellow worms to treat the epidemic people first. Huo Sheng, a traditional Chinese medicine merchant in the city, agreed with all his money and bought yellow flowers. Hao entered and went to the epidemic area before his Highness returned from the epidemic area. Knowing the details, all the patients now have to be treated. Thanks to the word timely, my father should give priority to the people's life. Originally, he did not dare to make contributions, but he could not tolerate others's words.

It was awe-inspiring words, and also mentioned Jin Xiang to wake up the third prince. Shi De is a trusted one. If he is not insured, Jin Xiang is more dangerous, and the third highness can no longer sit and watch.

The Lanxin girl is fashionable and believes that since the third prince is the same brother as the prince, of course he will not ignore the gold. Even if the gold phase does not tell the prince about the yellow worm, the third prince is also hidden in the drum, but after her suggestion, the third prince should always be enlightened.

Turning around, Miss Shi has a pair of autumn waves and is looking at Yu Yu, the son of the world. It's not as simple as you think...

But suddenly heard that the third prince seemed to smile and say, "This... Miss Shi... My party in the epidemic area really learned some details... The medicine in the epidemic area is not chrysanthemium..."