Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 281 Marriage is under discussion, but unexpected changes

It is still in the princess's mansion, but in a red lacquered moon gate in the corner of the corridor in the backyard.

On the plaque on the door, the green paint is old, but the four-character Luan Xiangfeng - Qiong Ziqian shadow.

Every time the beautiful scenery came to stroll around, she was curious about the scenery behind the door, but she saw a black lock that refused people. Because she knew that the four characters on the plaque were her grandfather's handwriting, she was worried that touching the past would make her grandmother sad and never asked about it.

This time, I was led here by the clear sky and saw that Zhumen had been opened. Although I knew who I was coming to see, I inevitably had some doubts.

stepped into it, but when I saw the honeysuckle in Manyuan, it was no longer the time when the flowers and leaves were luxuriant. The fruit was red and dense. After the brewing of spring and summer, it was so bright and eye-catching, and it was so contrasted with the depth of the pole.

Who said that without flowers is bleak?

The white stone path through the garden is not attached to dust, and the pavilions and pavilions are not old. It is not as desolate and abandoned as originally expected because the garden is empty. It can be seen that it is often picked up, but it is not bearable to play.

In those years, the scenery should still be the same, and it's a pity that there is one less person.

Honeysuckle is my grandmother's favorite plant. This garden must be the old scene that my grandfather and grandmother enjoyed hand in hand. Unfortunately, when I visited the old place again, things have changed.

That's why I used a deep lock to lock the lonely mind, but I can't help but often brush it. To this day, it's still clear.

Autumn is very cold, and there is wind to show the dress dance.

The clear sky finally stopped under a row of stone steps, pointing to the carved pavilion in a high place. The green screen row windows were closed tightly, and the carved door was half open.

"Wuniang, please wait a moment." The clear sky is still pretending to be mysterious, with the words "Wu Niang, if you have any questions, you won't say it even if you ask me."

But I only saw the scenery nodding slightly, picking up the steps and not looking back.

The clear sky is depressed. It is heart that the five women and the son of the world are really a match made by heaven. Both of them are generally "unsurprised". Don't they have any curiosity of ordinary people? This morning, before going out, the prince told him to invite Wu Niang to come here in the afternoon, and even he was very puzzled - isn't the prince busy with official business?

He also said that the beautiful scenery, when I entered the carved pavilion, I saw a calligraphy case set under the north window, a purple jade tube half resting on the inkstone, and the ink in the inkstone dried early.

I don't know who wrote here and what words he wrote in those years?

And now, why has this flower garden been unlocked?

A rosewood bench in front of the case, the bright blue mat is still the favorite color of the old owner.

Looking around, a set of blue and white porcelain has been set up in the tea case under the west window, and there is a sound in the copper pot on the wind stove.

She pushed open a carved window, and her eyes came out of the green wall. She could see a corner of the street, the gray tiles were cold, and the alleys were vertical and horizontal.

I just made tea and looked back, but I saw that Yu Yu had already stood in front of the door, wearing a brocade official suit. Obviously, he had just returned and didn't have time to change it.

I don't know how long he has been standing there.

The four eyes meet, and the corners of each lip are gently curled.

But when he walked in front of her and gently hugged her in his arms, beautiful scenery subconsciously looked at the door and was extremely worried about the "ubiquitous" and abruptly "fifth sister" or "far away, I have something to discuss with you."

This inexplicable worry emerged, but Yu Yu had already noticed it. His thin lips pressed against her ear and laughed softly: "Don't worry, Chang Shanbo is very drunk. I guess it will be difficult for His Highness to get out before he comes to Shen."

Bing Jingshang is still stubborn: "Who is worried about this?"

"Why, these days, the fifth sister's eyes lit up when she saw the third highness, isn't it because he is always 'ubiquitous'?"


"I'm worried that the third prince's intention is very obvious." But suddenly stopped joking. Yu Yu let go of his arms and looked at the scenery: "I really can't wait to end this trivial matter earlier. When I ask the emperor for an order, I can honestly refuse to interfere when I am alone with you in the future."

The fingertips gently stroked her unpainting green snail, which was like a beautiful eyebrow peak, and the corners of Yu's lips smiled even stronger: "Yesterday I saw my aunt."

It should be so that we will meet here today. The speculation in Jing's heart was confirmed, and she couldn't help asking, "What did brother and grandmother say?"

"What else can I say? Of course, I'm begging her to give up my palm."

Seeing the slightly dyed glow on the beautiful scenery, Yu Yu's long arms were half wrapped around, holding people in his arms.

In that life, it was not easy to get married with her. The eldest princess was quite hesitant. It was he who insisted and made a heavy promise. He would keep the scenery safe and happy with one heart for the rest of his life. It was ashamed that the former one did not have a chance to prove it, and the latter one was finally beyond its reach. And in this life, the eldest princess still has concerns--

"Xu'er, I know you are a good child. In terms of temperament and talent, I entrust Jing girl to you at ease, but what I hope most is that she can live a happy and worry-free life in the future. You also know that your second uncle has bad intentions. I was originally without scruples... However, Jing girl has made up her mind. I only asked you, when At first, you said that you were dangerous and didn't want to implicate others. At present, it's still the same?"

At first, it was true, but I couldn't help it.

Therefore, he admitted his "selfishness" and did not dare to allow him to keep safe and smooth. Only his single-mindedness will never live up to it, as before.

This hug lasted until the tea gradually warmed and the white smoke dissipated.

Each tasted tea, and the taste was mellow, as if the quiet Yile of the years had a real atmosphere.

"But brother, didn't you say that you are going to hand over the government affairs today?" Yijing suddenly asked and subconsciously felt that the evil of the third prince was not so easy to deceive.

"With early preparation, there is enough time in the morning. Besides..." Yu Yu dropped the tea cup and gently raised his ink eyes: "I'm going to the epidemic area today."

"At this time?" Yijing was surprised: "But there are still new patients in the epidemic area."

"The number has been greatly reduced, and the epidemic has to be controlled. Seeing that the rain has stopped, the flooded land will be cleared and silted. This matter is extremely important to completely eradicate the epidemic. Since the successor has been defeated, there is no need for me to stay in the city, and it is also necessary to go to the epidemic area for supervision." Yu Yu stretched out his hand and gently grasped Yijing's palm: "My aunt knew that I would go to the epidemic area, so she was willing to say goodbye to you and me in this quiet place."

"Wait for me to go back to my grandmother..."

"Five sisters, although all the people affected by the epidemic are quarantined, as long as they are properly prepared, the chance of contracting the epidemic is extremely small, but if you go, how can your aunt be relieved? The county's residence and transportation are all poor. After all, my aunt is old, and it's not easy for her to follow the bumps. You don't have to worry about me. I heard from Jiang Han that Wei Ran has some means to prevent malaria. At present, the effect is obvious. I have him to take care of her, and it won't happen.

Seeing the scenery is still inevitably worried, Yu Yu smiled again: "It should not be too long. Next month, the fifth sister will be the same. I should try my best to calm the epidemic and deal with the resettlement of disaster victims before. I can't stay away from my relatives and friends in this state. ."

If everything goes well, when the beautiful woman and the emperor will give her marriage, which is Yu Yu can't wait.

At this time, I didn't expect that the next storm would suddenly change and be dangerous.

On that day, the prince went to the epidemic area, but when the third prince returned, he seriously talked about his "public affairs" to ask for the help of the beautiful woman, or in front of the eldest princess, his attitude was sincere and shrewd, which made it difficult for people to refuse.

Originally, the third prince held the edict, and there was evidence that it was to raise three million silver for medicine. Everyone did not dare to bear the charge of disobeying the decree. However, due to the crime of virtue, 100,000 doses of yellow artemisia were "confeuded", and the fixed amount of three million silver could not be accurate. Naturally, the powerful and powerful were lucky and broke the limit of nobles and noble families. Friendship and love Zhongzhicheng has adopted a strategy of delay, and there are doubts - since the amount of yellow wormwormworm is sufficient, how much money each family should pay is to be determined.

Regarding the income of "occupying fields", it is difficult to calculate how much they have benefited over the years, and those who occupy land in Kyoto have only made up for the taxes owed over the years. If this is based on this, it is far from the million limit given by Yu Yu.

Although the third prince's "work attitude" is slow, it is still accurate to measure people's hearts. He knows that it is strong at this juncture. Although it is simple and direct, the dignitaries have the handle of "occupation of the field" and are passive, but in the end, it makes people unwilling and it is not good for the overall situation. Even the Holy Emperor is afraid that he does not want to use such a simple and crude way.

In a word, we should not only solve the disaster relief funds smoothly, but also make a group of dignitaries willing.

The third prince's sword went away and planned to start from a group of powerful children and boudoirs.

In these days, the so-called "big business" is nothing more than intertwined with those douches, or "talking about life" with those "rooted" young people. The prince was condescending. Of course, everyone was flattered, so they were subtly transformed a lot - Third Highness is in a dilemma, we can't help, but tens of thousands. Two silver, what is it? This is basically the "righteousness" of the playboys; as for those "good young people", he listened to the third prince's speech that "the land affected by the flood has been harvested, and all the houses and cottages have been destroyed. Seeing that the winter is coming, the disaster victims have no place to live in", he was also excited, so he went back to the house to persuade the elders not to be the miser, attracting the people. Resentment.

As for the family owners, although there are many people who are moved, most of them still hold a wait-and-see attitude, not like the younger generation.

Therefore, it is necessary to come out with a good view.

The group of Xungui is now centrifugated from Jin Xiang, and heard that there was a shock in the court. The emperor actually wanted to personally judge Shi De. Unexpectedly, Jin Xiang was not sure. For them, it is not important how Jin Xiang is at this time. The important thing is to find another backing mountain to ensure the prosperity of the family and the continuation of the prosperity. Although the third prince took the initiative to show his goodwill At the right time, but the problem of position storage is very **. At present, the nobles still return the third prince to the prince's camp, and the fourth prince has Qin Xiang as the cooperation, and Jin Xiang is weak. Qin Xiang's party is at its best. In the future, the future of the fourth prince is bright. At this time, he will "turn to the third prince" in case he stands in the wrong team...

Of course, the Duke's Mansion is different. It is noble in itself, and the Duke of Wei is very important. Even with Qin Xiang, isn't he about to become a marriage? Compared with the third prince, isn't it safer to get along well with the government?

No matter how you analyze it, when Jin Xiang is defeated, only the Duke of Wei can follow the situation and become a noble.

Although the scenery is a boudoir, the nobles have witnessed that she and Shi Lanxin's heart in court that day, and know that the daughter of the mansion is the pearl of the eldest princess. Even the empress dowager regarded her as a direct granddaughter. If the scenery comes forward and "analyze the situation" with those daughter of the court, emphasizing that at this time, small profits should be sacrificed to become a great righteousness. It can represent the position of the Duke of Wei and the opinion of the eldest princess, which also fundamentally dispels the hesitation of the onlookers.

Tens of thousands of silver may not matter, but these people do not have the awareness of "benevolence" for nothing. They have to provide them with some reliance to achieve the purpose of "willing".

As for the family, it is a little less difficult than Xungui. At this time, Qin Xiang and Jin Xiang are "decising to die". Compared with Xun Gui, they should cherish the "wings". Naturally, they will not "ignorry it" and fall under the "unplucky" when it is critical. As long as Xungui compromises, the family will solve it.

Since it is related to the disaster victims and involves the overall situation, and first got the approval of the eldest princess, the beauty will naturally not play petty because of "private grievances", so in the following days, she began to attend various "tea parties" and "autumn banquets" with the third prince, and temporarily made a guest appearance as a "fundraising ambassador".