Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 283 The lady is angry, and His Highness is fierce

Naturally, Yijing will not interrupt on this topic, but the noble women are gradually not satisfied with the silence of the "fifth sister" in the mouth of the third prince and waste their thoughts: "The Third Highness temporarily lives in the princess's mansion and is familiar with A Jingding. I don't know if A Jing has ever seen His Royal Highness's pen, ink and poetry?"

Bingjing had to answer, "Your Highness, this trip is for the sake of the holy life. How can you care about dancing?"

"You should have seen it before, right?" There is a great tendency to go to the bottom.

"I don't know if your highness's poems have been circulated in Bingzhou?" The scenery is about him.

successfully played Tai Chi, which caused many people to recite the beautiful chapters written by the third prince in those idle years.

Someone asked, "I don't know your usual preferences. I heard that in addition to poetry, a hand of piano and chess is also the best."

"At present, the epidemic has slowed down, and Your Highness's work has been completed. Fortunately, it is autumn. Can Your Highness be interested in enjoying the scenery of Bingzhou?"

"Your Highness should stay for a while?"

"You have to wait for all the patients in the epidemic area to recover before you can return to Beijing to recover, right?"

The scenery is speechless - girls, please be reserved. I'm not the chief historian of the third prince. How can I know his whereabouts?

The topic went on and gradually got out of control. The boudoirs were not as good as the "euphemism" of the daughters of the family. In one word, they mentioned the marriage of the third prince: "Originally, the emperor had already given marriage, and they all complained that Huang Wuniang's own happiness, and they were so tired that the third highness carried the name of 'hard life'."

Rumors about the third prince's "born noble", which are not worthy of ordinary people, have been vigorously "reversed" by the heavenly family. At present, they have become "hard lives", and the noble woman who asked the question frowned when she saw the pleasant scenery at the beginning, as if she was unhappy. It was still inexplicable, but she was severely pulled by her sleeve and reminded her ear: "What to say? Well, Huang Wuniang is A Jing's foreign cousin.

But most people ignore this point because of their good wishes and "biking together". They only think that Yijing is the granddaughter of the eldest princess and is spoiled by the queen. They must know some inside information. At this time, they have the intention to inquire.

"Seeing that the five or six highnesses will also get married, the third prince and concubine should choose again, right?"

"I don't know who has such a blessing."

"I said, we are not allowed to talk about this prince and concubine." Finally, someone stopped it, but suddenly mentioned Yi Chen: "Jing, I don't know Princess Fu's usual preference?" He is also a smart person. He secretly think that the third prince fell in love with Princess Fu in those years. I don't know what's extraordinary about Princess Fu. If there is something like it, or if he can win the love of the third prince.

Bingjing has long been impatient. When he heard this, his heart was even more blocked - it was all because of the evil. At the beginning, in order to win the momentum of the state government, he pleaded guilty and wrote poems to spread love, which led to rumors everywhere, and he did not consider to attract criticism to his sister. Until this time, there were still people who chew his teeth with this matter!

After a few forbearance, beautiful scenery calmed down a little anger. Looking at the expectant, she smiled gently: "My sister has always been steady, polite, gentle and quiet. The elders of the family often take the eldest sister as a model and teach our sisters to be knowledgeable, reasonable, virtuous and virtuous."

is not only perfunctory, but also a mockery of these noble daughters who are "confused by the beauty" of the third prince. In order to get married, they don't even care about the basic boudoir etiquette.

However, this irony is indeed too obscure, and no one understands the noble daughter present.

But the perfunctory attitude of the beautiful scenery still makes some people understand, and they can't help but suspect - is Su's fifth daughter also interested in the third prince? If so, as the legitimate daughter of the Duke of the State of Wei, the third prince and concubine can't think about it. She is full of enthusiasm and coldness, so she changed the topic.

Yijing's heart was still on fire. At the end of the banquet and returned home, when he went out of the corner door, he saw the third prince waiting outside the door standing under the moonlight. Because his face was stained with wine, he looked more enchanting with a charming smile on the corners of his lips. A pair of phoenix eyes were like stars and moon shining, looking at her with enthusiasm.

Wing Jingqiang endured dissatisfaction and came forward to salute: "Your Highness, I've been waiting for a long time."

Because the eldest princess returned early, the third prince temporarily stayed in the princess's mansion. The two should return together. Yijing was still accompanied by Qiu Yue and Xia Ke, and the third prince also led a team of bodyguards.

But seeing that the demon moved his lips, he seemed to have something to say. Yijing had turned around: "I've been sleepy for a long time. It's better to go back to my house to rest."

The maids helped the waiter into the car without looking at the demon.

The third prince's words were not ready to exit, nor was he depressed. He followed the car and knocked on the window: "Five sister, today I became the 'target of public criticism'. I was severely drunk by those powerful people, and I was really worried that I couldn't ride a stable horse..."

Qiu Yue and Xia Ke looked at each other, and they said that Your Highness was going to rub the car?

The beautiful scenery did not open the window, but only rolled up the brocade curtain slightly: "Well, Your Highness, there is no need to worry."

The third prince is delighted.

"I'm still waiting for this time. Your Highness, let the state government prepare a car to see you off."

Third Prince:......

I had to say, "That's not necessary." The smile on the corners of his lips finally fell. He turned his head and looked at the guards beside him and looked up at the moon. They seemed to be unaware of it. After all, the third prince still brushed the crow green on his body with a little awkwardly and stepped on the golden saddle lonelyly.

The state government office is not far away from the princess's mansion, but if you don't want to take a detour, you have to cross the street that can only accommodate two cars in parallel.

The third prince swayed on the horseback and faintly heard the sound of a woman laughing in the carriage beside him. He couldn't help but feel even more depressed. Unexpectedly, he had a sour poetic feeling of "an inch of sadness, a thousand cups are hard to comfort" and looked up to look up for the moonlight.

A road house, on a high pavilion tile.

The cold light of the arrows is only shining in the moonlight.

The shining light was captured by the corner of the third prince's eyes.

Yi Jing was listening to Qiu Yue and Xia Ke talking about all kinds of fierce deeds about Huo Qiao. The two maids heard it at the table and it was difficult to express their opinions. At this time, they couldn't help but be surprised.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" sound from the outside, and the bodyguard exclaimed--

"Your Highness fell off the horse!"

The scenery was shocked and hurriedly pushed open a corner of the car window. Sure enough, he saw the "riots" outside. The bodyguards helped the third prince up from the ground with their hands and feet. The evil eyes were slightly closed, and it seemed that he was really drunk and unconscious.

At the bottom, he was the prince, and the scenery was not too indifferent. He asked in a tight voice, "Did you fall?"

The bodyguard replied: "Thanks to slow travel, it should be unimpeded, but Your Highness is just like this..."

"Help it up." The scenery has to compromise.

Qiuyue and Xia Ke also hurried to help at the door. Because it was regulated by the government, the carriage taken by Yijing was also spacious. At present, the four people were not cramped. However, the third prince's status was noble, so naturally they could not throw him lying on the bed. Yijing quickly gave way and motioned Qiu Yue and Xia Ke to hold the third prince to the soft seat against the wall.

The two maids had a hard time gritting their teeth to help the third prince into the carriage.

In front of Yijingqing, she wanted to be concerned about a few words, but suddenly she saw the third prince open her eyelids, her index finger attached to her lips, and she turned up flexibly. Instead, she couldn't help but press down.

A strange breath came to his face, which made beautiful scenery's arms tremble. He was furious and was about to scold him regardless, but he heard the third emperor suppress his voice: "On the ground, there are assassins ambushed outside."

The slender and powerful arms pressed hard on the shoulder of the scenery and took the opportunity to hold her in his arms.

The third prince saw that the two maids turned pale, but they still knelt in front of the window and quickly warned, "Get down quickly to prevent the dark arrows from attacking."

The wall of the car is thick, and although it can't be penetrated by arrows, the window is a big loophole.

The wheels rolled and the horses' hoof stepped on, but the wind and waves returned to calm outside.

After half a minute, Yijing recovered from his nervous mood and realized that he had been deeply trapped in the arms of a demon. He was held under him. Through a few heavy clothes, he could still feel the hotness of his chest, and a warm nose rushed into her neckline unscrupulously through her black hair. This situation made him happy. Jingda was anxious, slightly raised his elbow, and struggled for some gaps. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is the assassin?"

"Five sister, I won't deceive this kind of thing. Is it in your mind that I am so miserable?" The third prince attached his lips to his ears, which still had a smell of wine, which made the scenery more uncomfortable, and his goose bumps crawled all over his spine.

"Your Highness, please let go. I can protect myself." Beautiful scenery was not in the mood to whisper with the demon. She tried hard on her elbows. At this time, she didn't care about the image of "everyone's boudoir". She pressed her body and rubbed her knees. When she completely got rid of the "threatening" of the third prince, she avoided the window, leaned against the wall of the car, hugged her knees with her arms, and saw the third prince leaning against the opposite wall of the car like her. Sitting, there was no longer a close "intimate" behavior, and then sighed slightly.

At present, noble cars especially like to set up two rows of double screen windows on the east and west walls. In order to facilitate the viewing of the boudoir through the screen window, both sides of the seats are facing the window, which of course also has the advantage of making the carriage transparent. After all, assassinations are rare, and safety has become secondary.

When traveling in the boudoir, most of them are accompanied by maids and women. Therefore, in addition to the windows on both sides of the car seat, there is a push window next to it, which is convenient for the maid to convey the master's instructions to the waiter outside the car, which is also conducive to open the ventilation in the hot season to relieve the heat of the carriage.

Therefore, only the two sides near the door are very narrow, but completely sealed, which is the "safe" place at present.

The two safe locations were occupied by Yijing and the third princes respectively. Xia Ke and Qiu Yue had to continue to lie on the ground in a "crouching" posture, and the two maids were so nervous that they dared not come out.

They dared not move a little and did not turn back. Of course, they could not see that the scenery and the third prince were full of coldness at this time.

The third prince was very annoyed - when he found someone lying on the roof and wanted to launch a dark arrow to attack, he immediately thought of the safety of the scenery. He didn't even have time to communicate with the guards, so he pretended to fall off the horse. As for the fact that he had not been told later, he did not want to frighten the snake and wanted to test who the assassin was.

But swear to God, he really didn't take advantage of this change to be frivolous.

Taking her into his arms is to protect her and not hesitate to use herself as a meat shield!

As a result... The girl was guarded and frosty, and obviously regarded him as a malicious disciple.

Although he had an early attempt at her, why did he ever offend her?

And she always asked Yu Yu for warmth and care about everything. On that day, when she saw her actions in public, it was obvious that she had already discussed with Yu Yu. He had been paid attention to the eyebrows and hearts between the two. For the first time, he tasted the taste of bitterness and was actually jealous.

Her attitude towards Yu Yu and him is really different.

If he hadn't held the title of a prince, she would have had to maintain etiquette on the surface, but I'm afraid she would have been disdainful and spit on her face.

The woman in the world is charming, but she dares to treat him like this, but what he needs is her unique.

The corners of the third prince's eyes are slightly gloomy.

Today, her disgust is so obvious that his dignity is broken, and his heart is full of cold and hard corners.

Su Yijing, even so, I will not let go. Your name can only be written behind my name, whether it is the genealogy jade ultimatum or the green monument in front of the tomb in the future.

In the strange tension and silence, the third prince secretly and fiercely.

Bing Jing still stared at him angrily.

At this time, the wheels have rolled out of the streets and turned into the open road where the princess's mansion is located.