Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 339 Personnel Arrangement, Work Together

After the bride returned to the door, Guan Suiyuan's personnel had a brand-new arrangement, and the door was closed everywhere. Yijing knew that they were all carefully selected by Yu Yu, with skills that ordinary servants did not have, and they were absolutely trustworthy. As for the ribs, I wonderfully voted for the fate of the hostess. I no longer have to go to the kitchen to work. In addition to being responsible for the world's medicinal diet and needles, I am responsible for all the accounts. "managing the account" is a popular job, and I can't entrust it without a cronies, so Miss Dongyu is very envious.

However, according to this, the ribs no longer care about serving tea and water in the room and the daily life of personal service.

These activities are handled by four maids in spring, summer and autumn, and three dowry maids, including bells.

Mother Xie is still in charge of the kitchen, three meals a day. Her partner is Chunmu Niang, one cooking, the other buying, and Aunt Dong became the director. All the ingredients and drugs can only be cooked on the stove after her inspection.

As for the personnel rotation arrangements in various places, they are formulated by Yang Jing and supervised by Mother Yang.

Lamei also entered the yard and assisted Chunmu Niang to buy ingredients. Xia Keniang was still in charge of flowers and plants. The beauty of Lingdang's house was still a little uncertain, and for the time being, she was only responsible for taking care of the outside shops and other things.

The winter rain didn't listen to his own work for a long time, and he was very worried.

As a result, she was specially responsible for telephoning and other matters, and was in charge of the contact with various places and the rooms of the inner house. Although she could not wait closely and was not allowed to enter the main house, Dongyu was very gratified that she could freely enter and exit Guan Suiyuan.

As for the clear sky, like Huidu, you have the right to enter the atrium, but you can't be as unscrupulous as before. There is a specific time, specifically, from the beginning to the morning. Generally speaking, after the sky is bright, before the twilight. Of course, you can't set foot in the courtyard where you live. At most, you can only wait to meet in the main hall.

Before the 10th "marriage leave" was completed, Huidu entered the atrium. The next day, he did not accompany Yijing to the old princess to the morning province, but went to the front court to meet the "guest". As for who the guest was, there was no way to know.

There is a corner gate on the west side of Guan Suiyuan*, which is connected with the back garden of the royal house. Every time the beautiful scenery returns to Rongxi Hall, most of them pass by. There is also a porter at the corner door. The wonderful thing is that the daughter-in-law guarding this place is a dumb aunt, but it is estimated that she is very sensitive to hearing. Because every time she comes back, she doesn't need to knock on the door, the dumb aunt has heard the sound and come out. , you can always open the door and welcome it at the right time.

The maid who used to go out with Yijing, in addition to two close waiters, has two more daughters-in-law, who are two sisters. Yijing affectionately calls them Aunt Li and Aunt Li. The husbands of the two sisters are both soldiers of the royal palace, so although they are not servants who have signed a deed of sale, they are more trustworthy than having children.

These two people are specially arranged by Yu. It is estimated that even if they are not very good, they are enough to deal with ordinary ruffians and maids. Yijing always wants to see the two Aunt Li teach Diao Nu a lesson, and there is no chance for the time being.

On this day, Rongxi Hall met Xiao Xie at the gate of the courtyard. When she saw two circles of black and her eyelids, she was very "guilt" at the bottom of her heart, and her mouth became sweeter and sweeter: "The second aunt is holding the middle feeding, and she has to come to the morning every day. It's really hard."

There is a kind of bitterness, which spread from Xie's heart to his mouth, and he had to take Yijing's hand affectionately. What he said was very meaningful: "I'm used to it. Jing doesn't know that this inner house is not as important as the court, it is also quite cumbersome. It can't be a little careless. In the former princess Weak, without that strength, I married and began to be a housekeeper. From then on, I didn't sleep peacefully. I dreamed at night, and my mind was full of thinking about opening mouths with the stewards.

Xie is also worried that when Yijing coaxed the old princess to be subdued, she proposed to intervene in the housework. When she is really familiar with the internal affairs, she will have to sweep their family out of the door - if she leaves the King of Chu, there will be no chance to do it.

Bing Jing smiled gently and said nothing.

She did not intend to take charge of the royal house. At present, the inner house is full of Xiao Xie's people, and she is still a child. She can't change it all at once. It must be done step by step.

Today, the old princess was very happy. After pulling Yijing and talking for a long time, she took out the bag of medicine: "This is the secret recipe of the previous dynasty that Mother Zhu painstakingly sought. I heard that it is extremely effective. You take it back and tell the maids to fry it carefully. I look forward to the four generations together."

Xiao Xie raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Mother Zhu with great satisfaction.

This expression was included in the eyes of the beautiful scenery. Of course, he was calm and half shyly took the medicine.

The gossip lasted until the beginning of Si, and the scenery saw that Xiao Xie was really sleepy and yawned repeatedly, so he said goodbye with "good intentions".

As soon as Xiao Xie waited for the scenery to leave, he immediately "trotted all the way back to the Lixiangyuan and seized the time to make up for sleep.

Mother Zhu patted her forehead and said to the old princess, "Look at the memory of the maidservant, but I forgot the cherry sent in early morning."

The old princess also woke up like a dream: "I also forgot for a moment. Send someone to Guan Suiyuan."

"It's better for the maidservant to go there in person. There are still some taboos when taking the medicine. I didn't have time to say it just now. I happened to tell him."

When a servant woman went to Guan Suiyuan, she could not enter directly through the * corner door. She had to make a big circle and go out of the second door through the corridor.

Yi Jing has returned to the atrium and is studying the strangeness of the package of medicine with Yu Yu.

Aunt Dong was specially invited, but according to her, it should be non-toxic.

"There is no need for my second aunt to kill me. I guess it's a medicine for extinction." A good view assertion.

Yu's face was extremely cold, and he said after a while, "I'll let Jiang Han see it another day. If it's really as you expected, Zhu will no longer be allowed to be with his grandmother."

Yijing thought that there was no need for Xiao Xie to harm the old princess. On the contrary, the old princess's life was 100 years old, which was more beneficial to Yu Dong's family.

But if Mother Zhu is really bold, it is indeed a hidden danger.

At this time, Xia Ke reported that Mother Zhu had come.

Yi Jing and Yu looked at each other and felt that things were wonderful. They took her medicine with their front feet, and their back feet followed closely. They didn't know what to calculate.

"Don't worry about it. I'll just meet you." The scenery got up and went out.

When the people of Rongxi Hall came, they would basically not be rejected. Mother Zhu was invited straight into the flower hall in front of the atrium and sat on the brocade next to it. Seeing that there was not even a maid, she came alone. Mother Zhu quickly got up and smiled attentively.

Of course, we talked about the topic of cherry.

Then it was meaningful: "The medicine was originally asked from the daughter of the slave maidservant. According to what she said, the fourth young lady in the third room of the Zhenguo Mansion was not pregnant for three years. Later, she took this medicine and was diagnosed with a happy pulse before the year, which was very effective... The imperial concubine did not know anything about it. Although the slave maidservant came to the palace and was allowed to marry outside by the old princess. The court stewul, but a pair of children voted for the leading duke's wife. At the age of seven or eight, they were taken to the town duke's wife. At present, her daughter is serving with the fourth young lady.

Mother Zhu's mind is nothing more than to remind her that the origin of this medicine is related to the Duke of Zhen. Although it is the mother's home of the old princess, it is also the mother's family of Xiao Xie.

She had already seen that the imperial concubine was sensitive and prepared for the second master and second wife. At this time, she heard that the medicine came from the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, and she would have scruples. At least she would discuss with the prince, and the prince's thoughts were even deeper. In addition, the son of the fourth young grandmother of the Xie family was two years old. As soon as she heard this, it was strange.

The son followed this and inquired again. He must know her dilemma. The old man of the third house of the Xie family is a concubine, and he and Xie Fei were brothers in those years!

In this way, the imperial concubine will not take medicine again, but Xiao Xie's side has also dealt with it.

Although she didn't know the details of the Duke of Zhen, she also tasted that Mother Zhu was a careful reminder and looked at her with a smile: "M Mother is careful."

Blessan sighed and said goodbye with relief.

When Ijing returned to the house again, I saw that Yu Yu was still frowned and said with a smile, "The cabinet is relieved. Mother Zhu has informed me that the news has come. Although her words are vague, in order to remind me that the medicine is strange." Then I repeated Mother Zhu's words.

Yu Yu said, "The son of three rooms and four young masters is two years old."

"Why is the cabinet so clear?" Seeing that Yu Yu was still embarrassed, Yijing deliberately widened her eyes with an exaggerated expression.

Yu Yu rubbed his eyebrows and said, "The Duke of Zhen has not yet been separated. The third room refers to the third son of his great-grandfather. He is the brother of Concubine Xie and the second uncle's own uncle."

That is to say, the third uncle of the third room is the hard backer of Yu Dong and his wife. No wonder Yu knows this room like the palm of his hand.

Meijing frowned slightly: "I asked Mother Xie about it. Mother Zhu was her grandmother's dowry maid. Originally, she was carefully selected by her great-grandmother to be favored. Unexpectedly, her grandfather was suddenly stuck and didn't know what to call Yu Dong's biological mother, so she had to follow Yu Yu's name: "There is no concubine except Xie. Therefore, later, my grandmother married Mother Zhu to be in charge of the outer court. The great-grandmother thought it was uneasy. She was afraid that Mother Zhu would be entangled by Concubine Xie, so she bought Mother Zhu's children back to the Duke of Zhenguo, which made Mother Zhu dare not dare to do anything. She didn't want her great-grandmother to die soon. But even so, her uncle was the grandmother was her grandmother. The brothers should know the importance of Mother's children. How can they fall into the hands of their third uncle?

Yu Yu was also quite worried about the Duke's family: "In those years, the Qi family was extremely virtuous on the surface, that is, the great-grandfather and second uncle of her maternal grandfather were captured by her. They regarded her as their biological mother and treated Xie as the sister of the same mother's compatriot. Later, Qi's evil deeds were exposed and ended up being abandoned. The two uncles were thanked. The concubine and sister have no grudge, and they have always been the same as before.

In fact, the relationship between Duke Zhen and Concubine Xie is even deeper than that of the old princess. In this way, they think that Liang is unfounded and does not believe that Xie will be unfavorable to the old princess at all.

However, when Concubine Xie was alive, she did make peace with the old princess's wife and concubine, and even the former king of Chu did not doubt her.

After Liang's death, the Duke of Zhen had no precautions at all, and Mother Zhu's children returned to the third room. How could Liang think that she was originally painstakingly to plan for the old princess, but Mother Zhu's children became tools in Xiao Xie's hands.

Yijing also has a headache about the chaos of the Duke of Zhen's family - no wonder Xiao Xie, as the daughter of the old princess's own brother, is not soft on her aunt.

"M Mother Zhu is also a cunning, not the second aunt can control it." Yijing pondered for a moment: "But it's just that Xiao Xie only thought that I had taken this medicine, and for her, there was more handle of Mother Zhu in her hand."

Yu Yu nods his head: "First of all, I have to disturb the trust and reliance of the Duke of Zhen for the second uncle and his wife. I had already planned that Xie Sanniang should have taken it in."


Half a sound, he experienced it: "The second aunt is very dissatisfied with Xie Sanniang, but the prince of Zhenguo is extremely fond of this concubine. As long as he makes good use of it, he is not afraid that there will be no gap." After thinking for a while, he shook his head: "Will the second uncle and second aunt promise the second brother to take a concubine before marrying?"

Yu smiled softly: "Xie Sanniang is already eighteen, and the four women under her are also in marriage. The nobles talk about being old and young in an orderly manner. If there is nothing special, they can't be disturbed. Xie Shizi is partial to Sanniang. Seeing that she is 'affectionous' with the second brother, she is unwilling to find another family against Sanniang's wishes. She has been dragging like this. Even the wife of the son is also full of complaints. Only add a fire. Although the second aunt is reluctant, the second uncle will also compromise in order to take care of the overall situation.

Yijing couldn't help moving the corners of her lips. She knew very well where Xie Sanniang's "affection" for Yuzhou came from, but Xie Sanniang intended to let the elders "catch traitors". If she said later that she actually had no "affection" for Yuzhou, even if Xie Shizi's heart turned to the back, she would not pity it anymore. She is a concubine's daughter, so Xie Sanniang has to be "affecful" all the time.

In this way, Yu Dong immediately put Yuzhou's marriage on the agenda and rushed his wife to enter first and then accept Sanniang. However, in the noble family, I'm afraid that a few people are willing to accept this noble concubine and still rush to carry it into the door.

Yuzhou's future wife should not be too high.

The couple tacitly calculated to see how the fire should be added. Unexpectedly, the next day, the beautiful scenery went to the door and was inspired by another inspiration.