Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 349 Unexpected gain, informed person

The Shan family is the companion room carefully selected by the wife of the Duke of Zhen for Xiao Xie. Her mother is the wet nurse of the Xiao Xie family. When she is young, she is a maid beside the Duke's wife. She has always received "private" education. She has to practice early and eight tricks. Therefore, from the beginning, the Duke's wife did not plan to cultivate her into a "tong fang", but He was matched early and waited for Xiao Xie to come out of the cabinet as a "accompanying room".

Xie has always relied heavily on her, and those bad things about "seeing blood" are mostly through Shan's hands.

Originally, Shan's obedience to the master had become inertia. Although Xiao Xie's so-called "rewards" were not enough to satisfy her greed and always made her half hungry, but compared with others, she was also the first to have no idea of betraying the Lord.

Since the death of Princess Chu, the royal house was controlled by Xiao Xie at the instruction of the old princess. Shan, a cronin, naturally rose, and there was quite a smell of calling for wind and rain in the royal palace. Except for a few masters, he did not look at others.

Although she smiles at everyone, she is very arrogant.

However, after the calm days became the concubine of the world, there was a turbulent trend. Sister-in-law Zhang was beaten. Shan Shi felt that she had been "down" and somewhat complained about Xiao Xie. Then Lu Hua quarreled with Yaohua again. Mother Zhu obviously confessed Yaohua, which made Shan Shi not angry and had not figured out how to revenge. Xiao Xie was suspicious of her.

Thinking of my "loyalty" for many years, I just got some small profits. Originally, I still trusted her more or less. It's not that I can't seek more benefits in the future. Unexpectedly, the "faithful" was so vulnerable. Xiao Xie clearly confessed to the Zhu family in this marriage of the Guo family, which was all right. Unexpectedly, he wanted to let him reveal Hua married a useless gambler.

The resentment in Shan's heart has boiled.

But she still knows that she is just a slave and dares not disobey Xiao Xie.

However, today's meeting with the imperial concubine, Shan's heart changed dramatically again.

She knows that Yu Dong and his wife's plot is intended to win the throne, but at present, the chance of winning the second wife is not 80% of what she thought at the beginning. Among other things, the means of the imperial concubine in front of her are unusual, at least a little to win people's hearts, which is beyond Xiao Xie's reach.

If the second house collapses in the future, maybe even the master will die. Can these slaves and maidservants still enjoy glory?

And Xiao Xie is undoubtedly a person who crossed the river to tear down the bridge, and Yu Dong's method is even more ruthless. Even if they really become a thing in the future, they may be killed.

It may be time to devote yourself to the Lord.

Shan's greedy eyes stared at several thin deeds in front of him for a long time.

Binjing was full of patience and did not urge. He slowly finished tasting a cup of tea. When he finished the cup, he drank the cup lightly.

Mr. Shan woke up like a dream.

She straightened her waist slightly, but still said in a tentative tone: "Madam, she... does have something to guard against the imperial concubine."

The beautiful scenery rolled up the corners of his lips and looked down at his fingers.

This is complete nonsense.

Shan's look stiff, and she was still hesitant at this time. She was weighing nervously. For a moment, she was not sure how much the imperial concubine had learned about the second wife, and there was still a blessing for the two to meet.

"It's just when I got married, my second aunt gave me a 'big gift' to let me be extinct, not to avoid it, but to love me." Yangjing said slowly.


"The medicine was found by the second master for... the throne." Shan seemed to be cruel and gritted his teeth and said.

It sounds a little more clear than the sentence just now, but in the final analysis, it's still a nonsense.

Binjing bounced her nails: "Is that right? I thought my second aunt didn't like me and gave me a lesson.

Shan sweated like a note and crawled down again: "The concubine should know that the prince has always been weak, and he is the only son of the prince. If there is a good or evil in the future..."

"All right." Yijing finally felt a little impatient and stood up from the chair: "It seems that Aunt Shan is indeed 'loyal'. In this case, I won't force you."

Seeing the gorgeous embroidered skirt passing by lightly, Shan's heart was very anxious - she had said so much, but the imperial concubine was not interested at all, and she didn't even ask a word. The meaning of the words was that everything had been expected. The princess was just a newcomer, and she knew the conspiracy of the second wife. It must be because the princess had been on guard!

After all, this is the palace of the King of Chu. Even if the second master and his wife can protect themselves for a while, the son and his wife want to attack her servant...

Suddenly remembered what the imperial concubine just said, and Shan was even more coldly sweating - she didn't even need the prince and his wife to do it. She only erased the two words "more words" in front of the second lady. Xiao Xie was for self- Protection and would not leave her with a deep inner feelings!

"The princess, stay!" Shan Shi had been forced to have no way out. When he was anxious, he grabbed his hand to the corner of Yijing's skirt.

Bing did not dislike the "offensiveness" of the maidservant, smiled and looked at Shan condescendingly.

Her sarcastic softness is to let Shan's "plan" and some actions, although it has no practical effect on her, in order to make Shan's "self-retreat" - it is not Shan's loyalty, but only her complete betrayal of Xiao Xie.

but I didn't expect to force a sentence--

"The Jiang family was bewitched by the second master, which poisoned the princess and the son of the world. The second master has long been evil!"

Yi Jing gently "grab" the skirt, then sat back in the chair, stared at Shan Shi for a while, and then sneered: "Auncle Shan is actually an insider... The second uncle is really kind and soft-handed."

In those years, except for Yu Dong's nanny, all the insiders were silenced. Yijing really didn't expect to leave a single family.

"The second master had an affair with the Jiang family, and the conspiracy had already been formed. At that time, the second lady had not yet come through the door, and the maidservant did not know it until she came to the royal palace with the second wife. Because she found that the second master and the Jiang family... often met privately... The maidservant dared not hide the madam... The wife wanted to deal with the Jiang family, but was stopped by the second master, so she told the wife. Jiang had already poisoned Princess Chu and her son and nurse. At that time, his wife was young and was very uneasy after knowing it. She went back to discuss with his wife..."

Yi Jing frowned - so, the wife of Zhenguo also understood the inside story early in the morning?

She is the old princess's sister-in-law and Yu Yu's uncle and grandmother!

At that time, the princess had not yet been poisoned. If Jiang's conspiracy had been exposed in time, it would have saved the princess's life, and Yu Yu would not have been tortured by so many years of insidious invasion.

"The maidservant accidentally heard it when she returned to the Duke of Zhen... The maidservant was originally the maid of the Duke's wife. When the Duke talked with the second wife, she let the maidservant stay outside the door to guard, and the maidservant was curious for a moment..."

Yijing only felt cold and hard in her heart, and her palms gradually tightened the handle of the chair.

"The wife of the Duke told the second lady not to tell the Duke of Zhen about this, and did not pay attention to Jiang, saying that when the princess and the son died, the Jiang family would have no way to live... She also persuaded the second lady that since she had married, she would put the second master first... When I heard this, I was already sweating coldly and dared not listen to it..." Shan secretly raised her eyes and saw the world. The concubine's face was full of frost and immediately crawled on the ground: "The princess forgives her sins. The slave and maidservant's family are in the hands of the second lady. Even after hearing this, they dare not reveal it, let alone..."

She didn't even dare to let Xiao Xie know, especially after the "death of Princess Chu" and saw Yu Dong kill the insiders.

"After the death of the Duke's wife, the second lady gradually relied on slaves and maidservants, so she entrusted a lot of things, but they were nothing more than gold and silver interests. Of course, there were also maids who cleaned up those uneasy, but when it comes to the son of the world, there was only the heirless medicine."

If it hadn't been for Guan Suiyuan's strict precautions, Xiao Xie really couldn't think of a good strategy and would not tell Shan about this powerful thing. After all, Shan's house was her companion. After so many years, Xiao Xie still had some trust in her.

However, Xiao Xie didn't expect that Shan knew so much.

At this time, Shan told the "truth" in detail. There is no doubt that the son and his wife already knew what happened in those years. In order to protect themselves, they could only show loyalty and win the protection of the princess.

Once the imperial concubine exposes the matter of the extinct medicine, Yu Dong and his wife must suspect that it is Shan's "betrayal". Even if Xiao Xie is soft-hearted, Shan Shi knows Yu Dong's method.

If you don't appeal this old facts, the imperial concubine will never trust her. Just now, the concubine disdained her second master's words of "sturing the throne" and has already expressed her attitude.

Binjing was persecuted, but there was an "unexpected" harvest, but she was not happy at all.

The murderous intention flashed through the eyes.

Shan didn't realize it, and then told Xiao Xie's "bribezzlement" of the royal property over the years, how he provoked in front of the old princess before the entry of Yijing, and planned to use Jiang Wei and the ribbed.

"Although the second lady told the maidservant that she did not want to hand over the power of the housekeeper and deliberately provoke the relationship between the son and the princess... The princess is wise enough to think that the second lady is going to murder the son." Even that deadly one confessed, and Shan Shi no longer said anything, for fear that the imperial concubine would still distrust him.

The mood of the scenic spot also gradually calmed down in Shan's chatter.

"The marriage between Lu Hua and the Guo family can't be completed." Suddenly a sentence.

Shan was stunned and immediately acted obediently: "I don't have to save the maidservant. The concubine of the world is protecting the maidservant, and the second lady will not agree to this marriage anyway."

"I know you don't want to see Mother wish." Yijing smiled gently: "I won't let her do what she wants."

Shan's heart was tight again. Hearing this, Zhu did not "sincerely" the imperial concubine. It seemed that the world's concubine had been aware of the truth before she had taboos. Otherwise, she would not be able to save her life.

"As for Luhua's marriage, the second aunt may not necessarily force it. It's just to disturb her to marry the Guo family to get a free life and not let you rely on." Yijing reminded: "AUNT Shan is a smart person. There must be a way to shirk this marriage. I allow you to use my name."

Mr. Shan was overjoyed. The concubine of the world was really powerful, and the hole was like watching fire.

Suddenly, I thought of another thing and quickly flattered her: "The maidservant looked at me. There was a dowry maid named Dongyu beside the imperial concubine, who often had contact with the second lady. When they talked, even if the maidservant was sent away, the situation was wrong."

Yi Jing smiled gently: "Aunuch Shan is too worried. Dongyu got my instructions." Turning the topic: "There is one thing. If Aunt Shan is done, the dried fruit shop run by your son can be given to you first."

Shan's spirit was refreshed. She knew that she had won the trust of the imperial concubine.

At present, although with Xiao Xie's "support", my son's business can also earn 30 or 40 taels a month, but he has to take one or 20 taels out to buy some different ways*. There is not much money that can really stay in his hand, but if he no longer has to pay the rent of the shop... It will be ten taels more income for nothing.

Although the shop is not in the top area, it must be worth at least two or three hundred taels.

He kowtowed quickly and said, but please tell me.

"Find a way to let the prince know that the second aunt intended to delay Xie Sanniang from entering the door, and even planned to let the son accept her as a concubine." The scenery said.

Unlike the old princess's biological father, Xie Jin, the Duke of Zhen, actually supported King Kang when he was in the former emperor's crown prince. He was deeply afraid of the empress dowager. The empress dowager's mother's family, Yan, admonied Emperor Taizong, withdrew the Xie family's right to unify the army, and let Xie be reinstated as a cabinet bachelor for a period of time. Later, the emperor ascended to the throne and simply let Xie Fufu leisure, so It's Xie Shizi. At present, he is also a household member. The prestige of the Xie family is not as good as before.

The wife of the prince is very close to the marriage of her biological daughter Si Niang. She is unwilling to let Si Niang "marry", but the princes and nobles don't like the Xie family very much. Ying learned from Yu Yu Yu that Mrs. Xie has been dealings with the Wei family frequently and wants her daughter to marry into the prime minister's mansion.

This fire has an added reason.

Wei Xiang is now "talking happily". If he learned that the Xie family had made the eldest princess "unhappy" - before Yijing came out of the cabinet, the old princess was persuaded by the Xie family to come to the door and asked the Duke to nod and accept Xie Sanniang as her concubine!

The Wei family, who was hesitant, will firmly refuse to marry the Duke of Zhen.

And when Mrs. Xie learned that Si Niang's marriage was actually bad in the hands of Xiao Xie...

Do you have to have some ideas?

However, this matter is not something that must be done by Shanshi. The scenery makes her act, just to test whether this chess piece is not easy to use.

Shan was overjoyed - she was originally from the Duke of Zhen, and there were still many contacts there. This matter was just a hand-lift to her, and it was not noticed by Xiao Xie. It was simply a waste of money to make a shop.

Clap your chest and promise that you will live up to your mission.

The beauty rewarded her with another gold bracelet, and then sent her off.

Shanshi was very comforted all the way - the concubine thought it was Zhou Dao, and she also knew how to "be blind" with this bracelet, and she was thinking about how to muddle through in front of Xiao Xie.