Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 439 You have urgent wisdom, I have countermeasures

He also said that the king of Chu, who had heard the people from Guan Suiyuan spread the message, knew that beautiful scenery had vigorously persuaded the old princess. In order to help his daughter-in-law, Yu Dong returned home, so he invited him to come to Rongxi Hall together and prepared to completely give up the matter in front of the old princess. Unexpectedly, they were meeting Xiao Xie's splashing. The two stood under the window. Listen, the maids did not dare to report it. It was not until the old princess made a conclusion and the room calmed down that the king of Chu let Yan'er report it.

He saw that Yu Dong's face was like the bottom of the pot and said that he had died. Unexpectedly, this brother-brother was greedy and came up with such a dark and bright way.

The king of Chu had no choice for a moment. With his understanding of the old princess, he would inevitably be soft-hearted again.

Sure enough, the old princess was begged modestly by the second master, and her anger was immediately extinguished. After all, she couldn't bear to look at the "son" she had loved for many years and hurriedly asked the husband and wife to get up: "I said why the second daughter-in-law is so anxious. It turns out that there is still such a reason. You are in trouble. You should have said that the family is nothing If you can discuss it well, it makes a lot of noise. Get up quickly. The prince is a brother. How can his younger brother stand by when he encounters difficulties?

Bingjing was unwilling, but when the elders were present in the room, the old princess spoke again. She couldn't say more. She just stood aside with her eyes down, but her mind quickly calculated.

The king of Chu took a look at the beautiful scenery and said that the little girl was depressed. She thought that her daughter-in-law had wasted a lot of thoughts about this matter. Seeing that victory was in sight, she was turned upside down by Yu Dong and her previous achievements were abandoned.

Thinking of this, the king of Chu was also unwilling and wanted to be the head of the family. He did not see his daughter-in-law "charge into the front" but "shud to move forward". Although it was not as thorough as expected, he could not care too much for a moment. He clenched his fist against his lips and coughed gently. Then he said, "Today, please come to Rongxi Hall together. I also wanted to discuss this matter with my mother face to face... At first, I thought that it was indeed illegal for Zhou'er to marry a wife and be hired by the royal palace, but since the second brother can't turn around, he can't delay the wedding date for this. It's also dishonest for Jianning Houfu. Jing'er, after reading the gift list, do you know how much money is needed to prepare it properly?

Yijing replied, "My daughter-in-law also took a look at it. It is roughly estimated that the bride price will cost about 50,000 yuan, plus the bride price, 100,000 taels of silver anyway."

Xie was afraid that the king of Chu would make a sense of the amount and explained in a tight voice: "Mother, my daughter-in-law was eager to set the wedding date, which made Qi Niang a little wrong. At that time, Yuaner got married, and the combination of the bride price and the gift was about 150,000 yuan. Yu'er is the prince's son. Zhou'er can't compare. The daughter-in-law is in front of Yu'er's front For example, it has been reduced by several times.

The old princess also felt appropriate, nodded slightly, and asked the king of Chu, "I don't know if the royal palace can take this money?"

100,000 taels of silver, of course, the prestigious King of Chu's Mansion is not a problem. The prince did not taboo: "Mother, don't worry, although I have handed over the common affairs to Yuaner long ago, he is now in Jizhou, but his son's turnover at hand is also this number."

Little Xie suddenly looked happy: "With my uncle's words, I was relieved. To be honest about this matter... If it hadn't been for the real thing, I wouldn't have opened this mouth."

Yu Dong looked even more sincere: "The eldest brother helped him, and Dong was very happy. The eldest brother was relieved. When I have a turnover in my hand, I will pay him back as well... But after all, it is a rich capital. According to the secular contract, he should add a few cents of profit, but the eldest brother will open his mouth."

This is completely pleasant nonsense. He deliberately owes money and doesn't pay it back. Will the king of Chu still sue the official office for this matter? No matter how much profit you add, it's just an empty word.

The king of Chu laughed and said, "The brothers should have helped each other and said that it was unfavorable... However, the marriage period of Zhou's children is urgent. At this time, I'm afraid of buying betrothal gifts one by one. There were a lot of reserves in the palace. My sister-in-law Moru checked with the Long History Department. If there is a ready-made one, you can use it first... However, I'm afraid of falling down. I don't know. Tao still thought that it was hired by the royal palace. After all, it was not beautiful. It's better to bother my second brother to write a detailed document, which used the internal treasury, which were used money to buy, and how much silver was withdrawn one by one, and handed over to the history department to prepare the file, so as not to be afraid of the subordinate officials' misunderstanding. It is rumored that the three people became tigers.

The implication is to let Yu Dong set up a loan.

With the evidence in hand, Yu Dong will be at a loss in the future. If he still wants to go out to see people, he can't rely on the debts.

However, the proposal of the King of Chu is still intended for the reputation of General Yu Dong, which is difficult to refuse.

The old princess also agreed: "The reason why it can't be hired by the royal palace is that it is afraid of hurting the reputation of the clan. Although Donger asked the prince to borrow money because of nervous hands, outsiders do not know it, which is inevitable to misunderstand. It is good to establish a proof, but prevent outsiders from discussing."

Where does Yu Dong want to borrow money? He obviously wants to repudiate the debt. How can he be willing to set up a statement? But he was moved by this huge sum - his salary tribute, a general of the town, will be able to maintain the expenses of a government in the future, but he is unlucky. It is not a loss for production, and it is also a drizzle. In case he is forced to be helpless and has to open a house to stand on his own feet, how can he enjoy this wealth and luxury, not to mention that although he has little savings in these years, most of them It was used to attract his cronies and guards.

Let the royal family pay a bride price of 60,000 yuan, and the land, shops, etc. of Jianning Houfu's dowry are also worth at least 100,000 yuan. The key is that these are not dead things, but profitable living wealth. Although they are nominally, they are the dowry of their daughter-in-law, they can wait for Qi Niang to enter the door. As long as they find a way to control those industries in their own hands, they may double their profits.

With Huang Tao mediating from it, the two couples in the three rooms of Houfu are useless. They are not afraid that Qi Niang will not wholeheartedly favor her husband's family.

At worst, bring your own bride price, reduce it a little, and it's okay to have a good face.

At that time, even if the prince forces the debt, there will be half of the benefits.

Yu Dong's meticulous calculation, but the scenery was also inspired. His eyes lit up and he suddenly had a plan.

Therefore, Yu Dong was interrupted by the scenery before he dealt with it--

"Grandmother, father, second uncle and second aunt were originally the matter of several elders, and it was inconvenient for the younger generation to say much, but because Jianning Houfu is a daughter-in-law's family, I also know some situations and worry about them. If I don't say it, I'm afraid that there will be any disturbance in the future."

The king of Chu took the lead in saying, "If you have something to say, you might as well say directly. Sooner or later, the gift from the king's house will be handed over to you, and you should have participated in these housework."

These words made Yu Dong and his wife sink again and looked at the old princess together.

At this time, the old princess was curious about what she wanted to say and stopped, and she didn't care about the belonging of Zhongfu at all. She also echoed, "Although Jing'er is young, she is thoughtful. Don't worry about those elders and juniors. Just say something."

Yi Jingying said with a promise and meditated slightly before saying, "Usually, there are no clear laws and regulations on marriage, but there is a common agreement. The woman prepares the dowry, at least according to the man's gift, and in the noble mansion of the Wang clan, there are precedents for this child to marry in all families, such as the Duke of Wei, and the daughter's dowry out of the cabinet The common people are old and young. Take me as an example. In addition to furniture, clothes, ring jewelry and other things, the farm industry and the box money are 30,000 taels, which is far from the royal family's bride price, so they have to be subsidized privately by each house... As far as I know, when the sixth cousin of Houfu came out of the cabinet, the dowry was only 30,000 taels, which is still the body of the eldest aunt, and You have to go out of the public."

The implication is that the dowry given to Huang Qi Niang in the Houfu will never exceed 30,000.

Xie's face turned black again: "Isn't it different? Houfu Liu Niang is just married to an ordinary family. After all, Qi Niang is married to the clan."

Yi Jing laughed and said, "What the second aunt said is reasonable, but even if the public will consider the factor of the man's family, if it is slightly added, it will not exceed too much, and it will have to be supplemented by each room."

It depends on whether the woman is valued in her mother's family and whether her biological mother's dowry was rich enough.

It's like a scene. The biological mother Wanniang is the eldest daughter of the Hou family, and married the eldest son of the Duke of the country. The dowry is naturally rich. In addition, the business benefits over the years have doubled. Even if the three brothers and sisters are divided equally, it is still a big asset. In addition, there is the rich man, and there are all the nobles in the palace to add makeup... In fact... The dowry of the scenery does not depend on the public at all.

But the situation of Huangjiang Moon is naturally different.

Bing sighed gently: "In the situation of the third room of Houfu, if you want to prepare a dowry of 70,000 or 80,000 silver for Qi Niang..." It is not enough to empty the savings of the third uncle and the third aunt.

Jiang Yue got married. Of course, she did not let Jianning wait for personal help. Even if the old lady has the intention to make up for her, there are many nephews in the house. It is estimated that the old lady does not have such a big money, and there are still several Langjun and little ladies who have never been married... The old lady can't be too biased.

Xiao Xie still refuses to accept it: "The wedding date is set in a hurry. If we are too simple in the bride price, it will be too bad."

Yi Jing thought so: "The second aunt was considerate, but I heard my grandmother mention that some people attach great importance to their in-laws, but they also consider such factors and do not want to embarras their in-laws. The bride price on the gift list is not written enough, and it is better to supply privately."

When the king of Chu heard this, he had fully understood Yijing's intention and couldn't help sipting the corners of his lips - this girl ghost spirit was to roast the second brother and his wife on the fire. Xiao Xie was so happy on the bride price, that was to let the King of Chu's mansion pay. They had the idea of making a dowry, but when Yijing said so, how could Yu Dong and his wife let their in marriages again? It's difficult, but they will never risk being forced to repay their debts in the future, but let Houfu Sanfang profit from such stupid things that are harmful to their own interests.

The marriage is originally a good of the two surnames, and should not care about the number of dowry, but in order to show sincerity, the woman will not be criticized as "selling women for money", so there is a common agreement to double the bride price to prepare for marriage. However, in order to show sincerity, most men's gift lists are mostly different from the actual bride price.

For example, the bride price of the King's Palace on that day of Chu did not write down any famous calligraphy and paintings, Dongzhu Nanzhu, Yangzhi Mancui, etc., only in general, but the things are carefully selected, all of which are valuable, and the bride price book, which is the royal custom. In fact, there are additions to the royal palace, which are not listed.

Of course, it is not that the gift list is slightly simple, but the bride price is rich. As a result, the marriage between the two families has not been completed, and there is a dispute when they quit the contract, but it is always rare. Most famous families still cherish decentness and can't do such a despicable thing. Naturally, no one prevents the other party from regretting marriage, or One party encountered an accident.

However, such customs are limited to famous families and powerful families, and ordinary people do not pay so much attention to marriage.

Obviously, Yu Dong and his wife are not worried about the repentance of marriage, but that they are too greedy to make a detailed gift list to hope that the woman will marry richly, which is not in line with the style of Dalong's famous family.

They are not unaware of the foundation of the third house, but they think that Jianhou Mansion is a famous family, and will naturally cherish its reputation. They will never bear the notoriety of "selling women for money". The Hou Mansion is not divided. The third house can't come up with this rich dowry. Will Jianninghou stand by? Unexpectedly, they were broken by Yijing in person and forced them to "simplify" the gift list. In this way, Huang Qiniang's dowry was only 30,000 or 50,000 yuan. How could Yu Dong do this loss? But if he doesn't agree, won't he admit that he is greedy for the dowry? Being held by the king of Chu and breaking his plan of "empty gloves and white wolf", he could not justify himself that the old princess would believe in his own son.

The two faces of Yudong and his wife gradually became the same bottom of the black pot. The king of Chu squinted into his eyes and couldn't help falling into the well: "It's still Jing's way to think of Zhou Dao. In my opinion, it's not important to write on the gift list. On the contrary, the book is simple and polite, and Houfu will feel the sincerity of the second brother's boxing."

The old princess has always been unaware of these famous rules, but she has learned a lot and nod frequently.

Yu Dong and his two mouths were anxious. After all, they still broke the calculation of "empty gloves and white wolf". Xiao Xie's face was sad. Yu Dong had to agree to agree to redraft the gift list, but two days later, he returned to the old princess. "It happened" that the money bank prepared by his colleague did not get the approval, so he had to give up and return the principal, which was a solution to the urgent need. Don't bother your brother. The second wife will solve the matter of Yuzhou's betrothal gift by herself.

Of course, it is no longer so rich. After hearing about the beautiful scenery, those four-season clothes are all ordinary fabrics. Although there are silk and satin, they are also common patterns on the market. The rare ancient paintings are completely omitted, and the tea gifts are also ordinary. The most important thing is the gift money... From the amount of 60,000 taels, it has been reduced to 20,000 yuan without losing face. Silver.