Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 543 Good Day, and Pro-Xi Liang

June 16 of the eighth year of Yuanqing is an auspicious day for Qin Tianjian. It is suitable for marriage, alliance and travel.

On the night of June 15, a banquet was held in the State Guesthouse. The protagonist was Yi Yangjun, because the next day he was about to marry Princess Donghua and set off to return to China.

A sudden rainstorm fell in the evening, and the rain continued until the second update, and the momentum was still not completely stopped. In Guan Suiyuan, I couldn't hear the songs and music in the State Guest House, but late at night, the atrium was still illuminated by lights and candles. The maids were busy with each other. The hostess, wearing a home-style narrow-sleeved begonia red shirt, was busy inspecting the boxes in the room according to the list in her hand, and checking the clothes for the man who was about to travel for the last time.

The two maids, Curtain Roll and Xifeng, have been serving each other while listening to the scenery telling many precautions.

This time, the prince sent his family as a princess brother, which was not a matter of the government of the country. The two of them were assigned by Yijing to serve him and "have a heavy responsibility".

"It is inevitably inconvenient to go out. Fortunately, most of them are by water, which is always more comfortable and convenient than the land road. The river is late and cold. You should pay attention not to let the son catch a cold. Don't be too timid. If you see the son greedy for the river scenery along the coast, you have to persuade him not to stay too late on the deck... I will ask him about the medicinal diet. To Mother Xie, but the prince has become more and more fond of taking it over the years. You have to keep an eye on it and don't let the prince pick his mouth... There are three princes and Yi Yangjun. I'm afraid that the journey is long and you can't avoid drinking. You two have to pay attention to it and don't indulge the prince's greedy cup. While watching the two maids folded the robes on the kang and put them into the box, she told them, "Take two more coats, just like those in the second season of spring and autumn. Wait, you don't need the gold-embroider purple python, but to prevent the son from wearing them outside the cabin when the river is strong. He doesn't like to wear them so solemnly when he is idle. Yes, just those two green ones. It's good to have the edge of Jinlan grass."

Then I went to see the specially selected tea leaves, opened the jars one by one, and let the west wind put it away.

"Autumn frost." Yijing suddenly shouted again. When he saw people come in, he carefully told him: "There is a set of military books on the long case in the study. These days, the son is reading them. You bring them here and prepare him to read them on the way... Pick a few more collections of poems... Well, I'll go and choose... You go to the front court and tell the clear sky. As soon as you see the prince enter the corner door, you come in. It's raining today. I'm worried that he will get wet. As soon as he comes back, I will ask the kitchen to prepare hot water.

After a busy time, it was finally packed up, and a few strong women came in and carried the box out and handed it to the porter to load the car.

But when he reached the time of his son, Yu Yu still did not return.

After bathing, she only wore a plain dress, wore a loose and short bun, leaned against the kang and held a scroll, but the page did not move for a long time.

"I think the banquet of the State Guest House didn't end so early. I heard that the emperor asked the noble officials to support me, but when it was lively, the imperial concubine will also have to enter the palace early tomorrow morning. Let's take a rest first. When there is a letter in the vestibule, the maidservant will call you." Spring twilight came forward to persuade.

"I can't sleep either. Don't bother." Yijing was a little embarrassed: "If you simmer the medicinal diet on the stove, you should come back soon."

Chunmu answered. As soon as he went out to simmer the medicinal diet on the charcoal stove in the corridor, he saw Hu winding in like a whirlwind, saying that the son had changed into a soft sedan chair at the corner door. Chunmu quickly asked the kitchen to bring hot water into the clean room.

Yijing sat in front of the window and heard this. He grabbed a thin cloak and put it on his body. He went straight into the front hall along the corridor and stood on the stairs to wait.

The soft sedan has been carried into the atrium, and Yu Yu came out slowly.

Looking at his pace, he knew that he drank a lot today. In order not to show drunkenness, his behavior was more relaxed than usual.

In front of the servants, the imperial concubine was not easy to blame. When she untied her raincoat and touched his robe, it was not soaked, and there was a smile on her face.

Back to the banquet, except for the spring dusk where the corridor was still staring at the warm medicinal diet of the stove, the maids consciously avoided it.

Without saying a word, Yu Yu hugged him and leaned him to the kang, with a little drunkenness in his breath: "Come back late, let the good wife wait for a long time."

The beautiful scenery was stretched by his arm, and he couldn't look at the drunkenness with the bright lights in the room, so he had to ask: "I drank too much again, but I feel dizzy. Is my throat uncomfortable? I'm going to travel tomorrow, and you don't have a degree..." Without finishing the nagging, I felt that my earlobe was wet and hot, and I was held into my mouth. In, the princess was very annoyed, and a snake twisted around her waist: "Don't make trouble. Chunmu is still outside. You have to bring in a medicinal diet later."

The word "pharmaceutical diet" made Yu Yu sigh for a long time, and his interest was suppressed. He let go of his hand and watched the imperial concubine go around the case and sit down solemnly and steadily.

"This time, I still let Mother Xie follow and wait. In addition, there are two curtains rolling west wind. I have ordered the maids. You have to take care of it. Don't think that without me, you dare not take the medicinal diet." The imperial concubine held a warning first and saw someone leaning lazily, but hurriedly nod, and then she smiled.

"I still want M Mother Xie to stay at home. As soon as the third sister left, it was time to prepare for the division, and you can't live without people." Yu Yu said.

"I don't mind. I have recorded the loss of my second aunt over the years. My father and grandmother are restrained. I have a support behind me, and I'm afraid that I can't recover the money intercepted by my second aunt."

It turned out that according to their plan, they should have "do it" at the beginning of the year, but they also looked at An Jin's face and didn't want to let Yu Dong stand in the house before her marriage, which was delayed until this time.

"You are ready first, but you have to settle with your second aunt. Why don't you just wait for me to come back and let me see the fun." Yu Yu saw that she was determined to let Mother Xie accompany her, and then said again.

Yi Jing knew that he didn't want to fight alone, but he found such an excuse, and his heart was soft. He couldn't help thinking of An Jin, such a smart and decisive woman, but she had a bad fate and didn't know whether she was married or not, so she asked, "What do you think of Yiyang Jun?"

Speaking of business affairs, Yu Yu sat up slightly and resumed his posture: "A few days ago, I invited him to visit the Buddhist Temple, but he took the initiative to mention the gap with Lanjiang Gong. Although he did not explicitly say that the dispute over the throne of Xiliang, he vaguely stated his position. Without the help of the Wan family, he had no foothold in the Qing family, and then asked the third sister. My sister's preference, laughing that he is especially happy in his four arts, and he can be similar to his third sister. In my opinion... Yiyang is a wise man.

"I just hope that he will make a promise to treat the third sister well in the future. The two will support each other, and the third sister will be more or less relaxed in danger."

"The third sister is quite resourceful, otherwise I would not allow her to take risks. In addition, the Holy Lord made her a princess, and this time he specially let me see her off. In Yu Qing's view, the third sister's status is heavy, and there is also the maintenance of the King of Xiliang, which is more advantageous than what was expected before."

If it is not the princess and relatives, but an ordinary clan daughter, when there is no use, the Qing family may be ashamed and angry that it may be unfavorable to An Jin. However, with the name of Princess Dalong, neither the Qing family nor the King of Xiliang will be underestimated, because Dalong will not allow the princess of a country to be bullied by foreigners and damage the national prestige. In addition, the princess has honor ministers and personal soldiers. Guards, personal safety is not as secure as ordinary women.

Yi Jing understands that Yu Yu has indeed tried his best to protect An Jin.

After a few words, outside the curtain, there was a report that the medicinal diet was hot. When Yu Yu frowned and struggled to accept it, beautiful scenery untied his clothes for him and pushed him into the clean room, but finally she was pulled in together. Her cabinet promised to go out and follow her wife's instructions, provided that the good wife would give a reward first - at least Once, serve him to bathe with your own hands.

A wall of lights and candles have been filled with water in the wide bathtub. The maids on the low shelf have prepared bath towels, dew, bath beans and other things. The son never needs servants to serve them nearby, so the maids have long retreated very knowledgeably.

Yijing bent down to try the water temperature and felt a little hot. She was about to exchange the cold water prepared aside, but she felt that her waist was tight. Her whole body was picked up and straightened down, followed by a long kiss of wine. She didn't wait for her to stand firm. Her tight footsteps had pushed her back and almost knocked down the screen and fell down heavily for It is convenient to set up a soft couch.

His lips and tongue were gentle and eager, swept away her breath, and couldn't wait to fill her senses and lungs with his breath. Although the weight did not follow closely, the dexterous fingers had torn her loose waist band, reached into her underwear, stroked it all the way, and found her abundance in a familiar way** The place is rubbed with drunkenness.

So the person who was going to serve the bath eventually became weak and tired, but was served and bathed again.

When the wind and rain gradually stopped this night, the sound in Zhusha's tent was always more common.

The 16th, it was indeed an auspicious day. Just after the sun, the sun couldn't wait to shine through the clouds. Ke Ye was washed by yesterday's rainstorm and glowed green. With the peaceful sunlight, the golden sting gradually increased, and the water stains on the blue tile road dried. Only the flowers and mud under the shade still accumulated moisture, emitting fresh lungs. The grass and trees are fragrant.

The sky and the earth are clear, and the golden tiles and walls of the palace seem to be brighter than before the rain.

When it was close to auspicious, the woman in front of the makeup mirror had already dressed up and sat down. Her eyebrows were dyed, and the green silk was as high as clouds. The eastern pearls drooped like a waterfall, shaking their eyebrows, reflecting the clear and bright autumn waves. The clouds and shoulders are embroidered with purple peon, and the big red brocade sleeves cage the fingertips. Under the palms are the lines covering the golden phoenix wings on the knees. The corners of the skirt are slowly rolled by the breeze entering the hall, and the pearls pat their ankles, which are soft but slightly heavy.

An Jin looked at herself in the mirror and was in a trance for a moment.

When it came to parting, I was still a little reluctant to leave.

The corners of the eyes were astringent and painful again, and An Jin took a deep breath.

She heard the honor official singing loudly, and the fine pace approached. Someone held her arm. There was no flute and drum music, and everything was still so quiet.

The sunlight penetrated the corridor and lit up the road under his feet, and Kezhi's shadow stretched out with a smile.

This is not a wedding, but a parting.

She was really strange to see her family standing in the hall, wearing imperial clothes.

The queen who ruled the six palaces took the lead in teaching, and every word was based on the book.

Then there is the old princess, her grandmother.

Although she was still talking cliché, An Jin saw the tears in her grandmother's eyes. She held her grandmother's hand and insisted on smiling decently.

Her father seemed to avoid her eyes and said coldly, but when she turned to her mother, she still felt the complicated eyes her father had seen.

Then there is the eldest sister-in-law, holding hands tightly, no instruction, only a sentence of "cherish".

Until this time, An Jin still felt that her chest was full of thousands of words, but she knew that there was no time.

After a slow look, she resolutely turned around.

The long guard of honor followed the princess's pace towards Donghua Gate and finally reached the end of the red felt. An Jin stood firmly with the long footsteps of the honor official and slightly raised his eyes to the man who was about to pass through the city, hanging Zhu Man's car and walking beside him. He was wearing the morning dress of Xiliang Yijun, and the golden clouds were shining on the crow blue brocade clothes. Zhushang was blinded, and the gentry swayed slightly with the pace.

A year ago, An Jin couldn't remember Yiyangjun's face. At this time, the man who came to her side steadily under Jinyang's crown was a tall and bright forehead. Taking advantage of the two sword eyebrows obliquely into his temples, his eyes drooped slightly, his mood was deep, his eyes were slightly white, and the corners of his lips were straight, but it seemed not difficult to see. Smiling.

Suddenly, she half knelt down, and An Jin watched the man who was short and tied something on her waist. It was Zhiyu Yu Jinpei.

"It's the instrument of Xiliang." The man's voice is clear.

An Jin knows that tulips are the national flower of Xiliang, and Yu Jinpei can only be worn by three nobles.

In a moment, Yiyang had got up and spread his palm slightly towards An Jin: "Yiyang, the legitimate son of the Qing family, welcomed the return of Princess Donghua."

Returned, Xiliang has also been her country since then.

An Jin raised her hand slightly and covered her palm. She felt the warmth of her heart, but she did not burn her hand.

She remembered what Leyang once said - my second brother had many hardships, with a strong heart and a gentle temperament. Although he was in Huaicheng, he knew righteousness and kindness. Princess Jinyuan was favored by him, and His Majesty was better than his biological father. He would never do anything wrong. In this way, if the princess could treat each other with sincerity, the second brother would not do anything. Slacking.

From now on, you and I will work together as a husband and wife.

An Jin thought silently that when she was steadily helped into the car, she looked at the person who would form an alliance with her again.

He stepped on the golden saddle and looked at her. His eyebrows were bright, and the corners of his lips seemed to be stretched.

The music sounded, and the car rolled towards the city gate.

An Jin did not look back. She knew that from this moment, she would not hesitate to look back at her unknown way forward.

Her eyes can only keep moving forward. In the past, whether happy or sad, she stayed in her home country and never saw each other again.