Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 561 Looking forward to entering the palace, Wei Zhao's wish

After the sound of the forbidden drum this night, Yu Yu returned to Guan Suiyuan with a cold air. Because she could no longer hide and get up late, she added a lot of trivial work during the day. An hour ago, she began to fight with her eyelids and left the maid outside to light the lights and watch the night, waiting for the male host to serve and wash after returning late. .

In my sleep, I gradually felt that it was difficult to breathe, and my chest seemed to be blocked by something. I woke up in a daze. This feeling became more and more real. I couldn't help struggling for a moment and found that I was tightly hugged in my arms.

He was not in a hurry to push away his chest, which was not enough to be covered with heat, but his fingers scratched his eyebrows and pressed them in the center of his eyebrows. Sure enough, there was a slight frown there.

"I woke you up." Yu Yu seemed to realize that his arms were slightly relaxed. While Yijing took a long breath, he pressed his ear to apologize.

"What time is it?" Yijing was completely awake. He found his palm and shook his hand, and he was still cool: "Just came back?"

"I've been in the front yard, and my father-in-law and several uncles were also here. They broke up half an hour ago, and they were already righteous."

"What happened?" I heard that it was a night talk with my father and uncle. Naturally, the scenery would not think that the topic was wind and snow.

"The emperor is determined to abolish the reserve." Without any hesitation, Yu Yu talked about the conversation in today's imperial study, including his frankness with the emperor.

After a while of silence, Yijing sighed gently: "Sure enough, it is still the third prince... Since the emperor has made it clear, he must have a corresponding plan. I just hope that the third Highness will no longer be affected by obsession."

"The holy intention is biased towards the Third Highness, not just because he has the quality of being a king. Today, when I learned that there will be a dance audition, I am more and more convinced that the Holy Lord has long had the heart of Abandoned Reserve." Yu Wei thought that even if the prince would still be assassinated in the future, the real murderer could only be the one who was "evident" by the emperor. If so, it would not be enough to worry.

"Of course, it won't be the prince who bought the examiner. I heard that he didn't ask about political affairs at all in the past two years. Eleven Niang went to visit the crown princess and witnessed the blue sky and the sun. The prince listened to the opera and drank in the East Palace and was drunk." The scenery said.

The Kong family will not make their own decisions. Behind it, it must be the Queen's will. Of course, this crime will definitely fall on the prince.

"Originally, the examination marking process was after consultation, not only as long as I bought one or two marking officers, I could follow the private dance. My third uncle, including my uncle and Brother Wei, both had advice. Once the trial was opened, the examiners would be isolated from the outside until the end of the marking, and the first one had to pass the public review meeting, and the examination paper was based on the name. This time The question was personally selected by the emperor, sealed in the court, and handed over to the examination room on the day of the examination. If you follow this, the possibility of dancing will be very small.

The name of the examination paper, and it is impossible for the examination questions to be leaked in advance. The examiner can only contact people after the examination to determine the identity of the examiner with the content of the answer paper. If it is isolated from the outside, even if there is a way to carry out forgery, and the first person must pass it unanimously through the public examination papers... Unless the examiners are bought, In addition to Uncle Wei and Wei Yuan, several of the examiners this time are Qin Xiang's followers, and the queen can't buy them all.

"But the emperor rejected the consultation, but used the examiners to review the papers one by one, and the excellent ones were directly on the list, and the second round of evaluation. Although the reviewers were concentrated in the Wenhua Hall, it was not without the possibility of buying the internal servant." Yu Yu said again.

Yi Jing nod his head: "The emperor may have noticed the queen's movements and gave her a dance loophole."

In the first Enke, the emperor's intention of attaching importance to it is well known to the world, but there was a dance incident. Once it is detected, it is reasonable to condemn this felony and abolish the reserve, but who will investigate it? Of course, this person will not be the son of heaven, nor will he be the third prince who is "like brothers" with the prince, let alone the "third princes" such as Yu Yu and Wei Guogong who are instructed by the emperor.

"The fourth prince has been coveting the position for a long time. If he gets this good opportunity, he will not let it go." The scenery is sure.

"What are you busy with today?" Yu Yu suddenly changed the topic. At this time, his palm was a little warm. When he asked, he had lifted the close-fitting underwear of the person next to the pillow and pasted the warm curd gel in the silk clothes.

"My aunt sent Zhao's sister over. I accompanied my aunt for half a day, and then I was busy with the resettlement. I sorted out the Chunhua Garden next to Rongxi Hall. Several rooms were equipped with warm walls, which are suitable for this climate. Close to Rongxi Hall, Zhao's sister can also go to gossip with her grandmother from time to time. An Jin got married, and the family became more and more lonely. I picked it up. After the gift in my hand, I was not as idle as before. When I talked and laughed with my grandmother, it was less. This time, my grandmother was very happy when my sister came to live.

"It sounds like the princess has been busy all day, but she feels tired?" The smiling tone once again close to my ear.

"I was sleepy early and slept for a while, but now I'm so sleepy because of you." Thinking of getting up early at the beginning of the day, the imperial concubine frowned very annoyedly and did not notice someone's real intention.

It was not until the people around him turned over and pressed that the imperial concubine really "wake up from a big dream".

"As long as you are not sleepy." The fingers found the buckle very accurately in the dark.

"The Yuge Department will have to sleep for two hours at most tomorrow." Yijing stretched out his hand to block: "It's important."

but he was kissed in the ear, and his breath hit **'s skin, slightly cold and itchy: "Who said this is not a business, and who can't wait to stop the medicine? Isn't that anyone thinking... we should have a beautiful daughter?"

Who was embarrassed and suddenly retorted harshly: "Who said I want a daughter? I obviously like boys, and it's obvious that you miss your daughter."

My ears were cold, and I suddenly felt the breath close to my lips.

"Jecu jar, you can also eat your daughter's jealousy..."

The ashamed concubine was about to "resist" and was attacked by a long premeditated kiss.

The voice gradually faded, and the silence was slightly longer, and then gasps and moans leaked out the curtain.


Yijing not only played the guise of the Empress Dowager's desire to let Wei Zhao live in the palace. With the Empress Dowager's love for her cousin, she thought that her aunt would temporarily suspend the marriage of Wei Zhao, and naturally she would also have a "fake play". When she was idle, she often talked to Wei Zhao about complex court etiquette, the more intricate concubines of the queen, about the Empress Dowager's temperament, and the court Some taboos that have to be said.

Wei Zhao listened with great interest and made the beautiful scenery tireless. With his words, he revealed the scandal that Hui Li and Liang Zhaoyi almost fought in public at the Double Ninth Festival banquet.

"I attended the Fanglin banquet twice and saw that the concubines were dignified, and there was such a strange thing?" Wei Zhao's eyes widened: "The concubine Li really splashed tea on Liang Zhaoyi's face?"

"The concubine is arrogant and arrogant, and the sixth prince is similar in age to the seventh prince. When she was a child, she often compared her studies. There were conflicts between the princes, and the concubines were even more powerful. If the concubine Li can't learn to fight, the means seem a little rough."

Wei Zhao said twice: "However, it should not be a coincidence that Liang Zhaoyi wore the same skirt as Concubine Li that day. The man behind him deliberately made Concubine Li angry and made a fool of herself at the palace banquet."

Yi Jing nod in agreement: "Liang Zhaoyi is the queen's cousin."

"Concubine Li has to be severely punished." Wei Zhao secretly thinking that this arrow hit several eagles, and the women in the harem were really powerful.

In addition to discussing these topics of palace competition, Wei Zhao is more willing to actively "assispect" the pile of common affairs in the hands of the scene, and praises the detailed documents of various institutions of the King of Chu: "Servants can avoid many disputes and corruption by doing things according to the rules and remembering the affairs in detail."

Yijing also agrees. To put it, this rule is still set by Xie Fei in those years, and a correctional office has even been set up in the royal palace. Anyone who intends to be trained as a first-class maid or a future steward needs to write from childhood, which is the primary condition, and only those rough servants are illiterate.

However, Concubine Xie did not expect that it was because she formulated the rules for detailed records that Xiao Xie's deduction had to fall down, and it was difficult to cover up the deficit.

One day, Wei Zhao suddenly asked, "sister-in-law, will I really have a chance to enter the palace to accompany the empress dowager in the future?"

Yijing was slightly surprised: "Why is there such a question?"

Wei Zhao smiled and said, "When my sister-in-law said that, I didn't know why at first. Later, I heard that my father and mother had an argument because of this. After thinking about it, I knew that the matter was not so simple. The Empress Dowager wanted to marry me, right? Is it the third prince?"


It took a while to hide it: "Don't guess. There is no such thing."

Wei Zhao didn't care: "There is no need to worry about my sister-in-law. If the Tian family really wants to do this, I also gladly accept that who is not married. Instead of being detained by the family because of her conservative reputation like my sister, I think the royal family or nobles are more free."

Yi Jing was very familiar with Wei Zhao at this time, and the two spoke without those taboos, so they blurted out and asked, "A Zhao will not be, to the third prince..."

"I'm not, but I think that if the heavenly family has this intention, my brother and sister-in-law don't need to bother for me and make trouble with the heavenly family. I know my mother's idea, and I still stick to the prejugative idea that the family does not cling to the powerful, and think it has a bad reputation. I also want to find poems and books for me. In the future, I will teach my husband and children and be a A good wife and mother... It's really boring. Just like the eldest sister, the adult family is to wait on their parents-in-law in the morning and evening, inspecting which maidservants around them are, and it is not easy to worry about being brought up to be a house. They can't even take charge of Zhongfu for the time being, let alone take care of foreign business.

Wei Zhao coughed a few times and changed the tone of his mother-in-law: "Just like a family like us, we should be chaste and quiet. There are men in charge of the affairs outside. No matter how bad it is, there is still a steward. As long as there is no deficit, it is not polite to be too detailed, let alone whether it is involved in the management, it is absolutely impossible."

Looking at Wei Zhao's serious appearance, beautiful scenery couldn't help laughing, and heard her sighing: "You can see the first day at a glance. It's really frustrating. The Wei family's daughter has been disciplined by old etiquette since she was a child. She has many restrictions on her words and deeds, but she also knows how to study and literature. She is full of talent, and the family painstakingly teaches Teaching, is it to let us stay in the back house in the future, at most to do housework, so why do we need to study the four arts and read the history of the scriptures? I'm not convinced."

"The eldest princess is also a daughter, but she can gallop on the battlefield without eyebrows. I also know that this is extremely special."

Wei Zhao sighed again: "I really want to enter the palace. Although I know that there are dangerous and may be destroyed, but it can more or less involve a field that is completely different from the inner housework, and increase more knowledge. No one has died in life since ancient times. It's better to be vigorous than mediocre."

"No matter what your children are, you should do your best for the honor and humiliation of the family, but you also have to fight for the practical interests of the family. I am not willing to just for a clean reputation... Thinking about the future, it is to respect my parents-in-law to raise children and have three meals a day. It is too polite to ask about things outside..." Wei Zhao couldn't help wailing: " It's boring. I really hate that I'm a daughter. If it's the daughter of the clan, I will definitely ask myself to marry Xiliang!"


Wei Zhao suddenly jumped up from the kang and took Yijing's hand through the tea case: "To tell you the truth, my sister-in-law, I really envy An Jin... I heard from the seventh sister of the Duke's Mansion that Princess Xiliang is very likely to be king in the future! It makes people's blood boil, that's the queen! An Jin is the wife of three surnames, and she is bound to be able to intervene in government affairs.

Yijing sighed. An Jin asked for marriage for this reason. She reached out and poked Wei Zhao's forehead: "I can see that you are ambitious. Don't you expect to be a single-minded and happy life?"

"That's unattainable. There is nothing in it, and it's absolutely impossible for me." Wei Zhao waved his hand repeatedly and went to Wei's aunt's upper body again: "What a single-mindedness? As Wei's daughter, how can you give birth to such a shameful thought! It is important for a woman to be virtuous and lenient, respect her husband, and continue the prosperity of her children. How can she be jealous of her children's personal affairs... Thinking about it, with her mother's firm view, the door that can enter her eyes must also be so unruly. Such children are indispensable to take concubines, even if they don't want the family, they are not allowed. If I don't take the initiative, I have to bear the charge of not being virtuous and jealous. Not to mention my parents-in-law's difficulties, my mother can't let me go first.

"Therefore, there is no difference between marrying anyone, and the fate of my parents or the marriage given to me by the son of heaven. If I can get rid of the so-called clean stream, even if I am lucky, the royal family is more or less relatively free." Wei Zhao's final summary.

The scenery is completely speechless.

After counting his breaths, Wei Zhao, who was depressed, suddenly cheered up again: "Sister-in-law, if you have to be idle, why don't you go back to your mother's house?"