Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 627 If you can't force marriage, I will give you a concubine

Ziruo girl has been in the limelight in recent years. Her reputation for her kindness and talent and beauty has been highly praised by the people, but few people know that she is the "military teacher" of the emperor. As the eldest sister of the queen, whether she frequently visits the Qingwang Mansion in the past or is now she has been edicted to enter the palace without criticism. Yu Yu naturally inquired that in addition to Kunren Palace, he was also a regular guest of Qianming Palace.

You can see the "appreciation" of her today.

The son had already expected that the emperor would not let him go to the vassal so easily, and he was bound to try to put a difficult ear and eyes around him, but the empress dowager should not be happy to see the marriage between the Qin family and the Chu royal palace. Just looking at this situation, the emperor will not easily compromise on this matter.

If things become intolerable...

The son smiled gently. He was ready and never thought of being forced to fight back.

He did not bother to talk much about this topic, but asked Gu Yu to sit down again: "It's great kindness, but also refers to the matter of going to the vassals. If Brother Gu hadn't come forward and recommended Wu Shengqi to be the governor of Shuntian Mansion, I'm afraid that many people in Jinyang will be innocently involved in rumors and anti-holy cases, and their families will be destroyed."

"It is a dereliction of duty to dissuade the emperor from killing innocent people indiscriminately as a minister. How can they feel at ease when the people are harmed? It makes the son of the world consider Zhou Dao more. He is just moving his lips and tongue, and he really dares not take credit."

It turned out that since Yu Yudu decided that the beautiful scenery was abducted to the West Liang, he began to calculate the matter of going to the vassal. Chuzhou is only a hundred miles away from Tongling, and it is also adjacent to Xiliang. It is better to arrange it than remote command in Jinyang. This is the only purpose of his going to the vassal. It is not to collect the masses and encircle the old friends. He is a reborn person. Since he invited Jiang Qinggu to eradicate residual poison through Master Tongji, he has not shown much "early wisdom". Although the king of Chu is surprised by his son's "young age", he is very happy to let his young son take over all kinds of common affairs early. Although Yu Yu went to school in Mingshan Academy, he began to issue numbers to the royal family at the age of 12 He gave orders and knows more about the family of the old cronies of the royal palace.

He has already completed the "standing power" and "compressing the people" and other things quietly. Even the Tianchawei, which the former emperor planned to build, was actually Yu Yu's first hand. The emperor thought that detaining the king of Chu in Beijing and strictly monitoring could make Yu Yu in Chuzhou alone. It was really too underestimated the son of the world.

However, the prince has only been crowned for two years. If he hadn't known him well, it would have been hard to imagine that such a weak and polite young man had actually become the real ruler of the King of Chu.

In order to reach the goal of going to the vassal and have an account of the whereof of the scenery, Yu Yu decided to take advantage of the remnants of the previous dynasty after careful consideration.

Gaozu entered Kyoto in that year. Although he confined most of the clan of the Eastern Ming clan, there were also a few people in other counties who were arrested. They colluded with the Xiao's rebel party in an attempt to regain the imperial power. After being suppressed by blood, he finally did not dare to be arrogant. Instead, he hid in the countryside and wandered around the country. Seeing the remnants, there was no longer fear. At that time, there were Beiyuan people who captured the country. Gaozu He had to gather all the strength of the whole country to retake Shuozhou and expel Beiyuan, but the remnants have not been cut off and eradicated.

But seeing that Dalong's country is stable, and the remnants do not dare to be blatantly. Over the years, he has only survived in a very low-key way, secretly absorbing rogue strongmen and quietly growing.

Among them, the Yungui region is the most active. Chuzhou borders Yungui. Yu has been concerned about it for a long time and intends to take this opportunity to suppress it, which is also regarded as the rule of Yu to remove this cancer. Of course, at first, he put the crime of taking away the scenery on the remnants of the remnants, and there is another important original Because, this is a later story.

Yu Yu has always had doubts about the death of King Fu, believing that things are not as simple as they seem, but at the beginning, the emperor was also poisoned and died, which was the key that he could not figure out. Until the collapse of the emperor, Jiang Qinggu became the only witness of King Qing's succession to the throne, thinking of Jiang Han's strong resistance to the throne because of his father's entry into the official position. Yu Yu vaguely grasped the key.

Therefore, he ordered an emergency search of the whereabouts of Jiang Han's brother and sister, put almost all the manpower into this matter, and forced them back to Jinyang.

Knowing the old relationship between Jiang Qinggu and Chen Guifei, Yu Yu further affirmed his conjecture.

For a moment, he was greatly annoyed. If he had not neglected the contradiction between the father and son of the Jiang family and forced him to ask the matter clearly in time, perhaps King Fu would not have died. Yu Wei admitted that he was somewhat responsible for this matter. Jiang Qinggu's entry into the official position was his recommendation, and because of Jiang Qinggu's life-saving kindness in the two generations, he was still credulous.

In that life, when the prince was assassinated, the emperor immediately moved and put the noble concubine's mother and son under house arrest, so that they did not have time to contact Jiang Qinggu to act, so they did not expose the relationship between the noble concubine and Jiang Qinggu.

But if the mother and son of the German concubine had not been malicious to Princess Fu first, they would not have been taken advantage of by the emperor!

In order to reach a vassal, it is not a way, but after knowing the truth, the son decided to choose to use the fifth prince to start a plan.

The death of the fifth prince was under Yu Yu's command.

Then he deliberately provoked the remnants to take this good opportunity to spread rumors. Of course, he expected that the emperor might take bloody repression. In order not to let innocent people suffer, Yu Yu predicted that Gu Yuwen recommended Wu Shengzhen on the candidate of Shuntian Prefecture.

The Wusheng family is also a family. In those years, when Jin and Qin seized power, Wusheng was innocently involved, and almost lost his family and his reputation. In those years, the former king of Chu was quite appreciated the strong style and righteousness of the Wusheng people, so he secretly saved the life of the Wusheng clan in front of Emperor Taizong, although he lost his officialdom and returned to the field. But it's safe and sound.

It was not until the previous emperor ascended the throne that they gradually became useful to the Wusheng people. They had no contact with the Jin and Qin parties, and they were not enthusiastic about the Chu royal family. On the contrary, they had a good relationship with the Chen family and belonged to the Qingwang party, but in fact, of course, they were the cronies of the Chu royal palace.

Originally, Yu Haoxi was in charge of the affairs of Shuntianfu. He went far away from Xiliang. Although he is no longer afraid to guard against it, he does not want to hand over the public security under the feet of the emperor to people who are familiar with Yu Haoxi. It is inevitable that the Yin of Shuntian Mansion has become a replacement. Gu Yuwen is at peace with Qin Huaiyu, and it is reasonable to recommend Wu Shengyu of the "Chen Party" to take over Shuntianfu. Things.

The first fire for Wu Shengying to take office was to deter the rumors that Jinyangjing and Zhili Prefecture were unfavorable to the emperor. With the order of bloody suppression by the court, he immediately followed Yu's instructions, he took Kyoto and the surrounding gangs that have bullied the weak or domineering gangs over the years, including because The villains who caused money to kill people's lives, kill their wives and destroy their ancestors, and commit various evil deeds and are still at large for many reasons, are all arrested and beheaded in public on the charge of rumors.

is actually contrary to the law, but it also warned the people not to talk nonsense and let the rumors temporarily calm down.

But Yu didn't expect that after the death of the fifth prince, his wife Yang scolded the shameless culprit and murder in the forbidden place, and shouted injustice for the fifth prince, saying that there was something strange about the poisoning case of the two kings. The news spread back to Kyoto. The emperor was furious and sent his eunuchs to death.

However, in this way, the empress dowager is bound to be dissatisfied with the fierceness of the emperor. The youngest son is innocent, who is also the grandson of the former emperor. He was given to death by the uncle of the emperor, and there are rumors everywhere. The empress dowager is bound to interfere with the emperor and kill again.

Yu Yu was also sure that he would persuade the empress dowager to intervene, so that the emperor would not carry out violent repression nationwide in Dalong under the temptation of Qin Huaiyu, taking this opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

He just wants to reach a vassal and save the scenery safely. If the emperor will not press hard, change his strategy in time to implement the military reform steadily, and no longer aim at the two prefectures of Su and Chu, the son of the world is really unwilling to fight with the emperor and fight to the death.

What's more, I don't want to make things out of control, implicate innocent people, and make people panic.

When the remnants of Yun Gui are purged, they will naturally bear the spread of rumors. Next, the emperor will take measures to appease the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Who will discuss these rights and wrongs that will lose their heads?

However, only Huidu knew the truth about the death of the fifth prince. Even Gu Yuwen did not know that it was actually Yu Yu's hand.

At present, Gu Yuwen returned to the palace to restore his life. When the emperor heard the unwilling reply, he sneered and did not realize that he had been thoroughly calculated, and thought that in this way, he had solved the plan of the father and son of the king of Chu without any effort, and was very proud.

Only this pride is relative. The emperor did not want to let the two kings of Liao and Chu go to the vassals, but he did not dare to disobey the empress dowager at this time.

However, the emperor calculated that the king of Liao's milky mother was not doing well. As long as he left his mother in the palace as a hostage and then kept a close eye on him, he was not afraid for the time being. At present, the most important thing was the empress dowager, the Yan and Su families. With them on his side, he could not be arbitrary. He just avoided the king of Liao and could not unify the throne.

We have to wait for the eradication of Yan and Su, let the Empress Dowager stay in Ci'an Palace for retirement, and no longer interfere in national politics. Are you afraid that there will be no chance to deal with the king of Liao?

So in late May, the emperor finally allowed the king of Liao to go to the vassal and lifted the ban on the six and seven brothers. Because the sixth master tried to fight for the throne with his mother on the day of the collapse of the emperor, he was only awarded the title of prince. The title was loyal and obedient, which seemed to be a warning. Lao Qi was awarded a prince. Naturally, there was no vassal. The six kings did not court, and the seven kings did not In his real job, he can't leave Kyoto without permission, but in the eyes of the world, the emperor finally showed the gesture of cherishing his siblings.

The Empress Dowager was also relieved, which eased the tense relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.

However, the king's mansion of Chu did not wait for the decree of the vassal. It was not until late June that the emperor decreed the father and son of the king of Chu to see it, expressing the grace of the desire to seal the king of Chu as the prince of Xian, continue to stay in Beijing and take charge of the governor's seal.

Of course, the king of Chu had to refuse, saying that Dalong had founded the country and had never had a precedent of two lords. Long, the son of heaven, made his minister, ashamed.

In fact, the matter of going to the vassal should have been proposed by the king of Chu, but since Yu Yu used the search and rescue of beautiful scenery as an "excuse", it was more appropriate for him to come forward. The emperor believed that this was a trick of the king of Chu and his son. At this time, he was not willing to shirk the excuse that he did not accept kindness, and repeatedly affirmed: "The three generations of the king of Chu's mansion are loyal and serve the king and the country. Strength, great credit, uncle is worthy of being awarded the title of king. Don't refuse.

The king of Chu had no choice but to give thanks.

In fact, the emperor did not emphasize the hereditary title of the king. That is to say, after the death of the king, the title will be taken back by the court, and even no other mansion or Xuntian is given. It is just an extra tribute. The two lords of this house are just a seemingly noble honor.

According to reason, the emperor should then let the son inherit the throne and choose a time to go to the vassals.

But the emperor suddenly mentioned the scene: "The imperial concubine was abducted by the remnants. I am really indignant. Those who harm the clan are bound to be severely punished. I also agree with the desire to eradicate the remnants. This matter is more appropriate for you than others." Suddenly, the topic changed: "Yuanyang is my uncle's only son. At present, the world's concubine's life and death are uncertain. Although I can't bear it, I have to think about Yuanyang. The prince's concubine has been missing for several months, and I'm afraid I can't be lucky to protect her... Yuanyang, Qin's seventh wife is gentle, virtuous and talented, and can be a good match with Yuanyang. I want to marry you two. Are you happy?"

It's still here!

Yu Yu immediately knelt down: "There is an imperial decree that I should have obeyed, but my wife was abated because of the remnants of my wife's desire to revenge on him. My wife is actually implicated by me. At present, there is no news, so I have life. I really can't marry someone else."

The emperor frowned: "Far away, the imperial concubine unfortunately fell into the hands of the thief. Those strongmen acted boldly. Even if the concubine returned safely, it is difficult to guarantee that she will not be talked about... The reputation of the clan should not be stained. Have you ever considered it?"

"The Holy One has vowed to live and die with my wife, and I dare not bear it. If it is really possible, in order to protect the reputation of the clan, I am willing to die with my son."

This stunned the emperor, but the king of Chu also knelt on his ground and whispered Yu Yu: "How can you say such unfaithful and unfilial words in front of the emperor?"

The corners of the emperor's lips sarcastically and died for a woman. Who would believe this nonsense? Yu Yu was nothing more than not wanting to break off his marriage with the Duke of Wei, but he shook his head and sighed: "It is said that Yuanyang is harmonious with the prince and concubine, which is true, but as my uncle said, Yuanyang is unfilial. You are the only son of uncle, and the king's palace of Chu has to rely on it. How can you ignore your children's inheritance?

The king of Chu here pleaded again: "Although the dog's words are unfaithful and unfilial, the daughter-in-law's life and death are uncertain, and I can also understand the dog's anxiety. The two of them have been married and given by the former emperor. Their daughter-in-law has always been respectful and filial, and there is no fault in holding the family. At present, I don't know what the reason is. I hope that the emperor will be lenient and wait for the general. Let's confirm the daughter-in-law's news and then deal with it.

It seems that the royal palace attaches great importance to the relationship between the Duke of Wei, which is also supported by the Empress Dowager and has military power. He is respected by many nobles. At present, it is not comparable to the Qin family. Even if the Su family will die, Yu Wei is afraid that he intends to marry Su's daughter again.

The emperor sneered, how can I let you get what you want? If Qin Zi is bound to enter the palace of Chu, otherwise Yu Yu will not want to leave Kyoto.

Another long sigh: "Although my uncle's words are reasonable, it is not easy to clean up the remnants of the evil, and I don't know when I can detect the news of the Ming Dynasty's concubine. I really can't bear to see the void under my knees, and the king's mansion of Chu is unsucible. At this time, if the marriage is indeed too urgent, Mo Ruo I will give the seventh mother of the Qin family as the distant side concubine... This matter is not urgent, my uncle and Yuanyang discussed carefully, and after a decision was made, I immediately issued an order to make my uncle a king, and Yuanyang can attack the title.

The meaning of the words is that if Yu Yu does not accept Qin Ziruo, there is no need to discuss the matter of vassal!