Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 642 Huang Ke's Return to China, Historical Banquet

At present, he is deeply trusted by the new emperor of Dalong. He is busy instructing Jingwei to eliminate dissidents and help the party in an attempt to overwate the Duke of Wei. He never dreamed that Huang Ke, his eldest son, who was "sacrificed" in desperate, had not been vented by the emperor, but was raised in the emperor's mansion with iron lock but deliciously.

It is not a matter for the emperor to kill Huang Ke, and after Huang Tao betrayed him, there is no reason for him to keep this hostage. The reason why Huang Ke is still intact but not seeing the sun is really because the king has a great curiosity about the character of this person.

At the beginning, in Xuzhou, Huang Ke planned to sneak away under the pretext of "visiting friends". This was really a stupid way. The reason why the emperor took him hostage was to "worry" about Huang Tao's betrayal. How could he be defenseless? However, Huang Ke obviously got Huang Tao's advice. Although he had the intention to die, he had to fight, but he racked his brains and couldn't think of any tricks, so he was desperate.

I didn't expect that Dajun didn't take him down to threaten Huang Tao, but just to convince Huang Tao of his plan to assassinate the prince and continue to sing hard according to the play arranged by Dajun.

A rare thing happened. Huang Ke escaped in the name of "visiting friends", but met a pair of beggars on the way. The sister was about 13 or 4 years old, and her face was covered with dirt. Of course, it was impossible for me to be pitiful. I didn't know whether my brother was sick or hungry. In short, she was about to stop her breath. My sister knelt down and begged passers-by to beg for good. Help each other and give some money to ask the doctor to see a doctor and save his brother's life.

passers-by were indifferent, but Huang Ke, who was insurable, was moved with compassion. He actually helped his sister send his brother to the pharmacy, and took out the money he had prepared to escape from Beijing and gave most of it to the sister and brother.

This also caused Xue Dongchang, who had been following Huang Ke, to believe in Huang Ke's "lost" when he "invited" him back, thinking that if Huang Ke really planned to run away, how could he give it to the beggar? Is he going to beg back along the way?

Of course, you won't believe Huang Ke's nonsense, but he is also very surprised that Huang Tao, such an evil, sinister and cunning person, can give birth to such a son? This is too unscientific.

Therefore, before revealing the truth, Dajun took advantage of his boring trip and arranged several trials to find that Huang Ke was really a modest gentleman. Dajun immediately felt that he had met a once-in-a-lifetime and unexplained rare thing.

Later, Dajun sneaked back to Xiliang and no longer had the need to be hypocritically polite with Huang Ke. He polished the cold sword on his neck, but tilted his lips and said softly: "Do you know why I killed you?"

Huang Ke was probably "invited back" at that time in Xuzhou, and completely died of his intention to escape. He did not try again. At that time, he said awelessly, "Your Highness wants to harm the crown prince, and it is really unwise to use me to coerce my father. My father is deeply trusted by his son and loyal to the kingdom. He will never refuse to do such rebellious things. Your Highness wants If you kill, you will kill. There is no need to say more."

Do you really think Huang Tao is a gentleman? Dajun was "shocked" and accidentally trembled his hand. He really scratched a deep blood mouth on his neck, but Huang Ke's expression did not change at all. He still looked at him as if he were dead. Looking directly at Dajun's eyes were like staring at the traitors and thieves.

Dajun thinks it's a pity to kill such a person with a sword.

So he took the sword and asked him bitterly, "If Huang Tao has no malice and bluntly refuses me, he can also report to the prince. Why should he hand over you and me as a hostage and put his son to death?"

"With no evidence, how dare my father dares to tell the prince? He must have a handle to convince the prince."

The king is completely speechless.

Isn't it too unachievable for him to enlighten Huang Ke, realize Huang Tao's sinister face, and understand that he is regarded as a victim of power by his biological father?

"I will save your life so that I can teach you the truth." The king waved his hand, so Huang Ke settled down in the king's mansion.

But it's just that Dajun is very busy and has too many things to worry about. He turned around and forgot Huang Ke completely.

If it hadn't been for Xue Dongchang's due diligence and kept in mind the king's instructions of "locking him, but don't starve to death", maybe Huang Kezhen would have starved to death.

At this time, Dajun suddenly remembered such a famous person, but Xue Dongchang didn't know how to answer.

What else? The iron shackles and feet are locked in the forbidden garden again. What else can Huang Ke do?

So Commander Xue only said, "He is still alive."

"Is there any noise?" The king has a patient guide.

"Your Highness only said that he would starve people to death at that time, so his subordinates... didn't listen to the servant's report, and I don't think there should be any trouble..." Xue Dongchang was unspeakably frustrated. His greatest wish in his life was to fight on the battlefield and make contributions. It was easy to look forward to the opportunity, but he was left by the emperor in Jinyang to see a daughter who had no powerless. At this time, do you still care about Huang Ke's boy?

Dajun went to " visit" in person, but found that although Huang Ke had been imprisoned for nearly two years, he had not seen the sun for a long time. His skin color was a little abnormal, but he did not show awkwardness. Although his hair was loose, his clothes were still clean. At this time, he actually sat on the couch and read books.

After asking, the king knew that Huang Ke's servant who asked for food delivery: "I'm sorry to ask you to say that three meals a day are not necessary. One meal is enough. Can you send me water to scrub and change my clothes every day? If you can send a few books, I would be more grateful." The servant reported this matter, and about Xue Dongchang also felt that it was not good to lock people up and smell bad. He didn't pay attention to it and agreed casually.

The king saw Huang Ke's peaceful appearance through the fence, and felt more and more that this man was rare as Huang Tao's son. He waved his hand to let Xue Dongchang loosen his fetters and invite people into the tea room.

Huang Ke thought he was about to die and regained his righteous appearance, which really made His Royal Highness laugh and cry. He organized words for a long time before telling him what happened to Dalong.

"Huang Tao did not reveal that the puncture and killing of the prince was my envoy. Instead, he has made great achievements in saving the driver. At present, he has been deeply trusted by the new emperor and has been known by the Beijing Wei. As for your eldest son, it seems that he has reported the accidental death of a robber on the way to business... Huang Ke, Huang Tao knows the orphan's plan to protect the prince. , but Kong Jun also died in that assassination. Why did you say?

When Dajun saw Huang Ke's look finally turn into a shock, he was a little satisfied: "Your father had already defected to King Qing in order to help King Qing eradicate me. He was afraid of persuading Kong Jun to 'arrange' Beiyuan' to enter the Zhuoyuan Garden before killing people, and you..." Dajun shook his head: "Your son Huang Tao has long been regarded as a man who is bound to sacrifice. Huang Tao is not loyal to the kingdom, but obviously greedy for wealth and power. Poor boy, you were cheated by your father.

"This is impossible." Huang Ke's demeanor could not be maintained, and he sat aside, but he still couldn't believe it: "My father taught my brothers to be honest and loyal..."

"He was bought by himself from the beginning. He had a disrespect for the former prince. Later, because Liao was accepted by King Qing, he had two intentions... Huang Tao also made an early attempt at the title of Duke of Wei. Your aunt can't wait to let Su Xun die and teach her own son to attack the title." Dajun is determined to keep Huang Ke awake.

Huang Ke suddenly got up. Xue Dongchang only thought that he was angry and wanted to harm the emperor, and stepped forward...

However, Huang Ke bowed: "Your Highness, there is a request. If you can't detect this matter clearly, please let you go back to Dalong."

Xue Dongchang has been petrified, and there are such people in the world! Why should I let you go back? Why should I have anything to do with us?!

Unexpectedly, the emperor waved his hand: "Dongchang, someone sent him to Tongling Pass. Be careful not to fall into Yu's hands. Be sure to send him out of Chuzhou safely."

After that, Xue Dongchang was really unbearable and chased the emperor and kept asking, "Your Highness, why did you let Huang Ke go like this?"

"I have lived for more than 20 years and have never encountered such a rare thing. It's too boring to kill Huang Ke. The previous incident has been broken, and no one will mention it again. Let him go back and see how he will examine Huang Tao's true face. What will happen if he understands his father's face one day?" Dajun shook his head and said, "It seems that I don't know much about Huang Tao. Why did he teach such a son?"

On the contrary, Kong Xilin, a conspiracy theorist, thought strangely: "Maybe Huang Ke is just pretending to coax His Highness to let the tiger go back to the mountain."

"Use this method?" The emperor laughed and said, "Then I'm worth it."

Of course, Yijing knew nothing about this episode. Even Xia Ke completely forgot the "recidivist" who had been imprisoned in the same courtyard with her at this time. Of course, he never remembered the reason for his kindness.

Before Huang Tao was removed from the clan, Huang Ke was also a cousin with a good view. During the Spring Festival, the nephew of Jianning Houfu came to visit the Duke of Wei, and would also greet the eldest princess and meet the little women. Xia Ke, as a personal maid who followed the scenery, had met Huang Ke, but for a long time, he was not familiar with it for a while. I just can't remember.

And the banquet of Dajunfu was also organized in an orderly manner under the auspices of the chief historian. Of course, the scenery did not worry about it at all.

She didn't even know that the Xiliang aristocratic group had been arguing at this time, and people with their own hearts were especially looking forward to the next banquet of the Dajun Mansion.

The reason is that Yu Haoxi, a vigorous and popular guy, proposed to reward military achievements in public at the first day of his return to Beijing and luncheon, so that ordinary nobles are qualified to be crowned by virtue of their merits.

The King of Xiliang did not make a statement at that time, but after the three-day celebration banquet, he was about to discuss the meeting.

For the major aristocracy, this is of course a great benefit. They belong to the old ministries of the three surnames, and their wealth and honor and disgrace all rely on the three surnames to wait for their patronage. They do not enjoy the right to receive the property of the clan. Therefore, the wealth and property of the clan depends on the major cities to give them the corresponding power, or be bribed by rich merchants, or rack their brains to exploit them. Generally speaking, as long as the three surnames have a rich income account, they generally don't care about the small interception of their subordinates, but for nobles, it's like stealing money in other people's treasury. It's always a little sneaky, not so open and upright, and the profit is also a small head. No one wants to acquiesce in emptying your own treasury, right?

If they can also be crowned for their achievements, then they will take possession of the treasury, and they will be inexhaustible for generations, and the attraction is obvious.

Wan is a clan, and he has won the understanding of the king of Xiliang and naturally agrees with this matter, but for the surnames Qing and Hu, it is bound to oppose it to the end.

They are very clear that if the nobles behind them have the ability to "self-reliance" and do not rely on their help, they can be directly rewarded by the royal family. This is to directly lead the nobles by the king, and the three surnames will be suppressed by the royal family.

In fact, even if it is awarded for merit, it will not be a large-scale reward for a while, and only a few people will benefit.

But this does not prevent most nobles from seeing the expectations of being sealed by meritorious deeds, and no one wants to be suppressed all the time. Since the royal family has given them a chance to gain glory and wealth without bending their knees, everyone still wants to compete. Xiliang people are already martial arts, and most of the children of the nobles have shot, and all of them have made military achievements. Opportunity!

Therefore, the nobles very much hope that the alliance can successfully pass this proposal.

Especially for the nobles whose children participated in the victory of Haojing this time, the opportunity to seal the city was in front of them, and they couldn't help it. They actually came to see Hu and Qingyi, expressing their ardent hope that the political council could consider the old interests of the ministry.

Hu and Qing's surnames were originally for meritorious service. This time, they deliberately agreed to follow their respective old troops. Unexpectedly, they became such a situation now, and they felt a little like throwing stones at their feet.

There is no need to delay. The King of Xiliang has officially let the political committee discuss it and must make a decision within one month at the latest.

So both the Qing and Hu clans expressed the same warning to their old departments - this is the royal family's intention to divide the three alliances, and everyone must not be fooled.

But the nobles will obviously not be convinced.

Basically speaking, the founding of Xiliang has a history of hundreds of years. It has gradually developed and grown, and changed from time to month. The feelings of the nobles of the alliance have faded, and even many people complain about the unfairness of Yigong's "dispartial interests". Contradictions have existed for a long time, but they have not broken out.

The king's move undoubtedly ignited the spark.

It's about interests. Who will stop with just three words? Of course, we want to unite. The key is that the Dukes also have to let us see greater interests than waiting.

However, the emperor believes that the atmosphere is not warm enough and needs to add another handful of dry wood, so he intends to pull some more favorable decrees to the nobles and make Hu and Qing's teeth hurt at the banquet held by his own home. Naturally, it is destined that the banquet of the Dajun's mansion will be "borne in history" by future generations.