Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 652 Final Force, Life and Death

It was the same time when the emperor took away the scenery and selected Gao Zong, who was seriously ill. This time, Yu Yu sneaked into Xiliang to persuade Jin Yuan. The key step in order to save Yijing from the trouble was also when Xiliang's political turmoil, His Royal Highness was almost all about the movements of the two surnames and individual Wan clans, which was difficult for leisure. In avertent omission, it is unlikely to pay attention to normal trivialities such as meeting between Anjin and Jin Yuan.

When everything was ready on Yu's side and rushed back to Chuzhou to make an east wind, Qing's Lan Jiang Gong finally chose a detailed plan to assassinate the king under the advice of many Yijun in his family.

The Qing clan reached an agreement with Huayang Gong, the direct descendant of Wan, who had an attempt on the throne. When he succeeded in assassinating the emperor, blamed the Beiyuan, and launched repeated alliances in the political council. When the king had no legitimate son and could not repeatedly succeed his daughter, he established the direct clan as the crown prince.

The task of Huayang Gong is to poison the king of Xiliang and seize the king's power unexpectedly.

Then, the royal family questioned the nobles of the political committee and suppressed the dissent.

In this way, the political council is in power again, and the Qing family helps Huayang to ascend the throne, and the two sides share honor and disgrace, so they can force the Hu family to become the head of the political council.

The nobles had no choice but to succumb to the political meeting without the support of the royal family. Naturally, no one mentioned the politics of imperial emissaries and imperial examinations.

However, this vision is beautiful, but if the Qing clan really has the ability to achieve the plan, they will not wait until they are forced into a desperate situation to fight back.

They were also forced to jump over the wall.

Either died in silence or broke out in silence, and Qingshi of course chose the latter.

And Lanjiang believes that he is still 70% or 80% sure of assassinating the king - because of Wei Ran.

The only thing I can't be sure about is whether Huayang Gong can win and let the king of Xiliang die. This is the key. After all, no matter how arrogant Lanjiang Gong is, he knows that he does not have the strength to "admonish" at this time.

However, there was no time to hesitate. Lan Jianggong could only make a desperate bet. He had to complete the task of assassinating the king first. Therefore, he couldn't wait for Wei Ran to come and told him to reveal the king's whereabouts. In order to protect everything, he told Wei Ran that it was best to assassinate the king in chaos and give him a bottle of poison to wipe it. Yu Jian's blade.

Poor, this unconsecre and complete plan is doomed to fail from the first step.

"What kind of poison is this?" Dajun asked his "royal" poisoner Miao Shimo curiously.

"It's not a rare poison. It's commonly used to assassinate poison wood, also known as blood sealing throat." Miao Shimo said contemptuously.

Well, my highness has been... and almost incurable... The emperor is not depressed and remembers the unbearable past that has been plotted by Huang Tao.

Miao Shimo obviously remembered and became more and more annoyed: "If it hadn't been for the guards who sent the king directly into the palace, but were healed by his subordinates, how could the king experience such a hardship."

In fact, Miao Shimo's medical skills are not sophisticated, but he is good at using poison and often tests poisons with his body, so he always prepares various antidotes. For example, for arrow poison wood, only red-backed bamboo pole grass can be solved immediately. However, this planting is the same as arrow poison wood, which only grows in tropical dense forests. Ordinary people can't get it, and the imperial doctor in the palace will not always prepare it. Jiang Qinggu At the beginning, the detoxification for Dajun was a self-contained medicine, not a "original" antidote. The effect of the medicine was relatively slow, which made Dajun experience a nine-death life.

"There are a lot of poisonous trees in Beiyuan. It seems that Lan Jianggong wants the Beiyuan people to take the blame." Miao Shimo used his professional knowledge to remind Dajun.

"Lanjiang also has a group of dead men in his hands. Although he can't use them to provoke a coup, assassination is more than enough." Wei Ran also reminded: "Last time he mentioned that there were schettering people in the Wan clan, and recently he has often secretly associated with Huayang Gong. There is no doubt that the person who colluded with him is Huayang Gong. He should also remind your majesty to be careful."

The father of the Duke of Huayang is the uncle of the King of Xiliang. In the Wan clan, he is also very powerful and had the intention to show his goodwill in the past. The King of Xiliang also trusted the Duke of Huayang and often edicted him to enter the palace to discuss politics.

"Your Majesty has been on guard against him for a long time, so there is no need to remind him." The emperor didn't think so: "What kind of calculation did Lanjiang Gong make? You can think of it by moving your toes alone, not to mention Your Majesty."

Dajun suddenly smiled and said, "This time, he is also desperate. There is no need to shrink his head in this move. I think he will definitely sit in person to protect those dead people from moving forward and take my life, just in time to catch a figure."

At that moment, he had a determination. The king first asked Miao Shimo for an antidote, and then whispered him.

Miao Shimo was full of doubts, but he did not ask for medicine for Dajun. This is also a precautionary move. It is not worth being surprised, but for the time for Yu Dajun's whisper, but he didn't have time to ask. Dajun has patted him on the shoulder: "Don't ask more questions, directly implement it. There is no order. Stay in Qinghe and don't come back."

The king sent Miao Shimo, and then asked Wei Ran to leak his itinerary to the Qing family. Recently, the nobles have tried their best to plan for the abolition of the political council, and contacted and plotted very frequently. There are also many visits to persuade the emperor to come forward to advise the nobles and persuade the king of Xiliang to make a decision. The emperor easily waited for Lanjiang to decide. Jumping over the wall, then invited a group of angry nobles to the suburbs to discuss secretly.

The king of Xiliang has no decision yet. Naturally, the king should be more cautious. Even if he stirs up trouble, he can't act directly in the king's mansion. It is normal to invite nobles to avoid the ears and ears to go to the secret discussion.

is enough to make Qing feel safe and bold to enter the urn.

However, before the emperor acted, he took a special free time all day, played with Xiaoxiao, and then stayed in Lvqingyuan for two meals. It was not until he held the lamp that he reluctantly left, which made the scenery feel relieved.

Since the return of this man's expedition, her attitude has become more and more enthusiastic, which really makes Yijing tremble and more careful to deal with it. She feels that the final pressure is approaching in front of her, and she can't help but be secretly anxious.

Before leaving Lvqingyuan, Dajun told Yangjing that he would be "s assassinated" the next day.

Of course, the stunning scenery shows shock and worry just right.

"Fifth sister, put this away." However, Dajun handed over the antidote from Miao Shimo to Ying: "Take a rest early. I still need the help of my fifth sister tomorrow."

This "Farewell Notice" puzzled Yijing - since the demon is full of Qing's plan, he will definitely not let people succeed. It must be a way to attract people into the urn, so that he can catch all the two surnames. With Yu Yingxi's ability, how can he need her help? Besides, this man didn't say that he would let her accompany him the next day. What's the calculation?

The fifth sister really couldn't figure out the evil idea, and it was inevitable to toss and turn this night.

In this way, I slept for an hour the next day and didn't wake up until noon.

Just after lunch, Yijing coaxed Xiaoxiao to fall asleep. She saw that Xinjue, a maid in white, who had always been calm, almost fell directly from outside the curtain. Her small face was pale and her eyes were blood-red. She stood there shaking her lips. Before she could say anything, her two lines of tears slid down.


The main courtyard of Dajun Mansion was in chaos at this time.

Early this morning, Dajun quietly left the house and took an unnoticed green paint car. Under the protection of the dark guards, he went to the suburbs of Beijing. As soon as he left the city, he was raided.

Although it happened that the city guard rescued and killed all the assassins, the king was stabbed in the arm by a sword. He was not fatally injured, but he was very poisonous!

Xue Dongchang was also equipped with the Baike pills given by Miao Shimao in case of emergency, which temporarily restrained the toxicity. The king was still conscious, but the poison of "seeing blood and sealing the throat" had not been removed, and he must take medicine to detoxify in time.

Naturally, Commander Xue knew early that the emperor was going to use a bitter meat trick, and there was Miao Shimo, and he was not afraid of this terrible poison, so he didn't think it was a big deal. He even had the leisure to sneer and swd people twice with his scabbard to vent his anger.

However, after sending the king back to his mansion, the defendant's Miao Shimo had gone to the Qinghe River, a hundred miles away.

"Your Highness, what do you want to do!" Kong Xilin, who heard the news, was very angry. Regardless of Dajun's pale face, he grabbed the bed with an arrow step: "You know, you know! Miao Shimo must have been sent away by you. What on earth do you want to do?"

"Xiao Wu, when it's time to talk nonsense, I immediately told the good doctor. Go to the princess's house quickly and invite Miss Chenwei to come over." Xue Dongchang said that he wanted to pull out.

"Dongchang, stop." But he was weakly stopped by the emperor.

His forehead is wet, and his lips are gradually turning blue. Obviously, the Baihe pills he just took are no longer toxic.

Dajun pulled away from the wrist that was being fingered by Xue Guo and said calmly, "I don't see anyone. I'll invite my fifth sister immediately."

"It turns out that Your Highness's bitter meat trick is not to be shown to the noble ministers!" Kong Xilin's tone was sharp, and the sarcasm was difficult to put back.

Even Xue Guoxiang frowned heavily and stared at the king calmly, but he did not ask questions and seemed to need to ask more. He had expected the king's idea. After more than ten breaths, he slowly shook his head: "Your Highness is determined to do so? If the princess doesn't want to give the antidote..."

"There is a minister of labor, if this is the result, she will send her mother and daughter back to Chuzhou safely."

"Madman!" Kong Xilin obviously understood. He pushed away Xue Dongchang, who was stunned on the spot but happened to stand in front of him. He stepped forward as if he wanted to pull the king's skirt, but fell down halfway, but leaned on the edge of the bed and his eyes turned red: "Sanlang, listen carefully. Remember what I'm saying now, you'd better convince Su Wu. If she I will never let her live if I can watch you die!"

"Dongchang, withhold Xi Lin... Remember my order that if I don't cure it, they are all against the Qing family and have nothing to do with others." After saying this, the pale color on his lips was even heavier. He seemed to be powerless to lean against the pillow, and his body slid down and closed his eyes slightly.

Five sister, if you still refuse to understand and accept it, then stop it, but I said that only when I die will I let you go.


When Yijing heard that Xinjue easily choked and reported the king's poisoning, and his life was on the line, he had to understand the deep meaning of yesterday's "farewell advice".

Crazy! She and Kong Xilin once again surprisingly agree.

It was Xue Guoxiang who came to invite her, who was waiting outside the Green Qingyuan.

Before that, Xue Guoxiang had ordered Xue Dongchang to detain the emotional Kong Xilin.

At this time, he also sent the maid who followed the scenery.

When he went to the main courtyard, Xue Guoxiang only said one sentence: "Princess, Your Highness is the first to tell you. If he doesn't kill me, let me send my mother and daughter back to Chuzhou safely... Princess, Your Highness, he has done a lot of things wrong, but I must remind the princess that Your Highness has never thought of harming you. I hope the princess will think carefully."

Wing knows that all disguises in front of Xue Guoxiang are meaningless.

"So if he is really incurable, will the prime minister follow the order?" She just asked softly.

Xue Guoxiang was silent all the way.

It was not until before the main courtyard that he said, "I will, but princess, if you really make this choice, I believe that it will be difficult to rest assured in the future. Your Highness, he has also achieved his wish."

It is also a way to remember this.

The scenery closed his eyes and stopped his footsteps.

"Princess, in fact, I have never been optimistic about you staying in Xiliang, and after this incident, I am more and more convinced that it is a blessing for you to stay with Your Highness, so if possible, I hope the princess will return safely." This is also the reason why although Xue Guoxiang has insight into the truth, he has been standing by and watching.

He stopped under the steps and saw the straight back of the beautiful scenery behind the falling brocade.

At this time, Xue Dongchang had already sent all the slaves and maidservants and secret guards in the courtyard, leaving him walking anxiously and questioning the seemingly calm prime minister: "Uncle, I don't think so. Your Highness treats each other like this, the princess..."

"I don't know." Xue Guoxiang shook his head and shook his head again: "Dongchang, go and invite Chenwei to come here, just in case."

At this time, beautiful scenery had stepped into the empty house and bypassed the partition. She saw people who had hated many days and nights quietly half leaning on the couch, as if she felt her approach and opened her eyelids hard.

Yu Haoxi, I also think we should stop, so we should not do this?