Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 656 A Wish Is Achieved, A Change Suddenly

Madam is hurt!

First of all, she was angry. Because of the emperor's order to prepare for the wedding, Pan'er became very busy. In addition, although she was not weak, she was not as professional in riding and shooting as those in white, so she did not follow Yijing to practice the martial arts field. Naturally, she also deprived Xia Ke of the qualification to go to the martial arts field. Two close maidservants Women are busy with trivial things.

On this day, when they saw the blood-stained return of beautiful gauze clothes, the two were shocked. When Pan'er learned that it was the new sword wound wife, she suddenly jumped like thunder and pulled Xia Ke. He immediately asked someone to report the matter to the emperor who entered the palace early in the morning, while hurriedly edicted the good doctor to dress the wound for beautiful scenery.

This injury is not light or serious. If it is on the king's arm, it will be laughed at, but if it is a pleasant scene, it will be a little shocking.

What made Pan'er more manic was that when she scolded Xin Jue, she was actually refuted by "great rebellion" - "Madam wants to learn swordsmanship with her subordinates and plotted her. More than ten people present can witness it. Even if the emperor questioned her, her subordinates will not be wronged."

The plate is so angry that it breathes coldly.

Xia Ke thought that he could not be too calm. According to reason, he should behave more manic than Paner, so he slapped Xin Jue in the face. Instead, he was pushed by twisting his arm and smashing several porcelain bottles with a loud noise.

As soon as Xia Ke bit his silver teeth, his forehead directly hit the corner of the case.

This scene is even more tragic.

In addition to his anger, he pushed away the frowning medical officer, came forward to inspect Xia Ke's injury, and wiped half of her brain blood by the way.

Then the scene became powerful: "Bold maidservant, because of dissatisfaction, today you and others deliberately provoked me. I didn't say anything about hurting you, but falsely framed me, and now I have committed murder again! Pan'er, immediately call your own soldiers inside and seize them!"

Xinjue couldn't be kind and was furious. All his reason and professionalism were burned to the top of the smoke by this sudden change. He sneered: "You deserve it. Let's see who dares!"

So Pan'er also took action.

A wolf, a farce of a maid in white beating an ordinary maid was staged in Luqingyuan.

The poor doctor was actually injured by mistake. He was angry and showed his skills to take down the new doctor himself.

Beautiful scenery secretly wiped a handful of sweat - heaven can be seen. She really didn't expect it to be so violent. Well, Xiliang is really a place to hide dragons and crouching tigers. Unexpectedly, the medical officer is also a master of martial arts. Fortunately, ordinary people do not practice martial arts, let alone real slaves, otherwise it is really not easy to escape.

In a word, the ordinary maids led by Pan'er were more or less injured, and the maids in white won a complete victory on the scene.

Of course, this is before the bodyguards rush in.

Xue Dongchang naturally went to the palace with the emperor. Wei Ran did not have the right to enter the inner house at will. In fact, after he assisted the king to eliminate the Qing family, the mission during this period was only to follow the order of the team to guard the outer courtyard, but because of this hurriedly, Wei Ran, the deputy boss of the team, heard that "white clothes chaos" hurt his wife. Surprised, he pulled Wei Ran and rushed in. Although the situation of Lu Qingyuan had been controlled because Xinjue was subdued by the medical officer, the two were still shocked by the chaos inside.

Wei Ran and Yijing's eyes met quietly and knew that everything was in the princess's calculation, silently looking down - the princess's combat effectiveness is still so strong.

He still remembers the story of the Bingzhou epidemic case and how Su's five women fought against Bingzhou Pearl, which is thrilling, twists and turns, which is more than a legend.

Dajun came back before noon. When he stepped into the main room of Lvqingyuan, the fragments had been cleaned up, but the corners of Pan'er's eyes were black, Xia Ke's forehead was purple and swollen, and even the good doctor's cheeks had a long mark, not to mention the maids who served tea and poured water, all of them were blue and blue.

Bingjing is naturally the most embarrassing one among them. No matter how bold the new Jue is, he dares not really attack her. The wound on his arm has been bandaged and there is no more bleeding. And because he is wearing a big sleeve coat, he can't see the injury.

But this does not prevent the emperor from getting angry.

Binjing doesn't even need to talk. The narration of Pan'er and Xia Ke alone, and the very fair hearing and seeing of a good doctor is enough to make the king's eyes gloomy.

"All the sticks are killed." With a wave of his hand, he really didn't need to interrogate the maids in white.

"Leader, wait a minute." However, Ying stopped Xue Dongchang, got up lazily and lifted the curtain to enter the second room.

The king naturally followed closely inside.

"Your Highness doesn't have to be like this." Jingjing said calmly, "Sometimes when I came to Xiliang, I also heard a lot about Mrs. Xue's customs and people's feelings here. I had seen that the white clothes were unwilling. Today's thing was also a little arrogant. Looking at Xinjue dancing swords, I vaguely felt that I would also do it, but I didn't know it was vulnerable... Xinjue didn't mean to hurt me, but I After a shock, Pan'er and Xia Ke were inevitably worried and angry. They were also afraid that the white clothes would make trouble, and they were afraid that the emperor would scold them. When they were in a hurry, there was a conflict... My present identity, let the white clothes serve them beyond the system. If Your Highness executed them as a result, let alone abolishing the country's painstaking efforts** and publicity, your majesty and the queen will also I think it's my pride that I don't know how to serve the favor, which is very detrimental to the future.

Yijing really doesn't want to kill Xinjue and others because of this heartfelt farce. They are all Xue Guoxiang**. If they are really executed by the emperor, Xue Guoxiang will also feel vicious. That person is insightful and it is useless to offend him.

Therefore, although she hinted that the white clothes had long been unconvinced, she focused on emphasizing that the opening of the killing would make the king and queen of Xiliang dissatisfied.

At present, when the two surnames fall, they must appease the nobles. Although these maids in white are not valued by the family, they are still a little involved with the nobles, taking into account some benefits and harmlessness.

This is all for the king's purpose.

It shows that the scenery is not the same as before, and you completely stand by and treat yourself as an outsider.

Dajun's anger dissipated a little. First, he was concerned about the injury of the scenery and got a downplay of "skin injury". Dajun snorted coldly: "Even so, I can't spare these maidservants. I don't know that the so-called white clothes were originally such domineering."

Things are so vigorous, and beautiful scenery is also free from complaining. Naturally, the emperor does not want to let the white people "service" beautiful scenery anymore, but he still takes into account the face of Xue Guoxiang, but "packed" the people and returns them to make Xue Guosheng**.

Unlucky is the "crime" Xinjue. Because the "good doctor" was too serious, he hurt his muscles and bones. He could no longer dance knives and guns. He lost the qualification of a maid in white and was returned to his family. Her family was originally suppressed by the Qing family. Although Qingshi fell down, there was no possibility of turning over immediately. This time I heard that Xinjue Unexpectedly, he offended the emperor, and the whole family was like a mourning girl. The vision of the new marriage room naturally failed, and finally it was impossible to escape death.

But the scenery obviously did not pay attention to the leisure of Xin Jue.

After this disturbance, what she needed was to calm down and not let the king doubt it. Naturally, she expressed her gratitude to the king's choice of maidservant, and there was no candidate for the scene, so the magistrate of the king's mansion was fully responsible for this matter and promoted a group of gentle and respectful maidservants.

However, the white clothes withdrew from the stage of Dajun's mansion, and there was no instructor. She didn't care about it herself, but the king did not forget it. So this glorious task came to the unexpected Xue Dongchang's shoulder.

Mr. Xue almost vomited blood: "Your Highness, I don't have that ability. I beg you, Your Highness, how can you entrust Xiao Wu..."

Kong Xilin was very calm: "Your Highness, let Weichen try it."

But Dajun was very unsteady and rejected Kong Xilin's self-recommendation.

In the end, Xue Dongchang still took office with a sad face.

Binjing shows that the clouds are light and the wind is clear to such a result.

So her riding and shooting did not make much progress, but she tricked Xue Dongchang into pointing out the near erudite skills taught by the seventh sister's maid, Mozhu, and practiced secretly, which helped her escape when the time came.

In June, the dispute between the two alliances was known by Xiliang.

Because this matter is related to the diplomatic relations with Dalong, the attitude of the King of Xiliang will certainly not be as arbitrary as the Dongzheng Chengye Rebellion at that time. This time, he was obviously very concerned about it.

Princess Jin Yuan was very surprised by this sudden change - before the king of Chu said goodbye, he said that he had his own arrangements and would not be suspected. She expected that the king of Chu would be injured. Is the dispute between the two alliances one of the arrangements of the king of Chu?

Yu Yu is not easy to mess with, and Princess Jin Yuan has a further experience - crazy, crazy! - Jin Yuan undoubtedly equated the king of Chu and the king - for the sake of admiration, these two people really regard the country as a chess game?

And the other starter is naturally the king.

He is very sure that many subordinate countries in Dalong can never recruit for the rise and fall of the alliance. However, when the subordinate countries are invaded, Dalong will not stand by in order to show his national prestige.

This dispute between the two alliances is actually to force Xi Liang to mediate.

But it is beneficial and harmless to Xiliang.

If the alliance of Dalong's state is not convinced, Xiliang will have the name to capture it. If it is subject to the state, the friendship between Xiliang and Dalong will go further.

These are not important. The important thing is that the person representing Dalong's envoy to Xiliang is Yu Wei, the king of Chu.

The king will never believe that this is accidental.

Yu Yu took action. If his blood washing of the remnants of Dongming is a prelude, then this time the envoy to Xiliang is a formal declaration of war.

It is not a country, but against Yu Haoxi.

Yu Yu wants to take the scenery back.

Of course, you have to wait!

The scenery forbidden in the deep house did not know that the east wind had blown over, until one day, it was suddenly hit by five thunderbolts.

At this time, it was already July. Because of the dispute between the two alliances, Dalong's envoys were about to visit, and the proposal of the crown prince of Xiliang was postponed, and the marriage of the monarch was naturally at a standstill.

However, the servant of Dajun Mansion was not signaled, and Pan'er was still busy for this. Xia Ke was absent-minded to prepare a female red needle chisel. Every morning, she went to the martial arts arena to torture Commander Xue. Sometimes she met Kong Xi coming to "watch the battle", one was as cold as frost and the other was ignored.

However, when the carefully embroidered wedding dress of the Nei Embroidery Workshop was sent in, Xiao Man did not come to see it as usual.

Yi Jing knew that Yu Haoxi had cut off her opportunity to contact with the outside world, indicating that Yu's plan was being carried out step by step and at a critical time.

But at this time, the scenery no longer needs to be in contact with the outside world.

So, she is very calm.

is also secretly excited.

Without not sensing that she had made a fatal mistake, she forgot to pay attention to why Xiao Man did not send her wedding dress in person.

This made the king of grass and trees feel something strange.

He began to doubt Xiao Man.

So the king took the initiative to deal with the owner of the Yan family and found out that Xiao Man was not a citizen of Xiliang!

From Dalong...

Kong Xilin early noticed Xiao Man's husband's surname Wang - why not Jin? That's because Jin Qi was worried about being involved by the family and changed his surname when he was in business, which was also the reason why he confused the king at first.

And Yu Yu knew that the king knew Jin Qi. For the sake of safety, since Xiao Man infiltrated the Dajun's mansion, he let Jin Qi stay in Chuzhou for a while.

This also leads to the king's suspicion of Xiao Man's identity, but it is not so easy to investigate and find out the truth.

Dajun simply draws firewood from the bottom of the pot and prevents it from the root.

So in the evening, when beautiful scenery held Xiaoxiao sitting in a corner of the red pavilion in the green garden and trying to communicate with Xiaoxiao in a language that they could understand each other, she saw the master walking slowly in the setting sun as usual.

On the crow's long coat, the plump pattern is stained with glow, which is so beautiful.

Xiaoxiao stretched out her fat arm to Dajun with a smile in her arms.

The child's clear black eyes are shining.

Dajun has responded very skillfully to Xiaoxiao's enthusiasm, took her and threw her two times with enthusiasm.

When the scenery did not realize that there was nothing wrong, the king handed over Xiaoxiao to the wet nurse.

He sat down and was very indifferent.

Seeing the bright scenery following the interaction between the nurse and Xiaoxiao, the king suddenly said--

"Xiaoxiao will go to Beiyuan to stay for a few days."