Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 685 After concealing, hold your hand for the time being

Chen Sanyue went to the Daming Mansion for official business in the past two days, where he learned that there was a mess. He dealt with the affairs anxiously and rushed back. He was still in the outer city and met a commander of the five cities's soldiers and horses. He congratulated him with his fist and said that your husband was "good things are approaching". Chen Sanyi smiled bitterly and explained that he did not Qing, the more anxious the horse rushed back. When he got home, he saw Mrs. Chen and Wulang in the main room.

"What the hell is going on! I clearly reminded you not to do it recklessly. Chen Shenqi was fury and went straight to Mrs. Chen.

Seeing that the pillar came back, Chen Fu was relieved. When he was bombarded by these words, he immediately turned red again and pulled the silk handkerchief and said, "How can my concubine be so confused? I know that it can't be a good thing, not to mention that it is really a rogue move. This is coercion and dare not attack the eldest princess."

Chen Shenwei took a deep breath and understood that she was wrong to blame her wife. Although she was strong, she had never been a self-made person. Previously, because of the "good fate" that fell from the sky, it was the limit to let the empress dowager and the Huang family act. After knowing that the eldest princess directly opposed, she had to warn that she would not do such a confused thing. Things.

"The Geng post was handed over to you by the old lady. You can see that it can't fly away?" Chen asked again.

Mrs. Chen fell down and said, "I was naturally careful about such an important thing. Even with the Xifeng brocade box locked in the wall cabinet in the inner room, the key has been kept by the painting fan. I haven't made any mistakes for many years. Unexpectedly... Then Japan got a reply from the Duke of Wei and went to visit. When I got up early, my concubine began to make some points. Regarding the door, there was a sudden mistake on the other side of the old lady. My concubine had to say to Wulang's daughter-in-law to stare here and rush to the old lady's yard for fear of missing the time. The painting fan is the daughter of Mrs. Chen's accompanying room. She has always been heavy and manages Mrs. Chen's important things, such as jewelry dowry boxes and so on.

An Hui also continued, "Don't blame my mother-in-law. It must be the fault of the painting fan, and I don't know who bought her... My daughter-in-law stared at her and opened the lock and took out the brocade box from the cabinet. Because of caution, my daughter-in-law opened it. Unexpectedly, it was empty and there was nothing inside. The painting fan still pretended to be in the cabinet at that time. After searching for a while, the daughter-in-law knew whether she was in love or not, and immediately asked the maid to inform her mother-in-law. Later, the painting fan was forced to ask anxiously, and even bit her daughter-in-law's private hiding. In order to make her give up, the daughter-in-law asked her mother-in-law to search and inspection, so the painting fan could not be forced to argue.

Mrs. Chen wiped her tears and really felt depressed: "The painting fan man is still held by me. She insisted on her innocence. I let people watch her not seek death and wait for the uncle to come back to deal with it." Mrs. Chen is really difficult to believe that the loyal maidservant is a thief, so the fact is in front of her eyes. It seems that this is also the only possibility: "I really don't understand that if Su's Liu Niang's Geng Tie is lost, it is necessary to go to the Duke of Wei. As soon as this is said, if someone takes Geng Tie to threaten her in the future, won't he think that he is a thief without silver here, or an official? Si couldn't take advantage of the imperial Chen family, and how could he threaten the Duke of Wei? I don't know who did such a dirty thing.

It seems that Mrs. Chen also knows who caused this matter. Even if the painting fan is bought, she can't escape her own people.

Golang nod repeatedly: "My son accompanied his mother to the Duke of Wei on the same day. Although the father and son of Wei did not look good, they were not be held accountable on the spot. It was always necessary for us to make an account. Unexpectedly, there were rumors that followed, and the disturbance could not end, but So, as long as the eldest princess asks the empress dowager, she can also curb rumors, and there is no reason to force marriage..."

yi yi yi zhu ren Chen sighed: "No one will come forward to threaten the Geng post at all. This is to make the eldest princess suspect that we are forcibly holding Liu Niang Geng Tie and not handing it in. How can there be rumors? If it is a rootless saying, it can be traced back to the daughter of Zhang Zheng's family, and the world has no doubt that it is fabricated. In this way, everyone knows that the palace will give marriage, and who else dares to marry Su's sixth daughter?

"But if the empress dowager comes forward... The eldest princess can also be pushed to the Duke's wife. Maybe it will be discussed, but it's only for a while. I really don't know why these people don't give up." Mrs. Chen was so anxious that she didn't notice that her daughter-in-law An Hui's face was getting paler and paler, especially when Wulang said firmly: "This is to force our long house to hold a grudge against the Duke of Wei."

"The eldest princess should not believe it. We are nothing more than Liulang's plan, and what we are looking forward to form a marriage with the Su family..." Mrs. Chen said this, but she couldn't be sure, and the second half of the sentence gradually became a little.

Chen's discussion frowned and patted heavily: "This matter is not for us, but for the Empress Dowager. We dare not act boldly, but if the Empress Dowager intends to help..."

-"It's the Empress Dowager, who is still trying to instigate the Ci'an Palace and the Duke's Mansion to turn against each other."

At the same time, Yu Yu also made a decisive judgment.

Since the third day of returning to Beijing, after an open and honest conversation with Yichen, Yu Yu has completely ended the quiet days of "leisure". In these days, he has gone out early and returned late, and frequently convened his officials and staff to discuss matters. At the same time, he had to bother to choose Mr. Shun's enlightenment for Brother - in order not to pay attention, this person must not be a good official. Wangzu must also have a good moral character and real talent and learning. Yu Yu thought about it and planned to make his master Wei Wangyong recommend it, so that the letter was written, and he would send Huidu to Jizhou in person.

When this incident broke out, he knew that Yijing would be anxious to get angry, and quickly arranged his ears and eyes to observe secretly. As soon as he returned to Guan Suiyuan and pulled Yijing and said, "I know all about it", followed by the conclusion.

Yi Jing also has a vague suspicion in her heart. This time, she has been implemented, but she can't feel at ease: "But just because of this, as long as the Empress Dowager comes forward to clarify and keep the calm, although it will deter those famous families, it is not good to discuss marriage with the Duke of Wei at this time, but the grandmother herself does not intend to find a noble and powerful for the sixth sister. Home."

This is just the beginning, and of course there is a future.

However, Yu's words were on the edge of his tongue, but he did not say anything.

He has noticed that the queen heard about this and was extremely excited. When she went to the Ci'an Palace to say hello, she couldn't help but "enchant the disaster" in front of the Empress Dowager - "Grandma is the little lady who really loves the Duke's Mansion. Let alone Princess Fu and Princess Chu, they have now become the royal family. Even the sixth mother can be married by her grandmother herself."

If this is really a good fate, the queen will not help but be happy. She can't wait to see Su's Liu Niang "fall into the fire".

The empress dowager also probably realized that the incident was coming to her. She was full of depression and listened to the queen's words "implementation". How could she stand it? She immediately scolded the case and scolded the queen for being a middle palace, but she believed that she was banned for three days and was not allowed to step out of Kunren. One step in the palace.

Yu Yu didn't think that the queen would understand the secret. Whether it was the emperor or the Chen family, she probably wouldn't expect the queen to be helpful. I'm afraid that even the Qin family would not tell the truth to the queen. This time, the queen was confusedly used by others, and the effect was not too great, only to make her noisy.

The unknown queen felt aggrieved and returned to Kunren Palace and made a scene. It is said that the bedroom was full of wolf. No one of the palace attendants escaped the queen's anger. Some were inexplicably slapped, some were hit by boards, and most of them were punished to kneel in front of the hall.

So it naturally shocked the emperor.

The emperor, who ignored Kunren Palace for a long time, went to the Empress Dowager for the first time, saying that he "asked guilty" on behalf of the queen, but in fact, he asked why Ci'an Palace punished the palace.

After hearing what happened, the emperor was quite puzzled: "I seem to have heard from my mother that the Duke of Wei wants to marry the Chen family, and my mother also intended to marry her. How can it be a rumor?"

The Empress Dowager was angry and made a false commission with her own grandson: "It was Huang's decision. Your aunt was hidden in the drum. When she returned to the palace, she explained the misunderstanding. The mourning family did not want to force people, and there was no reason to forcibly marry in the world, so she let the Empress Dowager return to Geng Tie. This matter was done, but it was unexpectedly noisy. It has become like this."

The emperor smiled and said, "Grandma don't believe those rumors. I have seen that Liulang has reformed. As the biological mother of the sixth mother, the Duke's wife is always planned for the sixth sister... I heard that my aunt and grandmother attached great importance to the wishes of the younger generation. My grandmother Mo Ru told the Duke's mother and daughter to enter the palace and asked Liu Niang's wishes face to face. This will always be the best. In order to avoid rumors, it is unfavorable to the Chen family and the Su family.

Since the emperor spoke, he did not want to force marriage. Naturally, it was not easy for the empress dowager to refuse, and she also made it clear that she only ordered Huang's mother and daughter to enter the palace, and the eldest princess was naturally inconvenient to go with her.

Yu Wei believes that since the other party has arranged it later, it is bound to reach a marriage, and the key lies in Liu Niang.

Once Liu Niang declares her willingness, it is not convenient for the eldest princess to impose interference. After all, the empress dowager in the palace agreed first, and the Duke of Wei also has the birth mother Huang, who nodded, which is regarded as the order of the elders, and the heavenly family as the media, which is a good fate of etiquette and legal.

However, when Liu Niang was seen by the edict of the Empress Dowager, the marriage was a forde. What would the eldest princess think of the two things, both Geng Tie and rumors?

Even if the eldest princess does not doubt the secret plan of the empress dowager, the empress dowager will think that the eldest princess will be so suspicious.

The grudge has become.

But at this point, things will still begin, and it is far from enough to make the two families turn against each other.

Yu Yu thought that the Empress Dowager had to take the blame for the future because she was so calculated by the emperor, which was beneficial and harmless to the future.

On the one hand, Ci'an Palace is bound to be ashamed of the Duke of Wei. After all, Chen has become an alliance with it. Although the Empress Dowager is unwilling to offend the Duke of Wei and the Grand Princess for this, she is still willing to compromise and make concessions in private. A smooth solution to this matter is beneficial to both sides. In the future, Yijing will be chased by the emperor again. At the time of responsibility, this has become a psychological bargaining chip for the empress dowager.

On the other hand, after the empress dowager is calculated by the emperor, the dissatisfaction in her heart will increase, and the gap between grandparents and grandchildren will be added to another layer, which is good for both the scenery and the overall situation in the future.

Of course, it will wrong Liu Niang.

Yu Yu knew that the other party's plan would make Liu Niang have no choice but to agree to marry into the Chen family.

But since he was forced to decide to show his sword to the emperor, he was doomed to have a choice. Some things can't be comprehensive and everyone is safe.

In his mind, only the safety of the scenery is the most important, and sometimes it is inevitable to take care of others.

Yijing knew that Huang was malicious, but she had no grudge against Liu Niang. Although Yu didn't know why his wife trusted Liu Niang, he knew that Yijing would not watch Liu Niang's marriage to be inhuman, but it was basically a for conclusion. Even if she was difficult to turn around, it was nothing more than causing trouble.

Let him make a choice this time and hold back for the time being.

Therefore, the words finally became a sentence: "You are right. Even if this disturbance is made, it is not enough to threaten the Duke of the State to compromise. I believe that the Empress Dowager will not be calculated by others. Didn't grandmother and father-in-law have doubts about Ci'an Palace? Therefore, don't be impatient. After a few days, the palace will always give an explanation.