Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 758 Yang Qin fight each other, the king of Liao is not stupid

Strong crossbow, fire, what a powerful mountain thief!

When the Empress Dowager heard the King of Liao talk about the thrilling attack, her eyes gradually became gloomy.

There is no need to investigate this case, and it is clear who is the mastermind behind it!

Qin Huaiyu? If he had such a ability, he would not have fallen into such a situation at this time.

The emperor always regarded the deathbed entrustment of the emperor and her grandmother's painstaking advice as a deaf ear.

Of course, the "mountain thief leader" who commanded the assassination was also taken back to Beijing. The empress dowager once again secretly detained people and was temporarily detained. Earlier, she heard the king's report that the king of Liao was questioned in Jining, but although the crime was caught, it was a steel mouth and his mouth was tightly closed, which did not matter, as long as the empress dowager had the intention. Investigate, even if this person doesn't say anything, even if he dies at this time, he can detect his identity.

It is not possible for Chen and Qin to act, but only the guardian of the emperor. It is specially designed for this obscene assassination. Even so, there are traces to be seen.

The personal guard is always registered and goes to the court. It's not as good as the dead man can't find the master behind him.

After listening to the king's narrative, the Empress Dowager changed the topic: "How has Hachiro been to the vassal land for two years?"

When mentioning this, the king of Liao became more and more guilty.

"It's really a betrayal of my father's high expectations!"

Liao land is in a bitter cold, and the people's livelihood is mostly difficult. In his eyes, the king of Liao also wants to eradicate the government and improve people's livelihood and do some practical things, so that he does not want to seal the title of this vassal king. Unexpectedly, many things are easy to come up with regulations, but it is difficult to actually promote. What's more, don't mention that he can't close people's hearts, and some Qin's party members have repeatedly separated and made it difficult. In the past two years, without any achievements, it was slowly difficult to walk, so I had to go on idle to be at home.

After saying that, King Liao's cheeks turned into shrimps and crabs cooked in boiling water, and turned red in white.

The Empress Dowager also felt helpless. At the beginning, the former emperor always had reservations about the throne of Silang. In fact, she prefers Hachiro's benevolence, but at present, Dalong is far from being preserved. Only benevolence is not enough. Many arrangements are intended to be Hachiro to go to the vassal land to experience, and maybe he can change and advance. In addition to benevolence, he is not inferior to courage.

However, seeing Hachiro like this...

I clearly feel that many taboos are suppressed by the emperor, but I have no choice but to improve it. After all, I am young and it is understandable, but I know that there are many dangers, and I don't know how to protect myself by the edict to return to Beijing. Then I have to bring enough guards, just to be light, but I don't want to be too flamboyant, but with dozens of protections!

If it hadn't been for Yu Yu's careful deployment and safety this time, the king of Liao would have died on the way home.

Self-preserving is not enough. Is it really the power of a king and emperor?

A vassal city is not well managed. How to balance many powerful ministers and civil and military officials in the future?

The Empress Dowager is very sad. Although the wife of the emperor is capable, she is scheme, and the mother of the king of Liao is not greedy for power, but the ability of the Hu family of the concubine is not obvious. Even if she intends to support her, the talented son and nephew has no power to be a powerful in-law, and it is difficult to become a helper of Hachiro.

Maybe one day when she is alive, Su and Chu will support her wholeheartedly, but after all, she is old and may be in the limit.

If Hachiro is not decisive, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be deceived by the treacherous people in the court. Once he is centrifuged from Su and Chu, will he be able to compete with the situation of the two governments?!

Obviously, when there is no such ability today, let alone Hachiro.

In addition to her trouble, the Empress Dowager did not realize that she had moved the heart of the abandoned emperor.

She tried again: "In fact, the key to return to Beijing this time is your marriage. In a blink of an eye, the filial piety of the former emperor has passed..." It was almost three years.

King Liao's face turned a little more red. He was not ashamed, but he seemed to be a little shy.

"Why, Hachiro has a favorite person?" The Empress Dowager just asked at will.

I don't know how to say: "Grandma, grandson... is the direct daughter of the third uncle, gentle and kind, and knows all four arts."

The Empress Dowager was completely speechless. Originally, she planned to point her niece Yan's direct daughter to Lao Ba. With the Yan family, she would not be too weak in the future.

But Hachiro is obviously emotional with his mother's cousin. Isn't it difficult for her grandmother to mention it again?

is not a suitable candidate. Maybe it is also Hachiro's creation to have peace.

The Empress Dowager sighed: "I understand that in a few days, I will let your mother's concubine edict her mother's niece to go to the palace."

When the king of Liao went to the vassal, the imperial concubine Li'an could also follow him, but the emperor was very afraid. Of course, he wanted to leave the king's biological mother in the palace as a hostage, and now he also lives in the side hall of Shoukang Palace.

The king of Liao was relieved, and a relaxed smile immediately appeared on his face and thanked him happily.

The Empress Dowager couldn't help shaking her head.

"Thanks to the timely rescue of the grandson, the grandson was able to return to the capital this time, but the grandson heard that the king of Chu was seriously ill on the way..." After Xie En, the king of Liao became worried again.

Sure enough, it was benevolent and righteous. The late emperor did not misread it. The empress dowager regretted and comforted: "Yuanyang's disease is indeed critical. I'm glad that God and Buddha have blessed him, but now he has recovered and is no harmed."

"Sun'er, please go to visit and thank the King of Chu for saving his life in person."

The Empress Dowager nodded secretly, and Halang was very aware of the advance and retreat. He knew that if he rashly came and went with the King of Chu at this time, he would be more afraid of the emperor. Speaking first, he had to be accurate, which was also cautious.

"Thank you very much."

After saying this, the empress dowager asked the king of Liao to go to Shoukang Palace to meet the empress dowager and biological mother. When asked that the emperor had been reported to the king of Liao, but there was no response. The empress dowager sneered and said nothing.

This situation shows more and more guilty and the assassination failed. Of course, the emperor had already been reported, but he didn't ask about it, and even went to see the king of Liao. He simply tacitly thought that he had nothing to do with him?

He is the emperor, and the king of Liao is a sibling, but he is also a minister. If the king wants his minister to die, he has to die. The emperor's attitude shows that he has a "a clear conscience"! There is no fear of accountability at all, and naturally there is no need for any explanation.

It's really disappointing.

The Empress Dowager did not order the emperor to come to question, and let him think that the king of Liao did not dare to say anything more. Ci'an Palace did not respond, and the period when the king of Liao stayed in Beijing could also be stable. When the marriage was settled, he would still go to Beijing to stay in Beijing.

When the king of Liao was really sent to the vassal state, the Empress Dowager was very worried that her grandson would die.

After meditating for a while, he asked Grandpa Zhan, "You mentioned a few days ago that Yang's daughters in the court seemed to be quite difficult for Qin Zi?"

"This is indeed the case. According to the ears and eyes of the court, the Yang family seems to be sure that the Qin family is related to the old case, and the relationship between the Yang family is full of culprits. There are many resentments in his words, and because the Qin family has no basis for the service, the Yang family has many people and many bullyings. The Qin family has been beaten several times. At present... Just half a month ago, an eunuch suddenly took care of the Qin family. The villain inquired about it. The eunuch was called Zhao Gui. Originally, she served in Yang Defei's palace and received a lot of favors from Yang Concubine.

Of course, the empress dowager would not pay attention to Qin Ziruo's situation, but only frowned slightly: "So, Zhao Gui got Yang Siniang's understanding and took the initiative to take care of the Qin family."

Grandpa Zhan bent down: "Yes, the villain guessed that the Yang family should want to rehabilitate himself, or even want to find out some evidence, but the Yang family is too small to look at the Qin family. The Qin family is cunning and not easy to be deceived."

The Empress Dowager slowly curled the corners of her lips: "If you are more cautious, you will be trapped in a situation of water and fire, and many bullying will gradually despair. As long as you are given a glimmer of light, it is difficult to guarantee that you will not be desperate, but Yang Siniang does not have such ability to give the dawn of the Qin family."

pondered for a while: "Still staring at the two daughters of Yang and Qin, as long as they don't kill people, don't care how Yang Si Niang bullies them... Contact Zhao Gui again. If this person is just righteous and wants to repay Yang Fei's kindness in those years, he doesn't have other greed, arrange him carefully, quietly bring him to Ci'an Palace, so that the mourning family can see him."

This is an arrangement in the Ci'an Palace, and with the arrival of the King of Liao to Shoukang Palace, there is another situation that was not expected by the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager held a shelf and only received a kowtow salute from the king of Liao and sent people away - she really had no good feelings for the king of Liao. Although she did not know that the emperor could not assassinate the emperor, at this time also knew that the king of Liao might be the "spare" prince ordered by the former emperor before the collapse, which really threatened the emperor's dragon chair. It was impossible for the empress dowager to show her love at all. At present, the emperor and Ci'an Palace have become such a disturbance. The Empress Dowager is obviously schefict and powerful, and the Empress Dowager has no intention to make a false commission.

So, the king of Liao soon got together with his mother, Princess An.

said another thrill on the way.

Princess An was shocked and her eyes turned red, but she couldn't even tell whether she was sad or angry. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and said, "I still don't want to let you go."

"The mother is at ease, and the son must be cautious in the future." The king of Liao sighed that he was not unaware of the emperor's taboo on him. Originally, he thought that returning to Beijing might make the emperor more suspicious. He simply came back from the emperor's ceremonial war. On the one hand, he wanted to eliminate his taboos, and on the other hand, he would not be killed. In the end, he was the prince and the son of heaven. If he fought a battle, he was attacked, it was really obvious.

I didn't think that the emperor's taboo on him had reached the point of endlessness, and he didn't care about the surface at all.

It is said that the marriage has been decided.

Princess An became more and more surprised: "When are you with Qi Niang..." In her opinion, her son and several nieces are only brother-sisters, which ends with courtesy. There is no "in love" affair between children.

"My son escaped from death this time and vaguely figured out something. Since the emperor has ascended the throne, why is he so taboo on me that he doesn't even hesitate to use his own armament to assassinate his son? Moreover, since the previous emperor left a decree to let his grandmother supervise the government in advance, why didn't he leave an imperial edict? At present, the emperor and the two mansions of Su and Chu are even more incompatible... The Duke of Wei and the King of Chu are both trusted ministers of the previous emperor, and they should also assist the king of succession!"

Princess An raised her eyebrows: "Hachilang is suspicious..."

"I'm afraid my grandmother doesn't have the only power to supervise the court." The king of Liao did not say it clearly, but only said, "Grandma obviously has an intention of her son's marriage. She should be Yan's daughter."

"Let's put it this way!!!" Princess Ann couldn't help tightening her clothes.

Maybe the Empress Dowager will abolish the emperor, so, this is to let his son... Maybe the previous emperor had a will?

"Mother concubine, son's incompetence, especially in these two years of experience in the vassal land, it is really... It's difficult to ask yourself a heavy responsibility. I'm afraid that I will mislead the country and the people in the future, and I won't have the face to tell my father and ancestors. It's not that the son is not indisputable, but... It can't compete with it, but it will involve my life, affecting my mother and the maternal and ancestor family." The king of Liao said in a low voice, "Son, I only want to be at ease. If possible in the future, I will assist you to compile a collection of scriptures and history, supplemented by cultural governance, which is within the reach of my son's ambition and ability."

The king of Liao has been happy with epic gifts since he was a child. He did not have the heart to compete for the reserve, and the former emperor did not cultivate him in the direction of the emperor. He felt that since his son is quite talented and progressive, he will play his strengths in the "specific" field in the future, which can also be regarded as assisting the emperor's talents. After all, the military system needs to be reformed and the national strength needs to be strengthened. It can't be desolate.

But the first emperor's favorite candidate suddenly left the country, and there was no suitable successor for a moment, so he paid attention to the king of Liao.

But the temperament of the king of Liao has been cultivated, how can it be subverted and changed in a short period of three or five years?

Grinding gravel is a way to "build", but it depends on luck. Most of them may not be able to pass the grinding gravel. Instead of becoming talented, they are too much.

The king of Liao is not a fool, but he is indeed not tough enough. He has been weak and powerful since he was a child. How can he turn into decisiveness for a while?

Princess An was stunned for a long time before she sighed: "The mother never misses anything, and she just wants my son to be safe and happy. At present, can the emperor tolerate you?"

"It must be unforgable." The king of Liao raised his eyebrows: "But in my opinion, I'm afraid that more people can't tolerate the emperor, and my son should admit his feelings to those who can tolerate me."