Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 760 Mid-Autumn Festival full moon, blood disaster comes again

The cold floor tiles held the knee bones, and the silent atmosphere pressed against the sky. A shiver ran through Zhao Gui's spine. The corners of his eyes rose uncontrollably, and he came into contact with the dark eyes of Grandpa Zhan, so he crawled down more and more - even if there was no one on the upper seat.

In the distance, there seems to be a crutch to the ground, a sound, orderly.

Zhao Gui's forehead was close to the brick surface, but he still saw the golden embroidered cloud pattern on the brocade skirt and trembled: "I knocked on the empress dowager Jin An."

Suddenly, I felt an indescribable pressure like the top of Mount Tai, and the cold sweat suddenly wet my clothes.

The silence was not long, but Zhao Gui felt that it was difficult to support.

This person just can't feel guilty.

He used to wait beside the German concubine. Of course, he had seen the empress dowager and had never been so frightened.

The palace is kind and will never commit a crime for no reason. Zhao Gui did not feel how fearsome the Empress Dowager was before, but today he came out of the court and was blocked by Grandpa Zhan and led him to the Ci'an Palace. At present, he is a waiter of the Bell and Drum Division. In theory, even the threshold of Ci'an Palace is not Able to enter.

"Is this Zhao Gui?"

The Empress Dowager finally opened her mouth, and obviously asked Grandpa Zhan.

Zhao Gui took a breath early. When Grandpa Zhan's voice fell, he quickly replied, "I, Zhao Guijin, the maidservant, listened to the words."

He was beating a drum in his heart and said, "You still remember Yang's favor."

Zhao Gui almost did not collapse to the ground.

For a while, only the trembling sound of his own teeth.

"Why, you have the courage to act, but you don't have the courage to admit it?"

"The crime of slaves deserves to die!" Zhao Gui finally said a word.

He has always remembered the grace of the Empress Defei. If it hadn't been for the German concubine, he would have been killed by the big eunuch. The German concubine has always treated her with mercy... The Empress was given death and the Yang family was destroyed. He couldn't help with these things, but he heard that the daughter of the Defei clan was a slave in the court, and she took care of it.

Si Niang asked him to say something from the Qin family, which meant to redress the Yang family. Zhao Gui knew that this was not small, but he really could not forget the protection of Concubine De for many years. He thought that the Qin family had become a thorn in the empress dowager's side. If it was eradicated, it was also regarded as the blood hatred of the German concubine, so he agreed.

The Empress Dowager's direct inquiry must not be quibious.

But if the fourth mother is involved...

How can she be worthy of the kindness of Concubine De for many years? In the end, the Empress did not involve them!

"The crime of slave maidservant should die, and I dare not ask for forgiveness. Everything is for the protection of the German concubine in those years. I deeply feel that it was the Qin family that was framed, so I deliberately approached Qin Qi Niang to find out the truth." Zhao Gui clenched his teeth.

"Well, there is no need to cover it up. The mourning family will not investigate the crimes of Yang's daughters." The Empress Dowager is straightforward.

Zhao Gui was stunned.

"Say, what's the purpose of Yang Siniang?" The Empress Dowager obviously has no patience: "If you tell the truth, the mourning family may still make Yang's wish come true."

"Mother!" Zhao Gui couldn't help looking up. As soon as he touched the indifferent eyes of the Empress Dowager, he shone and crawled down again: "Madam is really..."

Eunuch Zhan on one side frowned and said that Zhao Guiguo really couldn't speak. No wonder he missed Concubine De. If there was no protection of Concubine De, he was afraid that he would not be able to live in this court at the moment, but when he glanced at it, he saw the corners of the Empress Dowager's lips stretching, he knew that Zhao Gui's nature was appreciated by the Empress, and he quickly turned around: "The Empress said nine words, but still Come to the truth."

The Empress Dowager also did appreciate the loyal and righteous people. Zhao Gui was so scared that he was at a loss. He knew how to defend the Yang family, which showed that he was not a greedy person.

listened to Zhao Gui's invitation: "Siniang intended to make Qin Qiniang difficult and let the maidservant secretly protect her. In fact, in order to let Qin Qiniang relax her guard. At present, the Qin family is helplessly bullied in the court and wants to get rid of the danger, but rely on slaves and maidservants to help... Si Niang also just wants to tell the truth about the Qin family and wants to investigate the poisoning case of the two kings in those years. It has something to do with the Qin family.

In fact, Yang Si Niang had already been told by her sister and the fifth prince. She knew that her brother-in-law's key thing was Princess Fu was by no means King Fu. She knew that this case was framed by today, but she could not say it clearly, so she targeted the Qin family.

It was an attempt to poison Princess Fu. Only in this case, the Yang family will not be sentenced to death. The fifth princes knew that the disaster was coming, so they told the truth to their cousins. The intention was that in case the woman's family members escaped, they might be able to be revicted in the future.

The empress dowager knew about this. At that time, the fifth prince was forced to be helpless and admitted that he wanted to harm Princess Fu. The late emperor was furious and determined that the poisoning of King Fu and King Qing was indeed the fifth prince's intention to seize the crown prince to commit evil deeds, so as to end the case. Although he did not kill his own son, he angered the Defei family.

Later, he knew that the fifth prince did not harm the two kings, and King Qing was the real culprit behind the scenes, and the former emperor had repented.

However, after succeeding to the throne, he did not let go of the fifth prince and his wife, and even the newly born young son was eradicated today.

Many of the guilty women in the Yang family are not pardoned. Some of them have not been in the court, some have been used as official slaves, and many have even been sold.

Yang Siniang is a person who understands the inside story. She is sure that the Qin family is involved in the old case, and if Qin Ziruo is known as "Female Zhuge", Yang Siniang has also heard that when she saw that Qin Ziruo was also in court, she had the intention of redress.

Even if you can't pull the emperor down the dragon chair, you must let the Qin family pay for the lives of the many clans of the Yang family who have suffered disasters in different places!

"So, has Qin leaked?" The Empress Dowager asked again.

Zhao Gui was extremely depressed: "The maidservant is useless and can't complete the instructions of the fourth mother. Although the Qin family... is unwilling, it has always refused to say more, only to lure the maidservants, but I hope that the maidservant can deliver it to the Qianming Palace to save her from the sea of suffering..."

With a "bang", it was the Empress Dowager who smashed the stick in her hand into the case.

Zhao Gui almost didn't bite his tongue and didn't realize that his words were to push Zi Ruo girl to an eternal place.

"Looking for the Holy? Isn't the queen her own sister?! Even if it is useless, Qin will not be humiliated in the court. Although she couldn't help being angry, the Empress Dowager's tone was still calm, but it seemed more and more chilly.

Zhao Gui suddenly had an idea: "Yes, the maidservant also has doubts. Because the maidservant is humble and has no chance to face the saint at all, it is simpler to hand over to Kunren Palace, but Qin claimed that she does not want to involve the queen. In addition, at present, only Her Majesty can help her completely get out of the hardship and enjoy glory again..."

This is not Zhao Gui's nonsense. In fact, Qin Ziruo's original words were that she was a daughter of the clan, and the queen was in a difficult situation at this time. If she helped, she was told that she would be afraid that she would be difficult to protect herself, only the Holy Master... However, Zhao Gui added "enjoy glory again", so it was to point out that Qin Ziruo had a "seductive" intention.

It was crooked and disgusted the Empress Dowager again.

But Miss Qin is really "innocent" - who made her very popular, the only queen in the palace who loves her is difficult to protect herself. The family makes enemies everywhere, and it is no wonder that others fall into the well as soon as they have a chance.

When the "female Zhuge" reached this point, she thought that the emperor could have a blue eye on her. Thinking of her wisdom, if Qin Zi in the harem did not have any extravagant think about it, the purpose was to transfer to the Qianming Palace and make suggestions beside the emperor. At least no one can easily humiliate her. In the future, there will be a chance to turn over and be married to Quan Xun or something. Of.

Unexpectedly, he was buried in the "beautiful future" by an inconspicuous eunuch.

Qin Ziruo's contment for the king of Chu has made the empress dowager deeply disgusted, not to mention the intention to seduce her own grandson now!

"Zhao Gui, the mourning family gives you two choices, either a dead end and fulfills your kindness to the Yang family, or what do you do? Don't think about informing Yang Siniang. Theai family can master the relationship between you, and your words and deeds with her can't escape the eyes and ears of the mourning family! However, the mourning family also promised to be the first, as long as you follow your orders, and among other things, the Yang's daughters will give them a chance in the future, at least not to suffer in the court and marry civilians.

When Zhao Gui heard the word "dead road", he was originally disheartened, and then heard the words behind him. It took him a long time to realize that as his brain was not kicked by a donkey, he would not choose the dead road ahead. Naturally, he promised repeatedly and vowed to die for the empress dowager.


I don't know anything about what happened to Zi Ruo.

She doesn't even pay attention to whether Qin Ziruo is dead or alive at present.

Soon it came to the Mid-Autumn Festival of the second year of Yuanhe. In the morning, beautiful scenery accompanied the old princess to the palace to participate in the celebration. This Mid-Autumn Festival, although there was a banquet in the palace, it was only noon. During the next day, the women were ordered to return to their homes. Even the clan did not stay much. In addition to the king of Liao, who returned from the vassal land, the empress dowager only left beautiful Chen. A pair of children enjoy the moon in the palace.

There are few people in the royal palace, but because the old princess and Yu Yu have improved, the mansion is full of joy.

In order to take care of Yu Yu, this year's family banquet was simply set up in Guan Suiyuan. In addition to a family of four, Wei Ran, Jiang Han's brother and sister, and Gu Qiuyue were specially invited to celebrate.

The original ancestral home of the ancient family was in southern Zhejiang. As the ancient autumn moon became more and more trusted by the royal palace, the family simply handed over all the Kyoto business to him. The parents of the ancient family returned to their ancestral home this year. The ancient autumn moon was only a single, and the old princess liked him very much, so they simply invited him together.

The banquet was full of laughter and laughter, but because of the "supervision" of many people, Yu Yu, not to mention the wine and not even let a sip of tea, he had to sip the silver fungus sweet soup with a sad face, and regarded it as a "replace wine".

Since Gu Qiuyue sat down, his fiancee Xia Ke naturally could not stand beside him. Not waiting for the instructions of the scenery, Lao Wang pulled Xia Ke to sit next to Gu Qiuyue. Speaking of their wedding date next spring, he immediately gave Xia Ke a rich makeup, which turned out to be a different garden in the suburbs.

After the dinner, Yijing ordered to prepare songs and dances to help enjoy the moon in the garden. However, due to the cold night, Yu couldn't sit for a long time. He was forced by everyone to "drink" to go back to the room and rest early. He was really depressed. Fortunately, you were not so imamored and did not deliberately trip the princess in one place. When the scenery quietly "sneaked out", everyone Don't notice.

Before Yijing returned to Guan Suiyuan, she saw the bells running over - it turned out that Qiu Shuang had taken a leave on this day and reminded everyone that there would be results after the Mid-Autumn Festival. Before Yijing's instructions, the bells would arrange to keep an eye on her. Today, Qiu Shuang invited her to set off the lights outside. The man suddenly felt excited and quickly came to make a small report.

is a clear sky.

The scenery was expected as early as the wind and clouds.

In Qingxue Lu, Yu was waiting for the soup. He sat by the window, dressed in regular clothes, and the thin hood was stained with moonlight lights. When he saw the beautiful scenery entering, he seemed to be surprised, but his smile unconsciously deepened a little.

"You still take medicine again, you can't use tea!" The princess was furious.

"I'm here to give you a drink." Yu Yu's words extinguished someone's vigorous anger.

The two sat side by side with a window, looking at the same scenery and the same moonlight.

Yi Jing chattered about an interesting story between Wei Ran and Jiang Wei just now, and then talked about Qiu Shuang: "The person in her heart is really a clear sky, but I don't know if the clear sky can be put down."

When I thought of the autumn moon for a moment, I looked quite sad.

"There is no curfew outside tonight. It should be lively, but unfortunately I can't enjoy the lantern river with you." Yu Yu quietly changed the topic.

"If this is the same every year, there is nothing to reward. Besides, we will have plenty of time in the future." The princess also smiled.

But the princess couldn't taste this tea after all.

The soup was less than three boils, and Xia Ke hurriedly came. There was an urgent edict in the palace. King Xian had entered the palace, and Wei Ran also hurried to find out what had happened.

Bing knew that the situation had suddenly changed, but he still didn't let Yu Yu pay a lot of effort. He rushed to the front court to see his subordinates.

But she knew what happened, and she also knew that she couldn't hide it.

When I came back, my eyes turned red, and my whole body seemed to be shrouded in anger.

Outside the window, Chanjuan is bright.

A full moon, the flowers and leaves float under the moon.

"I lost my naturalization and was captured by Beiyuan! Slaughter the city! There are no more than 50,000 people killed or injured!" When you say this, you are already gritting your teeth.