Rebirth of Xu Fanghua

Chapter 772 Chen Xiangtoucheng, the list is in hand

In the winter of Yuanhe, as usual, the Empress Dowager did not feel any abnormality at all.

Until Yu Yu and the scenery entered the palace.

Ci'an Palace was silent, such as aunt and Wei Zhao, who were silent and cicada, and the paper rolls were spread on the long case, densely with a dense name. Yu Yu Yu explained in detail the recent preparation and analysis of the victory or defeat. The Empress Dowager had obviously heard the king mentioned it, but finally waited until this day, his expression would not be easy.

"If the emperor forces the palace, in order to avoid the palace from providing assistance to all the Beijing guards, he is bound to order the closure of the city gates. When the Duke of Wei leads the troops and is transferred from some of the Beijing guards, Huang Tao, as a common acquaintance, has the right to rearrange the guard of the city." Yu Yu gently scratched his finger across another long case, and the nine places of Kyoto city defense and Tu Nong ink were re-infected: "Most of his efforts in the past three years have been wasted in the current nine gate city defense."

Of course, there is also the full support of Qin's party members.

Before Yu was seriously ill, he had a grasp of Huang Tao's actions, and arranged his cronies to confuse Huang Tao and gain trust early in the morning. At present, it was his eyes and ears that guarded the West City. When he was unconscious, the scenery was not idle. For a series of investigation of Qin's in-laws, he distinguished those who were easy to provoke. Later/by Wei The Duke and Su Xun have worked hard to "rebellion" several people. Before entering the palace today, Yu Wei had taken the initiative to contact these people. Although they were not sure, they were all arranged to defend the city. It seems that they were going to follow Huang Tao to force the palace.

Compared with the empress dowager, the eldest princess is more clear about military operations. Listening to Yu's methodical analysis, she was very sure at this time: "If the emperor only relies on the strength in his hand at present, it is impossible to break through the imperial city guard."

Yu Yu nod his head: "So, what we should worry about is the garrison outside the city. If it can't be persuaded, and the emperor will take the lead. Even if Huang Tao is defeated, he can supply troops in time. If most of the Beijing guards are deceived by it, the imperial city is difficult to protect."

This is the key to victory.

"It is impossible for all the guards to obey Huang Tao, but the emperor is the emperor."

This is also a difficult point. Jingwei was originally controlled by the Duke of Wei, but it is more like the order of the emperor. At present, because of the border war, the soldiers are outside, and the emperor has taken his family hostage. It is not clear who these people are ordered by.

"Although Wei's instructions are important, it is not negligent to pursue thousands and hundreds of households. Although these personnel ministers have explored first, they can't know the details of the hostages in the hands of the emperor, and they are afraid that there will be some omissions at the time." Yu Yu said in a low voice, "If I can know the detailed list of hostages, I can guarantee victory."

"So what are the chances of winning at the present?" The Empress Dowager couldn't help asking.

"Height." Yu Yu is not humble at all.

"Eight?" The Empress Dowager seemed to be relieved.

"Madam, with all due respect, 20% is also in danger."

The Empress Dowager frowned again.

"If I have a specific list of hostages seized by the emperor, I can conclude that the emperor's overall plan and make up for the omissions, so that I can be completely sure." Yu Yu said again.

These military positions are intricately related to each other. Only by figuring out the intention of the emperor can we take advantage of these micro-opportuns to plan ahead and strive to make no omissions and prevent accidents.

It is indeed the biggest difficulty to observe the emperor's overall plan.

"If it can't be investigated, we have to garrison only in the suburbs. Although the defense force is not serious enough, it is still possible. In addition, although the chief of the imperial guard in the palace is important for his mother, it is difficult to ensure that the family of the powerful will not be detained by the emperor." Yu Yu added another sentence.

This is an uncertain twenty.

For example, although Yu Liu, the second grandson of Princess Shou, is the head of the palace guard and is absolutely loyal to Ci'an Palace, but if his subordinates and family are detained by the emperor and force the palace to stand in front of the battle, it will also cause the army to shake.

If you know the hostages carefully, at least you can replace the leader of these hostages before confrontation.

Sometimes the confrontation between the two armies is often just two or three leaders who are hesitant, which will lead to a large number of people's laxity.

However, even if Ci'an Palace is on guard, it is impossible to order a complete end in the front.

In the final analysis, the opponent is the son of heaven, not ordinary people, which is the biggest variable.

Yu Yu deeply believes that the empress dowager is still soft-hearted and has no firm determination to stop the coup, but as the prince of the clan, what he should do is in place, and he has no choice but to wait for the decision of the empress dowager.

The 80% chance of winning is not enough to make people feel at ease, and sometimes those who have a weak chance of winning can grasp the opportunity.

Once a coup is involved, in fact, the proportion is five and a half, just two kinds of life and death.

While the Ci'an Palace was in a stalemate, Grandpa Zhan urgently asked to see him - Chen Xiang!

Almost everyone's surprise, the big gift presented by Chen Xiang this time turned out to be a detailed list of Yu's "regretful" hostages!

The selfish and ruthless nature eventually became the blade of the broken neck of the Son of Heaven.

And it is none other than the one who ruined the 20,000 hope of the emperor.

At this moment, they were watching the red leaves in Tangquan Palace Garden, but they were shocked by a group of soldiers. At the attention, only the Empress Dowager looked cold with a smile, and everyone was scared!

What the Empress Dowager didn't notice was that her "most confidant" - her niece, today's noble concubine, secretly lowered her eyes.

Early this morning, Chen Guifei heard the Empress Dowager mention that the emperor would force the palace, because although the queen came to Tangquan Palace, it was just the emperor to appease the Qin family. Regarding the core plan, the queen did not have the right to participate, but it was Chen Guifei. Because of her unique status, the queen was frank and frank.

But she felt a pain in her lower abdomen.

It seems to be the first time, clearly sensing the "boxing and kicking" of the fetus in the abdomen.

Hearing and witnessing, the Empress Dowager proudly talked about the emperor's plan, which turned out to be a long-cherished look. Chen Guifei only felt a burst of nausea and couldn't be controlled, and went straight to her throat.

What does the Empress Dowager think of the Chen family? From beginning to end, the survival of the family is not important, and only her son is the top priority! Just like his father, he deserves to die for the emperor and let himself enter the palace as a concubine. In the eyes of the empress dowager, his father "dead in his place"!

The coup, such a major thing, the Empress Dowager and the emperor actually concealed it!

At this time, what is the reason for frankness?

Qin Youcheng has been ordered by Ci'an Palace to take a long leave to serve the disease, and the emperor must return to the court to preside over the overall situation.

That's her grandfather.

But once the emperor is defeated, the whole Chen family will be destroyed.

The relationship is life and death, but it is only told when it is settled that it does not give the Chen family any way out at all.

The Empress Dowager is still so proud. The mother and son are indeed cold-blooded.

As the Empress Dowager said, this time it must be hit?!


Chen Guifei sneered. At the beginning of the queen's birthday, Chu deliberately arranged a conspiracy to trap Princess Chu to be doomed, but she was easily escaped. The emperor still naively thought it was accidental? It is clear that the royal palace of Chu has been closely prepared for him. Didn't you expect the purpose of the emperor to think that the Empress Dowager could protect Su and Chu's two mansions security?

In the naturalization incident, the Duke of Wei led the army to go on an expedition, and it was not easy for her to understand it.

Yu Yu, the king of Chu, is known as having no plan. When Jin Rongzhong planned a coup, Yu Yu was far away in Bingzhou and could be prepared!

The power of the emperor is not even as good as that of Jin Rongzhong, but it occupies the name of orthodoxy.

Chen Guifei looked at the Empress Dowager's smile and thought she had a chance to win, and put her palms on her lower abdomen worriedly.

must think about the child. If the emperor wins, he will also allow her to give birth to a fetus in her womb. With the empress dowager and the Chen family, the emperor can at least grow up safely, but if... no, she can't watch the Chen family collapse and expect a slight chance of winning. She must save the child's life.

Safety is the most important.

Compared with the Empress Dowager and the emperor, Chen Guifei found that she trusted the Empress Dowager more now.

King Kang almost got the crown prince at that time, but the Empress Dowager also left King Kang's life, and now he is entrusted with trust.

And the Empress Dowager's mother and son have long been blinded by power.

Therefore, when Chen Xiang listened to the emperor's instructions and let him return to the court to stabilize the mentality of the officials. When the success was completed, he came forward to lead the public opinion to the empress dowager to arrange assassins to kill the king and seize power, and even questioned that the so-called imperial edicts were forged by the Ci'an Palace. The former emperor was seriously ill, and the empress dowager bought the former emperor's confidant, Duke Zhan to steal the military charms. Weurp power and seize the throne.

The Duke's mansion of Wei is to promote his grandson Yu Kun to the throne. Yu Kun is young and is bound to become a puppet. The Empress Dowager, Yan and Su can control the government.

Look at the attitude of the king of Chu, if he is stubborn and does not understand, he will be classified as a rebel party.

Su Yi, the Duke of Wei, took advantage of this time to start a war with Beiyuan and threatened the Beiyuan generals to frame and wanted to frame the emperor and the Qin family.

Chen Xiang was not decisive enough. After listening to Tianzi's words, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He has been brainwashed by Gu Yuwen and his eldest son, thinking that the empress dowager is the legitimate grandmother of the emperor. What he hates is only the Qin party members, and he will not harm the emperor in any case. He is really afraid of the emperor's determination to die in Ci'an Palace.

In case something fails... it's really like an abyss.

Chen Xiang, who hesitated to meet the Empress Dowager, naturally received some instruction. Chen Xiang suddenly felt that he had no way out. At present, the emperor's arrow is on the string, and it is impossible to stop. Even if he does not intervene, once the matter fails, can Ci'an Palace let go of the Chen family?

It was Chen Xiang who had no choice but to take the order.

The noble concubine offered to send her grandfather a ride.

The Empress Dowager agrees very much. She also knows her father's shortcomings and believes in the wisdom of the noble concubine. With her further advice, Chen Xiang will act more decisively to ensure that there will be no words against the emperor in the court, and let Ci'an Palace be accused.

But the noble concubine's words made her grandfather give a list she secretly transcribed to Ci'an Palace and report directly to the Empress Dowager. The emperor was bewitched by the Qin family and wanted to do something rebellious, making Ci'an Palace be cautious.

Chen Xiang was shocked and his mind became a complete mess.

"Grandfather should remember that this matter cannot be handed over to the uncle, but must be transferred by you to ensure that the Chen family is not involved." Chen Guifei painsively advised: "I know what my grandfather is thinking. If the emperor succeeds, the Chen family will be powerful. Maybe I still believe that if I give birth to the dragon son, I will be the crown prince in the future. How can I dismantle the stage behind my back and trap the emperor? But has my grandfather ever thought about what will happen to the Chen family if the emperor fails?

The whole family was beheaded and the family was destroyed!

"If the empress dowager is unprepared, even if she knows about this matter at present, it will not help. But if the empress dowager has taken precautions and has the help of Su and Chu, the emperor has little chance of winning." Chen Guifei said in a short story: "The Chen family must leave a way out. At this time, my grandfather showed sincerity to Ci'an Palace. No matter who wins or loses, the Chen family can protect themselves."

The Chen family is not involved in military power and has not participated in forcing the palace. As for public opinion, it is nothing more than the winner who is expected to control it. If the emperor can really seize power as he wishes, the Chen family can also create momentum and let Yan and Su guilty. Even if the empress dowager confesses that Chen Xiang had "betrayal", the emperor will not attack the Chen family in order to balance the Qin family, and Chen Guifei I thought that the Chen family had exhausted their benevolence and righteousness towards the Ci'an Palace, and the Empress Dowager had gone, which may not trap the Chen family at a disadvantage and make the Qin family dominant.

On the other hand, if Ci'an Palace becomes the final winner, the emperor's life is difficult to protect, let alone the throne, but the Chen family can be forgiven because of timely information, drawing a clear line from the coup.

Only in this way can the life of the fetus in her womb be safe and worry-free.

Exactly, when Chen Xiang handed over the letter from the emperor to Huang Tao, he heard that someone had reported that the King of Chu and his wife and the old princess had entered the palace. Huang Tao frowned and suspected that the King of Chu had taken precautions and noticed that there would be an incident today.

Chen Xiang became more and more frightened and more without hesitation. As soon as he entered the palace, he immediately asked to see the empress dowager.

Although holding the list in his hand is not the key to a decisive victory or defeat, it is really a crucial list, and Yu Yu is even more confident.

"Madam, in order to hide people's eyes and ears, the emperor had to let the Empress Dowager come forward to see many women's family members, but now we can gather these people's sons and nephews... to protect them."

The Empress Dowager reshooted the case - that's it!