Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 9 Bloody Youth

"Look at that woman's attitude, I'm afraid there will be trouble this time!" Jiang Ming said to himself.

The attitude of the bloody woman was very different from that of the blood cloud door owner, which made Jiang Ming feel a little strange and uneasy.

Hearing this, Youluo curled his lips disdainfully: "What is that kind of incompetent guy afraid of him?"

"No into the stream?" Jiang Ming looked at Youluo with a smile.

Looking at the light and careless appearance of Youluo, what he said was obviously from the bottom of his heart. Inadvertently, Youluo revealed his extraordinary.

As if he realized that he had said something wrong, Youluo smiled dryly and said, "I'm just not in my heart, talking nonsense, hey!"

Jiang Ming naturally doesn't believe Youluo's nonsense, but Youluo has not done anything against him and his motives in this regard, and Jiang Ming will not break the casserole and ask to the end. In this way, not only can't get anything, but also create an estrangement between the two, which is not worth the loss.

Suddenly, Jiang Ming's heart moved, as if he felt something calling him in front of him. He immediately stopped and felt it carefully.

"Go, go over there!" Jiang Ming pointed to the northeast and walked with a group of people.

After a while, everyone came to a store selling magic elixir. Jiang Ming's heart was extremely throbbing, and then stood in front of the store for a while and walked in.

After stepping into the store, Jiang Ming stared at a piece of purple jade at the top of the counter and could no longer be moved away.

Purple jade, purple jade again! It is the same as the two purple jade materials in his hand, and the breath is exactly the same. How many pieces is such a purple jade and what kind of secret is it?

Seeing Jiang Ming walk into the door, a rich and warm-faced fat man came over and said in an intimate but not annoying tone, "Sister, what would you like to order? I have everything in Jubaoxuan, as long as you pay the starting price.

"Purple jade, that purple jade!" Jiang Ming was shocked to the point that he saw this purple jade again and again, and Jiang Ming felt an inexplicable smell. This did not seem to be as simple as a coincidence. It seemed to be the arrangement of fate.

The short and fat shopkeeper's expression stagnated, and immediately regained his smile and said, "The little brother is really good-sighted. The purple jade is extremely mysterious and psychic..."

Hearing the shopkeeper's words, Jiang Ming suddenly smiled. He seemed to feel that when he was shopping in his previous life, the store owner first blew it, praised it to the sky, and then asked for a sky. In my previous life, I encountered this kind of indescribable boredom and helplessness, but when I saw it at this time, I couldn't help but feel a feeling of kindness and remembrance involuntarily...

"Shopkeeper, let's make an offer!" Jiang Ming stopped the shopkeeper's endless retelling and said with a smile.

In a faint time, he felt that this kind of purple jade had a great connection with himself, and he was determined to get it.

"Customer, this purple jade is the treasure of my Jubaoxuan's store, but it is temporarily put aside in the small store and will be delivered to the high-level in the future, so I won't sell it!" The short and fat shopkeeper said with a smile.

"No sale?" Now it was Jiang Ming's turn to be surprised, but when the shopkeeper explained clearly, Jiang Ming understood, but he was unwilling and said, "Shopkeeper, this purple jade is very important to me. You just have to offer!"

"Customer, you must be a big customer, but it's a pity that this purple jade really can't be sold!" The short and fat shopkeeper has a resolute face.

Jiang Ming lowered his head and thought about how to get this purple jade. This purple jade must contain shocking secrets, and he is very curious.

At this time, a young man with bloody hair, bright red, blood robe and even blood on his skin came in. His voice was quite cold and said, "Shopkeeper, I want this purple jade. You can open the price at any price."

"This guest officer, this purple jade is only temporarily stored in the small shop, and then it will be sent to it, not for sale!" The short and fat shopkeeper smiled and repeated what he had said to Jiang Ming.

"I hate it when people say no to me!" The young man in blood said coldly, and his expression was full of indifference and indifference.

The short and fat shopkeeper couldn't help but look stiff, but in line with the creed of making money with a smile, "This guest, this purple jade is just deposited in a small store, and I am not qualified to sell it. Otherwise, I can't afford to blame it!"

Before the shopkeeper finished speaking, the young man in blood looked impatient. He stepped forward, grabbed the purple jade piece in his hand without hesitation, and said to himself, "I can never get what I want. Since I don't sell it, I will take it myself."

The short and fat shopkeeper's face suddenly changed, lost his smile, and said stiffly, "Mr., do you know what power I Jubaoxuan is? This thing is called by name above!"

"Don't you feel very noisy?" The blood-clad young man stared at the shopkeeper with a cold look. A fierce spirit broke out all over his body, and a fing scarlet burst out in his eyes, as if two bloody grinding discs were slowly rotating.

The blood on the face of the short and fat shopkeeper faded in an instant and his whole body trembled. The blood-clothed young man stared at him, he felt as if he had fallen into a boundless sea of blood. He was in the middle of the sea of blood and could not see the end of the shore. Countless white bones floated on the sea of blood and touched his body from time to time. This scene was shocking and hairy.

"You... You can't take him away, otherwise I will be the senior management of the Treasure Pavilion..."

Although he was extremely frightened, the short and fat shopkeeper couldn't help but say it. Although he knows that the possibility of touching the person in front of him is almost zero, and it is even possible to kill himself with the fierceness of the other party, if he easily takes away the purple jade, his end will be countless times more miserable than death. When someone sent purple jade that day, the shopkeeper felt the incomparable preciousness of this purple jade from the lines of those people's conversation. Its value was immeasurable. He was just a small shopkeeper, and naturally did not dare to neglect it.


The young man in blood lost his patience, and two blood rays burst into his eyes, which instantly bombarded the shopkeeper's body. The shopkeeper's body burst, leaving a bloody mud on the ground, and he could no longer die.

Jiang Ming looked at this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat: one look can kill the shopkeeper of the realm of true immortals. What is this strength? Jiang Ming can't imagine what kind of height it is.

"It's really noisy. It's quiet now!"

The young man in blood said to himself and immediately stepped out to Jubaoxuan calmly.

"This..." Jiang Ming was stunned and stood there distracted. At that moment, the decisive and fierceness of the young man in blood actually made Jiang Ming panic for a moment. His body was almost paralyzed. If he hadn't been determined, he might have been soft to the ground now.

"I didn't expect that the person who got the two "it" would be so weak. When you become strong, I will come to get those two in person!" The young man in blood has gone away, but his slightly sarcastic words seem to have crossed layers of space and entered Jiang Ming's mind.

"What?" It means..." Jiang Ming touched the treasure bag around his waist and set off a huge sea in his heart. Unexpectedly, hidden in the treasure bag, it was felt by the man. However, Jiang Ming remembered the moment of his panic. His face became gloomy. Under the shame and indignation, an inexplicable evil fire surged in his heart, coldly He said, "After I become strong? Am I not even qualified to let him face it now? One day, I will trample you under my feet and make you regret what I said today.

After sett down, Jiang Ming stepped out of Jubaoxuan. His steps were a little heavy and tired. He didn't know that he blamed himself for the death of the shopkeeper and the moment of fear in his heart.

"Young master, are you all right?" Jiang Yi looked at Jiang Ming with an unnatural face and said with concern.

The young man who just went out made him feel an inexplicable pressure, even an incomparable and irresistible pressure. This made him palpitate and worried about Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming waved his hand without saying a word and walked with his head down. His pace was a little heavy and difficult.

Since the incident of Jubaoxuan, Jiang Ming has become absent-minded about everything, and there is no leisure to hang out. He and the crowd came to a low mountain and took a temporary stay, waiting for the call of the blood cloud master.


On this day, there was a sudden cracking sound in Jiang Ming's arms. His expression moved and he took out the strange communication stone from his arms. At this moment, the dark communication stone was covered with dense cracks like a cobweb, and the most red "bang" burst into stone debris.

"Have you finally agreed? Let's go!"

PS: Yesterday, in Chapter 2, the setting of the fairyland has been changed. You can go back and have a look~~