Reborn Funeral Fairy

Chapter 172 can nian

"You finally appeared. Although the reincarnation has been broken, it does not mean that there is really no reincarnation in the world. There are countless reincarnations, and what has collapsed is just the reincarnation founded by the monks! The reincarnation of hundreds of millions of people, the fateful gear slowly starts, and everything is doomed.

The elder spoke slowly. Although his face was young, his voice was like an old 90-year-old man, revealing a desolate smell.

"What's the matter with me?" Jiang Ming asked again.

The big elder god's nagging words made him confused and confused.

The big elder with a dark vein did not say much. With a wave, a dark jade box opened, and a whole body was dark, like a cold and hard stone-like heart, which was not surprising at all.

"Cut your finger and drip your blood on it, and you will be surprised." The elder spoke out with an irreversible and irresistible taste.

Although Jiang Ming was unhappy with his tone, he did not mean to refuse.

The fable finger popped out a drop of red blood and fell on the black heart.

"Strange, why is it red blood? Although it is obscure, it is so pure and dark that no one can have it except the legendary person.


Suddenly, the dark heart burst into a bright black light, which was enough to cover the sky and the sun. Originally, this small world was dark enough, but compared with the light bursting from the heart, it was simply a bright moon compared to a firefly, which was not the same day.

"Haha, there is a reaction, there is a reaction!" The elder's eyes suddenly lit up, laughing and losing his normality.

He laughed and said with joy, "I have sacrificed this dark heart for hundreds of millions of years. It is indeed like a stubborn stone, but this boy only has a drop of blood to make him reflect so fiercely. According to this, he will be able to fully activate this dark heart."

"If this power can be used for me, I will definitely break through to the supreme level. Unfortunately, my Fuyuan is shallow and it is difficult to get this power. I hope this boy won't let me down! If he can make good use of it, he may be able to ascend to the supreme realm of Daluo Jinxian with his foundation. The elder said thoughtfully.

However, at this moment, Jiang Ming has another feeling. The strong black light turned into a wisps of mysterious runes, covering Jiang Ming's body, and the runes flashed one by one, with a very strong penetration, and began to penetrate deep into Jiang Ming's skin.

Suddenly, Jiang Ming felt comfortable all over, and the strength in his body climbed steadily. Almost in an instant, Jiang Ming's strength reached saturation, and then something burst in his body. At this time, his realm actually broke through to the realm of Jiutian Xuanxian, which was shocking.

"Okay, this dark heart is really useful and powerful!"

The elder laughed and said expectantly, "I really hope he can make great progress!"



But for a moment, two more shocking machines rushed to the sky and turned into two rounds of dark suns.

At this moment, Jiang Ming actually broke through to the peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, which was simply horrible. You should know that the more difficult it is to practice, especially Jiang Ming, a talented young man, who wants to break through than others.

But this power is too vast and too fierce. Even with Jiang Ming's talent and the vast absorption power of the body of the gluttonous body, it is extremely full and almost broken. Fortunately, there are no obstacles in his realm, so he can take advantage of the situation to break through.

However, when his power was full and he was preparing to suddenly use this powerful power to attack the realm of the golden fairy, but suddenly, a stream of extreme murder, violent, evil and evil thoughts hit the depths of Jiang Ming's mind like a torrent.

Jiang Ming suddenly felt a splitting headache, and his face changed.

This vast negative force is extremely evil. If it is difficult to suppress it, it will definitely be hit by this force. Even if it does not become an idiot, it will become a fighting machine that knows nothing but only knows how to kill crazily under the influence of this extreme evil force.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Jiang Ming's mind. It was an extremely handsome and almost perfect image of a man in black robe. His expression was indifferent, but there was a smile in his eyes: "My inheritor, no, should be a person with the same physique as me! Although your physique is the same as mine, it is not born in chaos, and there is a lack of breath of the origin of everything in your body, but there is such a breath in the heart left after my fall, which is very helpful to you! But there is a trace of my mind in my heart, which is an extremely evil and cruel idea that contains all the evil in the world, because I am the dark source of the world, that's why. Although the power contained in my heart is strong, this idea is fatal. Although it is not enough for all my thoughts, it is only one in 10,000, but with my realm, I believe it is horrible enough for you! I hope you can defeat him and suppress him, then you can get the purest power, otherwise you can become an idiot, a machine that only knows how to fight.

"You are a person with the same physique as me, and you are not a brother, and I will tell you my identity! I am the congenital demon god born in chaos. In my life, I have survived for countless years. In the chaos, in the world opened up by chaos, my dark demon god is invincible except for being defeated by a man named Pangu.

Jiang Ming's pupils suddenly shrank and his heart was shocked.

Pangu, isn't that the legend of the previous life, the great god who opened the heavens and the earth and has infinite divine power? Who on earth is this big black demon god? How can he fight against the god of heaven and earth? Although it is defeated, it is glorious to be defeated, because not everyone is qualified to fight with such a person.

"Although we are immortal, we can't resist the strangest thing of time, which is fate. Three thousand demons and gods in the chaos, but after the opening of the heavens and the earth, they all failed and fought forcibly, leaving only a wisp of soul, lingering and panting. In this realm, we no longer have the power to live, so we survive and look for opportunities for new life is because we are unwilling to be detached and want to see what the wider world is. My brother, if you have the ability to suppress my thoughts, destroy my thoughts, and go your own way. Because my thoughts are too horrible, staying will only be the root of the disaster. Even if you can suppress him and use him, you are just going on my old path, the old road, and you can't be detached at all! If you have a way to destroy the evil idea to explain your will and your way to force my way, I will be very gratified, because this represents your chance of detachment. I'm dead. This is just a wisp of sadness. I won't think or ask. I don't know your identity. I don't know if you are a disciple of a great force, but I advise you that no matter who you are, don't follow the road of thousands of people, even if you are the Taoism of saints, don't go! Saints are just a group of humble and cowardly pitiful people. I hope you can stick to your own path and your own way..."

"If it is possible to destroy that wisp of idea, otherwise it may be counterattacked and taken away by my regret in exchange for my new life. I would prefer to see you take a stronger path than me..."

The shock in Jiang Ming's heart is difficult to add. Although he heard the words of the dark demon god, he understood two sentences. One is that the saint is just a humble and cowardly poor man, and the other is to suppress this regret, otherwise he will be robbed if he does not become an idiot.

What is the realm of the demon god in the big black sky? In his eyes, the saint is just a humble and cowardly poor worm. Who is the detachment they are looking for?


Suddenly, a more powerful force rushed into Jiang Ming's mind, and the unbearable pain almost made him faint.

Jiang Ming bit the tip of his tongue and tried to make himself more sober.

The dark power is pure, but the remnant is a horrible idea. Jiang Ming simply resisted this idea like a flood beast with his weak thoughts, which is unspeakable.