Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 4 Prophetic fores

Dali City, as one of the eight main cities in Tianmen and one of the four main cities that have been opened up, although it is only used as a place to train novices, no one dares to underestimate this place. You should know that in history, since 937, Duan Siping, the governor of Tonghai, destroyed the founding of the Southern Zhao and established the capital, Yangtuo City, and the name of Dali, the country's political economy has achieved great development. Its agricultural production has been almost the same as that of Sichuan and Rong County. As for animal husbandry, handicraft industry, iron smelting, etc. Developed. At the same time, Dali has long-term trade with Myanmar, Vietnam, Malaya, India, Persia and other countries.

In Mr. Jin Yong's original work of Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils, such a magnificent and solemn Tianlong Temple, known as the "National Temple" and "Buddha Capital", and the unique skills of the temple are naturally the one-yang finger magic skills and the six-vein magic sword secret. In the Tianmen game, through the fine research of many historians and the careful design of countless art designers, the city that shined in Yunnan in the Northern Song Dynasty of China was finally perfectly restored and displayed.

Shen Shiyan stood at the novice transmission point in Dali City. In the transmission array of hundreds of square meters behind him, batches of novice players kept emerging, shouting "Quickly, take the task quickly" and "Action acupuncture, learn some novice skills to go out of the city to kill monsters" and so on. Shen Shiyan, who is in a sea of thousands of people, did not rush to do tasks, brush monsters, etc. like other players, but slowly wandered around in this retro game main city. At the same time, because he knew that Tianmen game is far from being compared with previous online games, but players alone. It is quite reasonable to upgrade the settings of this system.

There are ten types of upgrade paths in Tianmen. In addition to brushing monsters, tasks, brushing copies, master and apprentice systems, various activities, various battlefields, there are also life skills, challenging various advanced NPCs, self-understanding, exploring unknown places and other methods, which can also help players. Gain experience in upgrading.

Am of these ten ways, brushing monsters is the slowest. Moreover, brushing wild monsters in Tianmen only explodes equipment materials and ordinary items, and does not directly explode equipment. But after all, ordinary monsters in the wild are the easiest to kill, so this road is also the safest. Doing tasks is a little faster than brushing monsters, and there are many kinds of tasks in Tianmen. Even the most elementary rookie can receive a large number of easy loop tasks in the division task NPC, especially after entering the division gate at level 15. Brushing copies, in previous online games, is generally the top priority of major games. However, in Tianmen, in order not to let players blindly indulge in the repetitive brushing monsters in the dungeon, so that they lose the motivation to explore the wider world, the major dungeons are set up only with the probability of explosive equipment and equipment strengthening props, and will not give players money and upgrade experience rewards.

As for the other seven categories of routes, they also have their own advantages and disadvantages.

However, it is these ten different ways that distinguish and complement each other, which constitute the unique charm of the game.

Because whether you are a combat player or a life-oriented player, whether you are good at brushing monsters in the wild, or you like to advance in the copy, whether you choose to be alone, explore unknown places, or you would rather pursue martial arts into the country, prefer to challenge the advanced of all factions. NPC, you can harvest what you want in Tianmen, provided that you work hard and choose the right path for you.

The second reason why Shen Shiyan is not in a hurry to upgrade is that he, who has experienced the game, knows that although it is very easy for everyone to upgrade in the novice period, he has to stop at level 15 - the reason is that Tenglong Group deliberately set up a very difficult transfer copy as the first of the game. A small expansion pack, so that the essence of the concept of Tianmen can be deeply remembered by players.

When releasing this small expansion pack, the CEO of Tenglong Group explained: "Maybe many players will not understand why we suddenly came up with such a difficult small expansion pack when everyone was still a novice. Do you want to show our company? Is the game of the company well-made and rich in connotation? Here, on behalf of Tenglong Group, I solemnly declare to everyone: No! Our Tenglong Group absolutely does not want to show off itself! Everyone should know clearly that this fantasy martial arts game has taken Tenglong Group a full decade to verify hundreds of historians, fantasy writers, martial arts writers, and mobilized nearly 1,000 designers and not less than 10 billions of funds. May: Will the Tenglong Group, which spends so much money, easily disobey the sincere play of players?

Then, the CEO said slowly, "In fact, everyone's misunderstanding is also very normal. After all, our group did not do a good job in the previous explanation. Here, we will briefly introduce this large copy of the transfer. Through the public beta in the past two months, we will select the eight best of the eight major sects among the first five million account players to form the strongest team to accept the test of the transfer copy. The general situation of the transfer of the big copy is that once they enter the copy, they will temporarily transfer to level 16 characters, acquire the first heart method and related skills, and fight against monsters around level 20. When they pass the level, they will get quite a good reward. At the same time, when the future player team teams up to complete the large copy, the difficulty of this copy will be greatly reduced..."

As for the details of the transfer copy, because he had not personally experienced it in his previous life, he said that Shen Shiyan could not fully know the inside story, and the eight customs clearance masters were also silent at the same time. People outside only heard a few rumors, saying that it was this small transfer copy. However, it implies a lot of information about the future development of this game. It only depends on whether you are smart enough to guess any clues from it.

Thinking of these many clues related to his future in this life, Shen Shiyan's brain is also running rapidly: there are only 50 days left before the transfer copy is open. It seems that he must upgrade to level 15 as soon as possible, not to mention that he has to earn a certain NPC reputation, and the most important thing is Close the powerful equipment.

At this time, Shen Shiyan, because he wandered on the street for a long time, caused some whimsical players to misunderstand what kind of hidden plot NPC he was. They came up one after another to ask this and that, or they would buy snacks and send steamed buns to please him. What's even more, he He deliberately provoked him in front of him (it is not allowed to attack players or NPCs in the main city at this stage). Although he only shook his fist in front of him, it was enough to make him depressed.

Shen Shiyan sighed in his heart: Brother, sister, do you think you are in an online game novel? Unexpectedly, these promiscuous tricks are used to treat me. If I am really an NPC, I will also kick your group of unscreate guys into the Xiangjiang River, so that you can always daydream and become famous overnight.

After telling dozens of players that he was not a hidden NPC, Shen Shiyan was indeed despised by those players: "I'll wipe it! You sell farts, you are gray! It's not NPC. Why do you wander on the street like this? We all think there is any good for you here!"

In the face of dozens of players, Shen Shiyan didn't dare to really scold, but left here with a smile and was angry in his heart: Fuck you, gray egg! I wandered to understand this city in detail. What's the matter with you idiots? Who told you to think so stupidly that I am an NPC with hidden plots? Can this be my fault?

Avoiding the strange eyes of other players, Shen Shiyan trotted into a nearby street corner, quickly took out the novice four-piece set of equipment from the package and replaced it with himself, but he didn't expect to find a blue weapon in addition to a ten-mile transmission scroll in the 10*10 package: No way? Isn't this the Xiaolin flying knife given to me by Lin Yiqing in his previous life? Did it also travel through?