Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 12 The confrontation between the two teams

The northwest of Wupoling is the refresh location of the level 3 strange black ape. At this time, Wang Qiang and the other five-person team, as well as a team opposite, were relatively hostile. Each team member pulled out various weapons and coldly looked at the opponents's reactions. Instead, they put aside the newly refreshed black ape leader aside.

In fact, before meeting the black ape leader monster, Wang Qiang and five others were already on their way here, robbing other scattered players' little boss, black ape leader, white ape leader and so on several times. There is no need for him to do it himself, or the scattered players knowingly give up the place after knowing that they are members of the Xueshang family, or if they dare to resist or not let the boss, the four of Wang Qiang's men rushed up together and killed the other party in less than half a minute. Zero.

Several white light flashed, and those scattered players who were unwilling to hand over the BOSS had no choice but to return to the city. Fortunately, before the novice level 10, the system stipulates that they can return to the city free of charge without injury, but if they wait until the player's level exceeds level 10 and are hung up by others, then such a death punishment can be It's big: depending on the player's good and evil value, each death directly reduces the character level from level 1 to 5, and each death directly reduces the mental method and skill level from level 1 to 5.

The other players were even more unbearable. They quickly apologized and gave up the BOSS to refresh the place. They ran away quickly for fear that Wang Qiang would be in a bad mood and would use them as a gas cylinder.

Seeing that these players were all running clean, Wang Qiang waved his hand and the four of his men slashed and killed them on the ground. The level 4 black ape leader monster. Although their strength is equivalent to several times that of level 3 black ape monsters, they can't help but resist the output of players with four levels that are not much different from it. Three minutes later, the black ape leader fell to the ground helplessly with anger and hatred on his face. After his death, he was frantically grabbed treasures and materials by four enemies.

A moment later, the black ape leader's body was cleaned and recycled by the system a few seconds later.

The four people gave Wang Qiang what they took out and said flatteringly, "Fortune, Brother Qiang is wise and powerful. These players dare not confront you and give up this black ape leader. Brother Qiang, come and see if we have found a lot of materials for you.

Unexpectedly, Wang Qiang glanced at the things in the hands of the four people and smiled contemptuously: "Come on! It's just a level 4 black ape leader who bursts a little material. Why do you have to show it to me? How dare you say what good material it is? This guy is not a level 6 black ape leader or level 10 black ape king. Cut! You can take back the package by yourself. I, Wang Qiang, won't even let you hand in this little thing to honor me.

The four people listened to Wang Qiang's contemptuous words, although they didn't feel good, but they wanted to be your Wang Qiang. If it hadn't been for you being our captain and had a good relationship with some masters in the family, would we have been so hot on the bench? Your boy will pretend to be benevolent and generous, and usually ask us to hand in all kinds of things! That's all. If you want to get along well, you have to suffer early. The four of us will still put up with you for the time being. When we become famous in the future, we will see if we will treat you as favorable as today!

Thinking of this, the four people coincidentally gave each other a look of encouragement. After taking back the materials back the package, they flattered again and said, "Brother Qiang, you are really a generous and charitable person! No wonder that among the dozens of teams of the Xueshang family, we are still the most willing to work under you. I don't know. What other instructions do you have after killing the black ape leader? I will listen to your brother Qiang's orders 100% and go through fire and water! Do you want to continue to grab the little boss of those scattered players, or do we practice by ourselves?

Wang Qiang was quickly blown away by these flattish words. His heart was like being illuminated by the small sun, warm like spring, and the heat was boiling like summer, but he was not completely lost his mind. After a few minutes of YY in his heart, he still seriously reminded him after his mood cooled down: "You Don't be too happy. Speaking of robbing other people's bosses, I remind you once again: although our Xueshang family is strong, it is only the bottom of the top ten families after all. Therefore, when we go out to act, the first thing we should remember is to pay attention to whether the other party is the top ten families in front of our family. Do you all understand this? But do you remember it all?"

How can the four people not know these rules? They just said it on purpose. At this time, after listening to Wang Qiang's words, they also became a little alert: It seems that Wang Qiang does not completely rely on his relationship to be the captain. At least from his words just now, it can be seen that this boy is also a little refined. Minghe is a little sober. Although he often boasts, he doesn't even know who he or even the snow family can't afford to offend. It seems that the four of us still need to strengthen our guard against him in the future secret actions. We can't despise his existence too much. We can't guarantee that this boy pretends to be vain and proud, but he is very cautious in his heart.

Thinking of these four people and asking Wang Qiang, "Brother Qiang, what do you think we can't offend among the ten families?" They didn't know this, but deliberately tested Wang Qiang's understanding of the top ten families and took this opportunity to test whether he was really a sober and rational person.

I didn't know that I was trapped. Wang Qiang's face turned slightly red, and he was obviously a little embarrassed to say his real situation: "Well... Well... Well, about this, what I know about the top ten families, in fact... In fact, it's not too much, nor Very detailed. However, I still know at least the first Huanhai Qingtian Pavilion, the second dragon in the world, and the third Yanhuang Dynasty. As for the others, hey hey, to be honest, I really don't know much about that one, right? However, you just need to follow me. At least we are also from the snow family. Even if we meet other families that we don't know much, I believe they dare not do anything to us directly.

However, the five people are now facing a situation of getting in touch with a team they don't know.

In addition to Wang Qiang's fear and at a loss, the four people under him saw very clearly and were very calm because of this: but his top ten family rankings! What if the snow family ranks ninth? This family with dozens of rankings in front of us dare to attack us. Looking at their appearance, I'm afraid that even if we are members of the Huanhai Qingtian Pavilion, they dare to do it. Alas! If I had known this, I shouldn't have listened to Wang Qiang's brag just now, and came here to wait for the refreshment of the black ape leader. You know, even if it is a black ape leader at level 6, it will take them more than ten minutes to deal with it. Now, in addition, the strength of the other party is absolutely higher than that of himself. Not to mention dealing with the black ape leader, it is not even possible to save their lives from these cold-eyed and murderous guys!

Look at the team opposite Wang Qiang's five people, with a unified veil, uniformly dressed in black clothes, holding a three-inch dagger on the left hand and a one-meter-long knife in the right hand. Looking at their costumes and the substantive murderous eyes, it is clearly a The team is disciplined and well-trained killer team.

Thinking of the weapons of the eight sects, it is not difficult to know that they are all disciples of the Star School.

At this time, the three star disciples, based on their level 6 level advantage, already had some impatience that Wang Qiang and others could not advance or retreat. One of the strongest players, named Nie Yan, took two steps forward and said coldly, "Listen to the little insects of the Xueshang family. I will count three times. If you still don't take the initiative to retreat, don't blame me for not recognizing the long knife in Nie Yan's hand! Three! Two! I'm sorry!"

The five people of Wang Qiang had not moved at all, especially when the four people standing in front of him were thinking about it several times. They only saw a rapid black shadow flashed in front of them. Two cold weapons, long and short, scratched the throats of the four people one after the other, but they didn't even have time to pull out their weapons to resist, and only heard their throats. After the "kaka" sound of the weapon and the bone on their heads, the four people did not even make a life-saving sound. Under Nie Yan's continuous attack, they turned into white light and returned to the city after a moment.

In the end, Wang Qiang, who was left behind, was a little far away. At the same time, he quickly retreated five or six steps back. Seeing that the four people died of the other's knives in an instant, he had to quickly shout, "Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I have listened to you and stepped back a few steps. Don't kill me!" At this time, he was so scared that his hands and feet trembled. If it hadn't been for the precious bronze knife in his hand, he might not even have the strength to hold the knife.

After listening to Wang Qiang's timid words, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes, which aroused his murderous spirit even more. However, just as Nie Yan took two or three steps towards Wang Qiang, Nie Xing, the other two companions immediately persuaded him: "Brother Yan, don't kill him. The Xueshang family is at least one of the top ten families, and it's really not good to make a relationship with them now. As for the four people, anyway, we follow the rules stipulated by the ten families, and we only blame them for withdrawing here disobediently, so even if the snow family smells, we have a way to shirk our responsibility. As for this boy, it seems that he is a captain-level member. If there are no certain conditions, we still don't touch him. While saying this, Nie Xing and Nie Jin had quickly taken action. In just 30 seconds, they killed the black ape leader to the ground. After quickly touching the bag, the black ape leader was quickly recycled by the system.

After listening to his companion's persuasion, Nie Yan had to take back his two knives back and glanced at Wang Qiang, who was still trembling in place, and a few seconds later, he went to the next leader-level monster with his companions.

Wang Qiang waited for several minutes, and when his legs were no longer tremble, he jumped up and cursed, and then went down south to find the white ape leader to vent his unhumpy. It was also because he walked south that a few minutes later, he found a novice player alone with a white iron sword and fighting five white ape monsters at the same time. This person is not someone else, but Shen Shiyan who is planning a group brushing plan.

Wang Qiang paused and avoided the mound beside him. He looked at Shen Shiyan, who was vigorous and moved quickly: I rely on you! Is there any mistake? Is this something that a level 1 novice can do? Challenge five level 2 white ape monsters at the same time?