Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 18 The Wrath of the Little Family

As soon as he went online, Shen Shiyan found that there was something wrong with the situation in the south of Wupoling. Looking at the team players passing by from time to time, they came and went in a hurry, and from time to time they looked left and right, as if they were guarding against something. Fifteen minutes after he first went online, he has met thousands of players from more than 30 teams. Shen Shiyan, who didn't know why, had to hold one of the players at the end to ask.

Unexpectedly, the player looked at the level information of Shen Shiyan, and his contemptuous tone was very obvious: "Which family are you from? Why aren't you with your family? What did you come here to ask about? Brother, I advise you, a level 2 novice, never come to this muddy water. You know, this kind of big event is definitely not something that you rookies can participate in?

After saying that, the player glanced contemptuously at Shen Shiyan before continuing to follow his family's army forward.

Shen Shiyan didn't care about the contempt of such people, but thought in his heart: Is this strange? Now the plot task of the big copy is not open. According to common sense, players should seize the time to upgrade and play treasure, and these team players should take this opportunity to cultivate the main players of the family, so as not to train their family players to fight against other families after the beginning of the plot task. However, looking at their current scale, I'm afraid that it's more than enough to deal with those king-level bosses in the infinite mountains. Do they really work together to kill some king-level bosses?

Think about it, there are only a few king-level bosses on the map of the infinite mountain: the white ape king, the black ape king, the giant bee king, the leopard king, the white thatched man, and the most mysterious and terrible... Wait, is it true that they are dealing with the Wanhua poisonous spider living in Wanhuagang? Wang?

That's not right! It depends on these people. Although the average level is already above level 6, I still believe that even the most powerful white that the king is only level 12. With the absolute advantage of their number, the elimination of the white thatched king will not exceed 30 minutes. However, it would be ridiculous if they were to deal with the first boss of the rookie spider king.

You should know that the Wanhua Poison Spider King is not only as simple as the 15-level king-level boss, but also has an important plot task of transferring to a large copy. And its power, in addition to its own strength, is followed by a large group of younger brothers. And this guy is stationed in the Wanhua Temple at the highest point of Wanhuagang. The layout and fortifications of this temple are almost equal to 1% of the system main city. With these thousand players, I'm afraid it can only be a joke to destroy the poisonous spider king.

Shen Shiyan, who suddenly rose in curiosity, simply did not upgrade the monster for the time being. Instead, after checking the elixir and other things in the package, he followed this large group of players far away. It was not until about half an hour's walk that they had walked less than 50 miles. When they reached a fork in the road, the group stopped to rest.

Shen Shiyan pretended to be a novice who went up the mountain to practice, but in fact, he hid behind several big trees 100 meters away. At a glance at the surrounding terrain, he knew: Shit! Unexpectedly, I followed them all the way to the east slope area of Wupoling. This is the territory of monsters above level 5. If one accidentally disturbs those giant bees, lightning leopards and other monsters, I'm afraid I can't eat and walk away. But when he thought about it, he dispelled these worries: anyway, even if he was seen by those monsters, he was afraid that they would attack this huge number of threatening players first. How could they look like a second-level novice like me.

In Tianmen, except for the small wooden man monster in the alley of the lowest-level practice copy, and the level 1 to 3 monsters of the infinite mountain map, such as the white ape monster, the black ape monster, and the giant bee monster, all other monsters are actively attacked. The official explanation is: We must also give those monsters NPCs certain IQ, visual auditory and other functions. Is it possible that they have to react stupidly until players launch powerful attacks on monsters like previous online games? Some players expressed strong opposition to this, but most players can still accept this setting: after all, everyone comes to play games, not to purely kill monsters and upgrade themselves YY, but also hope to improve their reaction ability after challenging various monsters.

However, in order to take care of low-level players, Tenglong Group also has an important setting: when the player's level is less than the monster level 3, monsters give priority to attacking players with higher levels, just like dealing with the more threatening party in reality; when the player level is less than the monster level 5, the monster There is a certain probability that the player will be ignored unless the player takes the initiative to attack; when the player's level is less than the monster level 10 and above, the monster will directly despise the player's existence. After all, the gap between the player and the monster at this time can be said to be quite large.

At this time, Shen Shiyan put aside all distracting thoughts and listened attentively to the conversation of more than 1,000 players 100 meters below. After listening for three or two minutes, he understood the position and situation of these players.

It turned out that they were not united from the beginning, but because of many conflicts such as the competition for BOSS. Until the past few days, after I don't know who spread the news about the transfer of the big copy, the top ten families came out one after another, jointly dispatched more than 10,000 players, surrounded the key boss, the poisonous spider king, and waited for the time to kill in and get relevant props. At the same time, the remaining forces of the ten families even organized various teams, with a total of tens of thousands of people, searching for bosses and grabbing treasures, saying that it was to provide various material reserves for the front line.

As a result, these small families were persecuted by those small teams. Therefore, now they have to organize their own strength to fight against the ten families. And now, of course, they do not intend to eliminate the poisonous spider king, but also want to participate in the grabbing of the boss with the advantage of the number of people. They think that the main forces of the ten families will go to Wanhuagang anyway, so the rest of them will not be too powerful.

At this time, I only saw three or four masters at level 10 among those players. From time to time, they encouraged the people under them: "Brothers, friends, we are all game players from all over the world. Who doesn't have the idea of entering this game to earn a living? Who doesn't want to pay one point to gain one point and cultivate one point to get one point? I dare say that everyone is in a similar situation now: in reality, after working diligently every month, they can only lead a meager salary and barely live; in the game, they race against time every day, but there is still only a small amount of income..."

Another little patriarch named Jiao Lei took over and said, "That's it. We all pay no less than those big family players. But why, why, are their profits several times higher than ours? The previous patriarch added a sentence, which is dozens of times better) I think everyone should think about this problem: on the one hand, they are naturally strong, the players are first-class in technology, and the organization is very good; on the other hand, we are too scattered, too much like a plate of scattered sand, so we are even more acquired, resulting in Bullied by others."

Speaking of this, Jiao Lei paused for a few seconds, giving everyone time to react and the opportunity to discuss privately. Half a minute later, he continued to say, "So, today, I and the patriarchs jointly convened everyone to gather here. I hope that everyone can respond to us: kill monsters together, grab BOSS together, and compete against ten. The barbarism and cruel methods of those small teams of the big family! Everyone said, for your happy life and your bright future, would you like to devote yourself to our group from today on?

Hearing this, everyone thought of their real situation. First, there were only dozens of people, followed by hundreds of people, and hundreds of people responded loudly: "Sell him! We do, we do!"

Jiao Lei turned around and the other three little patriarchs Ruan Qian, Hong Hong and Dai Da looked at each other and were very satisfied with everyone's response. Then the four shouted loudly: "Brothers who share life and death, are you really willing to kill those teams together? Tell us, do you really have the courage to compete with those hegemonic players?

Even Shen Shiyan, who is 100 meters away, clearly heard the enthusiastic response from many players: "We are willing, we are willing!" We are willing to fight with death, for life and for the future! Fight with death!!!"

The next thing, you don't need Shen Shiyan to stay longer to know that these four small patriarchs will soon lead more than a thousand players to compete for the boss. At that time, I'm afraid that the remaining power of the ten unprepared families will suffer a lot of impact.

Thinking of the battle between large and small families in China's online game practice, Shen Shiyan couldn't help sighing: What's the pain of these ten families? Now that it has occupied the great benefits of Wanhuagang, it is still necessary to let his subordinates come to the infinite mountains to do these things. Although your strength is far ahead of these small families now, it is not that you will always maintain your advantage, and you may not be able to guarantee that these small families will not gradually grow up - I'm afraid that by that time, even the ten families will have to be afraid of them.

The Star Picking Tower, founded by Shen Shiyan in his previous life, was initially just an unknown last-class family, and then after step-by-step growth, growth, alliance, annexation, etc., formed a powerful existence that some big families did not dare to provoke easily. At that time, he adhered to the principle of neither directly offending the big family nor conflicting the small family, so he has always been praised by players, especially the small family. Naturally, because they are good with people in this way, those small families also have a good cooperative attitude towards picking stars. They not only have economic exchanges with Shen Shiyan, but also have friendly cooperation in military, political and other aspects.

Recalling of those small family patriarchs with good relations, Shen Shiyan sighed that after all, there are still some people in the world who are moral and friends. When he came to his senses, he saw that the following thousand players were carefully planning various strategies and tactics. At the same time, he immediately sent dozens of players to inquire about the situation in all directions to avoid anyone eavesdropping.

Shen Shiyan quickly went north from the woods, which was the sphere of influence of the level 5 monster lightning leopard. While leaving quickly, his heart was also full of doubts: who on earth would know the news of the big copy of the transfer and spread it? Is it just the internal employees of Tenglong Group? Or is there another mystery?