Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 46 The Current Situation of Shen Shiyan

At this time, Shen Shiyan quietly came to this side of the tent and heard that the soldier's tone was obviously very helpless: "Brother, brother, although you remember the heroism of General Ma Sui, you don't know the identity of those who pursue Miss Ma. You know, even in the area of the infinite mountain, there are three aspects of relatives. One is the infinite sword school with an excellent relationship with Majia Villa. Its young leader has a marriage contract with Ma girl. Although the marriage contract was set up by Ma Wude, once someone came to marry, I'm afraid it's not easy to refuse the other party in person. The second is the son of Su Xinghe of Lingbodong Xiaoyao, who has been pursuing Miss Ma since five years ago. Third, he is the most important lay disciple of the head of Tianlong Temple. He is talented and intelligent. When he is less than 25 years old, he actually learned the sixth level of Tianlong Temple, and it is rumored that he has also got the opportunity to participate in the cultivation of the six-vein sword formula.

Speaking of this, the soldier paused a little, and the other soldier sighed thoughtfully: "No wonder! In the past two or three years, General Ma Sui has always taken the initiative to visit Miss Ma. It turns out that all the cause and effect is because of this. Shen Shiyan, who eavesdropped, was also thinking secretly at this time: I didn't expect that Ma Ronger could get so many pursuers, but it was no wonder that she was the first daughter of the Ma family villa. Moreover, with superb swordsmanship, the master is also extremely mysterious. No wonder that many excellent men intend to marry them and even fight with each other. Think about the above three suitors, all of whom are noble and * quite large figures. I'm afraid that when the battle comes to the bright place in the future, it is difficult for General Ma Sui to win.

However, the soldier's comment at this time blocked Shen Shiyan's exclamation back into his stomach. I only heard the soldier talking: "However, we General Ma Sui don't have to be too frustrated. After all, he has a good appearance and talent, and his martial arts strength is also quite good, and he also has certain advantages in competing among them. What's more, his eldest brother Ma Chao is recognized as the first young master in Yunnan, and I'm afraid he will also help him. Imagine that General Ma Sui and Miss Ma's childhood sweethearts have been very deep since childhood. Coupled with his own efforts and the assistance of his eldest brother, are they afraid of competing with those outsiders?

At this time, after saying these words, the soldier outside the tent showed some strangeness in his expression. However, because he was facing an ordinary soldier, the latter could not see the difference at all. Therefore, he didn't have to worry about his tone and look, which was known by others. If Shen Shiyan is not standing in the tent, but outside the tent, I'm afraid that he can easily feel strange things from the soldier's look and movements. At this time, the two soldiers talked for a long time and each patrolled elsewhere. Before leaving, Shen Shiyan remembered that the soldier's name was "Feng Yong".

After the two soldiers left, Shen Shiyan calmed down to take care of his own affairs. Looking at his attributes upgraded to level 6, he was not happy at all. Now his level is 6 13%, and his attributes are as follows: health, 300;

True Qi Value, 934; External power attack, 42; Internal power attack, 770; External power defense, 205; Internal power defense, 507. In addition to the original 500-point relationship with Lin Chong, the relationship value with Ma Wude is -800, and the relationship value with Ma Wuzhi is 600. In addition, in his advanced attribute column, the words "180 points of warrior's murderous point" are also marked. In addition, there is a level 2 Kobayashi flying knife and the bronze knife with additional skills.

However, his heart is no longer as happy as before. Only after he saw the power of Ma Wude, Ma Wuzhi and Ma Chao's brother Ma Sui, he had to calm down and think about his own way. Looking at this situation, I'm afraid that when it comes to the first small expansion, the major forces of Dali will definitely intervene. After all, the poisonous spider king of Wanhuagang is quite attractive to them. The top ten families must then move people to participate in this incident. But what about yourself? Now it has been half a month since I entered the game. In addition to the level of level 6, there is only one Xiaolin flying knife, but the level is too low to have much effect. As for the bronze knife, it can only be said that it has some effect on players or monsters below level 8.

I'll fly your lungs! Could it be that I, Shen Shiyan, were finally reborn and just looked at the first big event and passed by me?! Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan can no longer calm down: if he can't participate in this incident, he has to find a way to get some benefits from it. Thinking of the players I met before, their strength is too weak to help themselves. As for Sun Fei and Yao Xin, the former has a life-and-death feud with him, and it must be difficult to coexist peacefully in the future. As for the latter, the relationship is also cold and not enthusiastic about each other. After thinking about it, I'm afraid that only Zhang Bin or Peng Xiaopang can form a team with him. Unfortunately, Zhang Bin has been transferred from here, and it is impossible for him to fight with him. As for Peng Xiaopang... I'll fly your lungs! Xiaopang is still in the internship stage. How can he have time to play games with me? What's more, I know his skills.

While thinking like this, he cleaned up the various materials brushed out of the package these days, and finally Shen Shiyan found the two things in the last two compartments. These two things are nothing else. It was just more than an hour ago that Ma Wuzhi gave him a dead old man puppet and an egg yellow "fairy elixir". Shen Shiyan first picked up the parts of this pile of puppets and assembled them according to their instructions. It happened to be a five-foot-high dead old man puppet. How to use it? It's not like Ma Wuzhi before, it's used to scare the enemy somewhere, right? When Shen Shiyan carefully observed the puppet, he finally found a small font on the back of his neck. This line of font describes the origin of the dead old man puppet, and the next paragraph is the methods and techniques used.

It can only be seen in the font that it is written that the dead old man puppet came from the hands of Lu Miaozi, a master craftsman at the turn of the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is even more said that this skill came from the master of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The puppet is divided into 15 parts such as head, neck, left and right chest cavity, left and right abdominal cavity, hands and arms, legs and feet, and the main spine of the back. Among them, the core of the puppet is the blue gem in the right chest. The gem is native to a place in Tianshan and has the title of sacred stone. After the painstaking development of generations of masters, it was finally polished into its current shape, but it was found that there was no sacred use such as rebirth. However, generations of master have also found that this gem can emit a strange blue luster, which is the full driving force of the puppet...

and the following text is full of brief descriptions of the various functions of the puppet: one is to scare the opponent, the other is to let it replace the owner and do some daily affairs, and the third is that if enough of this blue gemstone is collected, it can ensure that it continues to be the main People provide more services, such as pulling loaded carriages and so on. Seeing this, Shen Shiyan glanced at the puppet standing beside him again. He saw that the other party's eyes were terrible, but he was thin and weak, and it didn't seem to be able to do so many things. But Shen Shiyan is now just trying out the practical use of the puppet, and he doesn't expect it to help him much.

According to the usage method in the next paragraph, Shen Shiyan quickly mastered this set of puppet control tactics. After a while, the dead old man puppet reacted. With some simple orders issued by Shen Shiyan, the puppet can already raise his hand, raise his head, turn around, move forward, retreat and so on. Shit! Isn't this equivalent to modern robots? Shen Shiyan was shocked and then continued to issue more complex orders, such as jumping, running, bowing, turning over, defense, attacking, etc. Until the end, Shen Shi couldn't help making it smile and calling him the master. After issuing this order, Shen Shiyan did not have much confidence. After all, puppets are puppets, which can do movements and other things without anthropomorphic. Therefore, Shen Shiyan immediately turned around to do other things.

On the other hand, a soldier rushed to report the news outside the tent. When he was about to enter the tent, the puppet actually made a hoarse "Master, someone is looking for you outside!" This only shocked Shen Shiyan to quickly flatten it a few fists, so that the latter was strong and not easy to be smashed. Then, Shen Shiyan ignored the puppet's mouth, "Oh, it hurts!" Wait for a short sentence, and immediately open the package and stuff it in. When he turned around, a sweaty soldier stared at the open space behind him: "Mr. Shen, what was the one who made a sound just now? I was about to see it just now. I don't know if you can show it to me again.

Hearing this, Shen Shiyan's forehead was soaked with sweat, but he pretended to be angry and said, "Brother, you entered my tent without my permission. Do you think that General Ma Sui only regards me as an ordinary guest? You should know that now I am the guest of General Ma Sui. If I tell him about this, I'm afraid you can't escape the punishment. Hearing this, the soldier also panicked. He was not in the mood to care about anything strange, so he quickly apologized and laughed to Shen Shiyan. Half a minute later, the soldier remembered his cause and quickly told Shen Shiyan: "General Ma Sui has come back with Miss Ma Ronger, but now Miss Ma is seriously injured and in urgent need of treatment. So General Ma asked me to tell you to wait two or three days to visit Miss Ma.