Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 56 Goodbye to the Three Brothers (Today)

Shen Shiyan, who left Majia Villa, returned to Dali City all the way, just because he wanted to sell all kinds of sundries in the package. These days, he has been living in Majia Villa for a few days, and all kinds of things have almost filled the 10*10 space. When he entered the gate of Dali, Shen Shiyan found the changes these days. Among other things, the previous bald captain has now been transferred to other places. Moreover, the total number of soldiers defending inside and outside the gate has reached 70 or 80. In addition, two fully armed lieutenants were added to the wall. Looking at the majestic appearance and cold eyes, Shen Shiyan estimated the personal strength of the four captains: although it was impossible to compare with the 18 elite knights under Ma Chao, it was enough to compare with the captain-level NPCs under Ma Wude.

When Shen Shiyan entered the gate, four soldiers soon forced him to come forward and carefully checked his pass before putting it into the city. During the inspection, Shen Shiyan saw a scene similar to the one he saw a few days ago. Several novice players walked out of the city gate. Because the pass indicated that the novice guidance task had not been completed, they were stood up by eight soldiers and had been dragged to the wall and finally disappeared. After secretly having a few fun, Shen Shiyan quickly walked into the city. First, he went to the warehouse NPC in the center of the city to take the things on his body that could not be used for the time being, such as dead old man puppets and egg yellow elixir. These messy things occupy most of the warehouse.

Then, Shen Shiyan walked to the grocery merchant east of Dali City. When he was about to sell the remaining groceries, the system suddenly prompted a message. As soon as they opened the message, it turned out to be the three brothers they met before. It turned out that they had just seen themselves enter the gate, so they asked themselves how they had been these days. Remembering Ma Ronger's confidentiality agreement, Shen Shiyan only told the three brothers that he had done a plot task for a few days. Then, Shen Shiyan also asked about the recent situation of the three brothers, but the latter was happy to tell him that the three brothers are now. In addition to A Er's upgrade to level 5, A Da A San has also been upgraded to level 4 or more, and in a short time, they can reach level 5.

Three or five minutes later, the three brothers met with Shen Shiyan in the player market east of Dali City. At this meeting, Shen Shiyan couldn't help but be surprised by the efforts of the three brothers these days. Thinking that he was still at level 6, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. Only the three brothers have now changed into green quality novice equipment. As for the weapons in their hands, they seem to be above blue quality. Just by seeing the blue lights on them, you can guess that their attributes are good. As for the three brothers, after seeing Shen Shiyan, they had the same idea in their hearts: How can Boss Shen, who was still a young master before, be more hungry than us now? The three brothers exchanged greetings with Shen Shiyan, but they couldn't help but be surprised in the bottom of their hearts: Boss Shen, the white novice equipment and the bronze knife have not changed. Is it true that the task he has done these days is not as cost-effective as our three brothers brushing monsters everywhere?

Seeing this situation, the three brothers' previous admiration for Shen Shiyan couldn't help but drop by more than 40%. A Er, in particular, had a lot of prejudice against Shen Shiyan a few days ago. At this time, he saw that Shen Shiyan's level was only slightly higher than himself. The prejudice in his heart couldn't help expanding a little, and the tone of chatting with Shen Shiyan also had some different flavor. Next is A Da. At this time, he, who had been extremely respected by Shen Shiyan, couldn't help but have some other thoughts. On the contrary, A San, the youngest of the three brothers, had a neutral attitude before. At this time, when he saw Shen Shiyan's situation, he not only did not show the previous skeptical attitude, but cleverly captured some of the information he needed from the corners of Shen Shiyan's eyes and posture.

Until the three brothers and Shen Shiyan agreed to meet at Dali City Gate half an hour later, A San still looked back at Shen Shiyan's thin back from time to time, and some ideas that his eldest brother and second brother could not have thought of: such a willing to sacrifice for the plot task to upgrade Does the player really have his own adventure? Ha ha, how many games I have played and how many so-called masters I have seen, most of them are piled up by RMB, or characters with little intelligence. This time, I know this unique Shen Shiyan. After careful observation and guidance for a long time, I can't get the news I need from his population. Could it be that he met an extraordinary opponent this time? Thinking of this, Tie Shisan couldn't figure it out, so he had to think about it: Maybe I'm too suspicious? Most of the masters in the early stage of this game have been netten by the top ten families. Can I easily meet them?

Thinking of these, putting aside these distractions, Tie Shisan caught up with the footsteps of the eldest brother and the second brother, and the three brothers walked leisurely in this player market. At the same time, Shen Shiyan, who was strolling on the other side of the player market, saw that there were already many small and prosperous player stalls. Naturally, he was happy and showed a colorful look on his face: Unexpectedly, the rise of the player market in Dali City in this world was a full month earlier than the previous life, and it would not be me. The butterfly effect of the little butterfly, right? Ha ha, in any case, since there has been a player market in Tianmen, he should also go to the pharmacy NPC Lu Sanqi to complete his plot task of collecting medicine. In this way, I can become the first player to collect a large number of herbs in the game. At the beginning of the game, even if these herbs are sent to Lu Sanqi to refine them into a blood recovery elixir, you can get a lot of benefits. The life skills in Tianmen are not so easy to learn. Among them, basic life skills such as medicine collection also require players to reach level 20 and complete certain tasks before learning. As for the upgrading of these life skills, it also requires a lot of skill proficiency and related breakthroughs. Only the task can be done. In this way, living players and fighting players can be effectively separated)

Walking in this market, Shen Shiyan saw that on the stalls of many players, most of them were just all kinds of primary blood recovery elixir, or all kinds of primary living materials, and he couldn't help but think of the difficulties of his novice period in his previous life. You know, aside from these living materials that are sold a little early, those primary blood-restore elixirs have a great effect on players, and the explosion rate of elixirs in Tianmen is extremely low. If the price is low, the seller will not be cost-effective, and if they are high, ordinary players will not be able to afford it. The so-called ordinary players here naturally refer to those who have not joined the family, and the latter can ensure the basic elixirs because of the large number of players and the clear division of labor. But if even these families have a shortage of elixir, it means that they are also facing a very difficult situation. Isn't it time for the Wanhuagang War to start step by step? Ha ha, I think those big families will have a greater demand for elixir. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan couldn't help laughing a little "insidiously" on his kind face, as if he could see the first bucket of gold at his fingertips.

After leaving the player market, Shen Shiyan and the three brothers gathered again. After announcing the level and attribute information to each other, the four people walked out of the east gate of Dali City and went to refresh the location of the level 5 lightning leopard monster. The reason why I still go to brush the level 5 lightning leopard monster now is that the cooperation between the four people is inevitably unfamiliar these days, and it is very necessary to run in again at this time.

Today's four people, A Da is responsible for attracting monsters and resisting monsters, Shen Shiyan is responsible for the first output, A Er is responsible for the second output, and A San is responsible for the treatment of the first three people, and from time to time can also add some output. Although the value is small, it is better than nothing. Among the four people, Ada's level 4 Shaolin sent foreign defense is more than 2,000 points, even higher than the previous Yao Xin, and his technology has progress is relatively fast. Now with the strength of one person, he is enough to resist the attack of two or three lightning leopard monsters. As for Shen Shiyan, needless to say, he, who replaced himself with a bronze knife, combined with the movement speed of the gossip footwork, is naturally a well-deserved first output. What's more, with the help of additional skills, after each skill is launched, it can make the lightning leopard monster's head float "80! 160! 240!" Only the other three were surprised. Today's A Er, although the level 5 star faction has less than 400 internal attack points, he has the fastest attack speed and the highest critical strike multiple, and his overall output damage value is almost no less than Shen Shiyan.

Because of this, four people brushed for less than half an hour in a row and gained thousands of experience points. Among them, A Da's level is 95%, A Er's level is 5 26%, and A San's level is 56%. The three brothers were very happy. At this time, there were bursts of leopard roaring in the woods hundreds of meters away. When the three brothers were about to kill the lightning leopard leader, Shen Shiyan, who didn't want to know the inside story of the lightning leopard leader, immediately stopped the three brothers. As for the reasons, because of the confidentiality of Cao Zheng's affairs, Shen Shiyan had to vaguely fool him, saying that he was worried that those players from the big family would come to grab such bosses. These days, when the three brothers upgraded to the monster, they also had a lot of experience of being robbed, and they no longer argued too much with Shen Shiyan. In the end, the four had to discuss going to the southeast of Wupoling to find the trouble of the seven-level little monster white thatched man.