Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 58 White Thatched Man's Head Monster

————————————Yesterday's fourth update supplement——————————————

After the start of the new round of monster brushing competition, A San still leaned on a big tree without worry, looking at the fierce competition between the three sects. Iron 13 had countless thoughts in his mind, but at this time, he did not pay attention to the situation of his eldest brother and second brother, but looked at Shen Shiyan's actions seriously. Oh?! This is the strength of the previous little master, right? Uh-huh, it's not bad, but in my opinion, his real strength is still hidden a lot. What kind of player are you? Unexpectedly, I, the heir of the iron family, have such a great interest in you. If I compare you, I would like to compare you with the bear ugly on the list of Bai Xiaosheng's scattered people.

At this time, Shen Shiyan naturally did not know that Tie Shisan had secretly compared his operation technology. You know, Xiong Chouer has received strong attention from all players since the first day of entering the game. First of all, he is the descendant of the Chinese martial arts sect, and the second is his eclectic style of behavior: other players enter the game to upgrade treasure, or fall in love with leisure. Although some people are willing to compete in various PK competitions, they will not purely find masters of various sects and carry out pure technical comparisons like him. Fight without killing the other party or robbing the other party's property. It is also because of this that Xiong Chou'er has been able to reach the level 10 in more than a month since she entered the game, but she has made more than 100 enemies. Such ugly bears are jokingly called "the immortal clown" by players.

Tie Shisan, who woke up from his memory, looked at the pride between the three people in the place in front of him, and his heart suddenly emerged, as if he had returned to the scene when his father Tie Yun was alive. Tie Shisan, who was in a good mood, immediately pulled out his two swords, chose the wounded white thatched monsters, and came forward to fight. You know, among the three brothers of the Tie family, the eldest is steady and firm, and the second is a little conceited in addition to his impulse. Only the third brother is the most intelligent and clever, and his martial arts skills are the essence of the family. In reality, the martial arts strength of Tieshi has become a well-known young master. Therefore, after Tie Shisan took action at this time, although it was impossible to compare with the speed of brushing monsters of the other three people, it was also rarely damaged to circle among the three or two injured monsters.

At this time, Shen Shiyan only used bronze knives and gossip steps, and his speed of killing monsters was much faster than that of A Da and A Er. Ada is a Shaolin school, so naturally there is no need to say more. What about Ah Er? He is the star faction, with the fastest movement speed and the highest critical strike multiple, but at this time, he is looking at Shen Shiyan, brushing the white thatched man and monsters one by one. The star faction is characterized by low blood, low movement speed block, and the highest multiple of critical strike. However, with A Er's level 5 today, it is difficult to give full play to the two major characteristics behind the star faction. As for the shortcomings in the front, now he can make up for these two points with the foundation of martial arts in reality.

At the same time, Shen Shiyan is also secretly paying attention to the three brothers' actions similar to martial arts. With the passage of time, Shen Shiyan is becoming more and more interested in the three brothers. I can't help thinking: Isn't it time for me to learn from teachers and strengthen my body? Now these three brothers have a good relationship with themselves. I don't know if they will let me meet them in reality when I ask them. If possible, you might as well go to the city where the three brothers are located and sincerely worship them as masters, just for the real martial arts. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan consciously approached the three brothers. Once any of the three had a crisis, Shen Shiyan would take the opportunity to help. With his current footwork and technology, it is more than enough to deal with the seven-level white thatched monster.

As for the three brothers, they are killing monsters unconvinced. Sure enough, more than two hours later, as two golden lights flashed on A Da A San, the two immediately received a message from the system to upgrade. After several people took a break, A Da said happily to the crowd, "This time, I have also risen to level 5. Now I, who have external power protection, am no longer afraid of this level 7 monster attack. Great, great!" As for A San, although he was promoted to level 5, he still looked very calm and slightly happy verbally: "Well, it's not bad. With internal power protection, even if you accidentally encounter multiple monsters attacking me, you can still have a chance to protect yourself.

Also during the break, the three brothers told Shen Shiyan their real name: A Da's original name was Tie Eleven, A Er's original name was Tie 12 and A San's original name was Tie 13. Later, he explained to Shen Shiyan that his three brothers were in a larger family, so there was such a strange naming method. However, the three brothers obviously still have some precautions against Shen Shiyan. After exchanging real names, they will no longer disclose other information. In this way, I felt that the three brothers had a good relationship with themselves, but in fact, there was a layer of obstacles, and Shen Shiyan's desire to become a teacher quickly disappeared. The four rested for a few minutes and discussed the next round of group brushing plan. As usual, Iron Eleven was responsible for attracting monsters and resisting monsters, and each time it attracted no more than 4 small monsters. Tie 12 and Shen Shiyan are responsible for the main output, and Tie 13 can take care of Tie Eleven's health. This time, only Shen Shiyan and Tie Twelve, who had not been upgraded, looked at their nearly upgraded experience points and also had a strong idea in their hearts.

On the other hand, just as the four people quickly harvested the lives of the white thatched man and the little monster, a battle for the little boss was staged in the depths of the woods hundreds of meters away from here. If Shen Shiyan is present, it is not difficult to find that in this arrogant team, the leader is Xu Yong, who has had a chance. Two of the other team members are also familiar with him. One is Sun Fei, who has designed him, and the other is naturally Yao Xin. Under the leadership of Xu Yong, the small team of Longxingtianxia chased another team that wanted to brush the white thatched man's leader from another place and quickly destroyed it within a few minutes. Looking at the bodies of the enemy all over the ground, Yao Xin showed a very uncomfortable expression for the first time. Seeing this situation, Sun Fei couldn't help making a joke: "New brother, what's wrong? Didn't you often boast about how many online games you have played and seen in the world? Why is it so uncomfortable to turn around when you see such a bloody scene at this moment?

As soon as Sun Fei finished speaking, several other players in the team also coaxed. As for Xu Yong, he took a short break and was reluctant to manage these internal struggles. After listening to Sun Fei's words, Yao Xin was furious, but he didn't dare to react on his face. He could only be secretly unhappy at the bottom of his heart: Go to you thirty-three! Isn't it because on the day you sacrificed Shen Shiyan, I persuaded you a few words, and now you actually join forces with others to mock me, a friend who accompanies you from level 0 to level 5 for these trivialities? If it hadn't been for my good temperament, I'm afraid I would have exposed your background in front of everyone, so that you can't raise your head in front of everyone because of this matter from now on. After many thoughts flashed in his mind, Yao Xin still had to walk alone under the tree to adjust his breath to restore his health and true energy.

At this time, Sun Fei, who glanced at him from afar, had another idea in his mind. The sinister Sun Fei is far more than Yao Xin's. At this time, he does not continue to ridicul Yao Xin directly, so as not to be regarded as a villain. While making fun of other things with several team members, Sun Fei is secretly calculating: one day you will be expelled from the team, otherwise I will always worry that one day you will shake out my scandal. Yao Xin, Yao Xin, this can't be blamed, just because you saw my sinister side at the beginning. In order to take office smoothly in the future, I can only sacrifice you. Ha ha, who told you to always call yourself my friend? You know, in my Sun Fei's values, the so-called friends are originally used to use each other and sacrifice each other.

After a few minutes, Xu Yong's losses just now were replenished, and he immediately took his blue bronze knife and called everyone to the next white thatched man's strange refresh place. At this time, a team member who was responsible for listening around the news immediately listened to Xu Yong. The team member has always moved quickly. At this time, he told the latter that there was a four-person team hundreds of meters ahead, dealing with the white thatched man monster that had just been refreshed. As soon as Xu Yong heard this, he suddenly had a high fighting spirit. With a big hand, the eight-person team immediately followed Xu Yong's arrangement and approached the place of Shen Shiyan's four people step by step from different directions. Following Xu Yong is naturally Sun Fei, who wants to fight for performance everywhere. At the end of the team, it was not anyone else, but Yao Xin.

At this time, Shen Shiyan happened to be fighting against a white thatched leader. This white thatched man is nearly two meters tall, and his weight is naturally very light. Because of this, it is far faster than Tiexi, which makes Tiexi very difficult to attract its hatred, and it also has to take into account the responsibility of protecting Tiexi behind itself. Fortunately, there are Shen Shiyan, a free school, and Tie Twelve, whose movement speed slightly exceeds that of this little boss. Shen Shiyan and Tie Twelfth have also made great progress in their cooperation at this time. The level of the white thatched man's leader monster is only level 9, which is only characterized by being as light as a swallow, but the attack and defense data is not much higher than that of the white thatched man monster. After their respective tests, it is calculated that its health value will not exceed 900 points. After getting the approximate offensive and defensive data, the two continued to output with confidence, but they didn't expect that at this time, a team of eight was quietly approaching the four of them.