Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 64 Special Meeting

The first proposal is passed smoothly, and if the second proposal is passed, it is inevitable that there will be some pride in the heart of the dragon at this time. After all, although he is the eldest son of the patriarch, he has never been qualified to participate in special meetings within the Tenglong Group for so many years. That is, in the previous generation of games of Tenglong Group, after the dragon created a large-scale world with its own efforts, was impressed by the elders and regarded as a treasure. Therefore, until last year, Long was allowed to attend the internal meeting of Tenglong Group. As for the special meeting like this, it was not qualified until the opening of Tianmen. Imagine that if it were any other teenager of the same age, it would inevitably feel very proud, but at this time, Long Zaitian was just a little happy and excited, and quickly calmed down and continued to elaborate on the third suggestion about the third major event.

However, before Long finished his proposal, he immediately encountered the joint opposition of four of the five elders. Among the four elders, although the most qualified elder's tone is extremely plain, the weight contained in it is quite heavy: "Ha ha, God, I understand your suggestion is indeed for the future of our Tenglong Group. But, have you ever thought about it? According to what you said, if all kinds of plot tasks are widely opened, I'm afraid that our Long family will not agree, even if any of the seven sects and eight sects will not agree. You know, as the data you obtained before shows, most of the hundreds of people who trigger the plot task in the current game are high-level characters from seven schools and eight sects. As for the dozens that have completed the plot task, more than half of them are actually elite disciples of these sects. Therefore, it is obvious that if we open all the plot tasks, even if the trigger probability of each task is very low, we will suffer strong dissatisfaction and protests from these sects..."

At this time, Long Zaitian, who holds the concept of free economy, suddenly interrupted for the first time in the old-fashioned ideas of the elders: "... However, if it is not open, these sects will still come to fight with us secretly to grab mission resources. Instead of this, it's better to think about it in the long run. The task is aimed at the majority of ordinary players at the same time, so that they can also participate in the competition. There are two considerations: first, the participation of ordinary players will inevitably make the whole plot task system not be monopolized by these sects; second, even if we can't get many plot task opportunities, we can also obtain certain experience through the participation of these ordinary players in the task. Relief compensation..."

Unfortunately, the oldest elder pushed back these very convincing words of Long Zaitian in one sentence: "Tian, are you talking about us old guys who are too stubborn, too old-fashioned, too afraid of seven factions and eight sects? Ha ha, but do you want to know the foundation of Tianmen? What is the offensive and defensive agreement between us and seven factions and eight sects? I don't think I need to supplement this course for you here, right? Compared with these two biggest principles, your so-called free competition is just fishing for the moon in the well and illusory flowers. Ha ha, it seems that our patriarch chose you to participate in the special meeting. It seems that there was a mistake in the big premise? It's a pity, it's a pity..."

This elder's words directly angered the dragon in the sky, but in front of many elders, especially in front of his father, he did not dare to resist, and could only sneer in his heart: the four of you are nothing more than working together to recommend Longbo to replace my position. Is it over? Don't think I don't know your intentions. But to be honest, since I was a child, my dragon has not wanted to inherit the position of patriarch. Now you have hit me so indiscriminately that it allows me to leave the scheduled arrangements of some people smoothly, so that I can live the life I want and like. Thinking of this, Long's slightly cold eyes swept his father Long Teng until he saw the very gloomy look in the latter's eyes, and immediately he was habitually shocked and bowed his head quickly.

At this time, even if his son was satirized by the elders, he did not show any anger, at least on the surface. But in his mind, the mirror is general: the four elders are just a superficial phenomenon, but the real essence is the open and secret struggle between the major factions within the Long family. God, God, I have carefully trained you for your father for many years, hoping to help you ascend to such a rare throne every day. Now the four elders strongly oppose your proposal. Don't you have any independent opinions? Humph! That Longbo is nothing like. He is just an orphan adopted by your four elders. He can also quickly come up to compete with me in just a few years! Don't think I don't know who you four old guys have found to be your backers. If it were not limited to the regulations of your clan and the solemn commitment to the man behind you, with my young temper, your position would have been abolished long ago to let you know how powerful it angered me. Just now...

Finally, at the meeting that was silent for a few minutes, Long Teng made an official speech for the first time: "What the four elders said is not unreasonable, but I still want to hear your opinion." While saying this, Long Teng's eyes turned to the last elder. Unexpectedly, this elder himself is a weak faction, and secondly, he has always been silent and unwilling to provoke trouble. At this time, after listening to Long Teng's active question, he could not continue to be silent. Thinking about it, the elder had to say a few words simply, which was nothing more than that the four elders also made sense, and the dragon in heaven also made sense. Seeing this, the four elders were more confident and looked at Long Teng as usual. At this point, even if Long Teng is the head of the family, he has to compromise. The following matters were all explained by himself, so that the voices of opposition of the four elders were naturally much smaller. Until he walked out of the special conference room, although Long Zaitian looked careless, Long Teng stared at his son fiercely behind him, but he was used to being stared at by his father's disappointed eyes. At this time, he had gone out indifferently and immediately got into his car.

In the super Hummer of Long Zaitian, he is naturally the most admired super driver in the front seat, and there are only three counselors he trust most in the back seat. As for him, one of them is one of the twelve super managers who were previously qualified to participate in the meeting, Ning Liangzhong, a famous executive of Tenglong Group. At this time, Long Zatian's mood was not as unhappy as before. However, Ning Liangzhong's advice was still instilled into his ears as usual. Ning Liangzhong said euphemistically, "Is the old man still like that? Even if it's tit-for-tat like the four elders? Hearing this, Long Zaitian's mood returned to the previous level. However, in the face of his most trusted counselor, he will never get angry, at least not like his father.

First, he looked sideways at the night sky with the stars lighting outside the window, and then the dragon replied in genius, "Ha ha, yes. The old man's temper is as tough as ever. As for the four elders? That's not the case. Longbo has always been respected, hoping to replace my heir with the help of Longbo, and then launch their curtain listening to the political plan. Ha ha, these old people are really persistent. Since my eldest brother Long Tianhua, they have tried their best to compete for the position of this heir. After my eldest brother was forced to leave China for the United States, they pointed the struggle at me. Unfortunately, I have never been interested in sitting on this throne. It's ridiculous that they have never stopped targeting me for more than ten years. Sometimes think about what all this is for? For fame and fortune? The Long family has reached a considerable status in China, and the status of their four elderly people is comparable to that of provincial governors. For the next generation? Even though my grandfather's faction cut most of the predecessors of the four factions, my father's generation pardoned them and made them reunite their population.

At this time, Long Zaitian's tone was obviously excited, but he continued to say, "... Far away, let's talk about the elder who made the most powerful speech. His grandson has been confused and messing around since he was a child. When we grew up, didn't we give him 50 million to become a comfortable boss somewhere..." Ning Liangzhong took the opportunity to interrupt: "So, why do you count your dissatisfaction with the four elders on the old man?" Unexpectedly, after hearing his father's name, Long immediately turned gloomy. After staring back at Ning Liangzhong, he slowly exhaled, but said with a little unhappiness, "I hope that our future conversation will try not to involve this person..."

At the same time, Long Teng, who was still working, also talked with Huangfude about the future of the dragon in the sky. Huang Fude scolded the stubbornness of the four elders with great dissatisfaction. Unexpectedly, Long Teng said good words for them: "Ha ha, my opinion is just the opposite. These are not their faults, at least not all. You know, our faction has suppressed the other five factions since 200 years ago, making their resentment more and more serious. Now in my generation, such a strong sense of revenge is extremely normal. I can still understand this." Huangfude understands Longteng's seemingly cold appearance, but in his heart, he hopes that the family will not be divided, but if the four elders talk about it, can he stop Longteng? Finally, Huangfude moved to the cold relationship between Longteng and his son, but heard Long Teng sighing: "Since it is a grudge between father and son, it is no longer a big grudge."