Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 68 Copy of Lu Sanqi Next

Before entering the copy of Lu Sanqi, Shen Shiyan carried a green white iron sword, Xiaolin flying knife, and the dead old man puppet, and two bottles of 100 primary bleeding elixir and primary recovery elixir. After Lu Sanqi transmitted Shen Shiyan into the copy, he temporarily rested in the store, but he thought worriedly: This player named Shen Shiyan is the level of level 6. I don't know if this boy can pass those three gates? You know, there have been several players before. Unfortunately, their level is not low and their equipment is good, but they all failed in the end. Ha ha, if this player successfully completes the level, can I consider rewarding him with something extra?

For Shen Shiyan, who has entered the copy, he does not know Lu Sanqi's above ideas. At this time, he is shifting all his attention to this copy. In the copy, he no longer needed too much restraint, so he held the white iron sword in his right hand and the Xiaolin flying knife in his left hand. From his perspective, the space of the whole copy looks very empty. The whole copy space, about 50 meters wide, 300 meters long and dozens of meters high, seems to be a huge lecture hall. In this copy, it is divided into three gates. Among them, there is a passage about 200 meters long in the middle, and there is a small gate that can accommodate one person every dozens of meters. On both sides of the channel, there is a black hole dozens of meters deep. Shen Shiyan walked on this passage only 20 centimeters wide, and even though he was very bold, he couldn't help but feel a little afraid at this time.

This plot task, first of all, is limited to one hour, and secondly, there are three small tasks divided into three gates, each of which has a very powerful mechanism. After three small tasks, Shen Shiyan was able to reach the small square platform at the end of the channel. And in this small square platform, there is the mission prop of this mission - "Lu Sanqi's lost fragrant wood tripod". Although Shen Shiyan knows these step-by-step steps, it does not mean that he can clear customs smoothly and without hindrance. Let alone whether there are any powerful monsters that will block themselves in this channel, the three powerful mechanism attacks alone are enough for Shen Shiyan to raise 500 percent vigilance.

Adjusting his state to the best time, Shen Shiyan carefully moved towards the front passage. The end of the channel is about 40 meters away from the first small door. Estimating his movement speed and the first round of mechanism blocking him, Shen Shiyan set a maximum time limit of 15 minutes for himself. At this time, as soon as he stepped on the passage, Shen Shiyan felt that there was a slight sound of breaking the air around him. With his eyes narrowed, Shen Shiyan had moved three or four steps forward, and at the same time, he quickly moved five or six steps again before the other party arrived. At this time, Shen Shiyan happened to come to a place more than 30 centimeters wide.

Shen Shiyan, who was ready, slowly drew several layers of sword spirit with the white iron sword on his right hand to protect the front of his right chest. The Xiaolin flying knife on his left hand was already fastened between his thumb and forefinger. Then less than three or five seconds later, a black bat with vibrating wings flew out of the small door in front of him. The black bat, which was half the size of a football, stared at a pair of red eyes. While patting its wings, its mouth was also hissing, as if it wanted to eliminate Shen Shiyan's meal soon. Shen Shiyan couldn't help shouting in his heart: "I'll fly you!" Originally, I thought that if it was a monster coming from the channel, I could rely on my skills to block the other party, and on the other hand, try to get the extra enemies down the channel. Now, people are simply flying over. If you want to think about this small door, you can only destroy them one by one.

While talking, Shen Shiyan quickly shook out several knives in his left hand, and several knives crossed the distance of more than 20 meters very quickly. He was about to attack the black bat in the front, but he didn't expect that the latter immediately spewed out a black air mass. After the black air mass was sprayed out, it soon came into contact with the knife gas of Xiaolin's flying knife. After hearing only a few "bo" sounds, most of the knife gas of Xiaolin's flying knife was immediately melted. Seeing this situation, Shen Shiyan had to smile bitterly, and then cheered up. The gossip footwork under his feet quickly started, and Xiaolin Feidao's Wind Level 1 skill was also immediately activated. For a while, Shen Shiyan's movement speed increased by 22 percent, and he approached his distance from the black bats in a few seconds. Then Shen Shiyan's Xiaolin's flying knife quickly emitted dozens of knives and suddenly attacked the black bats.

The group of black bats were arrogant at this time, but because they didn't have time to eject black air masses, they were provoked by these dozens of knife breaths of red numbers, "15! 20!" The black bats that were attacked immediately shouted louder. After their anger rose, their movement speed suddenly increased. Therefore, Shen Shiyan is less than ten meters away from the black bat herd. He shouted "Good!" After that, Shen Shiyan quickly replaced his right hand with the bronze knife, and at the same time added skills to kill him. The bronze knife drew a green light and quickly headed for the black bats. At the same time, Shen Shiyan took the right hand of the white iron sword and quickly shook out seven or eight sword flowers. Under the pouring of internal attack, the sword flowers soared to form a small sword spirit about three inches long.

Although the death-threatening of the bronze knife just now killed five or six black bats, it also returned two or three meters behind Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan didn't care about the loss of the bronze knife. Instead, he set his mind and went away against the black bats. These small swords on the white iron sword simply blocked the speed of the black bats, but it was not enough to cause fatal damage to them. Over the next ten seconds, the battle was very fierce. Shen Shiyan was in 34 black bats. Although he activated the internal power protection, he was also frequently attacked by black bats. Seeing the decline of his health value by 10:20 points, he soon reached the limit of 200 points. Shen Shiyan, who was anxious, had to take advantage of the last ten seconds of gossip to quickly retreat back. On the way back, Shen Shiyan took the opportunity to pick up his bronze knife.

By the time Shen Shiyan returned to the platform where he first entered the copy, the black bat group was already reorganized. The remaining more than 20 black bats attacked Shen Shiyan more angrily. More than 20 black bats spewed out more than 20 black air masses. These black air masses that can melt Xiao Lin's knife gas immediately aroused Shen Shiyan's high vigilance. The time limit for gossip footwork soon arrived. At this time, Shen Shiyan had to run his true spirit and exert the white iron sword to the extreme. For a moment, the sword light soared and quickly stabbed more than 20 sword flowers to protect the key points of his whole body. At the same time, Shen Shiyan quickly avoided the attack of the other party in the middle of many black bats. Taking advantage of the gap, Shen Shiyan changed the bronze knife to his right hand.

The bronze knife is playing another protective action on Shen Shiyan's right hand. The knife light quickly danced and fiercely chopped on many black bats. At the same time, Shen Shiyan quickly fed himself a primary blood elixir with his left hand, keeping his health value at 180 points. The black bats made waves of hiss, but attacked Shen Shiyan more horribly. The bronze knife was also corroded by many black air masses. In the end, the decline in health can no longer be maintained by elixir. Shen Shiyan, who had only dozens of health points, was accidentally forced to fall to the ground. Shen Shiyan did find a phenomenon in his heart, saying, "My name is over!" At this time, Shen Shiyan fell to the ground motionless. The poisonous fog brought by the black air mass on his body reduced his health by 5 points every second. Fortunately, the black bats at this time did not continue to attack Shen Shiyan.

The black bats circled irritably over Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan below was stunned for a while, and then came up with the key. It turns out that these black bats, like the real bats, only have strong hearing, but lack certain vision. Shen Shiyan's movement just now was so great that it was no wonder that it would cause more and more siege by the black bats, so that he was almost killed by the group attack. Now he accidentally fell to the ground, but because he did not move, these black bats could not determine his position. After figuring this out, Shen Shiyan already had a plan to fight back. However, the poisonous fog is still reducing his health. Now Shen Shiyan's health value is decreasing little by little. From 58 to 53, from 53 to 48, from 48 to 43, from 38 to 33... until the last 13 o'clock, it is still decreasing. Seeing such a situation, Shen Shiyan couldn't help shouting, "Don't reduce it any more!" Now he dares not supplement himself with primary elixir, so he has to hope that this poisonous fog will not continue. Perhaps God heard Shen Shiyan's wish, and the poisonous fog continued to the last 3 points of Shen Shiyan's health, but it was useless.

Now Shen Shiyan has to laugh bitterly and read this copy too little. Now, as long as any black bat finds and attacks him, I'm afraid he can hang up immediately and turn into a white light back to the city. At the same time, he couldn't move too much to feed himself a few elixir. It was not until those black bats gradually dispersed into five or six groups and looked for Shen Shiyan's figure separately that Shen Shiyan dared to slowly take a few primary blood elixir for himself. Seeing your health, you will recover to 20 points, 40 points, 60 points, 80 points little by little...