Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 71 Rush to the third level

The bronze knife with a beautiful arc is very eye-catching under the green light. After Shen Shiyan took action, the green and white iron sword shook out more than ten sword flowers again. Under the new internal attack, these more than ten sword flowers are beautiful. Like a staggering bird, more than ten sword flowers rushed through the space of more than ten meters and sacrificed their lives to accurately hit the tail of the rocket's arrow feathers. By the time Xiaohei's ultrasonic stun effect expired, one-third of the rockets had been changed in the direction of the attack, and they crossed a gorgeous flame track and headed for the abyss on both sides of the channel. Such a great result only made Shen Shiyan very happy. Xiaohei is an animal, and naturally he also followed Shen Shiyan, with a "chil" laugh. As for the dead old puppet that is still trying to maintain a small air vortex, it actually made a few hoarse and intermittent "he...he" sounds humanly. Taking back his many-time meritorious bronze knife, Shen Shiyan aroused greater fighting spirit in his heart.

One person, one beast and one puppet that destroyed one-third of the rockets in one fell swoop. At this time, after looking at each other, it aroused stronger confidence like a real team. Through the translation of the system, Shen Shiyan released the plan for the next round of counterattack. First of all, Xiaohei flew to Shen Shiyan, accumulating the purest fog and waiting for the next step. Then, when the true gas pouring on Shen Shiyan's bronze knife was about to reach its peak, Xiaohei spewed out this dark fog in front of him, and Shen Shiyan's bronze knife once again used the powerful additional skill of killing. Because the bronze knife is attached with the true gas of internal attack, it can temporarily resist the corrosion of the fog on it. At the same time, the pure fog is already solid, such as a black ball the size of one-fifth of a fist. When the bronze knife drew an arc this time, it also brought the fog ball out of the air, and quickly smashed the fog ball under the action of true air. These smashes hit the rocket group in front of them according to the scattered trajectory.

I only heard that the bronze knife drew a green arc for the second time and smoothly changed the direction of more than ten rockets. The dead old puppet took the opportunity to relax its control of those places. After the rockets recovered their strength, they naturally quickly shot towards both sides of the channel. At the same time, after Xiaohei spewed out the purest fog, his strength was also greatly damaged, so he had to lie on Shen Shiyan's left shoulder for a rest. However, its fog ball was scattered into hundreds of small particles and quickly collided with the rockets in the rocket group. It seemed that there were dozens of fireworks in the air, and the sound of "rumbling" lasted for five or six seconds. When the smoke dissipated and the sound stopped, Shen Shiyan turned his eyes there, clearly seeing most of the rockets, which were smashed by this plan. It turned out that Xiaohei's fog ball, with the help of rocket flame, actually produced an explosive effect.

The intuition of the dead old man puppet seems to be the best. After the arms are restored to their original length, all parts of the body begin to return to their original places. At this time, it also slowly moved behind Shen Shiyan and watched the meteor rocket rain that lasted for more than ten seconds in the sky with Shen Shiyan. Shen Shiyan naturally knew that half of the credit for breaking through the third wave of rockets this time was made by the dead old man puppet. Seeing the blue gem in the right chest of the dead old man's puppet, it seems that it consumes too much energy and can only emit a barely blue light. Shen Shiyan, who regretted in his heart, couldn't help but treat the puppet as a real teammate, patted the other party on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work, old man..." In the end, he didn't know how to call it. He simply thought of his original owner and called it "Old Horse".

At this time, the dead old puppet seemed to know why Shen Shiyan patted him on the shoulder and why he called it Lao Ma and made two or three weak "oh... heh" sounds, Lao Ma stopped saying anything else. However, Xiaohei, who lay on Shen Shiyan's left shoulder, was not very happy. Seeing that Shen Shiyan comforted and thanked Lao Ma in such a way, he wanted to say that after his great contribution just now, Shen Shiyan had no reward. Some stingy little black immediately tried to flap his wings. More than ten centimeters from Shen Shiyan's shoulder, he repeatedly expressed his strong dissatisfaction. Seeing this, Shen Shiyan quickly caught it with one hand, stroked the wings of the little black meat, and sincerely said gratefully to the black bat, "Little black, thank you very much!" After listening to Shen Shiyan's gratitude, Xiaohei lay obediently in the palm of Shen Shiyan's hand and danced lively three or four times, which only made Shen Shiyan couldn't help laughing.

After successfully breaking through the second door, the three "people" continued to walk forward. When leaving the second gate, Shen Shiyan also picked up two or three rockets that did not fall into the abyss from the ground of the passage. However, at this time, the rocket has extinguished the flame, with only 75 centimeters of arrows, arrow body and arrow feathers. After exploring the attributes of the rocket, Shen Shiyan was disappointed to find that it was impossible for him to imitate similar arrows at this stage. The first reason is that the life skills of Tianmen have not been officially opened. What is the second reason? That is to say, although this kind of arrow is very powerful, its manufacturing materials are very difficult to obtain. Looking at the description of its manufacturing materials in the attribute of the arrow branch, I have never even heard of those names Shen Shiyan. It can only be said that according to the experience of the previous life, a small part of these materials can be found in the existing stage, but most of the other materials seem to be found only in the northwest of the world map of Tianmen, that is, near the later Loulan Main City.

In the end, Shen Shiyan still took the two rockets back into the package. He thought to himself: It doesn't matter if he can't find the materials now, as long as he can try his best to collect them in the future. Besides, isn't it just a Loulan City? Humph! According to the estimates of the previous life, in less than five years, Tenglong Group will open the plot mission to the fourth main city, Loulan City. At that time, I will definitely try my best to go to Loulan. Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan is also prepared. After going offline, he must collect more key information. At this time, he naturally put aside these distracting thoughts, held Xiaohei attentively, took the old horse, and walked towards the third small door step by step.

There is a distance of 100 meters from the second gate to the third gate. According to the speculation of the previous two organs, Shen Shiyan has guessed whether this third mechanism is a monster attack or a rocket attack, or a stone in Bao's hole in a martial arts novel? However, until Shen Shiyan's three "people" walked only ten meters away from the third small gate, there was still no blocking force. Is there any mistake? It's not that we have to enter the third small door to rush out some monsters, right? Shen Shiyan, who had just experienced two life and death, said something at this time to raise his vigilance to the highest level. Seeing that Lu Sanqi's lost Xiangmu tripod was only 20 meters away, Shen Shiyan was ready to carry the bronze knife all over his body at any time and made the fastest preparation. Unfortunately, until the three really walked into the third small door, they still did not encounter any major obstacles - just saw a bottomless pit about seven meters long and three meters wide between the third small square.

Shen Shiyan, who was careful, with the Xiaolin flying knife in his left hand, quickly emitted two knives and went towards the bottom of the pit. After about half a minute, Shen Shiyan heard the sound of knife gas hitting some kind of solid object from the bottom. OK! Is there a hole hundreds of meters deep? This should not be difficult to get me. Although he thought so, Shen Shiyan still dared not relax a little. In the end, it was Xiaohei who recovered his physical strength. At this time, his impatient temper had a seizure. Leaving aside Shen Shiyan's warning, he flew forward alone. Until Xiaohei flew two meters away from the small square platform, nothing came out to stop it. The proud little black couldn't help turning his body in the air, patting his wings, and making a few mocking sounds at Shen Shiyan. After laughing, seeing that Shen Shiyan was still cautious, Xiaohei flew forward boldly and even landed on the small square platform.

At this time, Shen Shiyan suddenly had a subtle foreboding, but he did not know how the truth would appear, so he had to operate the inner power protection body, and at the same time, the green light on the bronze knife reappeared. He reminded the old horse behind him to pay attention to safety. Naturally, the latter obeyed the owner's orders, immediately began to operate his whole body parts, and soon turned himself into a three-foot-tall dwarf puppet. However, judging from the combination of various parts of Lao Ma's whole body, the new three-foot figure has a greater killing ability. At this time, the old horse, the blue gemstone in his right chest, has become weaker, with only a faint blue light. It has its own automatic adjustment function, so now this dwarf figure can not only effectively reduce consumption, but also make its exposed body range that can be attacked by the enemy much less.

Just when Shen Shiyan and Lao Ma acted like this, they wanted to open the small square platform and peek at the treasure inside. After suddenly making an exclamation, he was immediately attacked and hit by the "enemy". When Shen Shiyan and Lao Ma looked back, they only saw an extremely gorgeous blue light, from the bottom of the small square platform, "Wow!" The ground spread out with a sound, forming a blue light belt half a meter wide. This blue light belt, after passing through the little black, was immediately frozen into a fist-sized blue frozen object. Although he knew that the other party was not easy to provoke, Shen Shiyan still habitually raised a bronze knife to stand in front of him. Only the old horse behind him, after seeing this blue light belt at this time, not only did he not show any fear, but also greeted it with a happy face.