Rebirth of Star Picker

Chapter 78 See Zheng Guangqing again

Qinyuanchun Restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in Changsha, and the reason why it is famous, in addition to its reputation, delicious dishes, thoughtful service and other factors, there is another reason why it is not known to many people. That is to be said, the founder of this restaurant is actually a native farmer's name. According to legend, about 60 years ago, a very ordinary farmer in Changsha received a lot of money overnight and learned wonderful cooking skills because of the guidance of a very mysterious Hunan cuisine master. In the following decades, this farmer and his descendants have been running this restaurant, from a small restaurant to a small restaurant on the second floor, from a small restaurant to a large three-story restaurant in the early days of reform and opening up. Later, after more than ten years of meticulous elites, the farmer's grandson finally succeeded in expanding this big restaurant into an eight-story high-end restaurant covering an area of more than 1,600 square meters. In his previous life, Shen Shiyan had an opportunity to participate in the reception here. At that time, he saw the uniqueness of this restaurant. In this life, he came here again to see why this place can stand for decades.

After getting off the motorcycle, Lou Haoxue and Shen Shiyan walked into the hall of Qinyuan Spring Restaurant. Although this hall has a large area of more than 400 square meters, its decoration is extremely simple and ordinary. The smooth and shining floor is made of the stone from the ancient mansion. On the bright and atmospheric ceiling, there are neither artificial lights made of glass nor too dazzling golden lighting. Instead, there are several high-tech but antique red lanterns hanging on a light blue background. Coupled with the surrounding waiters dressed in Song Dynasty costumes, coming and going, and the simulation version of the landscape pictures of the past dynasties on the wall, the guests who came in suddenly felt as if they had entered an ancient inn. The slight difference is that the waiters of this "inn" now have a more modern sense of service.

On the first floor of Qinyuanchun, in addition to the 400-meter hall, behind it is a small business hall with a width of 500 meters. In this business hall, according to a small circle of five to ten people, there are 80 small circles that are enough for 600 people to negotiate business at the same time. These small circles are combined with not only very environmentally friendly sofas, but also innovative rattan chairs and so on. As for the second floor of Qinyuanchun, it is a special place for various small banquets for guests. With 1,200 square meters of space, there are 96 large and small dining tables. Among them, in a relatively remote and low-priced place, Zheng Guangqing invited Shen Shiyan and Lou to learn to eat today. However, even in this corner, there is already a service fee of 150 per hour, not to mention any dishes.

At this time, more than a dozen tables near this table were obviously booked by guests at night, so there is no one there yet. After seeing Shen Lou and the two, Zheng Guangqing immediately pulled his hand out of his girlfriend's warm arms and quickly. He took a few steps forward and enthusiastically welcomed the good-looking Lou Haoxue. After a few polite words, Zheng Guangqing gave Lou Haoxue into a position with the best terrain. As for Shen Shiyan, although he has thousands of thoughts in his heart at this time, he has to pretend to be very kind on his face. While stretching out his right hand, Shen Shiyan also took the initiative to greet Zheng Guangqing. At this time, Zheng Guangqing was already in a certain unit. Because of his diligent internship and certain interpersonal relationships, he quickly achieved the position of assistant to the department manager. At this time, he saw Shen Shiyan's right hand stretched out and often in the interpersonal circle. Although he was not so willing, his face was still generous and enthusiastic.

After stretching out his right hand and holding it with Shen Shiyan, he let the latter sit in a relatively good position. Zheng Guangqing pushed his eyes and slowly came up with the words: "Oh, after a few months, I didn't expect to see Shen Shiyan again. It was already four What happened after the month. Look, look! After not seeing each other for a few months, our classmate Shen Shiyan is more energetic and mature. Ha ha, time flies, and time flies!" As he spoke, Zheng Guangqing also made it. At the same time, he gave the menu of Shen Lou and his girlfriend, who gave the menu to the passing waiter.

Then, Zheng Guangqing continued to speak. First, he skillfully complimented Lou's study, and then he calmly compared with Shen Shiyan: "Tut, everyone has really changed a lot! Look, now Brother Xue is ready to study abroad. I still remember that before the internship, he helped me the most in the dormitory. One was Brother Lou Haoxue, and the other was Brother Kang Changchun. If it hadn't been for the supervision and stimulation of the two of you, one taking the postgraduate entrance examination and the other going abroad, Zheng Guangqing, would not have been immediately angry and finally been recommended by the department to the current trading unit. Of course, among them, Peng Xiaopang and Shen Shiyan are also very credited to you two. Am I right? Am I right? There is no lie at all, right? Ha ha, to be honest, you are still in school now, especially Brother Yan hasn't graduated yet. How can you feel the pain of going out for an internship... Alas!"

At this time, Zheng Guangqing's girlfriend came back soon and cleverly brought a small bottle of orange juice to each of them. Zheng Guangqing, whose face changed slightly, saw that Lou was like learning as usual. Shen Shiyan opened the orange juice and drank it. It was not easy for him to reward his girlfriend in front of his two classmates. He secretly pinched his girlfriend's soft thighs, but the latter reflexively knew that he had done something wrong again, and soon lowered his head and blushed not dared to look at the other three people. Zheng Guangqing deliberately clapped his hands, called a waiter to serve the wine, and deliberately said to Shen Lou and the other two: "Wow! Our three roommates got together today. How can we drink this orange juice? What are you talking about? Today, I, Zheng Guangqing, came to treat you. The waiter quickly brought the three best beers. Our three brothers are drunk today. After saying this, Zheng Guangqing deliberately asked whether Lou Haoxue needed to smoke any cigarettes. Lou Haoxue waved his hand kindly, indicating that he didn't want to smoke. When it came to Shen Shiyan, Zheng Guangqing had the intent to ask him if he was full. If it was not enough, he might as well add some dishes later.

Hearing this question, Shen Shiyan could not guess that Zheng Guangqing, who seemed to be kind and enthusiastic, was still secretly against himself. Just because in his previous life, he had several quarrels with him in the dormitory, and later there was a four-month cold war between them for Hao Liping. Now, after less than half a year of internship, he actually achieved the position of assistant manager of the department, and also found a very obedient and first-class girlfriend. Looking at his girlfriend's looks, it seems that he has had some kind of relationship with Zheng Guangqing that is beyond boyfriend and girlfriend. At this time, Shen Shiyan, who has changed his mind, will naturally not have a head-on conflict with Zheng Guangqing as in his previous life. I thought to myself, anyway, I don't have money and no job now. Since you are here to make up for a lot of money, we have to have a good meal with you today.

Thinking of this, Shen Shiyan pretended to be envious and complimented Zheng Guangqing a few words. Then he was quiet, waiting for the meal to come up, and listened to Lou Zheng's conversation without saying a word. Generally speaking, the industry in the building scholar actually has a certain economic exchange with Zheng Guangqing's unit. Shen Shiyan could catch a glimpse of Zheng Guangqing's expressions from the side. At this time, after a few minutes of conversation, he remembered Zheng Guangqing's dark personality, and at the same time, he had to admire that this boy did have his own specialty. From the current economic situation at home and abroad, to the future strategy of various large and small groups in the industry, as well as the cooperation history between the two enterprises, and the possible future cooperation direction, Zheng Guangqing is a good analyst, and it is not the kind of statement intercepted from newspapers and the Internet, at least one-third of which is His own opinion.

Shen Shiyan, who was surprised, naturally thought of various intersections with him in his previous life, looking at Zheng Guangqing, who was good-looking and fat. Needless to say, the struggle between them in college was a period when Shen Shiyan did not know Zheng Guangqing very well from 2016 to 2018. As for why Zheng Guangqing joined his star picking building and helped him lay a lot of land step by step in 2019. At this time, it has become Shen Shiyan's most concerned issue. As for Zheng Guangqing's betrayal, Shen Shiyan has reduced this issue to a secondary level. Moreover, the key issue of betraying himself also involves Zheng Guangqing's cousin Zheng Guanghong and Shen Shiyan's ex-wife Hao Liping.

After the meal came up, Shen Shiyan paused these thoughts. Then after looking at each other with Lou Haoxue, he started to kill each other. He only looked at Zheng Guangqing, who was watching Shen Lou and the two people. While secretly wiped his sweat, he had to say enthusiastically, "Eat, eat, the boiled fish here. Spicy tofu, etc., are all delicious. Don't be polite to me, don't be polite..." However, when it came to the final payment, Shen Shiyan, who was waiting beside him, still caught a glimpse of Zheng Guangqing, who was paying the bill, and handed more than 600 yuan to the waiter at an extremely slow speed. As for Zheng Guangqing's brainless girlfriend, the red color on her face at this time was obviously not used to see Shen Lou slaughtering her husband so hard that the next month's perfume money would shrink greatly.

Finally, the building that returns to the dormitory is easy to learn and will not involve the content of his family secrets. As long as it is related to Zheng Guangqing, he will tell Shen Shiyan one by one. Naturally, the purpose is to stand in the position of Shen Shiyan, hoping to take this opportunity to inspire Shen Shiyan, be angry and strive to make progress. Shen Shiyan, who felt the kindness of Lou Haoxue, at this time declined Lou Haoxue's family invitation again, but proposed a supplier of primary blood elixir. Lou Haoxue, who got this business opportunity, promised to contact the uncle in the family as soon as possible to discuss the elixir business, but he couldn't help thinking: Where did Shen Shiyan get a batch of elixirs enough to supply hundreds of players?